Plague Invasion (IX)

Yunhai University.

Time: late at night 21.30

Li Junyi was still in her dormitory on the internet nervously discussing the matter of Hua Zishu's expulsion with Lin Shi both.

"What did Grandpa Lin say!" Li Junyi's pair of delicate hands were moving rapidly on the keyboard! With a crunching sound, the screen shone with lines of words!

Although Lin Shi was still very thin now! However, the redness had returned, and now her thin look was so charming that one couldn't help but want to take her in her arms and pity her! Her autumnal eyes have regained their luster! Just with a trace of anxiety, worry.

"Grandpa has called the Ministry of Culture and Education! He said this matter still needs some time to do investigation before it can work! The most important thing now is to find his address. You know he has a solitary and eccentric personality, not good at human interaction, and at a young age, you tell him to go there! You will go to the school archives to find his information, must know his detailed address, the fault of this matter does not lie with him! Grandpa even if you use some connections, it's no big deal. But you must not mess around. By the way, your second brother is so grumpy! Leave this matter to him, it will definitely be bad! So, you, just look up the information for me, I'll go back to school tomorrow morning to find out more about this matter from the principal."

"Have you recovered from your illness?" Li Junyi heard that Lin Shi was going back to school, her heart was very happy! However, she was also a bit worried, it had only been less than ten days, if she had and any slip-up, then her own crime would be a big one.

Lin Shi smiled for a moment, then typed three lines and sent it: "The body is almost well! You should not worry about me! I've also left messages on the internet with all the students in my class over the past few days! I also told them to withdraw this proposal. But I didn't tell the students that I would be back at school tomorrow! You! Don't tell anyone! You know what?"

Li Junyi smiled and typed down a line, "Okay! I got it! Sister Lin, if you don't have anything to do, you can take a good rest! I won't bother you anymore! Bye."

Lin shi then sent a waving goodbye image and closed her computer! She stood up, stretched her back, and then collapsed on the bed! Bright eyes looked at the ceiling, turned off the lights all at once, then turned them off again, on for a while, off for a while, on, and off again .....

"Oh my God!" Zhao Jing rushed into the dormitory in a panic and saw Li Junyi in the room! She pulled Li Junyi with both hands and said loudly, "It's not good, it's not good! Xin'er asked you to go to the duty room immediately to help! The infirmary is now, now almost too busy!"

Li Junyi blinked her eyes and asked in confusion, "What is the infirmary busy with?"

Zhao Jing took her hand and said, "My God, you still don't know what's going on! I tell you ah! I don't know what's going on at school, these two days all of a sudden there are a lot of people sick, sick students either headache and blurred vision, or body weakness, weakness, some do not vomit will diarrhea! What a high fever! Stomach pains! Stomach pains too! The list is endless. And even more powerful is the cough, oh my! They were all coughing harder than each other! It was like a coughing contest in the infirmary! It was a mess! There were many students in complete comas. I don't know how many students were sent to the hospital yet, but the teachers on duty are calling the board now! The Board of Directors ordered that all the sick students be sent to the group's hospitals for treatment! Ugh! Shinee is so busy in her pajamas that she's going to faint! Oh yeah, go help in the infirmary! What's the point of dawdling?"

Zhao Jing finished her sentence and realized that she was still in the dormitory! She remembered the messy touch of the infirmary, and she was twelve thousand times more anxious.

"Okay, okay, you have to let me change my clothes! I don't want anyone to see me in these pajamas!" Li Junyi's shy touch made Zhao Jing simply want to faint. She just had to look at Li Junyi to have the desire to be a man that would be good.

"Baby, baby, baby!" Came the kindly call of a middle-aged woman.

Zhao Jing was taken aback, then searched around with wide eyes! Only to see Li Junyi smiling as she pulled out her cell phone from her dress pocket and opened it only to see a completely unfamiliar phone number!

She pressed the answer button: "Hello, who is it?"

A silence came from the phone!

Li Junyi froze, looked carefully at the phone in her hand again, then put it to her ear again and asked gently, "Hello, who's looking for me!"

"Are you okay?" Hua Zishu's calm voice suddenly echoed in Li Junyi's ears! When Li Junyi heard it, she had an urge to scream! She couldn't help but blurt out, "I'm okay, how about you, are you okay? You are now ..... Where ah! Are you at home, can you tell me where your home is, I will come to pick you up right away! Okay!"

Standing on the side of the Zhao Jing dumbfounded looking at the hand holding the phone very excited Li Junyi! She was very surprised! She suddenly remembered who had called her! She gently sat on the chair and silently looked at Li Junyi's delicate figure. For a moment, she did not know why she felt depressed very


Hua Zishu stood quietly on the balcony! He took a deep breath! Then he asked faintly into the phone: "Is there a lot of people in the school are sick!"

"Enya, this, I do not know yet, but other students seem to be talking about this matter, by the way, you ..... How do you know! Just now Zhao Jing just came back to tell me that the school seems to have a lot of people are sick! She is still with me now and is telling me to go to the infirmary to help yo!" Li Junyi's voice on the phone was so gentle.

Hua Zishu took two steps, thought about it, and then said solemnly, "Listen carefully to what I'm going to say below! I will not say it twice! You and Zhao Jing two from now on can not leave the dormitory step! Also, tell your family to bring you a mask! You are not allowed to eat outside food, including cafeteria food! You are not even allowed to stay with people who are coughing violently, anyone who is sick! Because your school will have an epidemic of pneumonia, which is basically untreatable, even in large hospitals! Once the infection is equivalent with the ancient cholera, plague diseases such as plague, which powerful relationship, you should know?"

"Ah!" When Li Junyi heard that, her face changed greatly! Letting out a long scream, it startled Zhao Jing on the side. She suddenly felt bewildered and lost in thought, her hands clutching her hair and walking around the room with her phone, she said beggingly, "If you're talking so horribly, then I'm begging you, just come back! Okay? Come back to school!"

As Hua Zishu listened to these words from Li Junyi, he gasped helplessly! He said softly into the phone, "Do I still have the face to come to school!"

"Yes, the school is sorry for you, wronged you, are you a man? Is this aggravation you can not stand it! Are you really so willing to watch us one by one are infected? All bleak death it! Is ..... Zishu, you come back! Okay? If you don't come back, what should we do? What should we do? Oh, tomorrow, Mr. Lin is coming to school tomorrow! He's coming to school tomorrow especially for you! Do you know that ....." Li Junyi suddenly brought out Mr. Lin! She added, "Zishu, you know what? I don't know about the infected people in our school, but, I heard them say that these people who are already sick are very serious and maybe as you said, they might lose their lives! Save us, save us all! You come back! Okay?"

Hua Zishu listened, his heart raging like a tide, hard to calm, he heaved a sigh, closed his eyes and slowly shook his head, then said seriously: "Listen carefully! I am definitely not coming back, I am telling you how to control this piece of disease like a plague how to control. First: now you immediately launch the student body to go to the major hospitals to buy masks, a large number of buy, must every one stay on the mask. Second: no skin, blood, food, water, etc. contact with the sick! Already sick students, whether it's a cough, cold, or headache, anyone who is sick all together in one piece, with normal students and teachers, etc. all isolated! Third: You can't just go and eat food from outside restaurants, including the school cafeteria food! Your food can only be packaged food from supermarkets such as instant noodles, cookies, etc. Fourth: You have to buy a lot of disinfectant to disinfect every area of the campus! Especially dormitories, toilets, cafeterias, classrooms and so on all so. Fifth: Immediately organize the teachers of the security section to the school's fifteen campus gates to blockade, not allowing any unrelated people to enter or leave the school, and not allowing sick students to return to school and sick people to leave school. That's all for now, I'll contact you later."

After hearing all this, Li Junyi's head had cleared up! She listened to all of what Hua Zishu said clearly.

Zhao Jing looked at Li Junyi with a very serious face! She didn't know exactly what had happened to her! She just stared at Li Junyi with puzzled eyes!

Li Junyi nodded and said, "I'll get right on it! However, I want you to come back immediately! I'm not competent enough to do such a big thing, and there are more than 70,000 students and teachers on campus. I don't have a lot of power! Is it not possible?"

"I know you all have great backgrounds behind you, and you can use that power, otherwise, it will be too late! Send the army to block all the gates and important areas of the campus! Only special people are allowed in, no one is allowed out! And have the teachers in the security section of the campus cooperate by dividing the sick students by serious and minor, normal students as a distinction. However, you must isolate all the students who are not infected from all the sick people!" Hua Zishu didn't even think about it, then added: "If you don't do it right away, then your school will be infected with more than a hundred people tonight, and more than a thousand tomorrow! The day after tomorrow, your mortality rate will be tens of thousands! I tell you, the major hospitals can do nothing about this disease, Yunhai City TV has blocked the news! Maybe it's a kind reminder for fear of causing panic!" Hua Zishu said here in one breath.

Finally, Hua Zishu said: "Sorry, I will not contact you in the future, you have to take care!" Then hung up the phone.

Li Junyi listened to such horrible words! She was scared. She just felt cold all over her body! Suddenly, she called out loudly into the phone, "Come back, come back, come back, okay, come back! I'm really scared! I'm so scared! I really don't know what to do! Come back! I'm begging you, please come back for me, for no one. Please!" Li Junyi incoherently shouted these words, then squatted down and cried non-stop into the phone ....

Unfortunately, Hua Zishu had long hung up the end of the phone.

Suddenly, a loud noise sounded outside the window!

Zhao Jing is not clear about the situation, she ran to the window, ambled down to take a look, said: "seems to have a girl fainted on the ground, Jun Yi, let's go down to see!" As soon as the words were finished, she ran out of the dormitory .....

Li Junyi still kept crying into the phone.

Hua Zishu was standing on the balcony of the villa, tilting his head toward the dark night sky ....