Chapter 2

It was almost night fall and the little trio were able to somehow find a little hideout place thanks to the twins and their quick thinking and eagle eyes, they now have a place to sleep and hide in with the forest surrounding without anyone finding their location unannounced.

Aurora was currently inside silently carving a chuck of wood that Zoey brought back from her little adventure with Zak as she feared being alone without her friend or brother. Zoey was amazed and watched her friend as she was almost done filled with a calm mind concentrated to get this little wolf cub wood sculpture finished but doesn't plan to rush it. "You really are putting time and effort into that thing aren't you?" Zoey said making Aurora stop and look up at her moving the home made knife away from the sculpture not wanting to falsely cut it in the wrong place.

"Anything to keep my mind busy" Aurora replied before going back to her sculpture carefully taking her time to put in the detail with the free time she has left until Zak comes back from his little expedition and bring some useful scrap and food back so Aurora could keep her apatite believing that twins prefer to eat different food due to 'allergies' from certain food and fruits she suggests that has plenty of calories and water to keep the brain from going crazy from dehydration.

"I have a favour to ask" Zoey said making Aurora sigh and place her sculpture on the side of the table bringing her full attention straight onto Zoey who gulped feeling the tension in her eyes. "U-umm..could you ya know find and bring Zak back? He's been put for over 2 hours now and that'd very concerning to me" she asked concerned about her brother's well being, aurora wasn't in a positive relationship with her brother and would often argue over the silliest of things.

"Fine, just tell me where he could be" Aurora asked needing at least some guidance on where she could possibly find him and the faster she gets him back the quicker she can get her sculpture done. Zoey was able to tell Aurora the possible location Zak would be located which is unusually close to the huge piles of scrap where some of the surfacers residence still live there preferring it other than Metro City.

The forest was filled with life and vegetation blessing Aurora's eyes and ears as she continued to walk through the forest with hands in her pockets trusting Zoey's words and directions on where these piles are located but when she got their Aurora wasn't surprised she was disgusted and expected this due to the stories professor, Rose would always tell her trying to keep the kid from adventuring the outside world. A little cliff came into view as she stood upon it looking down at the ground below it seeing the view and kids of all ages running about having the time of their lives. "This is scrap? I can make anything out of this crap, people in metro city don't know what they're doing" she thought to herself scanning the area ever so slowly before seeing Zak's short jet black hair come into view and his ripped red jacket and black joggers rummaging through one of the piles of scrap in search of something great or at least reusable. Aurora parked her butt down crossed her legs and silently watched him making sure no one was planning to harm her little buddy when he's not expecting it.

"This shit is absolutely busted!" Zak said to himself angered throwing a piece of scrap metal to the floor as it clanged against the other scrap metal that surrounded him making noise alerting some unwanted attention. Zak looked around feeling the set of eyes look at him before glancing up at the cliff seeing Aurora sat there staring down at him until she nudged her he'd to his left alerting him on some unwanted company he was about to get. "Fuc—ugh! I clearly told Zoey that i didn't need any help especially from 'her'" Zak growled to himself hearing the sound of footsteps come closer in his direction before his eyes widened seeing exactly who it was.

"You aren't from around here are you?" A girl snarly asked hating him straight off the bat while her human looking robot friend stood beside her silently looking at Zak recognising him straight away seeing how surprised he was to see him. The girl had short black hair with a single purple streak obviously dyed to look cool toward the other kids her age, commonly seen brown eyes at yet fearless.

"And what does it have to do with you? We aren't buds or anything so kindly mind your own business kid" he cockily replied making the girl gasp offended until the boy she was in stepped up, Aurora didn't like the confrontation and hid in a nearby bush that only sat 2 metres away from her not trusting the boy who stood there intimidating Zak with only his presence.

"It has been awhile hasn't it Zak, how's Zoey is she doing well?" The boy suddenly asked surprising the girl who kept herself back allowing her bud to take care of this. Zak clenched his hands forming them into a fist angered by this boys remarks daring to even ask about his family.

"How dare you mock me like that Astro!? You don't know shit about us, so keep that god forsaken nose of yours out my business!"  Zak exploded not having any of this boy's shit or how much they knew one another family always comes first. Suddenly Zak saw something shimmered in the corner of his left eye instinctively picked it up and fled. "And fuck off!" He finally yelled flipping them off as he went up the cliff like no human could disappearing into the bush where Aurora was sat waiting for him.

"What was that all about?" She asked as he handed over a barely broken up set of radios that police or anyone would use to communicate when in far distances but these however looked brand new and made with the newest equipment too. "How did you get your hands onto these?!" Aurora absolutely loved mechanics especially stuff she could bring back from unrepairable, looking at them Zak could tell that time and effort would be used to repair them before they can actually be used.

"Can you fix them? It would help hugely whenever one of us are out of the den for an unusually long amount of time" he asked thinking it would help incase of emergencies and needs back up.

"Yeah, in about a we—" Aurora froze feeling someone look in her direction as she glanced to her left regretting the decision all together when she met accidental eye contact with Astro which send a fearful shiver down her spine before getting up and bolted off laving Zak in shot and rush after her not expecting her to act like this at all.

"Hey! Wait for me!!" Zak yelled leaving the scene barely able to catch up to her not seeing the reason why she fled from the bus refusing to look back in fear. Aurora got to the den first slamming the door shut starling Zoey who silently sat waiting at the table staring at the unfinished wood sculpture.

"Wha-what happened?!" She asked seeing Aurora zoomed to her chair and sat down covered in sweat from how far and fast she had ran trying to catch her breath avoiding contact until Zak finally crashed through the door.

"What the fuck was that about?!" Zak yelled slamming his hand on he wooden table making both of them jump not expecting him to explode like this in front of them let alone Zoey.

"Language Zak!" Zoey yelled as Aurora got her breath back and was finally able to talk again but kept herself quiet which would only push Zak further past his limits.

"No, I want to know what the heck happened that caused her to freaking leave me there just after i had escaped an unusual confrontation with Astro!" He said looking back at Aurora placing his other hand onto the table looking down at her pissed demanding answers.

"Really..again?' Zoey mumbled to herself  scared even though no harm will come to her if she was to ever confront this old buddy of her brother's even though the two have fall outs and then become friends again a day later, but what happened this time?

"I just don't like that enough evidence for you?" Aurora replied glancing up at Zak with a rather unexpected and yet cold stare causing him to step away from the table losing that streak confidence and hatred in a split second.

"Whatever.." he replied turning his back from her leaving the powerful woman alone and continue on with her sculpture she swore to finish off by the end of the week or halfway into next week of it becomes a challenge as she too has to fix the radios for Zak.

Later on that afternoon it was Aurora's turn to go out and scout the area mainly for food as their supplies were running low. Using a big old rucksack carefully filling it up with non-dangerous but eatable things trusting that this peaceful afternoon would go smoothly, but oh boy was she wrong.

Aurora's PoV:

I could see the mouth watering goodness in these fruits controlling my urges to eat them and save some for the twins whenever they get hungry since I'm not the only one who needs food to survive. "I ain't climbing that tree" i said to myself looking up seeing how unstable some of the branches on this tree looked, but there were loads of perfectly ripe fruit dangling there waiting for me to just climb up and pluck them. "Screw this!" i thought scoffing to myself before reaching the closest branch to me and pull myself up feeling it way down on me a little scaring me at first but i was too determined to stop there i have mouths to feed, on the way up i had to take a few seconds off my plate to aim them into the hole of the rucksack but even i too miss the goal and yet i still move forward even after i had just slipped almost loosing my grip that held tightly refusing to felt go, however just as i was about to reach the top my hand grabbed onto a weak bench that was thin and weak, when i pushed myself up i heard something beginning to break bringing me to a sudden hault and look down at where my foot was but nothing was seen breaking until i tried to reach for the next branch while still using the weak one as a boost until it finally snapped sending plummeting from the top of the tree seeing the distance grow between me and the top of the tree making me scream in fear, it only took seconds before i felt someone catch me in their arms bridal style as i opened my eyes seeing that i was still alive and yet thankful for whoever saved me from certain doom, they put me down as my back was faced at them which was kinda rude  brushing myself off seeing everything still untouched as i sigh with relief.

"You okay ma'am?" A boy asked making me turn around to see who saved me but instead i froze afraid of this boy but why? " alright?" He asked again taking a step towards me until a set of footsteps were heard rushing over to us revealing the girl who was with this Astro kid when they confronted Zak at the scrap piles earlier on.

"Is everything alright?" She asked looking at her friend and then at me seeing how unusual i looked compared to every other normal human being on this planet. "Who's that?" She asked yet again making me feel even more uneasy in these people's presence but the way Astro was looking at me made things even more worser.

"I don't know, but she's just stood there frozen as if she's scared of me or something" he replied making the girl walk up to me getting way up in my face as i moved my head away hating this confrontation right now.

"Hello is anyone in there?" She asked poking her index finger against my forehead until i had enough and swotted it from my face before shoving her away from me putting 2 metres between us. "Hey! What was that for?" She yelled pissed at my actions as i painted more attention at her than Astro which concerned him on what i was going to do next as his friend got closer to me again.

"Alright that's enough Cora" Astro came in pulling his friend away from me as i stepped back not seeing him as that safe heroine everyone looks up to. I instinctively grabbed my rucksack and bolted off without a second thought leaving them clueless on where i could've disappeared to. When i arrived back at the den with the almost bag full of eatable food Zak knew that something was up even if i tried to play it off.

"Did anything happen while you were out?" He asked as i sat down at the table to continue with my wood sculpture no matter what is said or done.

"I fell from a tree.." i said back grabbing my homemade knife and began to carefully carve it out as it slowly took away that fear i was once filled with when i saw him and even let him hold me even though it was my fault for falling in the first place, Zak huffed stressed out knowing that wasn't all that had happened pressuring me on further than i had expected. "And Astro caught me.." i added as he looked at me and then at the only entrance and exit from the den indicating that i might have brought them here but really i have no clue. "I ran off after he held his surfacer friend back as i think she was going to hit me" i said very interested but yet hated the girl's guts no matter what her reasons will be she got into my face first and made me uncomfortable.

"Eh? Ho-you know what!? Don't even bother extending your sentence I'll deal with this" Zak growled before walking off leaving the den completely which was a relief because i had no reason on why i would cause mischief or what he was going to do next and this time I ain't following after him. Zoey looked interested on the situation glancing over at me wanting to know more on the juicy details.

"What? she got in my face so I shoved her away, what else am i supposed to do?" I replied not really wanting an answer and continue to actually make my wooden sculpture waiting for Zak to come back.

Zak's PoV:

Just as i found the idiots I went straight to Cora who was standing on her own wanting to know more on the situation and give her a piece fo my mind. "Cora" i said as she jumped startled not expecting me to be there but that didn't matter.

"What the heck dude? You could've killed me!" She complained as i shrugged my shoulders not giving a crap since scaring others is one of my many specialties.

"We need to" i said in a serious tone scaring her as she looked around for her bud who was currently busy talking to some old robot buddies who i prefer to avoid right now.

"A-alright you've got my attention, what is it?" She asked finally complying with me without struggling for once in her life, ugh, she's soooo annoying.

"I heard that you were showing signs of violence to a white haired girl earlier" i brought up crossing my arms impatiently waiting for an answer as her eyes widened in shock.

"Wait! You know that girl? I only wanted to look at her, even if i did get in her face making her shove me away but i wasn't really going to hurt her not while Astro was there though and held me back allowing her to get away" she confessed probably being the starting it or at least made Aurora uncomfortable as she hates being close to unidentified people like herself.

"Yeah, she's kinda annoying but she's called Aurora Professor, Rose's daughter" i replied starting some possible gossip knowing that Cora would buy it and tell the others even though some aren't as on going and violent some times like Cora who too has a heart of gold unless your Rose's daughter of course.

"No way! And you let her stay with you? She can put everyone at risk if she stays up here Zak" she said as i wasn't that sure that Aurora could harm anyone without a reason to even if i do remember the tree incident almost breaking it within a single punch taking any robot out with one blow from her fists alone.

"Nah, she's completely harmless and is kinda chill but not everyone is like their parents after all, besides Aurora loves nature not robots even though she loves robotics and building stuff but because of the war her mother caused she kinda feels kinda humiliated" i said sticking up and insulting her at the same time but i can't keep it in any longer even though i refuse to let them find her leaving me with only one option left to prevent them from meeting again or hey'll take her and force a bloodbath like war to those in Metro city and i don't want to be the reason why it all started, the lies out the humiliation Aurora had was so Cora would think she wouldn't be seeing her again but really this is just the start of an interesting future and the bumpy ride they're going to have.