Chapter 4

Aurora's PoV:

It has been a week since that memorial incident that scared me for life but the one thing I hated the most was having another version of me walking around as if it was human especially when it took my room leaving me no other option but to sleep on the floor giving it all of my clothes or I too will end in the exact way like Dr, Hope.

I am currently once again back in the testing room being watched by scientists and the way I moved in every experiment they did it to me leaving my mother the only one being absent not caring if I was stuck in there or not, leaving me for that human killing machine who has my face.

" will be going through another series of testing, as todays experiment will be based on your agility and intelligence" they said through the speaker as I scoffed hating this already wanting to leave this hell hole but if i try then that freaking machine will come chasing after me and kill me for trying.

"I hate this! You guys are monsters! Do you hear me!? MONSTERS!!" I yelled at them as they glared at me through the glass while the robot version of me was left documenting my personality and actions as if it wanted to be exactly like me in every way, but i refuse to be replaced my machine.

"We don't care about how you feel, you're just another living human-robot organism that we have managed to tamper into your genetics, you're just a toy that we can just tear apart and put back together when we feel like it" I froze in fear hearing those sinister words come out of their mouths scaring me as that thing stood there staring at me judging every emotion i expressed throughout our time stuck together, I know I'm not a robot and i will never be one no matter what they do to me, I will get my revenge for Dr, Hope's and destroy those who oppose me.

"I don't get it, why do I have to be the victim In all of this?" I thought to myself as one of them hit a button on the patrol panel opening some huge doors behind me within the distance as it was allowing something big to enter into the room I was in. "How many times do i have to tell them, I'm not a bloody robot! I don't have blasters or boosters!" I though again hating my own kind even more than i expected to but the fear for robots grew even more deeper into my heart and soul..

"We hope that you show some actual good results this time and come out of top and make your mother regret on spairing you" I felt quite offended by that but really she wasn't my mother anymore with all the crap she had just put me through and replaced me with a robot and now I'm being used for their sick mind games but no matter what I will never give up..i can't give up.

I hated being here and what waited for me next didn't make me feel any better when huge vibrations could be felt underneath my bare feet as something absolutely enormous was making its way towards me from the other side but I wasn't able to see it yet from where I was standing as there was a corner hiding the door from my view leaving me to wait in silence as the huge footsteps came closer and closer making them more intimidating and horrifying.

"Is this how I die?" I thought as a huge silhouette of what seems to be a massive robot could be seen entering my view as I gulped in fearing for my life know that this would be my very last test if i die here right now. Was I going to be squished by this thing and become a human-like pancake, I know I love pancakes but I definitely don't want to become one. The robot took about 10 minutes to reach me as it stopped a few good metres away looking around the room with its optics and its freshly cleaned shiny coat of metal protecting its precious wiring that waited for me inside which I would love to cross-wire and destroy it if I find the entry port. The thing was way, way bigger than me and how long it took to spot me was buying me enough time to think of a plan and get inside that thing before it gets me. It may look all shiny and new but I bet it's just as old and rusty as it's main system and wiring, by the way it looked I could be a good 200 year old weight lifting machine and now its only purpose was to destroy me.

"Fight mode initiated" It said as clenching its fist lifting its right arm up ready to throw an actual decent punch at me but I wasn't gonna let myself get killed that easy by a huge hunk of junk. So I jumped out of its way when It strikes a hit colliding with the floor giving me a few seconds to look at it seeing a hatch on its back but I was getting distracted as I looked not seeing it's hand swing at me sending me flying into the nearest wall which hurt like hell but I managed to stay on my two feet knowing what I have to do forgetting the realising that if any other human got hit like that they would either be dead or unconscious, but I gotta admit this robot does have some mighty good swinging power for being old.

"I really don't want to do this to you pal but you're leave me no other choice!" I said to myself before moving out of its way once again but this time I was able to climb onto its hand and rush up its arm as it tried to grab me with the hand but failed as I was too fast for the thing before finally getting to the top of its shoulders and start making my way to the back of its neck. It tried to shake me of as which kinda worked but somehow it had just made things so much easier as I managed to grab onto the handle of the door pulling it down allowing me to climb up and see all of the juicy wiring and hardware it had waiting for me. I inside as the door was left open behind me incase i decide to evacuate but the only thing I was focused on right now was all the things I can pull at with my bare two hands.

"I'm gonna rip the fuck out of your wires and hardware you old peace of trash!" I yelled as i began to mess with all of my mothers precious work she put into this thing since the only stuff I'm good at the moment is destroying stuff or possibly hacking. "Mother is gonna be so pissed, but its what she gets for messing with the wrong kid" I thought loving the thought of seeing my mother so angry but it was her fault for giving me such an easy target to destroy. I kinda struggling due to how much the robot was moving but I did manage to cross up all the wires in the wrong places as it began to spark up giving me only a few minutes or possibly even seconds to get out of there before it blows up so I looked around seeing that the latch still opened so I took my chances and leaped out hitting the ground face first but somehow I instinctively got up and rushed over to one of the corners of the room and curled onto a ball hoping not to be hit by any debree from the explosion.

The thing exploded as soon as I hid my face into my knees hearing it's metal parts hit almost every wall in the room feeling the heat wave rush through for a brief second before hearing electrical static as I looked up seeing the robot absolutely destroyed and on fire as they lifted up the force field with nothing to say as I passed this test with nothing but my genius wits and mischievous to destroy things.

"Congratulations! You passed with flying colours my friend, and you get to live another day!" robot me said clapping her hands smiling as if she got what she needed from me but little did they know she hasn't got a single clue of what I have been through so what makes her so much better than me other than just useless scarp metal.

"Yeah, yeah, keep your opinions to yourself, you voice sickens me" I rudely replied as i made my way out of the room feeling it's eyes follow me before finally actually getting out of that room and into the hallway sighing with relief glad that it was finally over.

"Where do you think you're going Aurora?" My mother's voice could be heard to my left as I looked up seeing her there looking down at me with those judgemental eyes making me kinda hesitant to talk back.

"I-I was going to go to the daycare and maybe see my friends again" I said with a stutter trying to make a lie so I could get out of this place but unlucky I couldn't she was smarter than the others.

"You can do that later, but right now you have an appointment with Dr, Reece" she said grabbing my wrist impatiently pulling me away to see one of her 'friends' or workers she hired but I didn't want to see him, he's mean and a creep especially when he looks at me as if I was some sort of price or something.

"B-but" I said trying to speak but she instantly shushed me not caring about my opinion. We came to the room where he would actual check up on me since he was an actual doctor but I missed my last few appointments due to being on the surface giving me a break from the guy but I guess today really isn't my day. "Isn't it my favourite little angel" he said as he sat on his wheeled seat while my mother pushed me in before quickly leaving the room as the door shut behind her trapping me in here with this creep.

"I hate you" I said as he chuckled thinking that I was playing some kind of joke with him again but really I wanted to kill this selfish bastard right now if he thinks about laying a single finger on me.

"I know, but please sit down so we can finally begin" he said as I climb up onto the bed they normally have in every doctors room for their patient to sit in for comfort or for a physical exam or something. As I got comfy he got up from his chair pulling out a simple needle with some mysterious fluid Inside as he quickly pinned me down tying my hands behind my back preventing me from escaping or making anything difficult for him as fear rushed through my body as he stood straight flicking it with his finger then looked straight back at me with that familiar creepy sinister smile as he used his spare hand to lift up my chin not allowing me to see where the needle was going but at this point I could feel myself beginning to pass out from the fear that was building up within me.

"It's only a simple injection so suck it up, there's nothing to be afraid of" he said as I felt something go into my neck probably being the needle pouring the mysterious fluid into my neck feeling the pain for a split second before he eventually pulled it out as if he was satisfied from the amount of fear I gave him from just a single shot.

"What did you inject me with!?" I said demanding an answer as all of a sudden the room slowly begin to spin making me feel light headed and daze from the effects of what he just injected into me, as he chuckled in a result not clearly then answer i was looking for unless he had just drugged me.

"Looks like it's finally working" that was probably the last thing I heard before complete blacking out onto the bed unsure of when I will wake up to but if I do I must take it as an opportunity to escape this place than let these sickos use me as their little lab rat.

I could feel myself come back to my senses as I felt something dripping onto my face like water but when I opened my eyes I saw blood splattered everywhere on the ceiling and walls of the room. In shock I instantly sat up as I jumped off feeling something squishy underneath my bare feet as it was wet and stinky so I stupidly looked down seeing guts everywhere as the feeling of my stomach turning as if I was gonna puke but not because of the sight but of the smell that came from it before realising that it was Dr, Reece's body that I was standing as he was now a squished human pancake which changed my mind completely as I didn't seem to care about him nor his body before turning to the door seeing it completely broken as if someone ripped it off by force making me think of what could've possibly happened here, did the surface finally intrude our base?

"What happened? How long was I out for?" I thought as I walked out of the room with blood on me and my face as I looked down the hallway seeing blood and dead decaying bodies left and right which seemed to be something you see in a horror movie as i only watch on though but with Dr, Hope present of course. I knew that I had to get out of here quickly or i too will be next on their list so I ran on bare footed down the bloody hallway until I came across a turn knowing that the exit was only a turn away so I took it but to my surprise I was met by a huge metal walking war machines as they invaded our home but weren't they our robots? Why is our own machines attacking us?

A little girl was seen fleeing about to be hit by one of the robots guns so I instinctly rushed in and tackled her out of the way saving her life from its cross fire taking cover behind a nearby a corner where it they couldn't see us.

"What are you doing!?" I heard my mother's voice yelling as I turned seeing her completely alone as the girl held onto me not wanting me to go leaving me no other option but to take her with me and escape.

"What's happening?" I asked as she saw me with the little girl but didn't care brushing it off as she grabbed my wrist pulling me away as I held onto the girl bringing her along so she wouldn't be left alone traumatised from the intrusion.

"We haven't got time for chit chat we need to get out of here ASAP!" She yelled back as we began headed down in a complete different hallway that leaded to an dead end but mother had her keycard ready as she scanned the wall as the wall moved revealing another way out before taking us through and out to the surface confusing me on what had just happened.

"Why did you do that?! Our people are being murdered by our own machines" I said as the same mountain walls closed behind us remembering the time when Zak and Zoey abandoned me here. Those horrible memories flooded through my mind shaking myself back to reality knowing that i was yet again stuck with my mother in a place i thought that i was going to be safe in.

"Those people betrayed us! And now they're gonna die because of it!" She yelled before walking off as I seemed to catch up after her and the fact that the clothes she was wearing now which were entirely different from the usual lab coat.

"Where are we gonna go?" I asked as i made sure that me and the girl kept close to her since she seemed to know where she was going so why not tag along.

"We are going back home" mother said as I looked at the little girl confused as she held my hand as we followed my mother to a place completely new but where was the robot me? Wasn't she important to her or something, where ever she is i just hope that she doesn't come back after me for this.

"But won't we be noticed? The last time i recall is that you're hated by everyone on the surface and in Metro City" I asked again as she looked me up and down seeing my ragged clothes as she wore fresh clean ones making her more able to stand in with the crowd.

"You don't have to since we look nothing alike" she replied as I was glad that I didn't have to wear whatever crap she had on or I'll be in a complete mess by the end of this and lose my mind. It has been about 25 minutes and the way the trees moved I could tell that we were there as the sound of cars and children playing could be heard approaching the more we walked in the direction mother was heading in.

"I haven't been here before, what is it like?" I asked as she looked forward allowing me to see the wonderful city and its amazing structure that was well known for its beauty and peace among human and robot kind. Everything was just how Hope said it would be like and i can tel by the way the little girl looked at it she seemed to like the place too.

"Oh, don't worry you'll love it" mother said as we began to actually communicate for once or was it because we were in public and around people. I could see how tall everything was and floating cars but I could see robots everywhere too which wasn't really what I wanted to see when first arriving here. Mother seemed to know her way around the place and guided the way to a huge tall building that seemed to look like a hotel of some sort never seeing one in person before.

"Really mum" I said as we went inside as everyone inside seemed to recognise her instantly and showed their respected which was kinda strange. A robot seemed to have come over to greet her while I stayed a couple meters away trying not to smash the bloody thing if It tried to approach me.

"Welcome back ma'am! Your room is still fresh and in order, just way you left it" it said as I stayed in the lounge for a little bit as she was guided away to her room leaving us all alone with robots and strangers. I looked around seeing how well decorated it was compared to the places we had in the underground which had no wallpaper just painted metal. I wanted to wonder around the city but if I do I would just get myself lost and in a lot of trouble with my mum too or maybe bump into some old friends while on the way.

"Miss Aurora" a voice asked as I jumped back seeing that it was a robot keeping my distance from it obviously scared of what it would do to me if it was actually planning to kill me, you'll never know especially with their smiles and cute faces getting killed by one of them is low but never zero and i ain't risking it.

"Y-yes" I stutterly replied as it kept its backed up knowing that I seem to be in some sort of distress with its presence.

"I will be your escort to your room" it replied back as it turned away as it went towards the elevator as I carefully followed after it while the girl kept by my side too not liking this robot either not trusting people as easily as we used to. As we reached the floor that my mother was as well as our rooms everything seemed to be so much bigger than anything I've seen before but as I exited the elevator I was met by my mother who was now back into her usual lab clothes trusting this place with her identity a bit too much but I knew exactly where my room was as it had my name written on the side of the door as well as the girl who had to share with me though but luckily for me I had a inflatable mattress and spare blanket and pillows for her to sleep with.

We spent the most of our day in my room playing video games, watching tv and drawing to pass the time since we weren't really aloud to go outside yet or ever but right now I could do whatever I want as I didn't want robots coming into my room as if they have a special pass to do so i can take care of myself. Iris agreed to keep all robots out of our room forever, but recently we saw a flying human looking robot from time to time as he saved people and robots which made me think about this hero Astro boy my mother and the twins always talked so badly about and his father Dr, Tenma or Bill Tenma whatever he's called here.