Chapter 5

No one's PoV:

It has been 2 about weeks since Aurora, her mother and iris have been staying hidden within metro city but yet nothing has changed. Her mother was still absent but this time she had took iris with her and hasn't come home recently for the past 2 days leaving Aurora to cook and fend for herself. She didn't mind being home alone all the time when Rose disappears for business to do with science or whatever. Aurora loved being free from the endless testing and fighting robots and near death experiences but yet anything could happen that could change the girl's perspective of life in this city that surrounds her.

"I'm bored" Aurora groaned to herself laid down on her bed looking up at her freshly painted white ceiling missing Iris so much and the time they spend together. She liked the quietness but it can get a bit too quiet without the robots around cleaning for them but for some reason she just hated them and the way they speak and try to communicate or touch her which are much different compared to the ones from the underground who are programmed to fight and demolish their enemies. She hates practically almost everything here but if it wasn't for her mother she would be living in the streets right now and she is also grateful but didn't really care about what her mother says to her anymore as if she has lost all feelings for her entirely.

Aurora's PoV:

I sighed as I sat up on my bed before jumping off and headed towards my window to look at the outside of it seeing if there was anything interesting to catch my attention for a little bit or maybe pass the time but all I got was huge feet tall buildings as highways were built just as high as them perfect for a suicidal jumping. Anyone could look at the colours of the cars all day and count them until they go to sleep but I don't do that I prepare sheep than cars.

"I hope she wouldn't mind me going for a little walk would she?" I thought to myself seeing a huge grass park in the distance behind some nearby buildings which would take about 10 to 15 minutes to walk there by foot but it'll definitely be worth the wait to see all the nature there or maybe make some new friends if I have the courage to talk to them that is. "Talking about going out, maybe I should keep an eye out for mother and Iris while I'm at it" I said as it was quite unusual for mother to be so late back home without telling me about anything even though she never tells me anything and thats really irritating. I never thought about my mother like this before but I was worried about Iris more than anything so maybe they might be at the park taking a peaceful stroll on their way back home.

I knew that I had to go an take that nice walk around the park anyway so I made my way down to the main area of the hotel before leaving without a word to my mother and if she comes back seeing that I am gone. As I left the hotel I noticed that the sky was clear and beautiful as the sun's rays of light shined down making it quite a hot day but everything seemed to be so breath taking down here than it was back in my room. So as I began to walk to the park taking me about 10 minutes to get there by foot but when I got there I walked along its the brick path just to be met by some weirdly dressed men in black army wear and bulletproof vests blocking the way into the park which was kinda sus if you ask me.

"Stop right there kid! This isn't the type of place to be playing at the moment. So please stand back" one of them said as I looked up at him while his sunglasses seemed to be covering his eyes not allowing me to know if he was actually lying for not but why would he be here of all places?

"But, I'm trying to find my mother and little sister! They didn't come back home yet and I'm worried" I responded as he grew hesitant to reply back seeing that I was just a kid an all but he sighed kneeling down to my height removing his sunglasses allowing me to see his dark brown eyes.

"What do they look like then maybe i can actually try and find her before you get back home kid?" He said being surprisingly nice to me which was different compared to what mother told me about these people other than they were mean and selfish people who love to hurt those who are vulnerable and defenceless but that wasn't always the case.

"My mum has like blonde hair as Iris my little adopted sister has black hair" I replied as he looked back at the men behind him as I saw a little bit of blonde hair covered by a plastic bag that seemed to look just like my mother's while the other one is covered in a blue plastic covering not allowing me to see what's hiding underneath it.

"W-what are their eyes like?" He hesitantly asked me another question making things a bit more harder and time consuming but i knew that he was doing this on purpose to make me lose interest and i wasn't buying any of it.

"My mum has blue eyes and Iris has green" I said as he froze unsure of what else to say but I know that he knows something about my mother and Iris an where they're hiding. The others seemed to know who I was on about but didn't know how to tell me.

"I'm so sorry kid, I really am" he said as I felt my heart crumble in my chest as those who i loved dearly were swept away from me once again leaving no one else left for me as the man that was kneeled down handed something to me that belonged to my mother being a bracelet which I gladly accepted only to not forget her even if she was mean and heartless.

"T-thank you" I said as one of them guided me away to a nearby police car but I felt nothing other than feeling dead and empty inside of losing everyone I love and care about in my life, why haven't i been killed yet? I wrapped the bracelet laps aroun my wrist as it was mainly made with string and beads which I made her for Mother's Day bringing me some light and signs that she actually cared about me. As i was placed at the back of the police car never once looking out of the window a anyone or anything hating myself even more than before.

On ones PoV:

It seems that wherever Aurora goes death will soon follow which was something she hasn't noticed yet. But what could've been the reason behind all of these deaths and the down fall of the underground by the hands of their own machines? Could it possibly betrayal or a missing conception in the coding?

"What are we gonna do with her? We can't just leave her here" one of the men said in the car while Aurora slowly begins to lose all meaning of life drifting into darkness trapping her from anymore hope realising that she might be the only possible survivor of her kind from the underground.

"We might as well take her to the station and drop her off at the orphanage after, hopefully someone will be able to take her in a get that kid some help" the other one suggested as they got into the care beheading headed through the city on their own not needing a robot to drive them wherever they needed to go which was good for Aurora.

"Yeah, bless her she's lost completely everything, I would do anything to see a smile on her face as a kid at her age shouldn't be going through stuff like this especially on her own" the other one said as he looked back at Aurora as she sat looking down silently at the floor not really caring about anything at the moment thinking about her people and family or possibly her friends that were either killed during the invasion. The car soon pulled out in front of a police station as they escorted her inside. Right now Aurora had no place to go to making her an orphan or possibly homeless at this point despite following her mother's orders and yet she still lost everything she worked so hard for in the end lost and give up on life.

Aurora's PoV:

I sat in the waiting room as time slowly passed the more I sat there quietly being watched by the receptionist as she worked on her desk for the officers that had me waiting until they get back but it didn't take long for someone to rush through the doors in a white lab coat as I glanced over seeing a short old man.

"Who is he?" I thought as he went to the reception desk not seeing me while I watched him and his every move as if there was something in him that drew my interest and the similarities he had with someone I dearly cherished dearly to me.

"Is it true that you found professor, Rose's and her daughter's body earlier?" He asked the woman as I gulped not really wanting to know more about this discovery even though I just wanted to go for a walk even though Iris wasn't really related to us she felt like a real sister to me bringing me out of my selfish circle and into the open to try new things unlike my mother.

"Well the women was identified to be professor, Rose's but the girl found with her wasn't actually hers, the one behind you is actually the real Aurora Rose" the receptionist weirdly seemed to trust this man with very secretive information but the way he looked back at me showed how serious he was about all of this while I looked away from him afraid to make a scene as he saw me sat there minding my own business.

"Did she see anything?" He seemed to ask her one more question before heading towards me as his footsteps crept near to me as i waited for the worse to happen but nothing seemed to happen.

"Just her mother's dead body, however a officer will be taking her to an orphanage after his shift" she responded as I never really knew about this 'orphanage' place she mentioned to him but I really didn't want to go there as it sounded quite similar to the daycare and would end up escaping if i were to go there.

"Why? She has so much potential! Besides this is Rose's daughter we are talking about, I'm bringing her with me where she's skills are pushed aside and waisted" he said as I looked up at him seeing him looking at her before glancing back at me seeing my expressionless eyes knowing that I've been through a lot. "What is your name?" He asked kneeling down as I sat in the chair making me question myself about these people, aren't they supposed to be mean just like mother said they would.

"Aurora..Aurora Angelica Rose" I responded with a little bit of hesitation obviously scared of this strange man but something about him made me feel safe just like Dr, Hope.

"I'll take her in, she deserves another chance in life and I'm gonna give her that" he said mainly aiming that at the receptionist while looking at me while proceeding to get back up into his feet again. "I'll promise that I'll do anything in my power to give you the love and attention you rightfully deserve" he said as I sighed knowing that this would be my only chance to get out of going to an orphanage ad get sent away to a family who wouldn't actually love me.

"F-fine" I said agreeing as he held a hand out for me to hold allowing me to grab it as he guided me out of the station and to his car that was being driven by a robot but I didn't care at first as long as it stays away from me.

"My name is Dr, Elifun but you can call me Hiroshi" he said as he sat a meter apart in the car as I stayed quiet really not in the mood for chit-chat back. "We'll be taking a quick stop at the ministry of science first there's someone i would want you to meet" he said as I carefully nodded before looking out of the window on my side of the car seeing everything in a completely different angle which was quite calming helping me forget the memory of my horrific past but sometimes the trauma just sticks and refuses to leave. It didn't take long for us to arrive at the destination he wanted to go before taking me home. We got out of the car as I followed Hiroshi to the entrance of the building that seemed rather huge to me.

"Why are we here again?" I quietly asked as I held onto his lab coat sleeve while heading inside with him.

"We're going to see Tenma, He'll love to see you" he said as I gulped finally getting the chance to see mother's most hated person in the world. We came across to a extremely huge door as he scanned his key card as the doors began to open allowing us inside as some scientists were seen working. Eyes instantly looked at us as I froze in place already not like it here especially with a similar face looking over but he didn't seem to see me just yet until now locking eye contact making me as i instantly hide behind Hiroshi from the fear of being hurt again.

"Who is that?" Tenma didn't sound pleased for Hiroshi bringing a kid like me in here which was a very dangerous atmosphere for a kid to be in the first place.

"Oh, this is my new adopted daughter Aurora..she just experienced losing her mother this afternoon so I took her in" Hiroshi said explaining the situation to him as I could hear his footsteps come closer to us while I waited for the possible to happen but he doesn't seem to know who I am yet.

"It's alright Aurora, I won't hurt you" i could hear his voice sound more calmer than it was a few seconds ago as I peaked over seeing him kneeled down very close to me allowing him to see a part of my face and hair. "Does she have a last name?" Tenma asked looking back up at Hiroshi. I was still unsure if I pull trust this man just yet as and my mum have a bad reputation together as they were enemies and hated one anther.

"Her full name is Aurora Angelica Rose" Hiroshi didn't mind exposing me since he seemed to know mr, Tenma more than I do especially with the shocked expression he had right now looking at me dumb founded at what he was witnessing right in the flesh.

"Wait! The real Aurora Rose?! Professor, Rose's daughter?" He said standing up onto his two feet agin as the room fell completely silent making me feel kinda unsure if I should more or worse speak.

"Don't worry..he won't hurt you" Hiroshi said as he moved his hand gently pushing me forward allowing mr, Tenma allowing him yo see me fully as I grew a bit hesitant as we both stared at each other before his hand reach over my head gently ruffling my hair.

"But she supposed to be dead because of one of her mother's experiments?" A scientist asked bringing up a quite unsure subject which I don't remember happening unless someone was responsible for firing my mother and kicked out of metro city by telling them more lies.

"Yes but if she was then how is she standing her right now? Rose will never replace her daughter with a robot version of herself" Another one said as I looked up at mr, Tenma seeing him not happy about this chat happening while I was standing here. But how could i tell them that she did build a robot version of me and killed Hope with it.

"Rose never did a thing like that! Stop speaking so ill of her like that" Tenma said as I looked around at everyone confused on why they would think of that about my mother and if she would do such a thing but that would explain all the tests she made me go through while a robot version of me stood there and observing every move i made interrogating me.

"Mr, Tenma?" I asked as he looked down at me quickly. "My Mother really did recently made a robot version of me but I really don't know why?" I asked telling him a bit too much as he quickly got down and hugged me tightly hearing him sigh quite sadly which wasn't like him to do but I didn't care. He quickly pulled away before looking at me again as if he wanted to ask me something very important but wanted my consent first.

"Aurora, would you allow me to do a quick X-ray check on you before you head back home with Dr, Elifun?" He asked me quite nicely as I nodded allowing him to as he guided me to the lab table as he sat me onto the table while dragging over a screen that allowed them to see my bones and other things like muscle tissue, heart and lungs.

"Elifun! You need to see this" Tenma said calling over Hiroshi showing him the strange outstanding discovery he just made while looking through the X-ray screen as I sat there waiting for them to finish as they saved images of the weird things that I yet have to find out.

"It seems that you aren't completely or entirely human Aurora" Tenma said looking at the X-ray while I grew confused on what he was referencing too.

"What do you mean?" I said back with more confidence I had before with this man as he moved away the X-ray machine bringing his attention to me and my confusion.

"It seems like she is something we call a would be rude to call her an alien despite living here on earth for 13 years now Tenma" Hiroshi said as I listened to them talking about what I supposedly am but I know I am very much human since I can eat and do very much anything a human can do.

"I don't wanna be a robot, they're scary and dangerous" I said clenching my hands against my trousers not wanting to be one of those things while the two looked be absolutely baffled on my response.

"Do you think she has Automatonophobia?" Hitoshi asked looking at mr, Tenma then back at me. I wish I could've started a fresh start without all the violence and death from robots and humans then maybe I wouldn't have minded being a robot at all or possibly even half-robot.

"What's Automatonophobia?" I asked not recognising that word while I say feeling myself slowly calm down again.

"Automatonophobia is when you have a fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or even robots. It a specific phobia, or a fear of some sort that causes significant and excessive amount of stress and anxiety that can negatively effect a persons quality of life" he began to explain it to me as the more I realise that I kinda do have a fear of robots especially myself. He sounded like a dictionary or something since they were genius' after all and I'm just a clueless kid.

"You don't have to be afraid of them as long as they don't go near you or shows any sighs of aggression which is highly unlikely here in metro city" mr, Tenma said as the doors opened allowing a familiar face inside casing me to jump off and hide behind Hitoshi for protection surprising him. I was afraid of this Astro boy despite never even knowing him as well as Zak and Zoey seemed to do, I wanted to be his friend but something inside of me seems to not want to trust him.

"Toby? What are you doing here?" Mr, Tenma asked but wasn't his name Astro, this thought confused me knowing that this boy has two names that he goes by does he have like a twin brother or something.

"I just wanted to see you that's all, especially after taking more of those evil war robots down for you" he responded while I tried to calculate what was actually happening here before realising that he was actually the same person I met a few weeks ago with that Cora girl making the twin accusations are off the table which brought me relief. I peaked from

Behind Dr, Elifun again but this time he saw me as i froze in my place not of fear but because I was an idiot for looking at him. "Who's that?" He asked pointing at me as I managed to move fully behind Hitoshi again but this time I stayed there.

"I don't think it's time for you two to meet just yet so please go home and clean yourself, your a mess" Mr, Tenma said as Astro's footsteps were heard leaving the lab as the doors closed after him allowing me to come back out from hiding.

"Maybe we should go home too" Elifun said as we left the lab but this time he was the one driving back home making things a bit more comforting. Most of the scientists lived in the same building despite them being very tall and huge and yet Elifun had to be the one who lives just a floor down from Astro and mr, Tenma but it would explain a lot especially being close friends and scientists. I didn't mind it as long as no robot tried to touch or attack me while I live be living here with them.

"This will be your room, I truly apologise for it not being to your liking but I trust that you'll find a way to decorate it and make it more like home" Hitoshi said as he showed me to my room which was untouched and clean but very big which I liked since my old room wasn't as near as big as this one. The room already had a desk, bookcase, a double bed, in the wall closet and tv making it even better than my room in the underground.

"Leave it to me" I said as I went off into my room seeing all the possible things I can put in here or maybe decorate it with putting my imagination to the test. I was able to find something to use as paper while I looked in the side drawers that were next to my clean bed that was against the wall just at the opposed side from the window. The view from the bed will help me drift to sleep while looking at the night sky through my window i finally have than seeing metal walls everywhere it turn.

I spent over 3 hours figuring on where I would be putting most of the things as I planned to make my room and possible decorate the walls with wallpaper or paint designs for my room that wouldn't ruin it in anyway and make it look rather decent. After I finished I put my self to bed and went to sleep like a normal girl would do when doing something they love and worked hard on.