Chapter 1

"Mother! Mother!" A little girl excitedly exclaimed running around the laboratory towards her busy mother who was paying all of her attention to her studies as she was planning to build something great to change the future for her people in the underground. "Mother look!" She exclaimed again holding some freshly picked flowers she got from the surface as the mother turned around noticing the flowers before smacking them out of her daughters hand as the random mixture of beautiful flowers fell to the floor scattering petals everywhere completely destroyed hurting the girl's feelings.

"What did it tell you about going to the surface! Are you trying to get yourself killed!?" Her mother yelled scolding her only child as the daughter held her hand which she smacked as it began to sting, the girl was no longer happy thanks to her own mother destroying the gift she gave her. Even though it was the mothers fault for talking about the surface so much in the first place.

"But it's so beautiful and peaceful, it had butterflies and everything just like you said! Why would any of that want to harm me?" The girl knew her stuff especially when it came to robotics and science getting it from her mother. The mother crossed her arms in disappointment looking down at the girl not every happy as the laboratory doors opened allowing someone else to enter inside catching the girl's attention immediately.

"What did she do this time?" The lady asked with a chuckle and a smile to the professor as the mother turned her back to continue on with her studies. The daughter sighed knowing that her mother was no longer giving her attention anymore and spends most of her time in the lab working on something that seems to be way more important to her than her own daughter. The scientists that work in here build robots and equipment that will be used in the robot games that happen in the arena that's a floor deeper in the underground where they hide from the world above them and the illegal things they do.

"Ahem! I have the current stats on the robots that have made to the semifinals professor" the lady said making the mother look back but not enough to make eye contact before looking back at the computer uninterested as if she didn't care about the information she had been brought. Her daughter waited for her mother endlessly no matter what happened even if she didn't love her like the others.

"Well then? Make it quick! I need to get these documents done for project X!" The mother replied to her in a angered sour tone showing that she's in quite a hurry to get this done. "Also...after you're done take Aurora would you, she's distracting me" she said again as the lady began to get ready to tell her the information she gathered.

"We are ready to make a third attempt try and overtake the surface..." the lady finished while looking down at the mother's daughter seeing her smile wiped clean from existence and the petals scattered on the floor of the disapproved gift she brought her.

"Good...Now take Aurora and leave Dr, Hope, I wish to be left alone" the mother said shooing Hope away with Aurora as she aggressively pushed her daughter away from he me studies like if she was some sort of toy as Aurora almost bumped into Dr, Hope.

"But you promised to spend time with me today!"  Aurora yelled upset about her mother breaking a very important promise she made her as Hope held her back almost being dragged by Aurora and her unusual, inhuman strength. The mother sighed very agitated hating the sound of the kids voice as it echoed through her.

"Don't worry...I'll make sure she stays in the kindergarten during the entire event" Hope butted in showing the professor that she has everything under control. But really she was afraid to see her boss angry again as it will always result in fear or possibly death.

"No! I want to stay with my mother!" Aurora yelled as she was quickly beginning to get more difficult for Hope to handle before finally entering the kindergarten. Hope stopped and kneeling down in front of Aurora's while placing her hands on the girl's shoulders.

"Your mother is very busy woman and doesn't want to be distracted right now and I wouldn't want you to get into trouble pleases for my sake stay here until I come back for, okay?" Hope was patient and careful when it came to Aurora knowing the poor girl's struggles and what she has been through while she grew up in the underground with both robots and humans. But she too had to lie about what was actually going to happen with these machines they had built.

"No! I want to go back to my mother! She lied to me" Aurora hated being told what to do and wanted to see Rose especially if her was the bad guy in all of this. Hope sighed knowing that this would absolutely not work and told Aurora the truth in the easiest way possible as she was a smart girl unlike the others.

"You need to understand...right now the surface isn't a safe place to be wondering about and making friends especially with the war machine that we had built that could possibly kill or squish you without thinking twice...we are at war for the safety of our kind down here and if we lose, we'll lose everything we've worked so hard for and I don't think that your mother would want you to disappear too does she?" Hope said as Aurora looked away hating it when she peaks the truth especially when it's from Dr, Hope and the way she knew everything despite being a very well know genius down here and up on the surface for her kind deeds.

"But my mother..." Aurora desperately wanted her mother and would stick by her side to the very end unlike before but something in Hope's eyes changed her everything as she sighed giving up. "Fine I'll stay.." Hope was glad that Aurora came to her senses before walking off nor even seeing goodbye into the crowd of mixed aged kids younger or even older than herself. Aurora was only 13 and already knows a lot about the surface thanks to her mother opening her mouth to Dr, Hope all the time.

Aurora's PoV:

"I hate her! She never has time for me anymore, it's always work! Work! Work!" I thought growling to myself while walking through the crowd of kids that annoyingly surrounded me being incredibly close or possibly too close.

The room shook as if we were in middle of an earthquake as the kids began to panic thinking that they were gonna die but the metal that surrounded them was impossible to break thanks to my mothers quick thinking. I sighed feeling the rumbles underneath me which began to repeat in a pattern of footsteps...huge footsteps. I began to look around for a way out of this hell hole not keeping my promise to Dr, Hope while the kids around me ran scared for their life but two kids in particular however stood in front of a toddler sized vent making themselves not suspicious at all but I knew exactly what they were really doing.

I did what a normal person would do and walked up to them as they looked up seeing me approaching them as I stopped now only standing 2 meters away from them through all the screaming and running kids we were stuck with. "Hello?" I said as I instantly took a liking to them as they seemed to look a lot like identical twins despite being different genders one being a boy and the other a girl. They both had jet black hair and pale orange eyes which was kinda weird but I can't saying as I have snow white hair and blue eyes that as similar to the YInMn blue colour which is rare to see in a human like myself.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to stare at you" the girl said a bit panicky but I was just confused I didn't feel like they were staring at me or was I just not paying to them because of the other kids?

"It's fine, just help me get out of this place" I said as the boy who was leaned against the wall next to the vent looked at me not buying it as the girl listened to me. I didn't want any trouble but the way the boy looked at me seemed to get on my nerves.

"What's in it for us then?" The boy spoke up as I quickly began to think of a deal to make with him in order to get their help. Would they want to be out in the open and see the surface that I did or be stuck down here in this dump.

"I have nothing of value on me but how about i take you to the surface in return?" I suggested as they both looked at each other at my suggestion possibly thinking if they should trust me or not. "Do you even know what the surface is....right?" I asked again seeing their confused expression as if they didn't know what it was as I sighed making myself look like a complete goof right now thinking that they would actually know what the surface is since no one other than robots and scientists go up there.

"Maybe...but if we help you get out of here and you keep your side of the bargain then yes, it's deal" the girl seemed to know what she was talking about when it came to make deals which was kinda sus to me right now.

"Sure but we gotta be careful because Dr, Hope told me that something dangerous is happening up there like machine war robots, which we must to stay away from" I said giving them hints to the possible danger that awaits for us outside as the boy huffed at me a bit offended about the mentioning of war machines. The boy got up from the wall as he placed a fist into his palm and cracked his knuckles as the girl moved out of his way as he held onto the metallic vent that was bolted shut with screws while placing his foot on the wall to give him more pull power but in the end he had no problem pulling it clean off from the wall surprising me as he chucked it aside. Some nearby kids heard him ripping the vent off and quickly rushed to get some staff and warn them about the situation in hand.

"May I go first?" I said as he moved aside allowing me to crouch down and climb into the vent as the twins followed after me while I began lead the way through the ventilation system which I know a lot about since I use them to sneak around and away from anyone I hate to bump into.

"Quick Zak! I don't want them to get us!" The girl yelled as Zak rushed in behind her forcing the vent shut back into the wall before making his way behind us not wanting to be left behind.

"Well someone has to close the vent at some point or we would most definitely be in trouble!" Zak seemed to understand the meaning of keeping himself and those around him safe since he was at the back putting some responsibility on his shoulders.

"Can you guys stop yelling? They'll hear us" I asked still crawling through the ventilation system before coming up to two split turns instantly taking the one to the right while they both kept on arguing but this time it was much quieter than before which was a relief.

It didn't take long for me to find my way to the closest possible exit near the only entrance and exit I know within the facility that connects to the surface. The silhouettes of huge and small robots could been seen walking past as I peeped through the vent's bars stopping in my tracks as I used my hands to try and push at it but I wasn't able to use my strength like Zak can, unless he's one of those special kids?

"Why'd you stop?" Zak asked wondering why we all stopped as I moved out of the way letting him see the vent as he sighed knowing what he has to do allowing him to squeeze through underneath and over us making his way to the front as we moved back putting me in the middle.

"Can you still open it?" I asked hoping that he still has the energy from before to break down the vent. Zak looked back at me not very pleased on how I questioned him as I rubbed the back of my neck nervously but I grew curious of something, Zak and his sister seemed to remind me of something but what is it?

Zak sighed before leaning onto his back as he used his leg to boot the bolted vent open up but the vent was way higher than I expected or to be making it a couple meters high enough for us the jump onto the robots that were walking past. "Wulah! A exit to our freedom!" He said sarcastically before quickly going forward out of the vent and jumped onto one of the huge robots. "Come on Zoey!" He yelled reaching his hand out for her as she squeezed passed before jumping bearly making it as he caught her just in time leaving me to jump last onto a separate robot which was good thing for me.

"I hope they haven't hurt any of the wildlife yet" I though looking at the exit as the light shined brightly like the gates to heaven or something absolutely beautiful. As Zak and Zoey exited first they were able to see the horrors out there that awaited for us as I found out soon after seeing the robots fighting each other as trees were broken and dead grass was brunt leaving only the dirt to remain.

Everyone quickly slipped off the huge robots as we were able to get out unnoticed by any of the guards or anyone who wanted to harm us. I quickly rushed behind a broken down tree as Zak and Zoey joined me there since it was quite a big thick tree while I peek over see all the beautiful land be demolished in the ashes of war and anguish.

"It wasn't like this when I went out" I said absolutely devastated seeing this place that was once flourishing with life but now it's just some war field that will leave behind destroying habitats and probably dead things everywhere you go. I could feel a hand pat my back which I wasn't used to since I hardly had any friends and these could be my the only ones I'll ever have. "Why would they do this? Why would they fight in a peaceful place like this?!" I said to myself placing my hand on the dead tree that was laid down on it's said as if it was resting on the ground injured and exhausted as rage began to rush through my body making my blood pump through my veins as i clenched my fist. "It's not fair!" I yelled suddenly pushing the tree not noticing the huge broken hole that I had made in it while Zak and Zoey glanced at it seeing how powerful my attack was from just one punch.

No ones PoV:

"Could she be one of them?" Zoey asked looking at her brother as she pointed at the tree trunk remembering what they have just witnessed. Unsure of who this girl is and if she was actually human.

"Of course! A human can't do that to a tree! They'll end up breaking their bloody wrist" Zak quietly yelled at Zoey looking at the almost broken dead tree Aurora had managed to hit out of anger making her a possible threat to them. "We need to keep an eye on her or we're scrap" Zak said reminding his sister that Aurora could possibly be a danger to them and their survival if anyone saw her use that much strength.

Aurora was sulking near the tree thinking of what could possibly be the real cause of this war that did this to the innocent wildlife giving them no chance to react when it began. Aurora felt like she was missing something but what was it?

"Hey! What are you three doing out here?!" A voice yelled as Aurora quickly looked behind her seeing Dr, Hope near the entrance of the underground worried but if she went back there she would be in some serious trouble with her mother If she finds out that she escaped again. Aurora began to take steps back before rushing off in fear. "Aurora wait!" She yelled again but it was too late Aurora made her mind and stuck to it while the twins looked at Hope for a quick second before rushing after Aurora ignoring her yells and cries for them to come back.

"I don't wanna go back! Never again!" Aurora yelled to herself as she ran past every single shot that was being made on the battlefield luckily without being hit. Zak and Zoey followed in her footsteps but were more hidden than Aurora who quickly noticed a Boulder wedged behind two trees and decided to hide behind them making it a perfect hiding spot for a little while.

"Why did you run off!? You could've been killed being in the open like that!" Zak yelled said as he got behind the Boulder with Zoey who quickly followed after him as Aurora curled into a ball with her arms around her legs and her chin resting on her knees sulking.

"I don't know...I just ran as if I had no other choice" Aurora replied back as he sighed like if he couldn't believe that he was with a crazy chick like her who would run into danger like that and could've possibly die. But he grew hesitant to bring up the subject of her almost breaking that tree earlier incase she might protest against him. "You aren't some hero so stop pretending like you've got something to lose!" He growled being more aggressive than usual hating Aurora a bit more than he did before but Zoey however wanted to chnage that.

"At least we'll be safe for a little while thanks to this big Boulder and trees hiding us" Zoey said patting the rock behind her as the sound of guns and bombs could be heard behind them as it echoed in Aurora's mind as a forever haunting memory scaring her hating robots way more than before slowly developing a fear over them.

"I want to go home...but I can't because if I do I'll be in serious trouble with my mother and Dr, Hope" Aurora said to herself as Zak groaned knowing that there's no way back or just can't be bothered to go there due to the situation they're stuck in. If they knew the way back they would've taken it to the underground but no one spoke about it keeping it hidden from everyone.

"We can't head back now because of your stupid Instinct to run off like that!" Zak yelled again blaming Aurora from running away from the only possible safe place that could shelter from this pathetic war and maybe the reasons why it started.

"What was that?" Aurora suddenly glared at Zak making him gulp as he backed up a few centimetres actually afraid of her now seeing this pissed off side of her and the way he raised his voice at her like that making the atmosphere intensified as the more she glared at him looking like she was actually gonna kill him right then and now.

"Hey! No fighting! Remember we need to stick together and work along side one another" Zoey said reminding them both of teamwork which Aurora has never been apart of before since she was used to working alone in underground classrooms thanks to her genius mind on robotics just like her mother.

Zoey hit her brother at the back of the head with her bare hand as he rubbed the place where she had hit him indicating that it hurt as he looked at her as if he was gonna cry breaking the intense atmosphere completely.

"That hurt you goof!" He yelled at her as Aurora was no longer mad at him and looked at her surroundings thinking if they should be trusted, could they really help her get back home or will they find a better place to stay in?