Chapter 10

Another week had passed and now the plan of making metro city take the skies again is a go using the cloaking devise to prevent possible threats from seeing them while in the sky. Will Aurora ever be able to see the surface again?

Aurora is currently walking in the park through the forest they had there which had some wildlife there that are mostly harmless animals like birds, squirrels and some other ones too. "I wonder how long it would take until Rose gives up on trying to take over the world?" Aurora thought to herself sitting on a little grass hill leaning against a tree looking up at the sky. It was warm and lively in the park as the bird sung making it one of the best places for Aurora to be in right now whenever she's ever bored or something while Astro is at school.

A unexpected crash was heard disturbing her peaceful relaxed sky watching making Aurora look behind the tree wondering what is was? so she stood up from the tree and followed the noise with curiosity ready to do nose diving into other people's business if or isn't anything life threatening to those in metro city. "I wonder what it could be?" She said to herself as she went through the trees and bushes that were in her way hearing the noises getting louder and louder the more she walked towards it. "What the—" she suddenly stopped seeing someone she doesn't even recognise or knew as a boy around her age seemed to have landed in a strange looking ship but he had some odd looking crates with him which she would definitely lift up now without a problem, so she decided to listening in on his conversation he was having on his communicator to someone mysterious.

"I'm at the targets location commander" he said as he seemed to be facing away from her not seeing her as she got closer hiding behind one of the huge crates making a very big mistake that could possibly put her life at risk but as long as she was careful everything will be fine.

"Good, take the resources to him, we need more resources to take that thing out" the so called commander replied as he began to walk around the crate so Aurora walked backwards successfully keeping out of his sight of view which was somehow working.

"Alright, let me unload the rest of the crates and I'll take them to him" he said before heading back into his so called ship making it the only possible time for her to go and grab one the crates and take it away to Tenma but it's radiant glow was kinda making her feel uncomfortable and weak but she continued to put her hands under the crate that wasn't bigger than her as she lifting it up and headed of back into the trees while watching her footing so she wouldn't make any miss stepping on any twigs on her way out of the park. Aurora couldn't fly like Astro or the others yet meaning that she had to walk all the way to the ministry of science which wasn't a problem for her until people stared seeing a kid carrying a crate that glowed red which could've had anything that could possibly harm her but that didn't seem to happen yet.

Aurora's PoV:

This crate wasn't as heavy as people thought it would be but really it was very light despite the red stuff glowing out of it making me feel a little bit weaker, nauseated and uncomfortable but I had to get it to Mr, Tenma, before that guy finds me with his crate. I looked behind me seeing that boy running so quickly after me as I took my chances and hid with the glowing box but it was very noticeable down the alley way so I looked around for something I cover it and luckily I found a huge unwanted blanket and placed it over the crate just in time. He looked down the alley I was in but thanks to my quickly thinking I was able to prevent him from seeing me or the crate as he continued to rush off in search of this thing but I wasn't gonna let that happen until I find out if this stuff he's bringing is good or bad. I sighed with relief waiting a couple of minutes before leaving the alley just incase he was their patiently standing there waiting for me but he wasn't which was good. I managed to get to the ministry of science in one piece and with the crate in hand but I had to make some stops and hide first or he would've found me that way so I stuck to strategising than just running until he catches me.

"Aurora! Why are carrying that? You could hurt yourself" Tenma said as I dropped the box not giving a crap about it anymore because of the weirdness it making me feel, I dropped to my knees surprising weaker than before and completely dazed but I knew it was from the stuff inside of that box that's making me feel this way.

"Just..take the crate" I said before getting getting myself together and back onto my feet again moving away from the crate before leaning against the wall of his laboratory gaining my strength back so I would actually be able to head back home. They were able to open the crate seeing this shiny red crystal like material looking almost of that to a polished stone or possibly a diamonds that could be used to be making robots or even weapons which brought suspicion to the scientists in relation to what Amelia had when she stabbed me which too glowed and made me feel weaker.

"Where did you get this?" Elifun asked as I pointed outside since I told him that I would be going to the park until Astro came back from school as he would presume that I found it there or even stole it which I did but i had a reason and a gut feeling to do so your welcome.

"Some echy guy in some ship brought it..he gave me weird bad vibes, so I took the crate thingy but it made me feel weird when I was around it as if it was draining my energy or something" I replied as he looked at the stuff in the box not know what it is then back at me seeing how exhausted I was and how far I had to put myself from this stuff that was effecting me.

"Come here, I wanna test something on you quickly before he comes back" Mr, Tenma said as I groaned standing up again from the wall steadily walking to the lab table before climbing onto it and sat down as he got out a small piece of one of those glowing red rock thingy bringing it towards me making me flinch from how powerful it was but it felt way worser than it was within the crate so warm and yet painful to me, but why wasn't it hurting them?

"Why is it so warm?" I asked as he looked at me weirdly before gesturing that I give him my hand but knew it was just for an experiment so I gave him my hand as he pulled up my sleeve slowly placed in onto my arm as it burned like hell making me flinch and his while steam came off it as it connected with my skin. "Ow!" I pulled my arm away holding it in my hand before looking down seeing a burned mark that would probably be staying there for quite a while, so hiding it from Astro would be one of Tenma's things to do right now as he was given a small ice pack placing it onto my burned skin as another scientists took away the stone.

"Make sure that no one finds those things and keep them away from Aurora! I refuse to let anyone harm her with them" Elifun demanded not really wanting to see me in any more pain and suffering with those rocks but that stuff was almost identical to the material Amelia's sword was made into, could it just be a coincidence?

"You know I can just cover it with my sleeve?" I said looking at Tenma but he had a medkit with him as hegently pulling my arm back to him as he applied the disinfectant which stung like hell but I injured it like a champ. After cleaning it he was able to patch it up before covering it with my sleeve as he sighed with relief disappointed in himself for what he had done right now with that unidentifiable material.

"Just go back home, he must be back from school by now" he said as I got off from the lab table before heading out back home on my own not realising that I would be at serious risk of being found by that boy right now exposing myself to danger without even knowing it until I was immediately dragged into a dark alley pinned against the wall by my shoulders which hurt.

"Where is it?!" He yelled looking at me completely angered but also a bit worried, it was boy from in the park with his weird looking ship but how did he find me?

"Wha—" before I could speak he instantly blocked me off which was kind rude.

"Don't play stupid! I saw you carrying the crate away into the city. Where is it?" He asked again as I stayed quiet before beginning to try and break free but his grasp was too strong, was he robot too?

"What's so special about a stupid crate anyway!?" I yelled back wanting to get more information when I have a fighting chance before someone sees that I'm in danger. "Let me go!" I tried to push him off but yet again it was no use this guy has been completely pinned against this freaking wall right now.

"If the boss finds out that I lost it she will turn me into scrap! Where did you take it?" He said again but what was in that crate anyway that's so special to him, and who is going to turn him into scrap?

"What's in the crate that is making you act like a complete lunatic?" I said as I finally managed I push him off me not realising that had used my superhuman strength unwillingly again but he was just a robot, right? I really hope he is.

"It has Scarlett fougclipscombite in it, it's extremely rare and the last shipment I can get so far until next year so please tell me, where it is?!" He said getting on my nerves as I began to think but that quickly ended when Astro landed at the entrance of the alley way making the boy quickly run off but was stopped by Reno and tackled him to the floor as if he was being arrested, I was relieved of course but who was this guy?

"Aurora are you alright?" Astro asked coming up to me worried but at least I got what I wanted meaning that this guy is completely useless right now but I can make him one of us at this point if he's so scared of his boss.

"Yeah, he just told me what was I this crate I found earlier" I replied as he looked confused then at the dude that Reno had tackled down. "He also slammed me against the wall too" I pointed at him seeing Astro got a bit angry but he quickly calmed down seeing that Reno was dealing with it putting some justice aside.

"Lets just bring him to my place" Astro said as Reno nodded randomly pulling out some strange rope which the boy could easily get out of but he didn't seem to be the type to resist against arrest.

"I'm sure he didn't have any intention to harm me though" I said looking Astro but I would understand if he would like to interrogate this boy about the crate or why he was here but also something else incase he's some sort of a spy for Rose or anyone that's working for her down there. I stayed by Astro's side as we escorted the kid back home for some very serious questioning and to keep him as our prisoner.

"Please, I'm innocent I swear!" The boy pleaded as I rolled my eyes as if we haven't heard any bad guys say that before escaping from the hero's grasps unexpectedly and I won't let that happen.

"Whatever, you can talk when we get to the interrogation room" Reno said which would be the living room but I doubt that this guy know how to fly at all as he didn't seem to have the parts to support boosters so is he a land dweller like me?

"B-but" the boy was going to speak until Astro hushed him as they actually got there. The boy seemed to be quite scared of us maybe because we were maybe stronger than him but why did he have white hair like me other than it being shorter and puffy than mine, could be just a coincidence? Whatever it is I hate it already.

As we reached Astro's floor he immediately took control of the boy putting him straight in his grasps not letting him go at all as he guided him to the living room as I followed after him wanting to know about this boy too, and if he was actually a threat or not. Astro sat him on the couch with his hands bound together just for safe keepings especially with me in the room.

"Now tell me, who are you and why are you here?" He asked standing there as if he was one of those guys in the interrogation movie we watched once good cop bad cop which was one of my favourite things to do especially in this situation.

"My name is Ace..I mean no harm to you or anyone in this city, I swear I'm just here making a delivery for someone who threatened me with my life!" He said spilling almost all of his beans to us but I could tell that there was something off with this dude and I can tell that Astro wasn't having any of it either.

"And who is this person that threatened you?" Astro asked needing more not believing his story what so ever.

"I think her name is Rose or something, I-I-I swear I only was just made last week! Please don't hurt me!" He said as I froze now seeing why he resembles so much of me right now but why would Rose be making more of these robots that look just like me? What is she planning this time? Was her son not fully made yet if not then why?

"W-wait so she created you? Then why is she trying to kill you?!" Astro said raising his voice as I come over placing a hand on his shoulder calming him down from all of his anger and confusion putting me in charge.

"So you're like my brother then or something?" I asked as the boy instantly looked up at me with eyes full of fear scared for his life but I didn't want to hurt him since he hadn't tried to kill my yet so what's the problem.

"No! I shouldn't be near you! She forbidden any of us to come near you" he said but why would he be acting like this all of the sudden just from one question from me.

"Can you just explain yourself already!?You're beginning to get on my nerves now!" I said now losing my cool at him crossing my arms looking down at him with his hands tied behind him seeing his scared expression at my angered rage.

"We are all made especially to our match you in every stats possible, but when she found out that you survived she went mad! She started to make more copies and robots that don't look like you but while making me, I was instantly thrown out and used only for delivery and other things no one wants to do anymore in the underground because they made an error in my design" he said as I could feel anger boil wanting to go down their and beat Rose up myself since she ain't human anymore but that doesn't matter since we are currently safe from her for awhile until she finds us again.

"Sounds like you had it bad bud but, Why can't you join us?" I asked as I heard Astro choke on his own words with my response making it less negative as Ace looked up at me confused.

"But aren't we enemies? Rose said that you're a threat and could kill us without hesitation" he responded as I sighed knowing that it would be true but I have a heart which is something that witch hasn't got when it comes to people like him who actually knows to interact with people than just attacking them like Amelia.

"You're still alive aren't you? But imma give you a one in a life time opportunity to chose, join us and help you fit in here or go back to that hell hole with Rose? Your choice pal" I asked as I could see that he was actually thinking about his options right now giving him the fighting chance to actually experience love and peace in metro city than just being with her who is completely shutting him out from the world.

"S-sure, but what if she sends her to get me?" He was obviously scared of the robot version of me right now but I could turn that fear into power and confidence if I was his teacher but I hardly knew anything about fighting.

"As long as you don't back Stab us then you're safe with us" I said as I looked at Astro seeing him absolutely gob smacked right now in how I had gone through this with such a straight face like his father would. I untied his hands as he stood up before hugging me so I kindly hugged back slowly getting used to this brother of mine.

"Wait, how old are you Ace?" I asked as gently pushing him back really interested to actually know this more than anything else in the world.

"I was designed to be your twin, so technically we are the same" he said as I looked at Astro as he seemed to be snickering at me for some reason but am I the oldest though or not. "She made me to be a bit older than you so that makes me the oldest" he said as I seemed a bit upset because now I am the youngest

(Astro is now 14)  in this room which is not a good thing for me.

"I guess that's fine,BUT! I am completely stable and not a robot" I said as Astro shook his head knowing that I wasn't completely stable at all since I am still quite scared of robots but not Astro and his friends in generals.

"Oh, just to make things even more interesting, Aurora you will be starting school with me and Reno" Astro said as I grew confused on how they got me there in the first place but at least I can try and fit in with everyone else now and make new friends but also some human enemies too.

"But I would be picked on!" I yelled at him a bit upset about this but hopefully Astro wouldn't let that happen as long as we are together by each others side no matter what.

"You won't I and the others would protect you" he said back as the doors opened as Mr, Tenma came in seeing everyone in his living room then Ace not knowing him at all.

"Before you ask this is now my twin Ace" I said looking at him while Ace nervously waved at him knowing that Tenma is quite a intimidating guy if you push the wrong buttons that is. I was unsure if we were related but it's better to roll with it that saying that you don't want a twin that was soupy created to our rank me but I don't feel threatened by him in any way.

"Imma go and get myself a coffee, have fun" he said before leaving again, as I sighed glad that he didn't ask for anymore questions. I looked at Astro seeing him scanning Ace then suddenly stopped completely shocked.

"What?" I asked him seeing him breath in and then out preparing to give us the big news.

"He isn't a robot! His body is structured the same way like you, he's superhuman!" He said as Ace seemed confused but he could've been in one of this sleeping vessels Rose had in her lab that disappeared suddenly.

"I don't want anymore questions" Ace said as I patted his head but why does he get to be as big as Astro, this isn't fair at all. At least I know that Ace was one of those successful experiments Rose made to try and copy my 'species' genetics and make more of them to take over the world but if they turn out to look like me then I guess we'll be having quite a problem.

After that we all carried on with our day with Ace as Elifun even agreed to allow him to stay with us as he knew that twins should never be separated in anyway but I preferred my own room while he had his own too making him feel more welcome here but sadly, I have my first day of school tomorrow and have to leave him alone until I come back but he has tv, video games and books to keep him busy until we get back.