Shadow of Death (III)

After Huang Tiansheng and Xue Taishan, Ma Wenjun and the other three returned to school! Just drowsy sleep for a day.

That evening, Huang Tiansheng was called out by a phone call from his father at home! It was late at night when he returned home, and his father went to bed early, saying that he had something to say the next day, and at night, because he felt that the finger bitten by the dog was numb, and he was afraid that he was suffering from rabies! So, go downstairs to the clinic to give themselves a vaccination, and then go home to take a bath and sleep!

Huang Tiansheng learned qigong as a child! Also have the habit of meditating every night into the quiet! In the dead of night, suddenly, he felt a restless airflow in his body in his own body crazy devouring, and also feel it the most powerful is that this airflow can affect his will, and can also be mixed with his own airflow. A few moments of work, he could not meditate at ease, the cultivation of qigong is about natural inaction, not with the forced! Such a situation! Huang Tiansheng also puzzled, just thought he took drugs last night and the two women in the car played too crazy, the body perhaps too much strain! So, he also went to bed early.

In his sleep, he vaguely feel and Ma Wenjun, Xue Taishan three and those two girls in the car to play that way is how exciting! How cool it is! This crazy and lascivious taste does make people unforgettable! In the heart of his could not help but fall if there is still a chance, may as well be in the intention of once, but also self-consolation young people while young should be crazy when crazy.

Perhaps because Huang Tiansheng had practiced qigong, his body was still healthy! The next day, his father called him alone in the study and asked if he was involved in the incident of Hua Zishu's dismissal! Huang Tiansheng was already very smart, he dared to suppress Hua Zishu because he did not have any background, but he did not expect his father to call him to the study, and he gave him a severe scolding. He scolded Huang Tiansheng so much that he could not raise his head at all!

Finally, the angry father was locked in the room, gave the order not to go out of the room door half a step, stay at home, well behind closed doors to think.

Huang Tiansheng is still afraid of his father in the midst of anger, he can only stay in the room, when bored! But want to call with Xue stage, Ma Wenjun! However, the phone can not be reached! Even the private phone calls can not be reached, full of suspicion Huang Tiansheng do not know what happened to the school! He did not believe in a series of twenty-three school teachers, principals, sisters, classmates, friends, student council vice president, magazines, supermarkets, bars, water bars, teahouses and other places, almost all can not be reached, he thought it was his own cell phone problems, but he tried to call with the room phone, the same, the school phone number overnight all can not be reached! It was as if he was dreaming! He muttered, "Has the school been attacked by aliens? Why all departments, even the security department's phone can not enter, is the school's phone number upgraded, my shit, it is now eight digits, on the level of Yunhai City, is it going up to nine digits, what kind of international joke ah! Ah! What the hell is going on in the school!"

The school is in a state of extreme panic!

Fifteen areas and 26 professional dormitory buildings have been strictly controlled by two regiments of troops! Another 3,455 students suffering from diseases were placed in a vacated dormitory and placed together according to the severity and severity of their illnesses, and hundreds of attending doctors and nurses were quickly transferred from the five military hospitals in Beijing to treat and care for them thoroughly! The central health authorities attached great importance to the development of this matter. News of this disease was however contained to a certain extent.

The normal students' lives were strictly cut off from the outside world though! However, they live in school, study, are completely free, food, etc. are sterilized at high temperatures before consumption, and every student receives regular physical examinations! There are no infected students within the University of the Sea of Clouds, but, one by one, the death rate happens! Hundreds of experts, professors, director-level medical wizards, elites organized together in one big meeting a day, but nothing could be done about the symptoms! No matter what methods were used, they could not treat the toxin in each student's body! The horror of that toxin was that as soon as it entered a person's body, it was like entering his own home, and no matter what drugs were used, nothing could be done for him.

The death rate was gradually increasing by two, three, and four people a day. The horror was felt most by the more than 3,000 people in quarantine. Every man and woman found themselves in a dormitory where the person next to them was called out and never came back, not knowing whether she was alive or dead! This unprecedented pressure tortured every student to the point of almost collapse! In every dormitory, there was a long scream from someone who couldn't handle the pressure, and there were whispers of tears on every floor of the building! These students who were already physically attacked by the disease were now suffering from mental confinement, and many of them could not stand the destruction and were making a lot of noise. There were even timid students crying and pleading with their teachers to get their phones back, their only request being to make a phone call to their families! Who are afraid that if they are not careful and wake up the next day, they will fall into a coma and not wake up after all! When you die, you don't even have the chance to say hello and goodbye to your loved ones, what a pain that is. What a sorrow!

The teacher sent his opinion back to the top of the army! The commander was a young lieutenant colonel who was walking around the command center! He did not understand what kind of mission he had accepted, he knew that a soldier only had to obey orders, that a soldier could not have a mind of his own, that a soldier was a machine. But then he heard this from his teachers and he was dumbfounded! He knew that once these students became seriously ill, the chances of death were quite high! If he couldn't even satisfy them with this request! Then I fucking ..... We are still considered the people's sons and daughters? He was so angry that he threw his hat heavily on the table! His frenzied aura stunned the teacher.

"Lao Li ah, must not be reckless, you calm down, OK!" Another lieutenant colonel with glasses stopped the impetuous young man.

"My good political commissar, if you have something to say! You ... hold me dry hemp ah!"

"Faint, old Li ah! Do you know what kind of situation is currently! Now so many people have died, but there is no way to save them! When the news gets out, how horrible it will be! How much confusion and fear it will cause! You're violating military orders! You could be court-martialed! You mustn't agree to the students' conditions!"

"**, we can't even satisfy them with this request, then are we still considered human beings?" "Damn, murderers can still have a good meal and say a few words when they are shot, they are the future of the country, what law have they broken!"

"My Grand Master Li, why have you come to this point, why are you considering things so simply! I also sympathize with the students. I also feel the unfairness of fate, but, you tell me, what should I do! Should I let the students out? Let them go home! Do you know how horrible the rate of infection of this disease is, and can you bear to see every city in China, everywhere in mourning? I'm telling you, we don't have a mind, we can only obey the orders from above, and if one day, the top orders to shoot all the students here, you and I, we will carry it out!"

Li Junhao was dumbfounded; being a regimental commander, he understood the purpose of his superiors sending him here. He still seemed to be thinking about the scene when the division commander talked to him, "Junhao ah! You go to accomplish a task this time, there is an area full of death, you have to completely, cleanly, completely eliminate the way of plague disease transmission, if, really can't control, you see the opportunity, I only see no report of any plague continue to develop, spread! Can you do that?"

"Can, definitely can!" Li Junhao vaguely remembered the military order he gave to the division commander.

He sat disheveled in his chair! Didn't know what to do!

Teacher Tang was still standing at the door looking at these two young chiefs! Didn't know what to do!

"Teacher Tang, how about this, you go back first, tell the students, tell them not to panic, not to be afraid, we're thinking about it, we'll come up with a solution! Okay?!" Political Commissar Luo said gently to Teacher Tang.

Tang teacher heard, know now certainly no answer, then they have to wait, those poor children ah!

"Report to the chief, there is a woman named Li Junyi outside asking to see you!" A soldier came in, saluted, and said.

"I'll come out to see her right away!"


The first time Political Commissar Luo Min, a young and highly talented student out of the military university, saw Li Junyi, he was mesmerized by her poise! He smiled and hugged Li Junhao's shoulders and said kindly, "That sister of yours is really beautiful looking, by the way, brother, do I have a chance!"

Li Junhao looked him up and down and said, "You, you're not bad looking! However, my sister's witty and eccentric, enough to annoy you, I do not even like her, and you are still interested in her, you be careful later on backtracking!"

Li Junhao finished these words, put on his hat, and walked out.

"Brother, don't say anything, I want you to do one thing!"

"What is it!" Li Junhao was dumbfounded! He had never seen when this second sister became so big-tempered, talking with a big grin, moving boldly, walking with a big stride, without the slightest hint of girlish reserve, ugh! Luo Min that kid actually like her! The eyesight is really bad! No wonder they wear glasses! No wonder they wear glasses!

Li Junyi lifted a bottle of mineral water, took a sip and said: "Can you call that buddy of yours, the one who ah! You let me think! Let me think! He seems to be in the Yunhai City Police Department as the chief of the criminal investigation team! What is his name again! I can't remember it for a while!"

Li Junyi suddenly hands suddenly clapped, no image shouted: "right, called, called Shang Taishan"

Li Junhao, who was drinking mineral water, spat out all the water in his mouth with a "puff"! Laughed and said, "Come on, his name is Shang Taishan, you! What's the matter with him!"

Luo Min quietly looked at Li Junyi, simply the more you see, the more you like! He always kept a smile on his face. He always kept a smile on his face. Not a word was spoken.

Li Junyi took out a photo from her small satchel and handed it over! Said: "You give this photo to him! Tell him to use the police power to find this person in two days or so, and no matter what the method, even with kidnapping! Send him to the school! I believe he is the only one who can solve this plague!"

Li Junhao took a look at the photo of the unattractive young man and sneered, "A little kid, what can he do? You know, these doctors are all national professors, experts and so on, and they are all at their wits' end, and this hairless man can do something! I don't know!"

"Brother, believe it or not, if you can help me to finish this thing! You will be a big credit, and if you don't finish it, your superiors will have to criticize you, and in the future you don't ask me to work for you! Hmph!" Li Junyi's threatening tactics were really tried and true!

Li Junhao glared at her fiercely and said repeatedly, "Okay, okay, I'll help you, I'll do it for you right away, right away! Who asked you to be my lovely sister! But, I have a problem that I need you to solve now! You have to help me out! We'll all be even! How about that?"

"Okay, say, what is it that you need this big lady's help with, just say it!" Li Junyi was a smart girl. After Li Hao told Li Junyi about the students' request to return their phones! Li Junyi was also stunned! After a moment of silence, she turned around and snapped her fingers at Luo Min, Li Junhao, and said with a smile, "I have an idea!"