Chapter 6

The next day!

Aurora woke up on her own and stretched her arms while slowly waking up before wiping her eyes before getting out of bed noticing that she had forget to get changed last night meaning she's still wearing the same clothes from yesterday so she headed towards her closet seeing some clothes there that could possibly be of some good use to her.

"Oo, imma wear these" she said taking some interest in some clothes that she noticed in the closet that was very much built into the wall meaning it was a wall closet which was cool and had enough room for her to hide inside if she wanted to. She put on a white long sleeved shirt and some camouflage tights on matching perfectly before putting some black socks on completely dressed for today. Aurora loved the way the colours matched with each other admiring herself in the mirror as metal doors to her room opened allowing Dr, Elifun to walk inside noticing that Aurora was checking herself out before she heard him chuckle making her look to her right seeing him there.

"I see that you're awake" he said as Aurora went bright blue of embarrassment as he laughed at her but it's what kids do these days especially when they're bored having nothing to do.

"Y-yep, I'm awake" she responded shyly not really used to communicating that much with people she hardly knew.

"When will you be ready to go talk to Toby or we'll Astro?" He asked as She froze knowing exactly who and what he was but She definitely knew his real name now other than Astro and the cities hero as She was scared of him even though he never hurt her in any way and yet she's still afraid.

"I-I" she stuttered not noticing that her hands were clenched and shaking afraid and unsure of what to do at this point if they do meet.

"There's no need to panic, it's only until I come back from work and I just didn't want to leave you here all alone, so me and Tenma decided to have you two stay together in his place until work finishes, you don't have to talk to Toby if you don't want to we his father told him about your fear of robots and to keep his distance from you" Dr, Elifun explained and that she didn't have to communicate with the robot boy as long as she's up there but when it comes to over coming her fear then she would have to over come it and do the impossible meaning being his friend and over get rid of the fear so she can move on with her life.

"F-fine..I'll go" she said a bit uncomfortably but she understood that she can't be here completely alone as a trusted bond still needs to be built in order for her to be aloud alone in the house while he's gone to work.

"Let get going then" he said as Left the room leaving Aurora to quickly follow after him not wanting to be left behind. The elevator ride wasn't long to arrive at top floor seeing Tenma waiting there with a bot by his side making her stay incredibly closer to Dr, Elifun.

"Good morning, I trust that'll you be good hands while we're away Aurora, so make yourself at home" Tenma was very polite when greeting Aurora into his home as they swapped places making Aurora take Tenma's place as he went in the elevator with Elifun ready to head to work. Aurora waves goodbye before not seeing them anymore while his personal robot looked at her with its weirdly round metal head.

"Mr, Tenma gave me strict instructions to keep my distance from you at all times, follow me this way please to the living room master Aurora" it was nice enough to show her the way into the living room while Aurora grew nervous of being stuck in a room with Astro all day hoping to not make a scene and weird things out between them.

Aurora's PoV:

As we entered the living room the robot left me to my own devices while I gulped scared and amazed seeing how nice the place was especially with the sunlight shining inside which was something I'm not used to seeing despite being from the underground mostly all my life. I eventually got to see Astro again but this time I wasn't as confident to come up to him as before as he smiled and waved at me on the edge of the sofa with a book keeping him entertained but he didn't seem bother that I was here, wasn't I supposed to be threat to him and everyone in Metro City? Why isn't he doing anything? I grew nervous and turned my back as he panicked in a result thinking that I was going to walk off but really I wasn't going to, I just needed to get used to me surroundings first.

"No Aurora wait! Don't worry my dad already told me to keep my distance from you so please..take a seat if you want we'll be stuck here for quite awhile" he said being strangely nice something I'm not used to at all as I looked over my shoulder at him before making myself over and sat at the other side of the sofa making a big gap between us knowing that I might be taking things a little too far this time, but what can I do? I'm afraid of him even though he's being so kinda to me.

"D-do you have any books?" I said as he looked at me but I kept my eyes fixated onto the turned off tv avoiding eye contact with him for now.

"What type of books are you interested in?" He asked back wanting me to be a bit more specific as i quietly sighed knowing that I had to tell him a bit about me at some point especially at what I'm good at too.

"B-big ones, with l-loads of pages anything to keep be distracted for hours..maybe some about robotics, maths or even science" I said as that seemed to spark an interest in him as I heard him get up from his seat while making his way to the book shelf behind me hearing him collecting quite a few books showing that this place knows a lot about history and robots but who am I kidding I'm interested in these things and yet I am scared of them so why do I keep bothering to read about it? The images aren't real but yet the information and what's used in robots are fascinating reminding myself that I am kinda a nerd for science and mechanical things as I love to make things with scrap or anything I can get my hands on.

"Here, knock yourself out with those!" He said placing them on the table near me keeling his distance so I could get them when he retreats back to his spot. All of a sudden he pulled out his phone as he had gotten some sort of notification from someone and instantly took interest in it. "Oh, um I'll be back I just need to pop somewhere real quick" he said before rushing out of the living room as the door closed behind him leaving me alone in peace and quiet as I got up and carried the books that he had gotten for me and took them to where I was sat before choosing one of the books to read and distract myself from reality and seeing how interesting good it was and how detailed everything is everything plus it's history that was almost completely accurate. I completely lost track of the time when Astro finally came back but this time an extra pair of feet that could be heard following after him into the living room which could only mean one thing, I looked up seeing Cora there as she just stood there glaring at me surprised but I could tell that she was pissed and not the end of our little confrontation.

"Why is she here?" She asked Astro pointing at me as I knew by the tone of her voice that this day was just going to go bad when I first step foot onto this floor especially when I had to trust a robot to guide me into a strangers living room which was kind a brave of me to do and now I have to deal with this bitch, why am I so unlucky?!

"Calm down Cora, she's only here until my dad and Dr, Elifun gets back" he said backing me up which was strangely nice of him to do especially when it comes to his friend being the mean one right now and kinda over dramatic.

"No! She needs to go, with her just being here is putting us all in danger" Cora angrily said as she looked at me instantly locking eye contact making me feel her anger towards me which I didn't care about since Astro was holding her back until she actually managed to push pass him aside walking in my direction.

"Cora don't! You're gonna get me grounded!" Astro said as I stood up putting the book I had on my lap away to the side not really in a mood to start a fight especially with this psychotic bitch, how can Astro stand her? But I want to know why she wants to put her filthy hands on me so bad, is it my mother by any chance?

"Can you stay away from me please?" I asked or basically wanted her stay away from me as she didn't seem to listen at all as I saw pure anger in her eyes which were familiar with my mother's once when I wasn't listening to her which ended quite badly for me and refuse to be out in that vulnerable situation every again.

"I'll kill you!" She yelled at me as it triggered me to face a sudden flashback remembering Dr, Hope dying in the test room by my robot clone of myself but I managed to shake it off until Cora came into my view before aggressively shoving me with her hands making me tumble and fall onto my butt on the floor knocking the air out of me from how hard she did it, I somehow managed to hit my head in the table near me which stung like hell and would leave either a bump or a bruise.

"Stop it! I did absolutely nothing to you, so leave me alone" I said looking up at her using one of my hands to guard myself preventing her from hurting me with her hands or any object she planned to use against me. But this wasn't anything like the punishment That I or the others had to go through in the underground if we ever failed or dropped our grades in class, we are nothing but a lab rats for their sick mind games and experiments.

"Cora stop! She hasn't done anything wrong to us so stop trying to hurt her!" I could hear Astro yelling begging for her to stop as I turned my body around trying to crawl away from her not seeing that she had just got a grab onto one of the big books from the pile Astro picked out for me to read.

"She deserves to die! After all her mother put us through she deserves it!" She yelled as I looked back seeing the book in her hands held up high ready to smash down against my skull making me instantly curl up into a ball hands over my head afraid and scared of what this girl had in store for me in the hands of this girl loosing the track of time continuously having flashbacks of my mother potentially hurting me with her hands hitting me and my face but one time someone else did the beating for her which was way more excruciating leaving permanent marks on my body which weren't supposed to be there. I managed to snap back to reality when a sound of a book could be heard colliding with the floor in front of me as I looked up seeing Cora being pulled away from me as kept I safe in my curled ball of fear.

"Get off me Astro!" She yelled as a set of footsteps were heard rushing into the living room seeing the chaos that was currently in progress. "Would you rather let her walk free and do more damage like her mother, she'll kill us all" she said again as if she knew me and my mother but she didn't have a single clue at all, I am nothing like her and will never be like her no matter what happens I will surprise her In every way and flaw.

"Her mother is dead young lady! I demand that you leave my house this instant!" I could hear mr, Tenma telling Cora off before coming towards me as I was still curled into a ball shaking with fear. "It's're safe now no one is gonna hurt you anymore" he said as he placed a hand on my back while Astro sat back surprised to see that his own friend was capable of actually murdering someone for absolutely nothing at all, and without letting me to explain myself too.

"I'm sorry dad, I didn't know she would going to be like this" Astro was guilty for bring her here in the first place not expecting this to come out of it. "I knew I should've asked Reno instead, he would've loved to see her" he said again talking more about his friends but this Reno guy seemed new to me and a lot nicer. I managed to get back onto my feet again and sit onto the sofa still quite shaken up about the incident that I wasn't prepared for at all but Astro shouldn't blame himself, Cora should've kept her distance than trying to commit a murder for absolutely no reason at all.

"Don't worry about it, you can stay here and continue if what you're doing while I have a chat with Toby's friend" Mr, Tenma seemed to be very nice but i kept his word and continued on reading big huge books while he went to talk with Cora hopefully making sure she doesn't do something like that ever again.

"Aurora?" Astro asked as I stopped reading as I looked at him with the corner of my eye paying attention to him since he did help me after all. I knew I would've been dead or unconscious right now if it wasn't for him which I'm highly great full for. "I just wanted to apologise for the way Cora has been acting towards you today and I'm very sorry for a few weeks ago too" he began to apologise for something he hasn't even done and right now I really wanted to hear an apology from Cora more than anything. I sighed knowing that if I don't say anything he would still feel guilty or worse think that I'm actually mad at him or something.

"It's alright but I'm really expecting a apologise from your friend, since she was the one who was being highly aggressive towards me, you just managed to prevent her from becoming a criminal that's all" I replied back the best I can while seeing him smile glad for not doing anything wrong but he was just doing what a friend does which is to prevent the others from Doing bad things even if it means helping the enemy or the innocent for no reason.

I slowly began to get used to being in the safe zone but the thought that the other me still roaming free somewhere out there probably searching for me putting me in constant fear even though Zak and Zoey could also be here too despite abandoning me but do they know that I'm here in Metro City now? The doors of the living opened as mr, Tenma came through with Cora but this time she seemed a bit more calm and in control of herself. I grew hesitant as they came over to me making me hold tightly onto my book I was reading just in case.

"Cora, do you have anything you want like to say to Aurora?" He said asking Aurora as she scoffed before looking at me.

"I'm sorry for trying to hurt you and I want to know if we could start over again and possibly become friends?" she said while being a bit interrogated by mr, Tenma which was good to have in my side since he knew quite a lot about my mother that I don't even know about yet.

"As long as you don't try and secretly murder me then, I forgive you" I replied knowing what I'm getting my self into when becoming friends with a potential riot kid but she seemed to be rough because of something in her past that made her change so much.

"Good! Now I can get back to work, Toby make sure these two get along while I'm away" Tenma said as I began to read my book again while Cora said near me but I ignored her just in incase she didn't really mean her apology like some do when it comes to someone they truly hate.

Astro's PoV:

I was now in charge of these two incase Cora tried to start another fight with Aurora, but how heck can I separate them when Cora is sat so close to her? did my dad tell her about her fear of robots and is using this against me?

"So Aurora, I heard that you were left behind am I right?" I sat up from my seat shocked from what I was hearing coming out from Cora's mouth. How much did he dad tell her?

"No I wasn't" Aurora said back quietly as if she was a bit offended by that question Cora asked her not making any eye contact.

"My dad told you to get along with Aurora not make her feel uncomfortable Cora" I said as she looked at me not really giving a care in the world right now but as long as she doesn't physically fight with her everything will be fine but none of this was right.

"What are you going to do about it?" She said in a way that was mainly pointing it at me since I was a robot and can't do any harm to a human but who said that I can't use self defence against a human?

"You're not being very nice to your friend, you need to show him more respect after all he is the cities hero isn't he?" Aurora seemed to know a bit about me and the city I vowed to protect but why was she protecting me isn't she afraid of me?

"Why should I listen to someone like you? You're afraid of him right? Just make up your mind already, are you scared of robots or are you not!" Cora was beginning to push too far as Aurora closed her book she was reading placing her right which shut Cora up before facing her and by this point I was completely terrified.

"You know nothing about me, if I were you I would keep my pretty mouth shut" this threat Aurora made seemed to be pretty real and horrifying especially when it comes to Rose or her daughter as extra caution had to be made because of the huge amount of power they had in their hands especially in their glares alone that can turn even the bravest of people into cowards.

"A-alright..I was just messing with you jeez" Cora seemed to back off as she moved away from Aurora and her ice cold glare as she continued to watch Cora making sure she keeps a good distance away from her at all times.

"We might be friends now Cora, but I'm not your enemy here and neither is Astro so i recommend you calm down so I can read my book in peace" I have to admit Aurora was brave to show her angry side to us when she had enough of Cora's silly threats but sometimes playing about with someone's feelings can only go so far.

In the mean time I put the tv one for us to watch while Aurora read her books and by the look of things it was actually quite nice to have someone new around even if they're from the underground but not all of them are bad.

During the time I was watching tv I couldn't help myself but look at Aurora as something there seemed to drew me to her as if we had a some sort of connection that needs to be built but right now that would be going to far for me if I went against my father's instructions to stay away from her until she at leasts trusts me to be close to her like 3 metres or so before actually making a actual friendship with her.

It was getting dark and Cora already went home not wanting to be grounded for being mover curfew while I was stuck alone with Aurora. She had already read through 5 of the books already but I wanted to know what got her so fixated on robotics In the first place.

"What is it?" She asked a so jumped quite surprised that she noticed me looking at her but did she know I was staring at her or was it just a pure coincidence. "You were staring at me at me ever since she left....what do you want?" She said against as she grew a bit agitated from me looking at her it wasn't as if I wanted to hurt her or anything.

"Sorry... I just wanted to know why you're so afraid of me and...well every other robot here In metro city?" I asked not really wanting to be the type she considered as a weird person or even a threat but i can't help being a robot can I.

"I have any reasons why I'm afraid of you....but the memories are the real villains here they are the reason why, making me remember every horrible thing that happened down there that day when are home was invaded and Dr, Hope being murdered by another me..... my mother being killed by someone" wait did she say Dr, Hope? I grew confused on how she would know her but it could be a different Hope but I could also be wrong.

"Wait... you said Dr, Hope right? What did she look like?" I asked curious but also worried hoping that it wasn't actually her since she also works here giving us information about professor, Roses plans and projects.

"She's old but a nice heart warming person, her eyes are golden-brown as she was only a couple inches taller than me despite being a incredible genius but she also goes out to the surface too for a long amount of time which was weird" Aurora paired a quite good picture of Dr, Hope but how am I supposed to tell my dad about this or even Dr, Elifun they were all so good friends too. I grew afraid as I saw Aurora look quite upset about this so I decided to change the subject.

"So what are your favourite things to do?" I asked as she looked at me confused on why I would be asking her that as if no one seemed to be bothered to know her like I wanted to.

"You want to know more about me?" She asked back pointing at herself unsure of what to do while I nodded with a smile showing that I was being absolutely sure that is what I wanted.

"Yeah, What do you love to do? And your hobbies" I said explaining it In more detail as she began to think. I could tell that she hadn't talked to someone in a very long time forgetting some important things about herself.

"Well, I love robotics, drawing and....." she suddenly stopped forgetting something about herself which wasn't a good thing especially when her expression turned blank and lifeless as if her emotions were completely gone again.

"Well we are kinda one in the same really Aurora....I also too love robotics and a little bit of doodling but I also love to help those in need no matter who they are" I said as her hands clenched onto her trousers upset but really we weren't that much familiar but I knew that she is still in search of finding her place here in metro city or maybe it's somewhere but I really hope that it's a place safe and caring.

"No we are not! I was unable to save the ones I care about...I'm am completely useless, I couldn't even save Hope from myself!" She said as her hands went onto her face not allowing me to see her expression she was making right now.

"Hey, you're not useless! And imma help you get over your phobia and see that robots here aren't as bad as you think they are.... I promise I will never hurt you." I said willing to help her and do anything in my power to make sure she sees the truth and maybe stop Cora from making false accusations and comparing Aurora to her mother despite not seeing the huge difference between them and their appearances.

"I understand that you want to help but what if I don't get over it?" She asked still unsure looking back at me but this time she seemed to look afraid of not me but of herself. At will perish myself to help her every step of the way even if it means seeing her time to time but also give her some space.

"We don't know unless we try" I said willing to have a challenge like this which is completely different and new compared to the other ones I'm used to. "But for now how about we watch some tv while we have the chance" I said as she slowly nodded agreeing while I turned it something more friendly and less more horrifying.

I was beginning to grow tired as I looked back seeing Aurora completely out as her sleeping face seemed so adorable to me not knowing that I was staring at her again. I slowly got off the couch to bring her a blanket while she's unaware of me being so close to her as I put it on ever before sitting back down to my side of the couch slowly falling asleep while everything began to fade to completely darkness.

The future is mysterious and full of surprises so I wonder if me and Aurora become very close by then and become friends with everyone too especially robots but that could take a lot of time though.