Chapter 7

A week had passed and Aurora is slowly beginning to trust Astro but the distance between are slowly closing on them the more time they spend together at his place. Cora came to her senses accepting Aurora and finally became friends but she still is a bit hesitant to make the girl mad in any way to get greeted with that same scary ice cold stare again.

Aurora is currently in the park with Astro and Cora discussed something to one another while Aurora quietly drinks her slushy Astro got her in return for begging her to come long with them as well making sure that nothing evil comes near her while they're outside. Aurora walked behind them as they made their way through the park then straight to the surface where they spent most of their days but today was gonna be a bit different.

"Aurora, are you sure you're alright walking behind us? you can always go to the other side of Cora ya kn—-" but before he could finish his sentence he seemed to have walked into a nearby street pole making Aurora pause as the two looked back expected to hear her laugh but nothing, no smile, no laugh, nothing it was like she wasn't amused on seeing people in pain.

"I'm alright.." Astro said as they continued on there way to the grass that leaded off from metro city and onto the surface as Aurora instantly noticed the heavily natured areas which seemed catch her attention as she rushed to the other side of Cora in amusement. Huge piles of scrap could still be seen in the distance as they come across a beautiful meadow it wasn't huge but it had a lake and ducks Aurora seemed to love the place a lot since it was full of nature and wildlife bringing her back to her childish self for now.

"Oh that reminds me! I have someone or two people you guys would love to meet!" Cora said as she guided the way as if she knew where she was going which was right, she did know where everything was as Aurora hardly know the place trusting Cora to guide her.

"So who are they?" Astro asked as Cora looked at him quite disappointed but carried on anyway. Aurora was keeping her pace up with them but didn't really want to get too close to them just incase they bump into one another again and make her trip over onto the dirt and mucky herself which was a big deal for her.

"Trust me you'll remember an old friend when you see them" she said back before stopping halfway in the meadow as some very distinctive figures seemed to have blocked their path. Aurora wasn't paying attention to them and stopped while the other two looked up at them seeing who they were.

"Zak! Zoey!" Astro exclaimed happily but also surprised to his friends alive and well despite hardly seeing them for a few weeks but now they're we're finally able to see each other again.

Aurora's PoV:

As soon as Astro yelled their names my eyes darted up and instantly glued onto Zak in an split second while Zoey on the other hand looked nervously seeing that I was actually still alive and out of the underground on my own.

"Oh, it's you" Zak said noticing me as he walked towards me which was something I don't usually let anyone do normally but I gotta admit this guy had some serious guts to get this close to me without being punched in the gob. Zoey did the right thing and kept her distance even though I'm not really mad at her since she wasn't the one who pushed me in but she could've prevented Zak from doing this so we won't end up on each other's throats again.

"Is everything alright?" Astro asked as I growled at Zak making both Cora and Astro back off from seeing my ice cold glare once again. I really hated this bastard and after everything I've done for him this is the shit I get! he's gonna proper regret the day he was born.

"Do you even know what I am?" He asked with such confidence as i didn't even a single shit right now, all I wanted to do was beat the fucking shit out of this bastard because of how selfish and ungrateful he was to abandon me in that hell hole like the coward he is.

"No! But I do know that you're a cowardly, headless fucking chicken!" I growled at him as he huffed as if he was amused by my insult right now expecting me to act like this. Cora instantly came between us keeping us wild animals apart preventing any blood shed which I would happily begin by slicing his throat fucking open with my teeth or possibly break every single bone in his body if i had the chance.

"That's enough! We came here to have fun not to get at each other's throats!" Cora said making Zoey quickly rushed over pulling Zak away from me not wanting him to get hurt by these boxing hands of mine or is just protecting him like a good sister would do. I huffed in a result pissed off by this greeting but who said I wanted to meet these pricks in the first place?

"Aurora calm down he's not gonna hurt you" Astro said as I looked at him a bit confused on why he would say it like that as if he was actually painting it out to be like Zak was not a complete human being.

"What are you on about? You're making it sound like he isn't human" I said not knowing the entire truth about my old friend as he chuckled at my reply which could be heard aloud and clear as I glared at him again.

"I'm a robot you dumbass, haha! And you didn't even know it" he said laughing mocking me as I clenched my fist really wanting to kill this bastard not caring about becoming a serial killer since I now know that he's a robot making it so much easier for me to unleash my rage upon him as I imaged myself pulling out every single wire and servo from his fake human like cocoon.

"Shut up! Or I'll cross wire your circuitry!" I exclaimed at him in a way that made both Astro and Zak step back even though I wasn't pointing it at Astro at all but at least I got my point through to him. I was filled with anger hating this selfish prick regretting letting him help me escape as I could've done it all on me own but nooo I had to ask for help.

"Anyways, why did you want to meet us here Zak?" Cora asked completely changing the situation as I stood with my arms crossed not really wanting to spend the rest of my day with another robot especially him when he's talking to me as if he's some high and mighty douche bag.

"To have some fun of course!" Zak said with a smile as he guided us the way through the forest and wildlife as it brought back so much painful memories of the time we spent together. I stayed behind them while keeping an eye on Cora and Astro due to the suspicious bad vibe I was getting from the twins while Zak kept his eye on me which was beginning to grind my gears.

"Do you mind? I don't want your freaking eyes all over me" I said as he sighed rolling his eyes at me as the others didn't seem to like my attitude right now the day even more than I already had.

"Aurora, we are here to have fun so please try not to start another war" Astro said as he kept his attention to the front even though those words kinda hurt as I would never conflict harm to any innocent life or wildlife like my mother.

"Did you know that the hidden force has full control of the underground now since the war ended" Zak said changing the subject as Zoey slowed down before coming by my side which I didn't seem to be bothered one bit as long as she doesn't touch me or anything. So began to silently brew up a plan just incase some bad was to happen to any of them.

"I am so sorry, my brother hasn't been acting himself these last couple of days, but I really do miss you Aurora" she said trying to spark up a conversation with me as I kept my eyes glued onto my friends incase this was on of their distraction apart of some sinister plan to rule the surface.

"You're not like your brother are you?" I asked knowing that she was very much a robot but she was different than her brother other than being utterly afraid of him sometimes as well as myself but I can't trust her in the same way as before or I'll be considered being weak.

"No—" Zoey was cut off my Zak as we came to a familiar place. "Oh no" she muttered knowing something as she went up to Zak as they stopped in front of the old camouflage house we once stayed a while ago as i clenched my hands tighter not really wanting to remember the past and the mistake I had made with it.

"This brings backs so much memories, doesn't it Aurora?" Zak said looking back at me seeing my straight serious expression showing that I was into him as he grew a bit hesitant before grabbing Astro's arm while Zoey grabbed Cora's taking off into the bushes in front of them as I quickly took off after them since I was more athletic than them due to my training, so better luck next time guys.

"What are you doing? We aren't aloud here!" Cora yelled before coming to a vault near a cliff as I slowly came through a bush behind them seeing all the dead be-bray, ashes and the rock that's as still wedge between two trees, we were now on the old battlefield just outside of the entrance of the underground as everything looked dead and covered In ashes while bots were seen retreating back into the underground one by one as if they were being loaded in. I froze as the horrible memories flushed through my mind once again remembering all the horrible things I had to go through and all the dead people I walk past.

"This is what the hidden force did to our home but we are planning to get it back" Zak said sounding like a complete lunatic, who in the right mind would go down there on there own and start another war just to take back a underground facility that has been completely destroyed and took over by a powerful empire.

"Aurora doesn't know about her inhuman strength and abilities yet, which makes her quite useless right now until she learns how to activate them" Zoey said as i took a deep breathe in and out trying to calm myself as they continued to showed my friends the aftermath of the war between two opposing enemies which only one could out victorious which was the hidden force.

"She isn't useless! She had hidden potential and is more capable enough to save her home way more than you" Cora said standing up for me as Zak huffed at her In Response as I slowly began to walk behind them not realising back then that I have the power to take down this place once and for all saving humanity from death and destruction.

"You're just a human, your opinion doesn't matter at this point! Besides your only use when it comes to the hidden force is live Bait" Zak seemed to know his stuff about this place but it didn't give him the right to underestimate Cora like that just because she is a human being. I could feel my blood boil within me wanting to grab his head and crush it in so many ways that even my own mother couldn't fix it.

"I would keep your mouth shut if I were you! It might just keep you alive" I said making a real life death threat to possibly kill him right then and now which Astro would know that I never joke when it comes to destroying things which is one of my many specialties. I began to stretch my neck as their eyes widened seeing my skin move and open as if it was taking in air to my body but really it was releasing some pressure preventing me from becoming sort in my valuable joint but I at this point didn't know what I was or what it was happening to me right now. This feeling when I stretched felt so good that I could do it all day if I wanted to but I was warned by Tenma to not over so it or I will have to deal with the consequences unless whenever I really need to reduce the pressure within my body.

"W-when did you?" Zoey stuttered pointing at me seeing that I wasn't normal like them at all and I wasn't really a robot either no one knows what I am, but all I do know is that I am one hell of a dangerous thing you don't want to come across especially when pissed off.

"More explanations and less bull crap, we haven't got all day" I said again as I crossed my arms while tapping my foot on the in a way to show that I was growing increasingly more impatient by the second. They could use them as hostages right now and make me chose between Astro or Cora but I would rather save the human since robots are more reliable and durable when it comes to shooting making it harder for them to break or be damaged making him kinda bulletproof..I think?

"We shouldn't try and fight them Zak or we'll easily lose to them, after all they have Astro" Zoey said to her brother as he looked at her not in the greatest of moods as I carefully watched them not sure if I should get my friends and leave or just listen to these idiots.

"Why can't you take the back route?" I asked as he looked at me silent for a second from my response but he knew that was probably the only safer option into the underground without confronting any robots or guards with blasters.

"Yeah, yeah, that sounds way more of a reasonable choice Aurora" he replied a bit grumpy despite forgetting that their was a secret way inside of the underground without having trouble with any security robots. "Let's go" he said before I quickly made my way up to him preventing him from taking my friends away from me especially into a place like the underground where they could die in a split second if seen by anyone.

"They aren't going anywhere near that place!" I yelled looking at him rather serious again as he huffed again shoving me out of the way as he began to show the way leaving me no choice but to follow after them.

"As long we stay out of sight your friends will be fine" he said in a way while keeping his back faced towards me as I beginning to think to myself again continuing to plan a secret distraction if anything went wrong.

"If I play along with their plan surely I'll find a way to keep Cora and Astro out of harm way from these two maniacs" I thought to myself know that as long as I can keep them safe and away from these idiots despite hating robots nothing would go wrong, but I do say I would prefer to destroy them right now thanks to Zak, selfish scrap metal.

We finally arrived at the back entrance again as something could clearly be remembered making me feel kinda nervous in case they want to do the same what they did to me but with Astro and Cora but I won't let that happen they don't deserve this they're good people. As the doors opened we were met by the same darkness I had to confront last time where I tumble down the stairs due to how dark it was.

"This time can you turn on the lights" I suggested as Zak sighed before slamming his fist against the wall making the lights flicker before eventually brightening the room up as the stairs could be seen just ahead of us but everything looked so clean and normal making it impossible for a leak to happen especially the one I felt before blacking out.

"Let's go, I'm sure Rose's daughter would know the way around her own mother's facility..right?" Zak said as he looked back at me before guiding them Astro down the stairs as Zoey and Cora slowly followed after us making me the last one to reach the bottom. As we all got to the bottom I could see that Zak was struggling with some ID scanner which they needed a key card and would be useful in our case right now but now but luck was in my side as I know how to hack through these type of doors with ease.

"Move" I said shoving Zak out of my way as I took of the key pad off revealing some very sensitive wiring as I began to play with them switching them around until the door swung opened granting us access inside leaving the others absolutely dumbfounded of my amazing talent I had just presented to them.

"How did you do that?" Zoey asked completely amazed and shocked on how I knew these type of things but they should really ask who taught me these amazing skills,it definitely wasn't my mother.

"You won't believe me, even if I told you" I responded as I slowly peaked around the corner of the door seeing if there were any robots or guards wandering about in the halls but strangely there were none not even the dead bodies were there too as everything looked so absolutely flawless, clean and tidy as if the invasion never happened.

"Can we go to the lab now, I'm kinda in a rush to not maybe get caught and turned into scrap by lady, Angela" Zak said but who the heck is lady, Angela? Is she some sort of girlfriend of his or something but right now I shouldn't really be butting in to other peoples personal love life's.

"Sure, after you let go of them..both of them" i lastly said with a sour tone making Zak step away from Astro while Zoey let go of Cora's shirt not wanting to have any trouble with me since they were robots and are in my domain now but they lied to me all this time without telling me what they are..I hate pathological liars.

"What's so interesting about her lab?" Astro asked as we began to sneak through the corridor but my mother's lab isn't that far from where we are right now which was now only a turn away.

"What is in her lab?" Cora said as I knew exactly what especially with human looking robots in there like Astro but it seemed like she was trying to copy something like a geno like those scientists said when I was doing my last test before escaping.

"Well, I'm unsure if it'll still be there but I heard that there are some heated documents Aurora's mother wrote about project X or something and testing before the invasion and some other crazy mumbo-jumbo like that" how did he know about project X and my mother's documents even I aren't aloud to look at them never mind anyone else, she keeps them high locked in a folder with a strong unbreakable fire walls which I could possibly break in a minute or two.

"Project X? What's that?" Astro asked confused of the weird naming but it's a scientist thing when they are unsure of what to name the things they create so they randomly name them or just give them a number like, 213 or even 115, That type of naming crap but the one thing I'm looking for is the information about that robot me I haven't seen in quite awhile.

"I heard that project X is a living human-robot organism that she managed to get the DNA for and is trying to make more of them" Zoey said with a possible explanation that only someone who knew what was actually happening can say making me feel a bit uneasy right now. We got to the turn talking a left that lead straight to some huge big metal doors as i quietly sighed nervously before coming in front of it with everyone else behind me waiting for me to open the door but as soon as I typed the old code my mother used it opened which could mean that everything inside is probably untouched still untouched or could it all be a trap.

The doors slowly opened as I went inside first seeing everything still turned on but the vessels seemed to be empty specially the one that was covered by the fabric before making me think as everyone else looked around as I made my way to the computer to see if I could get into my mother's documents about the project X why she's so obsessed about completing it.

"You're looking through your mother's documents aren't you?" Astro asked as he looked at the screen seeing it marked X but it was strangely in red glow as I clicked onto it as a opened a huge typed documents about it all the way from 1 to 1,500 which is a lot of documents to go through so being a need I am I clicked on the first one.

"Strange why am I mentioned in this?" I though as I began to read though every paragraph but quickly realised that this wasn't just a documentary it was also like her own little diary journal which hasn't been kept up to date and very old. I could see Astro reading it too while the others looked around especially the vessels while one was completely smashed showing that one of those things that were in there broke out.


'Documentary 1,

Project X hasn't been going as successfully as I thought it would be recently even though we have the DNA from the original specimen just to make more of these strange but powerful super human beings that could change the world for the better than those pathetic machines.

Aurora has been quite a hand-full recently never leaving me alone to do my work, when will Dr, Hope come back so she can take this bloody abomination out of my face no matter how much it hurts me to believe that I decided to make her my daughter I actually even named her! I'm not ready for this, I need to find a way to get her out of my way so I can focus. How does she keep breaking in to my lab? How much of a IQ does she even have?


The way she described how she hated me in this first short paragraph hurt me quite a lot but it was her fault for not paying attention to me and even questioned my intelligence like an complete idiot.

"I can't believe I looked up to this woman" I mumbled as I quickly skipped passed some documents to one that wasn't number but it was strangely named 'private don't read' so I gladly clicked it before seeing the shock on Astro's face as I went through her privacy but came across something even more horrifying.


Documentary ????,

This may sound stupid but it ain't like imma read through these stupid documentaries anyway, they're just full of Aurora and I keep wondering what she would do of I made a robot version of her? It might take weeks but it'll be worth it until project X is complete. Until then I will have the perfect specimen who fill follow my orders and never fail me no matter what the task is, he'll be absolutely perfect.

It has been weeks and I hardly have the time to work on it especially with Aurora continuously popping in at me especially after she yelled at me for breaking a stupid promise to spend some time with her, did she really think I would agree to something like that with a monster like her!?

Aurora 2.0 or should I say Amelia the absolute perfect daughter I would ever ask for despite liking like Aurora but she was even better than the original even though project X is still scheduled as planned but more testing would be in order before Introducing them. I wonder if she would like to see herself as something she absolutely hated or even better feared maybe this might actually keep her out of my laboratory?

Dr, Hope was really getting in my way when it comes to Aurora but why am I feeling jealous about her spending time with her? Or is it that she's giving her attention but maybe that brat is purposely making me jealous no wonder she's so lonely and useless. I wonder what will happen if she sees her friend being killed by herself?

The look on her face was was the best explanation I ever seen as she watched herself murder her own friend but I was quite mad for it killing off my best scientist who actually understood Aurora's genetics but it's all on her hands now, I strangely found it satisfying when I saw the robot I made push her to the ground almost breaking her. Maybe I should do that more often since Hope isn't around anymore. I hope Reece doesn't mind giving Aurora this injection seeing if it would change her genetics slightly but sadly before any further testing could be done my base was invaded by my beautiful robots just as I planned destroying all pathetic life within the place so I could finally work in peace, especially after I just retrieved an interesting blood sample from Aurora from Dr, Reece thanks to him Project X can finally be completed…my son will finally be reborn.


I filled up with rage as i clenched my hand smashing the crap out of the computer hating her and myself with every home In my body as Astro stepped back unsure of how to react to this side of me but I didn't care I wanted to punch something not realising the super human strength I have awakes within me once again.

"Aurora? are you alright?" Cora asked as I stopped bashing it before doing one more before looking back at them upset but no tears could be seen since I didn't want them to see that side of me as I turned back seeing the state I had left the computer in before going to the hard drive taking pulling it out which had all of her documents on it which would be incredibly useful for mr, Tenma when we get back, but that's if we do get back.

"Oh my, quite the tamper temptress as always Aurora" a voice was heard as I turned around to see who it was but to my surprise I didn't know what to feel, I was so confused.

To be continued.....