Plague invasion (VIII)

Hua Zishu returned from the mountains! It was already evening, he returned to the villa, Qin Huixiang was not at home! On the coffee table in the living room, he found a note left by her, which said she had gone to work at the hotel! It was estimated that she would not return until late. Hua Zishu didn't know much about the outside world! When he poured himself a glass of water to drink, he remembered the girl's illness for no reason! Then he walked into his room and saw it was neatly organized! She took all the books out of my suitcase and put them neatly on the table! A new laptop book resting on the table! Including the computer desk was new! And there were flowers on the table! The yellow curtains have been replaced with sky blue! The bed sheets and bedding were all freshly bought. There was also a set of white pajamas on the bed.

Hua Zishu stood in the room, looking at all this, deep inside out do not know what kind of feeling! It seems to have a feeling of happiness! However, the phone in the living room suddenly rang!

Hua Zishu walked out, reached out and grabbed the phone while thinking it was Qin Huaixiang calling, he whispered, "Hello"

"Who is this?" A man's voice came over with a very surprised tone.

Hua Zishu was also startled by the man's sudden screaming voice, he slightly closed his eyes, and after a moment, indifferently said to the phone, "Sir, who are you looking for?" Hua Zishu suddenly felt that the man's voice was very familiar, he must have heard it somewhere, however, he did not remember for a while to whom the voice actually belonged.

The man on the phone said in an eager voice: "Who else can I look for, I'm looking for your girlfriend! Quickly, quickly, quickly tell her to come out to answer the phone!"

Hua Zishu felt very confused, hesitated for a moment and asked, "What with what, sir, who is my girlfriend!"

The boy's voice on the phone got louder: "Boss, please, don't play with me! Who's your girlfriend? You're sleeping together, and you're asking me who I am. I'm telling you, go get the woman in your room and tell her that his deadbeat brother is back and he needs to see her! Hurry up, hurry up!"

"Oh! You wait, oh, sorry, you confused me, she's not at home, she should be working at the hotel I guess!"

"Holy shit! How in the world are you a boyfriend? Okay! I don't want to talk to you anymore, by the way, brother-in-law, your name is ah!" The man's voice on the phone changed even faster, and Hua Zishu couldn't keep up with the speed of the man's speech.

"My last name is Hua!" Hua Zishu was confused by this person. The answer became very sluggish as he did not know the right direction for a while.

"Hua or Hua or Hua? Can you say it clearly! When did my sister's taste all change! She found a guy as slow as you!"

Hua Zishu suddenly wanted to laugh because he didn't feel good! However, he still calmly listened to the phone and answered, "Hua of China, that's my last name!"

"Your surname is Hua, eh, is this surname very popular!" Once the man on the phone heard this, he muttered to himself in amazement, then said, "Well, Mr. Hua, if my sister comes back, you tell her to call me! You pass on this phone number to her!"

"If you have an emergency, you can call her cell phone!" Hua Zishu said with a kind reminder.

"Please, her broken cell phone number often change, my head is not specifically to remember her phone number, I am so busy with things, my head is so small, how will I remember, can remember his phone number of this room or I call home to ask!" The man spoke very clearly. However, this is very surprising to Huazi Shu, because he is more sure that this man's voice he must have heard somewhere.

"Okay, you give me the phone number! As soon as she returns, I will pass it on to her!" Hua Zishu casually took out a paper and pen! Speaking into the phone, he said, "Go ahead."

"78436251," the man on the phone repeated: "78436251, don't misremember it! My friend wants to see me about something, that's it, bye! Tell her to call me at 10.00 p.m.! That's it!" This man is talking in a hurry! He was in a hurry!

Hua Zishu's eyebrows frowned slightly, but his note was written on the four numbers 7843, he was shaking his head and smiling bitterly!

He tore the note in his hand and said to himself, "Isn't this number the phone number of my dorm! Who is Qin Huaixiang's brother, right, Qin Huaixiang and Qin Huaisheng, it's him, no wonder he speaks so fast and so characteristic, in fact, should have thought it was him!"

He turned around! Suddenly remembered another thing, that is, Huang Tiansheng and other people's physical condition. His brow was locked and he slowly sat on the sofa.

At this time, there was the sound of a car turning off! Hua Zishu's turned his head to look over, and through the window, he saw Qin Huaixiang carrying a big pile of stuff and got out of the car! He stood up, then walked over, reached out and pulled open the door, and saw Qin Huaixiang standing in front of the door with a smile, her face flushed, but with a hint of fatigue. Hua Zishu took a look at her, took the pocket in her hand, and then closed the door of the room.

Qin Huaixiang changed her shoes, entered the room and sat on the sofa and asked, "When did you come back? By the way, how was your medicine collection!"

"It went well, but there was no time to refine, I do not know how effective the medicine! I just got back, I got a call from your brother! He told you to call him at 10.00 pm, he said he had an urgent matter to find you!"

"He didn't call my cell phone!" Qin Huixiang asked as she lay on the sofa. She was now feeling very tired and weak! The whole person felt cold and hot.

After putting the things in her hands, Hua Zishu came to the living room, and with a glance, he walked solemnly to the opposite side of Qin Huaixiang. Qin Huaixiang was elevated, not knowing what he wanted to do, and looked at Hua Zishu sitting beside her with wide eyes, but Hua Zishu reached out and put his hand on her forehead! His face was heavy! Then he did not allow Qin Huaixiang time to hesitate before grabbing her wrist, a pulse, and then said seriously: "Did not I tell you that you should not just go out?"

"What's wrong!" Qin Huaixiang saw that he took her pulse and was looking serious! She asked worriedly.

Hua Zishu immediately stood up, went into his room, took out the small porcelain bottle from his carry bag, poured out a pill, and then had received a cup of pure water, came to her and said, "You take the medicine!"

"Why!" Qin Huaixiang twinkled her big eyes and asked, she herself also felt that she had something wrong. However, still took the water and medicine that Hua Zishu handed over.

Hua Zishu walked over, then opened the window and said, "You have been infected, your forehead is very hot now, and you have a yellow face, have you coughed?"

Qin Huaixiang thought about it and affirmed, "I haven't!" Then she put the medicine in her hand into her mouth and swallowed it with a sip of water.

Hua Zishu's face became very grave, he said softly: "You call your brother at night!"

"En," Qin Huaixiang is now feeling drained! She took a breath and turned on the TV in the living room.

Hua Zishu was busy in the kitchen! After a while, he had put on a mask by now! Took another mask and handed it over! Said: "From now on, you are already a patient! I have confirmed that this disease is an infectious disease! And this disease spreads in a wide range of ways, gas, food, water, blood, skin contact, etc. can be infected! Do you remember the young men we crashed into last night?

Qin Huaixiang nodded and said, "What's wrong!"

Hua Zishu was holding some medicine he bought back! Sitting beside her, carefully put the mask on Qin Huaixiang's mouth! Said: "Those few students have been infected!"

"Oh, you could see it then! Then why didn't you say so at that time!" Qin Huaixiang asked.

Hua Zishu smiled bitterly and said, "If I said it, would anyone believe me! And that is, why did I say it!"

Qin Huaixiang was flabbergasted! In his mind, he thought, "It didn't seem right between them at that time! The first time I saw him, he was fired for something, so she smiled and said, "My brother is now in Las Vegas in the United States, and it's morning in the United States! He usually sleeps until twelve o'clock. What kind of day is it today? So early to get up? Could it be that he lost everything in America? Can't go back home!"

Hua Zishu listened, flabbergasted, then thought for a moment and asked, "Is your brother's name Qin Huaisheng?"

Qin Huaixiang was stunned and surprised, "How do you know that?"

Hua Zishu thought, no ah, in the United States, then he has clearly returned to the country ah! This is not, this phone number are my dormitory, it seems, his brother must be hidden from his sister back home. It's time to tell her, forget it, their business, I blindly stirred up what is the point.

The Chinese book walked over and said gently: "This ah, he told me, but you are now a patient, you should lie in bed to rest! Don't worry, with me as a miracle doctor, I won't let anything happen to you! I'll cook for you later!"

Qin Huixiang thought about it and said, "Sorry, I didn't listen to you and stayed home, I went out to buy a lot of things! If I had listened to you, perhaps, I wouldn't have gotten you into trouble!"

Hua Zishu accompanied her into the room! Let Qin Huaixiang lie on the bed! He said with a smile, "Thank you for equipping my room with a computer, and bed sheets and bedding."

Qin Huaixiang smiled faintly and said, "Are you my roommate? These things are considered to be some extra care for you."

It was then that she looked carefully at the plainly dressed, ordinary boy in front of her, gentle and so charming! The grace was so attractive that she couldn't help but remember the serene feeling she had when she was held in her arms, it seemed like a feeling of happiness! Hua Zishu sat on the edge of her bed, brought the quilt upward a little, and asked with a smile, "You must be tired after buying so many things!"

"If you don't say so, I'm really tired! You told me to get some rest, and at 10 o'clock, you remind me! Let me call my brother! Okay!" Qin Huaixiang's current look is simply that of a little child, completely different from her usual fierce look!

Hua Zishu pushed open the window! Pulling back the curtains, he turned back around and nodded his head, saying, "Don't worry! I'll remind you of that!"

"Thank you!" Qin Huaixiang said this this thank you and drifted off to sleep.

Hua Zishu slowly removed her mask, just looked at her for a second, and then walked out of her room! Came to the living room.

It was getting late ...

Hua Zishu, however, was busy in the kitchen decocting some medicine and making porridge ...

19.35 minutes, but Yunhai TV broadcasted a news song! Although the news was short and did not attract much attention. However, it attracted Hua Zishu who was reading a book in the living room!

"Friends and viewers! Professor Lu Kaihua of the Department of Internal Medicine of the Eighth People's Hospital is here to seriously warn you that recently, there has been a serious epidemic of a kind of pneumonia in the society, which is serious enough to cause death by coughing and vomiting blood! The lighter ones are weak and have headaches and eyes ... Several patients have already died because of no treatment. So, caution everyone to pay more attention to your daily hygiene. Don't ever be infected by this disease. If as soon as you feel something is not very comfortable, please come to the hospital immediately for examination, do not delay, otherwise it will be life-threatening. Here is a newsletter for you from abroad ..."

Hua Zishu said to himself, "The hospital really can't do anything with this disease!" He reached out to remove the mask and thought to himself, "They can't do anything about it, and there's nothing I can do about it now! What should I do then! But then he suddenly remembered that the school had those five infected gentry, and what would that be like! Five sick people back at school! How many people would be infected? If this goes on, how will it end? What am I going to do when it gets too big?"

For the first time, he began to worry about this disease! He also feared for the lives of others. He walked around the living room with a heavy heart. For a while, he didn't know what to do.

Ge Di, he stopped in his tracks, turned around and picked up the cordless phone in the living room, walked outside to the balcony and dialed a phone number ...