Shadow of Death (II)

Cloud Sea University.

A cloud of sadness and misery.

Every staff member in the medical office, made a great effort, took a lot of effort, but also had to watch and their own day-to-day classmates in the hospital bed and death to do a hard fight, until the end, reluctantly left. Young lives just dissipated! Each of them left with their eyes wide open. That's simply not to die in peace!

In this way, a day and a night later.

The infirmary was no longer accepting infected students! Because this disease is not treatable by the infirmary! Only the staff in the infirmary understood how many people had died in total. The correct number of deaths was thirty-five.

What a horrible number.

What a horrible plague.

Zhang Xin'er was in tears all night, every death of a classmate. She had to cry with sadness once! These are her good friends! She just watched them go and couldn't do anything about it! She felt very guilty! She was tired for a day and a night! Her eyes were bloodshot, and she was standing next to two girls, Li Junyi and Zhao Jing! Also with her in general, tired and weak.

Li Junyi still has leadership skills, organizing students to buy back masks and disinfectant, but these are not working at the moment! The dead students can still be reborn! The school was infected students are all transferred to the group's hospitals to receive full treatment. I hope those students can be turned around!

The infirmary is now very silent and cold.

Zhang Xin'er suffered the biggest blow is her best friend Yu Xiaojie in her arms just went! Not a word was said! A hand but frantically pulling Zhang Xin'er's clothes, a face of resignation, eyes full of anger! It was a curse on God, anger at fate! Why! The gods of death had to choose her! Zhang Xin'er's heart was filled with sadness! She had always been by her side to give her confidence, to give her promises. "Don't worry, I will definitely cure you." Unfortunately, she had broken her promise! I didn't do it! She could never be a "miracle doctor".

She watched her best friend die in her arms! How sad and helpless and desperate she felt.

"Xin'er, don't be sad, you've done your best!" Li Junyi was also so tired that she was about to collapse! She saw Zhao Jing standing so alive in front of her, how lucky she was to have such a good friend, thirty-five students had lost their precious lives today in one day. However, for fear of causing unnecessary panic, the news released out that only five people were confirmed dead! Oh my God! Oh my God, why is this happening! Thirty-five lives plus the news coming out of the hospital that eight were dead! How many more is a multiple of those eight students, my God! Why is our school suffering from this disease? Why?

Zhang Xin'er stood up! She wiped the beads of sweat on her forehead with her hand, smiled apologetically at Li Junyi, and said, "I'm going to the bathroom! Jun Yi, you ask the students to disinfect the infirmary comprehensively, and then destroy all the used sheets, quilts, utensils, cups and so on, not leaving anything behind.

Li Junyi nodded and was about to go with Zhao Jing and the rest of the students who were nurses to disinfect the infirmary when Zhang Xin'er, who went to the bathroom, walked at the entrance of the stairs, a gust of wind blew, she felt inexplicably cold! However, what came with it was fatigue, she began to feel that she was having a hard time lifting her steps, seemed to be light-headed, then all around she was spinning, she immediately grabbed the railing with both hands and shook her head, desperately trying to wake herself up! However, she was too tired! So tired that she had exhausted all the physical energy in her body, and no matter how strong she was, how hard she fought, she still ended up on the ground! Losing consciousness.


"Pa," a document was thrown heavily in the center of the conference room.

Zhao Ting stood in front of the window and said loudly, "What's going on here? Who can tell me what's going on here?"

All the directors of the board were silent! Zhao Ting said loudly, "Who gave the order to send the students to the hospital under the group! Who is it! Come out and say something!"

Huang Qingshan slowly raised his hand!

Zhao Ting swept a glance at him, then nodded and asked, "May I ask Vice President Huang, have you thought about the consequences of this incident when you made such an order!"

Huang Qingshan said unconcernedly, "Isn't it just the death of thirteen students? It's not a big deal to compensate, all the students in our school are insured!"

Zhao Ting said with a heated smile: "Yes, our group has invested a total of 15.8 billion in the establishment of this Yunhai University to achieve today's success! Every student enrolled in the school is signed with the Phoenix Insurance Company accidental medical insurance! You should understand, Phoenix Insurance Company is also a subsidiary of our group! In other words, this account is also paid by us."

Huang Qingshan slapped the table with his hand and then said with a very impatient tone, "So now you tell us how much we have to pay in total!"

Zhao Ting was very uncomfortable with Huang Qingshan's face! This Huang Qingshan everywhere against himself, he thinks his brother is the mayor of Yunhai City is very big, he is very happy today can have such a thing happen, today I do not fucking well rectify you, you still think I am easy to bully. Zhao Ting face did not change color in the heart thought.

The remaining two dozen directors are all shareholders with a large number of shares in their hands. As soon as they heard that they had to lose money, they immediately turned their heads, and one of the fat directors, Liu Changhe, asked with concern: "Chairman Zhao, when it comes to losing money, that's not good! However, since people have died, you now say how much we should have to compensate!"

Zhao Ting a hear from the heart a cursing: "**, only care about your money, even the students have died you seem to be unwilling to take money out like, really not a fucking life thing!" His face still with a smile, dashing from the hands of the secretary next to take another copy of the information, casually flipped, said, "to lose money that is certain, estimated that it should be the question of how much money, not to pay or not to pay the problem! Now I will give you an analysis of the current situation of our group, in general, our group has 7.8 billion RMB in liquidity on the books. The market capitalization has been evaluated by the bank at 56 billion. Today, all the subordinate companies are in surplus, but our group is currently on the verge of collapse and disintegration! The noble academy under our group's name is a "high quality, high service, high fee, high system school, the fee for students is also a one-time service, so the school is also our fastest money-making sector, and now this sector has a huge problem! This problem is not a small problem, it is a problem that can threaten the survival of the school!"

The rest of the directors heard Zhao Ting say this serious and heavy words, everyone's heart felt uneasy! Zhao Ting took in the expressions of every board member here! His heart was very happy.

"We have a meeting today, there are several things to solve first, first of all! I will tell the directors the situation of the university in detail! At present, the number of students who died in the school was announced as thirteen, but so far, the correct number of deaths should be fifty-three ..."

"Ah!" When the twenty or so directors heard this, they were all shocked, and some of them even coughed violently!

Huang Qingshan pointed his finger at Huang Ting and shouted, "You're appalling here, you're more originally fabricating rumors and creating trouble, and there's no truth in it! I know the number of deaths in the school, there are only thirty-eight students, there are fifty-three"

Zhao Ting nodded and said, "Yes, the information you got last night was indeed thirty-eight, but the college just called and twenty more students were declared dead in the hospital! And asked the school's leadership teachers to go to claim the bodies and deal with the aftermath ..... The fifty-eight I am talking about is not the end of the story! I tell you all a very unfortunate news. According to the school's statistics, there are three thousand four hundred and fifty-five infected students! If the plague cannot be stopped, the 3,450 infected students will probably all die, then according to the compensation proposed by the insurance company, our group will have to close down and sell all the industries, and the value of all the directors will shrink to more than 280%, meaning that we will have to lose all our money! We will become poor and unable to repay our debts."

This one piece of information shook the whole conference room to no breath! It was terribly quiet! Every director was in a cold sweat, and some of them had panic in their eyes.

Zhao Ting paused for a moment and then said, "What's more, the night before last, because Huang Qingshan, the vice chairman of the school, gave the wrong instructions to transfer the infected students to the group's hospital for treatment, please look at the information in front of you, this is a report from the hospital, you can open the file to see! The hospital has stated that the one hundred and thirty-five students sent from the school are now in an aggravated condition! There is no room for optimism, and there are already thirty-three infected doctors! Ninety-seven family members of group employees have been infected! However, the family members do not include children there are forty-one people!"

Huang Qingshan at this time to read that document to look at the heart of the frightened! He didn't know that this order was so wrong! He is now thinking is really according to this damn Zhao Ting said such development, which group but really finished. Himself is also finished. His forehead now emerged a bean point big cold sweat. Not a word could be said.

Zhao Ting looked at their painful touch! He simply wanted to open the champagne and dance the samba of forgetfulness.

"Now the second item of the board meeting is to run for the chairmanship of the group." As soon as Zhao Ting said these words, he shook the twenty-odd directors present and didn't know what to say!

Huang Qingshan immediately said, "I am not capable enough to run for the election, I propose that Mr. Zhao Ting should be the chairman of the group!" As soon as his words were finished, he took the lead and raised his hand.

The two dozen directors saw it and raised their hands one after another! They expressed their approval.

Zhao Ting smiled and said, "Let's hear me out first! As a result of the resolution of the last board meeting, I now say that it is effective immediately! I decided to hand over the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors to Mr. Huang Qingshan in accordance with everyone's wishes."

The moment these words came out, including Huang Qingshan's face changed dramatically! All the twenty directors did not know what medicine was buried in Zhao Ting's gourd.

Zhao Ting smiled smugly and treacherously.

"I will follow the decision made at the last meeting to transfer 28 percent of my shares to Mr. Huang Qingshan at a price of 80 percent of the market value, that is, 6.5 billion yuan, which will be extracted from the personal equity of each of the directors sitting here! What's more is that this has all your signatures on it, and I absolutely obey any decision of the board of directors."

Zhao Ting did not give them time and opportunity to speak. He continued.

"Since this document has all of your signatures on it and everyone said that this resolution is effective at any time, and here are the minutes of the last meeting, so I have signed this resolution and also just last night called the bank and transferred 6.5 billion cash at 10 o'clock this morning! I have also signed the equity transfer document. Brought it! I can hand it over to Mr. Huang. From now on, not only am I not the chairman of Zhentian Group, I'm not a director either. I can now pack up my things and leave under the watchful eye of security! You can now celebrate the meeting where Huang Qingshan was elected as the chairman of Zhentian Group." Zhao Ting spat out all the depression in his heart in one painful breath!

"Old Zhao, my Chairman Zhao, why are you so impulsive! You think about it, okay? You don't want to harm us all! You're pulling out the funds in one fell swoop! What do you want us to do?"

"Old Zhao, please, for the sake of our old age, please be merciful! Just leave us old guys some money!"

"Old Zhao, it's our fault, we have no eyes, you also have a high hand! ...."

"Chairman Zhao, it's true that we were compelled by Mr. Huang to exclude you, but we only wanted to get more benefits for the group. Please be generous! Let us go!"

All the directors in the board of directors were in pain and pleaded with Zhao Ting, hoping that Zhao Ting would support them!

Zhao Ting laughed, laughed loudly, loudly, he sat on the chair, said coldly: "I will stay here to give you group of capricious people in a chance to harm me behind my back! Sorry, I have held a press conference on the departure! There are now many reporters waiting for me at the door! Colleagues, in the future there are opportunities, we are working together!"

"Ah ...!"

All the directors including Huang Qingshan all paralyzed in the conference room, it's all over, all over.

Anyone stupid enough to be a pig would know that a change in the top management of a listed company would definitely affect the direction of the stock market, not to mention the departure of the chairman! If Zhao Ting as the chairman of the group in the words of some fallen stone, then the group boss stock will fall to the bottom, more than ten billion in the hands of the stock may become a pile of scrap paper overnight.

Huang Qingshan now can not do anything about it! He has long been annoyed by these people to dizzy, where there is the slightest opinion and action.

Zhao Ting walked to the door, suddenly turned around again and said to Huang Qingshan: "Chairman Huang, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you! The Ministry of Culture and Education sent a notice yesterday, and tomorrow morning at nine o'clock will come to the school to carry out a full range of inspection, and asked you to make a report to submit, this report is mainly to let you explain, a student named Hua Zishu was expelled from our school innocent reason is for what! Because this matter in the hundreds of universities across the country has caused a great impact on the enrollment situation next spring may be affected! Old Huang, you will have to be busy in the future! Maybe the days are not so good."

Huang Qingshan heard, trembling, he stood up and pointed at Zhao Ting but could not say a word! Suddenly, a rush of gas came up, his eyes rolled over and he fell directly into the chair! Completely unconscious.