Chapter 9

It has been 2 weeks since Aurora fell into a coma but that didn't stop Astro from seeing her making sure that she was actually still alive and breathing waiting for the day she actually opens her eyes and sees him again. Astro managed to get Zak and Zoey to understand the situation and agree to stick on the good side for now on no matter what happens especially for what they have done to Aurora after everything she's done for them. Things have been silent without Aurora around it was like they missed it even though she hardly spoke but only when they trigger her off as she makes empty threats which seemed to be on the hilarious side of her to brighting things up for them but now everything was just dull and dark as it was before she ever met them.

"You don't need to do this Toby, you're going past your limits" elifun said worrying about Astro's health right now knowing that he was robot and how worried he was about her and felt incredibly guilty that he couldn't do anything to prevent this from happening.

"I know but I want to make sure that she's safe. Especially when she wakes up, I want her to see me here waiting for her so she doesn't feel alone anymore, she deserved so much more than to go through all of that and..and Rose she's just a devil she doesn't even care that she almost died" Astro's began to vent at Dr, Elifun as he also felt sorry and guilty for not providing her the training or support she needed for something like this but he knew she wasn't ready to be a hero as it wasn't in her nature to fight since she loved nature and would do anything to protect it.

"Don't blame yourself, you didn't know, no one did, it was Rose's responsibility that she must take Not for you to rest on your shoulders" elifun knew that Astro was guilty and hurting from all of this despite still being grounded for going into the underground but his father understood why he did all of that and was proud of it. Astro clenched his hands together before standing up walking out of Aurora's room as she laid the peacefully just like a sleeping princess would especially until a prince comes to sets her free.

Astro's PoV:

I thought that maybe reading could calm me down but more I read the more I began to see that I was acting and reading the same books she was but why was I doing that? Am I really missing her that much. It was strange sitting down here with Dr, Elifun but it might be because I'm in his home not mine even though waiting is a precious thing when it comes to Aurora's condition, I wish she could already wake up, I hate seeing her like this just because I had to wait a few minutes longer to make this plan go into action.

"The more you do the things she does the more it will hurt Toby" Dr, Elifun was right I was reading her favourite book right now but I can see why, it was full of robotics and pictures from decades ago way before flying cars were even a thing nowadays, the more I looked through the more I got distracted not realising that the wish I made could've already came true. I heard the living room doors open probably thinking that Dr, Elifun had left for a cup of coffee or something but I was completely glued to the book which I swear I was reading this for at least a two hours before he left.

"Dr, Elifun..I'm hungry" I heard something as I looked up seeing someone in front of the door then looking back at the page I was reading, I suddenly paused for a second before instantly looking back up seeing Aurora standing there wiping her eyes with her now hair was a bit messy for just waking up from a well rested nap, still in her pjs.

"A-Aurora" I said as both I and Elifun were shocked as I shot up slowly heading up to Aurora putting her book down onto the couch just to see what I was looking at wasn't an illusion or anything.

"What are you doing?" She asked as I circled around her before bringing myself to stand right in front of her then going in to poke her but instead she pushed my finger away. "No, no poking..I'm very hungry" she said again before hugging her hearing a little squeak expecting to get myself flung across the room

Again but no she didn't seem to do that unless she's too tired to actually do that right now and wants food to fuel up herself up and then throw me across the room.

"W-what do you want to eat?" Elifun asked as I could tell that he was confused still on the couch wondering if he was seeing things too. I took her out of the living room and into the kitchen where I tried to make her pancakes.

"Do you even know how to cook?" She asked as I was lost for words but I managed to get the pan out and the pancake mix turning on the oven wanting to give this a try, so I poured the mix into the pan seeing it begin to form into something weirdly shaped.

"This is gonna look kinda weird" I said looking at her then back at the pan really hoping that I don't burn these as Elifun came into the kitchen seeing me cooking pancakes giving me a weird look.

"Toby, you could let the robots do it for her..right?" He said coming up to me but I refused to let someone to let a robot do that even though I am one too but she trusts me more than some random house bot anyway.

"I just wanted to give it a try" I said looking back at Aurora am who seemed to be still be quite tired but Dr, Elifun understood very quickly that I wanted to do something like this especially when it comes to robots. Aurora was special in every way possible and I would do anything to let herself see that she is probably one of the most important people we have right now in search of her purpose and place in this world to find who she really is and I will be there by her side until the very end.

"Oh, I know this sounds sudden but..metro city might be going back into the sky again" I froze looking at him but why would they do that no one is in danger yet nor is the city being threatened by anyone for a possible invasion which would happen sooner or later.

"Wah, why?" I asked before taking one of the finished pancakes of the pan and placing on a plate not seeing that Aurora was secretly eating them due to her huge hunger for pancakes.

"You see..thanks to Aurora we were able to create a special type of cloaking devise that allows us to hide from enemy radars while in the sky preventing any future casualties" he said as I looked back at her seeing how completely clueless she was about this or isn't paying attention at all by this point, maybe because of her continuous trouble with the underground and the interactions with her mother who is supposed to be dead.

"Wait, how did you get this off Aurora?" I asked as he pulled out a hardrive but where the heck did she get that from, did she take from the underground when we met Rose? How is she so sneaking, that's it I'm jealous I need to learn some of that cool stuff too.

"She sniped this from the underground, but it was when she was critically injured when we found this is her jacket" he said as I began to remember the way the red sword the robot had as it plunged into her chest all the way through to the other side which seemed to be the only thing that can hurt her, but what is it?

"I- um, don't know" I said placing another one onto her plate then back to pan then back at the plate in a second seeing that the pancake was missing before looking up at Aurora seeing it in her mouth. "That's still hot!" I said as she seemed to drop it out of her mouth like a hot potato as it touched the table as her tongue was sticking out which was kinda cute. "Told you" I chuckled as she was very funny to have a round until someone stupidly gets her mad then they're asking for death wish.

"Mine!" She seemed to be fighting with the cleaning machine that almost took her pancake as she grabbed it with her bare hands stuffing back into her mouth in an instant like a hamster would storing food for the winter.

"Aurora, you're going to choke if you eat it like that" Elifun said going to her as I sighed giving up even though telling her that it's very hot meaning that her mouth is going to be very sore later but that's her mistake.

It has been an hour and we are currently in my living room now since Aurora got bored so we are watching some movies. But Guess what? I can finally sit right next to her without being though as a threat anymore! Isn't that great!? Anyway Aurora has been getting into some scary movies lately and maybe I should pull a prank but I just wanted her to have Reno as some friendly company since father only allows only one friend to come over to have a sleepover with me and Aurora so who else other than Reno. He's more likely to keep a secret or a prank hidden but I kinda wanted to prank him as well as I ring Aurora's phone.

"So, imma go grab something to eat so continue watching the movie until I get back guys" I said before getting up onto my feet, but thanks to dad I can now eat food and use it in similar ways like Aurora can to build up healthy energy resources so I can use my weapons more without using too much of the blue core power that's inside of my chest, I don't think I want Aurora to watch me deactivate in front of her some day.

Aurora's PoV:

"You guys want anything? Drink or something. I'm making a one way trip there so this is your only chance" Astro said I looked up at him mostly sad because I wanted his warmth against me again but I too was hungry and a bit thirty.

"Can I have a drink and food, you can pick them..they have to taste good" I said as he knew exactly what to get me I didn't care if the drink was warm or cold but I could tell that he had something up his sleeve.

"Nah, I'm fine" Reno denied his offer since he was also a robot but he also has the upgrades like Astro but it only seemed to be Astro and his friends that are getting the updates but not any other robots. As Astro left the room we continued to watch the film as it began to get more scarier without him around and I didn't want to go near or cling to Reno to not give that womaniser any ideas or anything so I decided to stay put until all of a sudden my phone began to ring so I picked it off the table as it showed up as unknown caller ID so I put it on speaker while Reno paused the film listening in as well.


Me: 'Ello

???: I'm inside your house...

Me: ok? *hangs up*

*Phone rings and I pick it up again*

Me: Yello

???: why did you hang up? Why did you hang up on me?

Me: if you're inside my house, just come talk to me

???: I'm in the closet...

Me: oh you're gay! That's cool!

???: no! I'm not gay! I-

Me: no, no, no it- it's alright my friends gay

???: No- I'm not gay, I'm literally in your closet!

Me: wait- Really?!

???: Hehehe....

Me: who is this?

???: heh, come and find out....

Me: where are you?!

???: are you stupid or something- I just said I'm in your closet!

Me: oh yeah... *hangs up*


I swear that the person who called me sounded like Astro but just on the safe side I'm glad that I'm sleeping in his room tonight I think..I better be or I'm sharing!

Reno unpaused the film just as Astro came back he seemed a bit confused and disappointed about something but he placed my hot chocolate and a bowl of grapes onto the table before sitting next to me again.

"Try harder next time she wasn't even scared, you didn't even get me" Reno said nudging Astro with his elbow as I sighed leaning sideways to look at Reno.

"You sure about that? You were legit pissing yourself when he said he was in my closet" I said as Astro began to laugh before a jump scare interrupted him scaring almost everyone in the room.

"I wasn't ready for that" he said as I got the hot chocolate checking if it was hot enough to drink but as soon as it touched with my tongue I quickly placed the cup back onto the table again. That burned like a buttcheek on a stick or maybe the stick..I hate hot things sometimes.

"Astro. I know this is weird thing to ask but have you got anything about physics?" I asked as I heard Reno sigh which was not a really good move but I ignored it.

"Really? now you're in a nerdy mood. If you were at school you would most definitely be picked on acting like that" Reno said as Astro pushed him away not very happy by the response his friend gave me but he had it coming.

"Don't talk to her like that! If she wants to do physics, then she can do it.." Astro said telling his own friend off hoping to get through him especially when Astro would be going to school soon but I don't want to be alone for over 7 hours on myself, especially until..Um is it called half term? I think they have a week or something off before going back.

"But it's true! Even you know that" Reno replied back since he also goes to school too with Astro but is the school here very much different than the one I was in at the underground?

"What is it like at school?" I asked wanting to know more about their school seeing if there are any resemblances or differences between them. The two were kinda intimidating each other because of my question even though i I asked Astro, but they seemed shocked when I brought the question up about their school was like as if I haven't been to one before, well I haven't I would normally have private lessons since everyone in the class are complete retards at this point.

"We have to work until school ends but, we do have breaks and lunch time which is about 15 to 30 minutes to eat and calm our brains down from previous lessons work" Astro knew what it was like to go to school but I was just curious but I never got breaks, we always worked and worked until we couldn't anymore or we would be severely punished.

"That's strange" I said looking away rubbing the back of my head.

"How's that...hmm?" Reno asked I sat up straight ready to answer his question.

"Well, my school in the underground we were forced to work until we couldn't think anymore or we would be seriously punished" I said looking at Reno even with Astro sat in the middle but Astro kind widened the gap after he pushed him.

"Punished as like...detention?" Reno said confused hoping that it isn't really something every serious.

"What's detention?" I asked as Astro got up jumping over the couch to the shelf's behind him as he seemed to be grabbing a book or two before sitting back down placing them on my lap.

"That's enough chit chat! I don't want this conversation ruining our sleepover Reno, so Aurora I got you some physic books but I doubt that you would read through these before going to sleep" Astor said before putting something else on the tv while Reno got comfy in his new spot while I shared a blanket with Astro just reading the books he got me even though I was kinda getting tired the more I continued to read through them. I could feel myself getting tired and sleepy as my eyes slowly began to close unaware that I now leaning against Astro's shoulder falling into a comfortable deep slumber.

Astro's PoV:

I suddenly felt something rest against my shoulder so I quickly look seeing that Aurora was falling asleep on me so I stayed still not wanting to moving a muscle as Reno testing glances at me to but it didn't seem like her to do something like this but it might be because she's just incredibly tired especially from just waking from a 2 week coma and getting a lot of sleep but I guess that isn't enough for her.

An hour later my dad came in seeing us on the sofa as me and Reno were still awake while Aurora was fast asleep on me making him cross his arms giving me a smile proud of seeing the sudden improvement of trust from us. "It's bedtime boys" he said as I didn't know what to do with Aurora since I didn't want to wake her up, after all she looked so comfy and peaceful against me.

"But Aurora, she's asleep" I said as he came over to us kneeling to Aurora's height on the  couch like he didn't believe that she was sleep but stood up knowing that it wasn't fake, he moved the book that was left open on her lap making it easier to possibly hold her if it had to come to that.

"Just carry her, It looks like she's in quite a deep dream to me so waking her up is one of the least things you should be worrying about" I was really hoping that it didn't come to this so I slowly and carefully turned placing my hand behind her back as my other hand went under her legs allowing me to pick her up bridal style off the couch before making our way to my room as Reno followed behind me.

"Wow, look at Prince Charming carrying his pretty sleeping princess, haha" Reno said teasing me as I grew red looking down at how peaceful she was but also of embarrassment hoping that Aurora doesn't hear him saying that or I would be in quite a pickle.

As we reached my room I put Aurora down onto her comfy inflated bed my dad made for her so she wouldn't be uncomfortable when staying over but that isn't my problem right now. My problem is Reno incase he tries to maybe sleep right next to her which she wouldn't ever want to happen, she doesn't even know him that well so I wanted them to get a bit closer but not to a point that he would steal her from me though.

As I covered her with her blanket I eventually got into my bed while Reno got into his instantly going to sleep while I stayed up a little later to make he doesn't plan on doing anything stupid, but the tiredness got me and now I am probably fast asleep unaware of what I will wake up to, why does my bed have to be double?

The next day!

I began to wake up as I turned around opening my eyes seeing Aurora there fast asleep making me go back falling out of my bed colliding with the floor below me. "How did she get there?" I though as I looked at her bed seeing Reno in it which made perfect sense to have her move into mine but what if I accidentally cuddled her in my sleep?! I would've been a goner that's what!

I got back up onto my feet again seeing her asleep comfortably on my bed obviously not interested in him whatsoever which was a bit relief for me but I kept the mistake Reno made behind me and carried on with my day with them until Reno went home allowing me to have Aurora to myself again.