Plague invasion (VII)

In the deep mountains to pick herbs Hua Zishu never thought which know and do not know students in Yunhai University for his sake, tens of thousands of students on the forum to make a fuss almost unbearable, both sides invested a lot of energy and time in the network tragic debate, and some people have even stabbed this a trivial matter to the city's Education Bureau.

The school was in a state of panic over this matter, and it was tiresome. The teacher saw which students all like a mouse saw a cat, avoiding, for fear of being caught by the students to ask him what he thinks about this matter!

Teachers have to eat, too! Teachers are human too! Teachers also have their own personal feelings and secrets! Tell the teacher to tell us what he thinks about this matter! This is not a joke about his career and his job! Who would dare to contradict their parents? Teachers have rationalized their views without comment! Even said: "I'm just a teacher!" Some teachers were fed up with the student reporters on campus and had to say, "I have an 80-year-old mother and a one-year-old toddler, so please! Give me a break! Ah! The next time I don't have to call your names in class!"

"Teacher Yan, congratulations, you have a child, it's a great blessing!"

"There, there, thanks a lot, thanks a lot!" The old man was so old that he was caught by the students that he was already dizzy and couldn't tell north from south.

"Teacher. You are really strong, may I ask you how old you are this year!" One student asked with a big smile, "Teacher Yan, you are sixty-three years old, and you have a one-year-old toddler at home, really strong! Mr. Yan, you are great! The students' admiration for you is like the sparrows in the sky flying over Mount Everest, the gods of the starting point are more than the stars in the sky!"

"Hahahahaha!" This statement, together with that unique accent, made everyone laugh openly for a while.

"Damn, what the hell! The food in the canteen is simply getting worse and worse!" Ma Wenjun had a black face, but he was coughing incessantly, he felt very uncomfortable these two days, and had no appetite at all. It was accompanied by vomiting, dizziness, fever, violent coughing and other discomforts at all times! A large number of cold medicine to eat, in short, is not a little curative effect, what a miracle doctor family offspring, but also so, actually said to the old me what she can not help, helpless to do nonsense to! He hadn't eaten anything in the past two days! The heart is very tired, so dragging a heavy pace, tired body, difficult to go to the cafeteria, the hand changed one tissue after another, as if a dying old man on the way, coughing incessantly! The students who passed by him, both male and female, stared at him with a look of surprise!

Ma Wenjun took out his cell phone with difficulty and wanted to call Xue Taishan! But the phone was always off! And call Huang Tiansheng, but no one answered! Ma Wenzhun also did not want to go somewhere! I thought it was because I played too much that night and took too many pills that caused my body to be weak.

In the cafeteria, called the meal, he was looking at it and wanted to vomit, simply did not have the slightest appetite! Tired of standing up! Another violent cough! As he slowly stood up straight, and took a look at the tissue in his hand, suddenly he slowly collapsed! A tissue with blood fluttered in mid-air.

Many students cried out in surprise and gathered around to carry him towards the infirmary.

The infirmary was originally the most leisurely department of the school, but, during this time, the nurses and doctors were so busy that they hardly had time to sleep. However, if you ask who is the busiest among them, it is Zhang Xin'er, who is the most skilled doctor in the school, and she is recognized by everyone in the campus infirmary as a miracle doctor! She has been busy these days, she herself does not know why more and more students have a serious cold or stomach discomfort, either a high fever or a cough! And, according to the patients' symptoms, all of them are no different from ordinary pneumonia! She could treat it! However, what puzzled her was that most of the people who came to see the doctor were also students who had come to the infirmary to see the doctor.

Zhang Xin'er went home and told her grandfather about the disease! His grandfather kindly and lovingly looked at his granddaughter with outstanding ability! His hand slowly touched on her head, said with a heavy sigh: "Xin'er, just now several students and disciples serving in large hospitals have come to ask me how to treat a disease, they said the symptoms of the disease and you said exactly the same! However, this disease is something that I have never encountered in most of my life! I suspect that this disease is highly contagious! You, be more careful with yourself when you come in contact with patients! Understand?"

Zhang Xin'er already knew that this condition, which appeared to be ordinary pneumonia, was so difficult to cure, and that there was a cause that she had not detected. She said goodbye to grandpa and went out! She went back to her room! She sat on the desk in front of the window and slowly opened the computer. Suddenly, her hand touched the picture frame next to her, which was a gentle-looking, handsome, shy boy of about thirteen or fourteen years old, and she gently picked up the frame and whispered softly: "Tian Xiang, if only you were still here, I wouldn't be so busy! "

She said to herself fondly to the photo: "I will become a miracle doctor! I will help you fulfill your wish! I swear to you! You have to believe in my sister! You must also bless my sister", thinking of her youth! Her tears slowly moistened her eyes, took a tissue to dry them, then reached out and adjusted the brightness of the lamp, then stood up and took out a medical book on an oversized bookcase behind her! Sitting in a chair, wearing a pair of dark, large glasses! All of his mind was on the book.

"Pick up the phone! Pick up the phone!" The phone in her purse kept ringing!

She reached out and picked up the phone, and when she heard the nervous voice of Xiao Liu from the infirmary, she was taken aback and asked, "What's wrong? Speak up!"

"It's not good, there are eight students in the school who have fainted badly, and many others are waiting for you to come back! And ah! There seems to be more and more students seeing the doctor! There are not enough beds in the infirmary! Many students have been transferred to the hospital! Oh my God! Sister Xin'er, go back to school! They're going to eat me up."

When Zhang Xin'er heard the situation was not good, she was immediately alarmed, she did not even change clothes, stood up and reached back to pick up the school bag on the desk, said into the phone: "Do not panic, I'll be right there! You pay attention to watch out!"


"Dr. Lu, Dr. Lu, please tell me what kind of disease my son is suffering from! It's been so long, he's fine at home, how come he suddenly fainted! Dr. Lu ..." in the aisle of the intensive care unit of the Eighth People's Hospital. A middle-aged woman dressed in plain clothes looked at

Lu Kaihua as an attending physician of internal medicine, now he encountered a very strange situation! These patients' symptoms although seemingly small, small to the point of almost not being taken seriously, why would they make such a serious mess .... Is there a lot more to this disease that one can't grasp at all? But this disease is more originally no clinical cases to check! He is now very busy, too busy to talk to this woman, he was not very tired of being pestered by this woman! However, he still took a deep breath and said, "This lady, you see I have so many patients here in the hospital, I'm really busy, just leave me alone, okay? Your son's illness needs to be hospitalized for observation, so go and get the hospitalization procedures!"

"So, so, how much money does it take!" The middle-aged woman's eyes showed a fearful expression as she saw the intensive care unit roll out a hospital bed, only to see her lovely son lying quietly in bed, still coughing! And his face was pale! The lips were dry and cracked.

"Dr. Lu, Dr. Lu, Mr. Liu in bed number 5 in room 805 on the 8th floor has a recurring condition and is in critical condition ....." A nurse hurriedly ran over from among the crowd and came to Lu Kaihua's front big body said.

Lu Kaihua heard, a little dizzy feeling! He took a few deep breaths, and then said to the nurse urgently: "You call the dean now, call him to send some people back to help, we are a few people on duty can not be busy! By the way, what happened to Mr. Liu in bed No. 5, his condition has been stabilized? Why would it suddenly recur? Oh my God! Why are there so many patients overnight, and their symptoms seem to be minor ah! But why can't all the medicines in the hospital treat it ....."

He said as he walked into the elevator room and reached out and pressed the 8 button.

By the time he stepped out of the elevator and trotted to room 805, that hospital bed #5 was surrounded by people! And there was the sound of crying. As soon as Lu Kaihua heard it, he knew it was bad! He hastily plucked away these people, only to see the patient's demeanor open, eyes glowing red, face distorted, the veins of his hands rippling, angry eyes wide open, unfortunately, he was not breathing, he probed, shook his head and said to the nurse behind him, "Arrange for the family to handle the aftermath ....."

The ugly girl clutching her books intended to go back to school! Unknowingly came to the area of the biology department's dormitory building C area D building, she naturally stopped in her tracks! She didn't even notice the hurried students passing by! She suddenly said to herself, "I'll go check him out!" He then took a few steps forward, but, again, stopped.

"Will he see me! Why should I see him!"

"Oh my God! What's happening to me!"

The ugly girl stood dumbfounded at the bottom of the building! She didn't pay any attention to the astonished looks he received from the students passing by. Her whole mind was now on Hua Zishu, who wanted to make friends with her!

"Please make way!" A few coughing students said to the ugly girl eagerly while coughing. "Get out of the way! People are dying! Get out of the way!"

The ugly girl heard, to the side of a deflection, then saw the original dozen male students carrying two boys rushed out from the side, running in the direction of the infirmary, while running, a few of the boys anxiously said: "Damn, go to the hospital, such a serious disease still sent to the infirmary, delayed treatment time will be dead!"

"Okay, okay!" The big string of students hesitated for a moment then rushed off again in the direction of the hospital.

"What's wrong with them!" The ugly girl asked in confusion.

The above facts were staged in the major hospitals in Yunhai City. According to the reliable information confirmed, the death toll had reached more than 78 this night. However, this incident was not disclosed by the reporters! Patients are still flocking to the hospital ..... The danger is increasing!

The whole Yunhai City has been completely enveloped in a shadow of death ... Poorly, the whole Yunhai City people still do not know.

Train station, with a few melancholy, yellow and emaciated face, coughing incessantly, eyes dusky folk boarding the southbound train ...

The shadow of death is spreading rapidly to the whole China unknowingly ...