Chapter 8

As Aurora turned around seeing who said that since it was sounds very familiar but she was more confused than anything as she hide the hard drive into her inside zip pocket safe and out of sight. Aurora was absolutely gobsmacked seeing this blonde haired woman standing there in her lab as her arms were crossed that familiar smirk creeped onto the woman's face just looking at the one thing in the room and that was Aurora.

"What the—" Aurora muttered to herself seeing no one other her mother standing there who is supposed to be very dead right now due to the incident back in the park. Astro and Cora too were surprised to see her standing personally since it was identified by Tenma that she was deceased but if she was dead then how the heck is she here?

"I see that your confused, allow me to explain" she began to speak as a robot walked by her side looking absolutely identical to Aurora proving her theory of being replaced by a machine just like it said in the documentary as Astro looked at her then back at Rose making sure that he wasn't dreaming right now and that it all had to be an illusion a single mind trick. "I am very much dead Aurora and as you see I managed to make a robot replacement of myself filling it with my memories and to activate as soon as I anything bad happens to me like for example murdered, it'll only in a matter of time until she comes and gets you too and the ones you love" she said as the robot Aurora began to walk towards her ignoring everyone else making Aurora the only target in the room leaving the others out completely seeing no use of them.

"It's time to go!..sister" she said holding a hand out for her 'sister' to grab with that fake innocent smile as Aurora grew unsure of what to do as she looked around seeing Zak and Zoey no where to be seen making it look like it was very much a trap right now a trap that has unexpectedly brought Astro and Cora into it and her personal business which absolutely pissed her off. Other than being afraid of herself and this so called 'sister' she has been presented Aurora wasn't got to let this get the better of her even though her heart was practically coming out of her chest from beating so fast.

"No. You know by a fact that I don't trust you especially after all the crap you've put me though!" Aurora growled at her robot self as it activated it's left blaster aiming it at Aurora's friends. She grew aggressively agitated as she walked over to Amelia who mostly Obeys to Aurora's name since she's identically based of her in every way but more aggressive, dangerous and obedient making Aurora regret many things.

"I suggest that you come peacefully or your human friend here will end in the exact same way as Dr, Hope, but Astro on the other hand would be extremely more useful to us than the human since he is a robot after all, just like me" Rose said as Aurora guiltily obeyed her mother's orders while the other two carefully followed after her as Amelia stayed behind preventing them from possibly escaping keeping her blasters activated aimed at them and wouldn't fire without being told to do so.

"You're clearly still dead, you bitch" Aurora mumbled as Rose heard those filthy words come out of her mouth instantly grabbing the girl's hair pulling her head back as Amelia instantly deactivated her blasters and grabbed both Astro's and Cora's arms preventing them from helping Aurora who was currently in a very serious situation by the look of it.

"What did you say you ungrateful little shit!?" Rose said before punching Aurora in the gut winding her then aggressively pushing her to the floor onto her hands and knees completely out of breath. "Get up!" She yelled demanding that she does as she is told making Aurora stumbled back onto her feet again as she looked back at Astro seeing his furious, worried expression as Rose grabbed her by the arm before taking her away while Amelia dragged Astro and Cora along but Astro broke them broke free before fleeing away. "Leave them! We have what I wanted" Rose ordered as Aurora watched as her only friends abandoned her again but this time she knew that it was probably for the best and the only way to ever keep them alive unlike the others.

"Looks like your 'FRIENDS' left you behind once again, what a shame" Amelia said in a sarcastic tone as Aurora locked eye contact with her hating her guts already but all Aurora could do was sit patiently and wait until she is met with another opportunity to get away from this place but hopefully for good this time.

Astro's PoV:

I was able to memorise the way out from the way we came in with the twins as I pulled Cora out with me but I would never be able to help Aurora now with Cora by my side this time, she was too vulnerable being a human. This place was riddled with dangerous robots and many other things so In order to save Aurora safely i would need more robot backup like Reno and maybe the twins too if they're willing to make up from abandoning and lying to us.

"Astro! We can't just leave her in there, we need to go back and help her!" Cora yelled as we finally got out on to the grass again until she broke out of my grasp exhausted making us stop in the middle of nowhere.

"I had no choice!" I said back not wanting my own friend to die as she smacked my face which hurt but I kind deserve it even though I do have a plan to save Aurora but all I need to know is where and who is willing to help me get her back.

"You can't just leave her down there! Did you see the way rose grabbed her? She's gonna die down there if we don't do anything about it!" Cora was willing to help me get Aurora back but I'm not gonna let herself get killed in this place leaving me no choice but to abandon her back in metro city with someone who can actually cope with her.

"We need to head back and warn everybody!" I yelled ignoring her yelling as I knew exactly what I have to do to insure a full rescue for Aurora, but why am I so determined to save her so much? Do I like her? No she's afraid of me she would love someone like me.

I quickly rushed back to metro city not having any intentions of flying back as she ran after me. As soon we got back I instantly went to get Reno since he's always been up for a challenge and rescue mission no matter what or where it is, and having a chance to see the underground would be no opportunity he would miss. Luckily for me he was in the park when I bumped into him as he instantly seem to know what was wrong but he hasn't met Aurora yet since I've always made up excuses for him to come over to my place as she was afraid of our kind so I wanted take things slowly before introducing him to her. "What's wrong?" He asked as I looked around us quite worried and a bit anxious hoping that no one especially mortals could hear us as I only need robot help like myself to get Aurora or she'll feel back if anymore innocent human lives get taken today during the rescue.

"I need your help..Aurora is in danger" I said as he lifted an eyebrow not knowing Aurora at all which is entirely my fault of course but I was thinking about her safety more than anything when it comes to my robot friends.

"So you need all of our help for what? Who is this Aurora person anyway?" He began to question me more and more as I sighed placing a hand on my face knowing that I haven't got all day for this but I can't just rush in after running off like that but a plan must be put in order to save Aurora.

"She's been taken hostage by professor, Rose in the underground and needs to be saved!" I said as he looked surprised hearing my speak about the one place we were completely forbidden to step foot in.

"Oh, so this is a rescue mission! Why didn't you say so!" He said gladly taking my side in this to go a rescue mission for Aurora despite not knowing her but I also feel like I need to tell him about the robot version of her. "So what does this Aurora look like? Is there something about this girl that's making you so eager to save her~" Reno teasingly elbowed me as I went red but I knowing what he was talking about which was kinda embarrassing even if there was hardly anyone about to hear it.

"S-stop..she's very important to Dr, Elifun and my dad, if he finds out about this I will become one with the scrap pile or even banned from using anything ever again!" I panicky said realising that not telling my dad about this would come with severe risk if he finds out that she's stuck down there again.

"Calm down! I'm contacting the others, I'm sure Aera would be able to give us the booster need in this" Reno said patting my back before quickly beginning to notify the others of the risks that could come in this one in a life time opportunity and who we'll be rescuing. I grew uneasy thinking of the possible things that could happen to her down there all alone with no one to turn to in such a menacing place that reeks of death and violence.

Aurora's PoV:

I woke up in this room it was dark and cold which was something I don't remember being in before making it completely new to me. "What is this place?" I though as i was instantly blinded by bright lights as I covered my eyes with my arms before adjusting to it shortly after seeing a locker room of some sort surround me.

"I see that you're finally awake" I heard the sound of my own voice speak to me as I looked up seeing her standing there as we made eye contact but looking at her now made me feel sick to my stomach. Me as a robot? never!

"What are you going do to me?" I demanded an explanation but seeing her made me feel like I wanted to hurt myself as this abomination an excuse to try and resemble this thing to be just like me but it'll never replace the real thing no matter how hard Rose tries, she misses the biggest part of me that this thing is missing..and that's emotions, fear and the instinct to be yourself and know when to stop if you were ever to go too far.

"Simple, you're gonna be used for our sick entertainment once again! But we also have some big plans for you too, be grateful that I actually spared your life not just once but twice, it won't happen again" she said getting into my personal space as I shoved her back as she chuckled in response finding how I feel entertaining to her knowing how afraid I was despite not showing any signs of fear towards her.

"You're one sick bastard, you'll never replace me, you're just a carve on copy of something that can't be remade a freaking mistake" I said as she squinted at me annoyed before grabbing my throat with one hand pinning me against the lockers as I held onto her wrist struggling to break free and catch my breath. " kill me..he..will" I was certain that would do the trick but it only made her grip even tighter before she suddenly let me go as I fell to the floor catching finally gasping for air.

"You're lucky that mother wants you alive or I would've glad murdered just after I was done with Dr, Hope" she said before going to one of the lockers opening it as she seemed to grab something inside before chucking it at me. "Put that on it or you'll most certainly die in the arena" she finally said before leaving me alone in the locker room, she seemed to have given me some sort of armour I had to put on which kinda worried me a bit. Does that mean I'll be going into combat and fighting real life war machines personally built by my mum? Am I actually going to die?!

I sighed knowing that i can't possibly get out of this place alone and the only thing I can do now is play along and survive until help arrives or even find the perfect opportunity to peg it from the back or possibly the front either way it's the only option I have. "I guess it's better than going out there unprotected..right?" I though looking at the Armour then remembering that one time I accidentally smashed Rose's computer in the laboratory but I could've been raging not seeing that I had got some injuries that healed over time without notice, it would be impossible for a wound to heal that quickly since humans aren't capable of such quick regeneration on their wounds.

I wondered what difference it would have if I didn't have the armour on to protect me out there since while in the underground you should know that we have several games and events for robots to participate in to come out on top as our champion but I never thought I would be in it. This years event is more of a fighting tournament which would be ending in a few more weeks before going straight onto the ball game which is extremely Fatal for a human as it recommends not just fighting but keeping the ball in your hand while skating through the track without being ripped apart by your heavily armed opponents.

I threw the armour to the ground making my decision as I made my way into the arena ignoring the other me's warnings knowing that power isn't everything but if you haven't got a brain and strategy you're most certain to lose but I would have to be accurately precise or I would die if anything goes wrong. The arena was just how it was before when the event happened but I wasn't having any of this shit I might as well die here than let everything go to waste.

"Hello! Robots and humans, welcome to another entertaining arena battle! Today we have a very special guest joining us! give a round of a applause for our new comer project X!" This stupid speaking floating thing was just following my mother's orders just like the others with its stupid hard drive. Oh I want to rip it apart right now. Applause could be heard as I entered the arena allowing bright lights to shine on me as I looked around in the stands seeing people and robots looking down at me while some stared confused. "I know she looks human but really she just a extremely tough, dangerous, monster from space! Ain't that a game changer" it said again as I looked at it making the wrecked thing wobble in the air with just my glare alone showing what a real Monster is capable of doing to it with just a simple look.

"I want to go home" I thought as I didn't want to stay here anymore I just want to go back to metro city with everybody not caring what the cost would be I just want to go back.

"And her opponent is rather well know around here, she's big, strong and made of metal! Aurora Rose!" I froze realising why she gave me that armour, she was going to be fighting me in here and wanted to give me a fighting chance but that protection could also be rigged to bring her to victory which I would never let happen. I felt stupid for leaving the armour to waste away but I wasn't going to fall for a stupid trick that could kill me that would be embarrassing! More people seemed to be applauding for this faker even though she's a full bull robot and very strong but I wasn't trained enough to actually go against her like this especially when If I don't know what to use against her, i haven't got any blasters like her because I'm not a robot.

"Let the battle commence!" The announcer was getting on my nerves and very distracting with all the yelling and cheering in the arena but robot me didn't see to be bothered at all as if she was used to this.

"Are you even happy to be fighting like this?" I asked as we both circled each like territorial male lions fighting for territory glaring at the other waiting for either one of us to strike first and make the first blow seizing victory once and for all.

"I love destroying robots, as much as you love cross wiring them! Trust me we are one in the same" she said back as scoffed annoyed not really seeing the similarities especially when her blasters are red but for some reason they make me feel weak, like if it was my kind of kryptonite.

"We are nothing alike!" I growled back as she chuckled at me loving my reaction everytime I mouthed back but I need to stop this and concentrate on the real fight in hand, it was just another distraction.

"Are you sure!" She yelled dashing towards me without using any of her weapons but if she did them now it would've end the battle too quickly. I was unable to react fast enough as I was met by a powerful blow into the gut feeling myself going to spew up my lunch from earlier as I held my stomach completely winded lead over as she held her hands together before bashing them into my back making me collide with the floor below getting some dirt into my mouth.

"" I said managed to get my words out feeling my self begin to get a bit dizzy as I saw her back off from me a little bit like she was allowing me to get back up onto my feet again but really she was just preparing herself for something grand as I saw hand transform into a blade as it glowed red before placing it under my chin lifting my head up to look at her.

"I feel sorry for you, haha, you could've won easily if you just stayed here and let mother awaken your powers then you wouldn't be in this mess in the first place would you?" she said as I was on my knees completely daze unsure of what to do or even think after getting myself beaten the crap out of by a bloody robot which is one of the things I shouldn't let happen but I did.

"Aurora!" A voice yelled as both of us looked at the stands seeing Zoey there but no one payed attention since their were cheering and screaming for Amelia to finish me off right here and now with her sword. "Don't let her win!" She said i wobbled back onto my feet again while she was distracted my Zoey who was in the stands.

"She's supposed to be dead" she said as I headed up to her wondering if I could find a way to maybe get to her circuits and make her either explode or reset. But the thing I didn't know was that the others were here to rescue me and take me back home to metro city. I was more than close enough to make an attack on her but before I could even make contact I was met by something sharp piercing through my skin into my gut but when I looked down I saw her glowing red sword that stabbed into me. "Nice try! I am your only weakness after all don't forget that" she whispered into my ear before taking it out as blue blood began to dripped from me while I tried to stop it from bleeding which didn't seem to work.

"No!" I was more focused onto my wound not paying attention that Astro was now in the arena with Zak and his friends seeing me get impailed by myself before raging out at the other me.

"Stop bleeding damn it" I thought as I began to panic before feeling my legs go numb before collapsing on my knees again slowly bleeding out unable to move, it hurts so much everything hurts.

"I've got you, you're going to be alright" a voice was heard while a hand was placed onto my back as the panic came back again before looking up seeing Astro fighting Amelia fully going head to head without any hesitation but I didn't mind because that wasn't me, and it will never be.

"I don't feel good" I said looking at the person who helped me up putting my arm around his shoulder as Zak helped out too but he kept anyone nearby away from us as this boy who helped me back into the changing room and possibly to the only way out of this place as some stayed with Astro to take down or chase away Amelia.

"What about Astro?" I said a bit weakly as my blood dripped no matter where we went while Zak followed behind us.

"Don't worry, he'll catch up" the boy said as the more we went the more I began to feel more weaker seeing my blood on my own hands just like other did before when Dr, Hope was murdered.

"Wow!" The boy instantly picked me up into his arms before quickly rushing off quicker than he was before noticing that walking wasn't really going to get me anywhere. "Stay with me damn it!" He said as i everything began to get blurry as we were soon met by a flash of light as we quickly went up some stairs making me think that we were at the back entrance no matter how many times he took different turns but the smell of fresh air seemed to bring me hope before everything faded to black.

Astro's PoV:

Aera helped Aurora up and out of the arena while Zak helped protect them until they get her to safety before she bleeds out not realising that her blood was blue at the time, while I have the tougher job In hand which is going against a possible copy of Aurora but this time it's a robot meaning I have nothing to worry about despite it having her face making me think more before doing actually damage.

"Aww, is the little robot sad about hurting little old me~" I didn't know what came over me but her voice sounded just like her which is not helping me in any possible way. I held myself back until if find a way to actually do something to her without feeling guilty.

"You're lucky that you look like her or I wouldn't have gone so easy on you" I said looking at her seriously as she smiled before chuckling at me which was one of the many things that Aurora would never do but if she ever does it would sound better from her than just a basic metal bitch that's just an carve an copy of the real thing.

"Why? Do I look so much like her? you really are pathetic" she said before coming at me as i barricaded myself with my arms as her hands were powerful but the ones the real Aurora had when she got pissed off in the laboratory, they had real strength and could've easily won this battle but she hasn't realised what gift she has been given yet.

"You don't get it! No one can replace Aurora not even a stupid robot like you! It won't be the same if she dies, and if she does that's all your fault!" I yelled not realising that I was giving her the cold scare glare as she stepped back before I managed to hit her back knocking Amelia into the wall as she bounced off and landed onto her knees looking up at me.

"Do you think I care, hmm? She's just as useless as she was at the beginning, she's still scared of you and yet you want to protect her!? What do I have to prove to make you understand! She'll never trust you!" She was right Aurora May be scared of me but at least I care enough to help her get through her fears while slowly gaining her trust and becoming her friend which is all that matters, even if it hurts to see her so afraid of me knowing that I could've done something to prevent all of this. At least I don't wear her face and remind her of the horrible past mistakes this machine made ruining everything she worked so hard for.

"The only difference between you and Aurora is simple, she gets to choose what she wants to be but you! YOU! Don't have a choice. YOU! Have to follow orders by your creator while I and everyone else lives freely on the surface while YOU! Stay here and rust all alone with nobody but yourself!" I explored as I walked towards her as she charged at me once again but this time I was too fuelled up by anger wanting to get revenge for Aurora against her mother and this thing that they call a robot. As she got close enough I was able to get out my blaster aiming it at her before taking her down, it took about three of my friends to pull me off her as she glitched from the unlimited amount of attacks I blew at her before taking me away before following after Aera and Zak.

"What was that? You went insane on that bitch and wooped her ass!" Bruno said surprised to see that much of anger come out of me for just one girl but right now I didn't want to chat I just wanted to see Aurora.

No one seemed to get in our way as we got out of the underground with ease as I went the rest of the way by flying but it was obvious that Aera took her to the head ministry of science but what would they do? She ain't no robot.

"I think we got there too late" I thought thinking about the timing we could've had to rescue her without any injuries but fighting was going to be a certain thing to happen especially for the robot Aurora that tried to mimic her but hugely failed. I landed outside of the administry of science but I grew nervous unsure if I wanted to enter inside or not unsure of what I would be told, would she be alive or dead? Was I too late? I questioned myself endlessly as I was suddenly dragged in by Reno since he had way more confidence than me to actually talk to my father if he was mad at me. As we entered inside I was met face to face with one of my father's workers here as they came towards me.

"You don't need to worry, she's in the good hands of Dr, Tenma and Dr, Elifun..but your father wants you to head home and wait until he comes back" they said as I gulped hesitant unsure if I was going to be in serious trouble or not but all I can do now is go home and wait for him to come for me.

"Come on, I'll keep you company until your dad comes back" Reno said patting my shoulder making me feel way better actually glad to have a friend like him by my side completely understanding my situation and always there when I need him the most.

"Sure" we decided to walk back home as it was very dark but dad wouldn't be back until past midnight or morning after he's able to stop the bleeding. The long walk back was good to get everything off my mind as we talked about small things like school but it'll be a little while until I go back there like Reno. Playing video games do help forget about the big things but sometimes games can go a little too far when it comes to forgetting or sometimes make you remember so I stuck to reading while Reno played video games in my room as I was in the living room reading books about robotics and other things for a few hours until he got back.

I instantly stopped reading as the sound of doors shutting since everything was dead silent at home as footsteps could be heard heading towards the living room as I gulped uneasy incase I was in for quite a tell off. As soon as the living room doors opened I was met by my dad wearing completely new clothes as he came towards me looking absolutely calm which was unusual.

"Dad" I said as he said beside me before taking the book out of my hands and onto the table in front of us since I was sat where Aurora would always sit when she came over to read and spend time with us which I'm gonna miss.

"Toby, you're not in trouble so calm down" he said calmly and quietly as he put his hand on my shoulder assuring that I am not in trouble so why is he here then if I wasn't in trouble?

"Is she alright?" I asked as he sighed as I fiddled with my hands really wanting to

Hear some good news more than ever.

"She's alright, we managed to stop the bleeding—" he said as I butted In not realising that she was bleeding that bad but with all the reading I completely forgot on how she got the wound.

"Bleeding!" I yelled completely forgetting about her being stabbed by her robot self now remembering it again which isn't good.

"Calm down! She's fine but you can't see her right now" he said as I looked at him confused on why.

"Why? Does she need time?" I asked not ready for the news I was gonna get from him at all.

"No..she's in a coma" he said as I looked away before feeling patting my back while feeling tears fill up my eyes then hugged my dad letting them roll down my face as he hugged my upset too but had to keep calm and hide his emotions. That night wasn't really the best but if only If I had listened to my gut and walked away with Cora and Aurora from the twins then maybe we wouldn't be in this type of mess right now. I wonder when I will ever see her face again but i was sure it'll only be for a short while, I highly doubt that but I will always wait until she opens her eyes again so she won't be alone when she does wake up again.