Chapter 11

It has been about 2 weeks since aurora woke up from her little coma while things were heating up with professior, Rose and Amelia.

"Why can't you do anything right!" Rose's voice echoed through her lab yelling at the robot she once created that was supposed to replace Aurora and be a perfect copy surpassing her in every way but now a days she's just leaving the underground without permission just like Aurora did before the invasion.

"Sorry mother I promise it won't happen again" Amelia said scared to be on her mother's bad side like Aurora or she will be replaced too by another robot and turned into scrap. As she walked down the corridor she saw humans and robots walking down past her talking and admiring her from the endless victories and surprises in every battle she was apart of.

*back in the lab*

"Why can't she just do something right! Useless piece of junk" Rose yelled while using her newly built computer looking through some old documents with the data she had on about Aurora before giving a genius plan involving both girls. "I think this might actually work if she doesn't blow it" she said to herself while typing her plan on the computer so everything can be saved onto its hard-drive in case anything happens while she is away. Other than working on the genetics and creating perfect specimens that are now not related to Aurora Rose finally feels like she is finally achieving her goal on recreating a new utopia with these beings and their abilities to take down the human population and repopulate to create a way better, purer and more stable society than the one they're living in today.

*on the surface with Astro and his friends*

Astro and the others were on a mission and a little field trip with Aurora travelling around for any threats on the surface during their time down there.

"You're kind being a bit over protective don't ya think?" Reno asked walking next to Astro as Aurora was in front of them looking around the place loving every glance of life she looked at. Astro didn't take his eyes off her mesmerised by her excitement and beauty showing how over protective he was of her.

"What are you on about I ain't over protective that's Ace not me" Astro replied denying about being over protective of Aurora but you can't blame him since he did see her get stabbed by Amelia and almost died in the underground. Reno looked at Astro weirdly knowing that he was lying to himself catching his eye as Astro sighed with a blush. "fine, I admit I'm over protective but you would do the same if you know how I feel after what she been through all these years" he admitted to Reno while taking his eyes off her for a second just to look back at Aurora but this time she was gone making him freeze and go on in a full pure sheet of panic mode.

"Calm down she's probably just exploring the place she'll be fine" Reno said as if he knew her as well as Astro did, but when it comes to Aurora randomly disappearing then that's a whole new story.

"CALM DOWN! Do you not remember the last time she went away on herself? She almost died!" Astro lost it as he held onto Reno's shoulders shaking him like a complete lunatic but he was right though. Reno seemed to get the point as he seemed to remember the event that happened in the underground and the robot version of herself almost killing her in the battle arena.

"You're right, let's looks for this treasure of yours" Reno said as Astro let go of him before rushing up to the last spot where they last saw her beginning their search party just to make sure she is safe and injured since there are wild dangerous robots walking around the surface nowadays.

Aurora's POV:

I was suddenly grabbed by some unknown identity pulling me into the bush and away from the others not telling them or giving them a sign that I was now getting kidnapped by them. Their hand seemed warm very much of a humans body temperature not some human skinned robot like the other me or I would be in some serious trouble right now.

"Where are you taking me? My friends need me" I asked as I looked at their hand and them up at their head seeing it look a lot like Astro which was kinda weird but I could be over reacting right now. His face was away from preventing me from seeing it but his clothes were ripped and ragged like he had just been through some serious shit and has been living down here for months.

"You're not safe with them, the risks are too high if you went any further, so I had to pull you away" his voice sounded just like his too but who is this boy I don't remember seeing him any where.

"B-but my friends!" I yelled worried about them especially Astro as I looked back into the trees where I was pulled seeing Astro rummaging through the bushes or me but why isn't he looking up at me. "ASTRO!" I yelled making him look up in my direction seeing me being dragged away by this human who had a decent strong grip on my arm as he began to run after me but we was too far away to catch up in time.

"AURORA!" I could hear his yells get further and further away from me the more I was pulled away from him no matter how hard I tried but it was no use I was still a bit weak from walking so much that made me use up quite a lot of energy. One of the good things was that the boy seemed to be slowly down so wherever he was taking me must be close by.

"I hope that you don't tell your friends about this place or everyone here would be in danger otherwise" the boy said again allowing me to slowly process on who this could possibly be right now other than hearing Astro's voice come from him again. We went through several bushes and thorns to the where he wanted to take me but Dr, Elifun wouldn't like to sow my clothes again after this. It was very cold so I had to wear something warm and fluffy. As we slowed down he suddenly made a stop behind some trees like he wanted to tell me something important before continuing on.

"Before we go through I need you to know who I am" he said turning to face me as I froze seeing Astro's face but how? He was just over there and now he's here pulling me away from himself what is happening right now?

"B-but you look just like Astro" I said with a stutter wondering what I was seeing was real and trust me if they were to ever meet things won't go well. He didn't seem to know who Astro was at this point but when did this human come done here, he suddenly let go of my arm which was good showing that there was some sort of trust forming between us.

"My name is Toby, Toby Tenma it's a pleasure to meet you" he said holding his hand out for me to shake as I still question myself to how to cope with two Astro's now, I don't even know if this one is even human.

"Are you a robot or a human?" I asked slowly grabbing his hands as he gave me a confused look which then made me even more confused.

"I'm a human and still am, what about you?" He asked back which was big backfire but I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell him who I am right now..right?

"I'm Aurora but I am not something you can Call a robot or a human, it's very confusing" I said back using my free hand to rub the back of my neck very nervous hoping he doesn't find out that I am probably related to Professor, Rose.

"So you're super-human?!" He said with pure joy and interested as I just stood here not really used to the positive side of people liking who I am but I am still looking for my purpose and who I truly am as a person and if I find a place in this world.

He could tell that I wasn't bothered with his sudden inspiration of being something he couldn't possibly be in a million years but it's hard to face reality some times. He grabbed my hand again which felt surprisingly warm just like Astro's but this one felt more human which seemed different to what I'm used to, as he guided me back through to the tree slowly walking towards something that I saw shimmer into which i found weird as I was met by this hidden little place with kids everywhere taking care of each other inside these homemade houses which were amazing but kinda small.

"Welcome to our home, I hope that you'll like it while you stick around for a while" Toby said letting go of my hand as I followed him through the place not really knowing what's what but I could tell that I was being watched due to what I was wearing which was unusual for someone from the surface to be wearing. He came up to a little group of kids that were probably around my age making me feel a bit sorry for how these guys had to live like for In these conditions.

"Who's that?" One of the boys said pointing at me carefully making his way towards me with his tank top and baggy trousers suiting him with his entire look too. He had short messy hair and brown eyes, he seemed to come up to me and circle around in search of something dangerous like a gun or something but I had nothing on me other than my clothes.

"What are you doing?" Toby asked looking kinda anointed about what his friend was doing right now pulling him away from me.

"I'm just making sure she isn't some dangerous robot that you just brought in here because as you can tell that she is from metro city" he relied back as Toby let him go but I don't blame any of them but I truly don't want to cause any of these amazing people any harm.

"Don't worry I trust that Aurora knows what to not do until she meets back up with her friends later on Leon" Toby said smiling at me trusting me without any suspicious but I could be wrong though, I grew unsure if Tony understood trust and how to believe in the right people but it's his decision to make.

"She better does or we will have some serious problems" Leon said back kinda intimidating looking at Astro then back at me before disappearing somewhere in the little home they all made but there weren't a lot of kids there probably a good 10 to 15 of them living here but the thing that got me was how the hell they managed to find or even build a camouflage shield without the right equipment.

"What is this place?" I asked amused looking at the place then at Toby who seemed to just be fixated on me right now.

"I know this place isn't anything like metro city but it's our home" he replied which was inspirational to see all of this stuff made by hand and just by these kids too which was rather impressive.

"How long have you been here for?" Aurora was curious about how long Toby has stayed here for as for with the others, I was just incredibly curious on how they survived down here with professor, Rose completely dominating the surface.

"I've lost count really but I've been down here ever since the peacekeeper was destroyed" he replied as i tilted my head a little bit not know what a 'peacekeeper' is.

"What's a peacekeeper?" I asked again as he looked at me confused since i did come from metro city but I rather keep my secret so he won't think that I am a threat to them because of my mother and the robot me.

"Something that was supposed to bring peace and help and win the election but things went out of hand but I still can't believe that you don't know about this, how come?" He asked ending his sentence with a question as I began to think of what to say without bringing the underground into this but I need to make something up and fast.

"I was kidnapped by professor, Rose and now she made a robot version of me and is trying to destroy the world!" I said quickly almost making impossible for him to understand me but he got the professor, Rose part and the robot bit which is kinda good.

"You two? Oof that's gotta be hard being replaced by someone who isn't you" Toby said putting a hand on my shoulder feeling quite sympathetic for me right now but I guess I could hide the fact of me being super human but would they hate me if they find out who I really am?

"Y-yeah, I hate her she killed my best friend" I said back looking away from him thinking of the horrible things she has done to me and my family besides from replacing me but maybe that will help her see how horrible and selfish my mother is.

"I'm so sorry but do you want to find your friends?" He asked as I nodded really wanting to find Astro again and go back home to Dr, Elifun and tell them about the poor conditions these kids are living in and help them. "Let's go" he said as he started to walk off towards the barrier that hid them so I quickly catches up to him walking by his side but this time I wasn't being dragged by him. As we left the invisible barrier we were incredibly vulnerable and easy to be targeted if anyone saw us right now especially robots as we began to head deeper into the forest that was sitting around us hoping to find Astro.

"So care to tell me who this Astro guy is?" Toby asked looking at me waiting for a response.

"Well, he's a robot and looks a lot like you but I'm usually afraid of robots though but he helped me see that not all robots are bad besides him being the hero of metro city" I said back as I looked at him seeing him completely shocked at me but also not wanting to believe me but he can wait until he sees Astro.

"Wait..he replaced me?" Toby was beginning to look kinda sad about how I described Astro. "He isn't looking for me, this is not fair not at all" he said again as his hands seemed to be quite tense from all the stress he is having.

"Calm down I'm sure that all of this is a big misunderstanding, Mr, Tenma believes that you are deceased so he brought you back with robotics" I said to him as he seemed to be not listening to me but lost in his own thoughts. "Toby?" I asked slowly moving my hand towards him as he gently moved it out of my way.

"No, I want him to explain to me not you" he said back in a nice but also in cold way as I took my hand back and continued to walk in the forest not wanting to talk to him again and find Astro as this Toby was completely different from Astro. We soon came across the path where he first took me away as we hid in the bushes hearing a group set of footsteps coming our way so we crouched down and waited to see who they were. "I wonder if they're okay" I though to myself as I saw them walking past use like they didn't care that I was gone but before I could move I heard something that was completely wrong.

"Hey wait for me!" I heard myself yelling for them as I felt myself crumble at the scene of the other me actually there with them and not me, do they know that she is a robot? This must be some sick joke..right?

"Come on Aurora we need to head back, my dad is waiting for us" I can't believe what I was hearing was Astro really falling for her fake smile and everything when will he see that he's walking beside a fake!

"I am so sorry" Toby whispered to me as they walked past us leaving me in complete shock before quickly taking off in the opposite direction leaving him behind and completely hurt by this betrayal right now.

"I hate them every single one of them!" I thought to myself as I kept running and running while tears filled my gears as they rolled down my cheek filed with sorrow and regret.

The place I've always wanted to be in but not like this not with all that's going on especially with my mother trying to take over the world and now she'll be able to have metro city too and I can't do anything to stop her now. "I'm so stupid to trust a robot like him! He's just like them!" I said to myself before slowly coming to a hault near a tree that was next to the meadow where we landed to inspect the surface for any survivors and I kind of regret agreeing to this. I decided to lean against the trees wood as my body began to slowly go down while my knees curled into my chest allowing my arms to wrap around them letting me sob into them.

I sat there for a good 5 minutes before Toby found me there crying away seeing that I have no other way back to metro city as Astro was the only way I could get back home and now I am just stuck here with people I hardly know but at least there aren't any robots around yet so I'll wait until he realises that she isn't me and gets me, wouldn't he?

Toby's PoV;

Seeing someone like her upset like this made me hurt a bit since I was once seen and looked up to by others before being replaced by something that wasn't actually human making my father forget about me which was kinda messed up, so I kneeled down next to Aurora as she cried to herself as my hand was placed on her shoulder before instantly pulling her into a hug since she really needed it right now than to just cry all by herself in a world messed up like this.

"It's going to be alright you have me now" I said to her but it only seemed to make her sobs even more worse but if that robot didn't look like me then she wouldn't be having such a hard time talking to me. I had every right to be hated right now especially with the way i talked to her on the way to find her friends again which leaded to this.

"No it happened again! Why does everything have to happen to me? what did I do wrong to deserve all of this!?" She said while hitting and pushing against my chest but I could feel her pain right now but something seemed off about everything.

"I'm sure that this is all a big mistake, all we need to do is make him see the truth under that robots human-like skin" I said hoping it would make her feel better but at least she stopped hitting my chest which was kinda fast well the pushing didn't seem to pass though.

"No...I want to go home" she said clenching onto my ripped shirt and jacket placing her head into my chest as I moved my hands to her shoulder blades still feeling guilty for taking her away like that.

"I know you want to go home but if you went out there just now they would've hurt you without thinking twice thinking that you're the copy cat" I said trying to make a point of something while trying to not get myself potentially frown by her if does come to that.

"I know but what do I do now?" She slowly began to rise her head up revealing her upset facial expression seeing how hurt she was about all of this but I don't blame her I would've done the same if I was in that type of situation and the robot me believing some random thing that looked like Aurora but wasn't actually her which absolutely pissed me off.

"Well, how about we go see the others back at the hideout. I'm sure we can figure something out" I said as I stood up onto my feet looking down at Aurora who was still sat on her knees with a few tears but she managed to swipe them away before getting up onto her feet again allowing me to guide the way back to the hideout where me and my friends live making her possibly one of us until we get something straight through Astro's head.

Astro's PoV:

As we got back to Metro City Aurora seemed to be acting fine and dandy from just disappearing on the surface but where was the boy that took her from us and why was she suddenly placed only a few metres down from the trail we were just walking on? something must be wrong unless I'm just overthinking this right now.

"What's the matter we have her and you're still worried! What more do you want?" Reno said patting my back but can't he see that there could be something wrong happening right now and nobody knows it but it's Aurora and she's always so close and accepting but also sometimes a bit confusing when it comes to her decisions at most.

"Yeah but I can still be concerned if I want to" I said back as I got beside to Aurora who I actually thought was Aurora at the time so I wasn't really suspecting anything much from her when we got back.

"What can we do for fun?" She asked with a rather strange smile on her face but I didn't question it at first before guiding her the way into the city not realising the huge mistake I had just made.

"What happened to your clothes did you get into a fight or something?" I asked her seeing that she was completely out of the warm comfy clothes Dr, Elifun provided for her on this little mission we were assigned to.

"I came across the robot me again and..she took my clothes making me wear hers so she could make you bring her up here and tell Rose where the location of Metro City" she said as I began to feel a incredible feeling of guilt inside but my gut made me think of something else like a warning but I completely ignored it all together not realising the risk I'm putting everyone in.

Every since then Aurora had been acting rather unusual around everyone especially the robots by actually going up to one like she wasn't even afraid of it anymore which didn't seem to strike any suspicions to anyone other than my father and Dr, Elifun who think that she was sick or something but Aurora always refused to get checked up by them but why?

2 months have passed and something strange happened in Metro City I didn't know if it was just a coincidence or that I should take it as a warning but something was either placed or thrown at the edge of the city where I was walking with Cora and Reno since Aurora was busy with 'other things' so this wasn't really concerning to anyone until Aurora was handed it.

"Why did you give me this?" She asked looking at the paper I had just gave her that was written in some sort of strange language which no one here could understand and by the look of things but Aurora seemed to know what was on the sheet of paper more than anyone else with the way she stared at it especially.

"Well we were hoping that you could at least try and point us into the right direction if you understand what it says at least" I said back but really I was doing this only to get a quicker glimpse of why Aurora was acting so strangely these past couple of months since we got back to Metro City.

"N-no, but how did you find something like this?" She asked back as I was kinda bummed out from the possibility of getting nowhere but I really could do a trip back to the surface again for another swipe of the area incase I can find something interesting that could help me find a way to end Rose's evil plan once and for all saving everyone around the world and Aurora from her negative energy.

"Just at the edge of Metro City we are thinking that it's some sort of message from the surface so we might need to make another visit down there whenever my father says that it's safe to because of your last encounter with Robot Aurora" I said back as she sighed with some sort of relief but what can I say Aurora never really hated the surface but as far as I can say this is rather strange of her to be acting like this but yet again I'm being incredibly stupid right for letting it brush off so quickly unless it's the feeling I have for Aurora that's making me like this.

"The surface..that's not good, not good at all Rose could be trying to get back at us for what we've done to her plans back in the underground" Aurora said back in a quite scared tone that everyone even myself fell for completely knocking me off guard at what the main objective was right now.

"Yeah, how about we leave her alone for now and do some research of our own we'll check on her later when we find out how to uncrip this message" Reno said putting his hand on my shoulder as I knew that something else than bothering Aurora would make this even easier to solve but it's very hard to find something especially when the ones closest to you are the actual enemy here which I by the time wasn't actually able to tell other than my tiny hint of suspicion on how she was acting around everyone.

Toby's PoV:

I think that Aurora is actually liking it down here with everyone and even had her own choice of clothing she found when we raided and abandoned village a few miles from the base but it seemed a bit new for someone to just leave it behind so what gives? but as long as it matches her style of taste and is comfortable in them then everything is hunky dory.

I didn't like this Astro guy no matter how many great stories Aurora tells me about him I just hated him that he chose some faker over her despite the thing not even wearing the same clothes as her and yet he still believes it so what the heck! Can I not be so stupid?

A week has passed but ever since Aurora joined our pride she seemed to be getting along amazingly well with everyone and is incredibly strong from when she carried a box that was probably as heavy as a car which no normal human being could carry on their own telling me that she wasn't just a normal human being.

"How about we go on that walk I promised, I have some places that I really need to show you" I said as she seemed to light up with joy before hugging me causing my heat to skip a beat which wasn't like me but I could feel a connection building between us every time she smiled at me so why would this Astro guy ever chose a fake over this innocent girl even though she is very much capable of becoming something more bigger like a hero who actually has a heart to care about her people that she saves other than her fear of robots which isn't new around here.

"S-sorry I got a bit over excited" she apologised as she rubbed the back of her neck from how nervous she was but I can't blame her she probably never experienced a hug from anyone before or has she? but I would never know unless she tells me about it and that I have to wait. I guided the way through the woods onto the trail that leaded the possible way to the place I wanted to show her for a while now which could make her feel more at home until we convince that stupid robot that she isn't the fake Aurora since robots can't die unless you don't repair them and by what I saw Aurora definitely can die especially from that scar I saw on the stomach where she seemed to have been stabbed by something.

"Aurora" I said as she looked at me as we continued to walk on this trail that wasn't very visible but it was enough to help guide are way to something that people think is a dead end but they all don't see the secret pass way beyond the hill that you have to climb.

"What is it?" She asked waiting for me to respond but I can't stop getting lost in those eyes every time I look into them they were so mesmerising and cute.

"I was wondering but how did you get that scar on your stomach? You don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable to I was just curious!" I panicked a little bit from the confused look she gave me when I brought up the subject about something that seems to be so useful but really it's a big deal and I don't even know it yet.

"Are you sure you want to know?" She asked as I nodded at her which made her sigh a bit preparing to tell me what happened to her which can go for a long time or short but I wondered who did such a wound like that to someone so kind and welcoming. "It happened in the underground when I was taken away by Professor, Rose and my robot self. But the thing they didn't realise that I am capable of bleeding and learned the hard way when my blood began to spill on the floor like a human being would before I blacked out before soon waking up in my bed from a potential coma I was in from the injury which wasn't for long as I brought happiness to everyone, but right now they can't even recognise what's real and what's fake anymore" she said which sounded absolutely horrible especially being stuck in a coma they can last years or never leaving to some being sadly put of life support and pass away, I was glad that she wasn't one of them.

"That's sounds horrible I would hate to experience what you've gone through" I said as she just laughed it off which seemed a bit off but I couldn't blame her she's been through hell and no one had noticed the pain she is hiding inside as i too wonder if she has ever cried like she did back then when her friends left her behind.

"Are we at that place yet?" She changed the subject just before we stopped at the little cliff we had to climb, I headed to the end of the trail as she looked at me confused. "What are you doing?" She asked as I looked back at her before holding onto the rocks that were stuck on the outside of the cliff.

"In order to reach where we are heading we have to climb dummy" I said in a joking way before making my way up as she came at the end of the cliff and began to climb up after me and carefully watched her every step and pebble she grabbed.

"Don't you think that this is a bit dangerous?" Aurora said but she was right this was very risky but its the only quickest way up unless you want to go for a 2 hour walk around and i don't think anyone would want that.

"of course but its all about the risk or you'll never find who you are in this world" I said which is the only reason for living down on the surface now a days thanks to Professor, Rose and her stupid human looking robot army that is constantly patrol the surface 24/7. But as I got near the top My foot slipped causing me to lose grip onto the rock I was holding onto leaving me to free fall to my possible death. "Oh no" I thought to myself before I felt something grab onto my ankle as my back hit my head against the rock wall which would definitely leave a bruise later but I was left to dangle down as I looked up seeing Aurora holding onto me.

"Are you alright!?" She said in a worrying tone holding me with her small yet strong hand while keeping herself up with the other but how the heck would we be able to get up like this.

"So what now?" I asked as she looked up at the top of the cliff seeing that it wasn't that far but she would need two hand to climb not one.

"Imma pull you up so get on my back and hold on tight" she said as she began to pull me up until I was able to flip myself around and get onto her back as I held on tight around her shoulders like a hug from behind allowing her to continue climbing up to the top. Her aroma smelt sweet and calming messing with my mind suiting her completely as I couldn't help myself making me hold on tighter refusing to let go.

"Thank you Aurora, I should really watch my footing next time I decide to go rock climbing" I said as she seemed to understand me but suddenly slipped due to the weight and managed to stay ahold onto the rocks but I could tell that she wouldn't be able for long if I don't get off but it'll be too risky for me to try and get off her right now as she could slip and fall.

"I'm unsure how long I can hold onto these slippy rocks?" She said but I guess it was just pure coincidence when her hand actually lost grip and slipped leaving us to be falling to our death but for Aurora falling from this height can't kill her as she was super human but it can definitely kill me in which I panicked.

"Crap I'm going to die!" I said as I held onto Aurora who didn't seem to be screaming but I could feel her heart beating rapidly she was afraid off falling especially on me as I closed my eyes completely expecting to fell myself get crushed against the dirt floor but nothing seemed to happen for quite awhile.

"Umm, Toby?" She said as I felt the gravity stop like if we have we weren't falling anymore as I slowly opened my right eye seeing the cloudy sky above us but I was still alive before looking down seeing the ground a few feet away from touching me but Aurora wasn't standing we were still alive but floating or at least hovering off the ground.

"Are you flying?!" I said hoping that she was but she managed to get herself up to the point when she was now able to see her feet as they weren't touching the dirt allowing herself to understand that she isn't human but why did this suddenly burst of energy come out now why not later on?

"I-I don't know" she said unsure on how to control this but I was able to become balanced on her back keeping her still in her hovered state which was a good way to keep us alive if we plan to use this to our advantage.

"How about you try concentrating on this new power you have and maybe it would be able to help us get to the top" I suggested as she nodded agreeing to give this a try and before you know she closed her eyes and began to put her brain to work which seemed to be making a positive impact effect as we seem to be going up.

"Is it working?" She nervously asked as we began to get close up to the edge of the cliff which was absolutely amazing and yet I was the first one to witness this new power of hers before anyone else making it very special for us.

"Yeah, just a little more" I said as we grew closer to the end to that place we were so desperate to reach but we could've gone the other way which would take us 2 hours, I bet Aurora wouldn't like to take a walk that long, unless she has a serious thing for nature too.

No ones PoV:

Aurora opened her eyes seeing the edge of the cliff in her grasps and reached out for it but she was only a few centres away from it so she moved her legs back which somehow urged her to tilt forward allowing her to grab on which then caused her powers to suddenly vanish leaving the two of us to dangle but Aurora was able to get Toby up first before pulling herself up which didn't take long to do.

"I told you I didn't have full control of myself let alone have any knowledge of these powers I am suddenly experiencing" she said confused about herself and these strange powers that are suddenly kicking in whenever she's in a dire situation that makes her emotions go bezerk. I wonder if anyone else knows about these powers of hers?

"I'm sure you'll get a hold on them sooner or later Aurora, but for now how about we check this place out and relax alright" Toby said as she caught up to him while he guided the way to this beautiful place he spoke to her about that was so relaxing and filled with life.

As they grew near to the entrance they came across a bunch of vines that blocked a way into a cave that leaded to some underground place somewhere that hasn't been touched in years and was mostly forgotten about due to the war and separation of metro city and the surface. The more they walked into this cave they came across a little river that seemed to run around the cave and a tree that was sat underneath a ray of light with some grass and flowers that were taking the only source of sunshine that came from the hole in the roof making the view absolutely stunning.

"Wow this place is beautiful! How did you even find this?" Aurora was most definitely impressed by this place but Toby seemed to know this place a bit more that Aurora who mainly looked at the vegetation that was growing never seen such beauty in a cave before.

"Well I found this place about a month ago so it hasn't been that long but we could look around for anything of value like rocks or gems at least" he suggested as Aurora suddenly sneezed which was rather off because there was nothing here or close enough to make her sneeze as she wasn't allergic to daisies either.

"I feel uneasy again" she said looking at Toby who grew unsure of why she was feeling like this right now especially after she sneezed.

"It's just a sneeze you probably had something stuck up there or something" he said as he didn't seem to understand why she was because only one sort of gem can make her feel like this and it's Scarlett fougclipscombite something she shouldn't be near or touching unless she wants to get burned or weakened for a short while.

"You don't understand there is only one thing that makes me uneasy and it's down that way" she pointed in a direction to another entrance way that lead deeper into the cave and wanted to see if her suspicions were true.

"If you say so" Toby didn't seem to get but tagged along anyway because of how bored he was so maybe a trip down there wouldn't hurt anyone right.

A glow of red could be seen a few feet away from where Aurora was walking which was enough to make her suspicions accurate and stop right in her tracks confusing Toby. "Why did you stop?" He asked before noticing the glow of red light that caught his attention as he headed towards it while Aurora stayed still and got a uncomfortable shiver from feeling this gem's radiant energy.

"Stop, it's too dangerous!" She yelled as Toby stopped right outside of the entrance where the gem was leaving him with a big surprise as the glow was now reflecting onto him before he listened and came back to Aurora who grabbed his wrist and headed back to the main vegetation area with the tree moving him aside as she looked up seeing some unsteady rocks leaving her no other choice but to block it off. "Stand back" she said as she looked at Toby who gladly made some distance between them as she carefully used her new ability to float up and slowly made her way up to the rocks pressing her foot against the wall as her hands tugged at the rock which eventually tumbled down blocking the only entrance to the Scarlett fougclipscombite, keeping her safe for now from anyone who dares to try and use this stuff against her.

"Why did you do that?" He asked as turned to face him with a serious look leaving him a bit shaken.

"Don't even tell anyone about this or you'll be putting me and everyone's lives at risk. That stuff in there is Scarlett fougclipscombite, a deadly threat to me and is the only thing that can possibly kill or weaken me whenever I am in combat. Do you now understand?" She said in a way that she didn't want him to think that she was crazy but either way he did but if he doesn't listen then she'll be in quite a pickle when Rose gets her hands on that gemstone that was filled in that mine.

"So it's like your weakness or something? you're like superman but more or less a threat to humanity" Toby said mainly making her sound like one of those superhero cartoons he watched when he was a kid but yet he still is but his dad believes that he's dead.

"Just don't tell anyone about this place who isn't apart from our trust circle or we're all doomed" she said not wanting anything bad to happen but Toby on the other hand thought that she was over thinking it right now.

"Okay, okay. Calm down I'm sure we'll find a way to make sure no bad guys get in here and possibly kill you with that Scarlett fougatobby" he said forgetting the word already as she sighed but right now she really needed to rest and calm her mind more than anything.

Back in metro city. Astro and the others are currently trying to make preparations to go back to the surface again but this time without 'Aurora' who was stuck in her room doing stuff which seemed a bit off since she doesn't usually pass on her favourite food which is pancakes especially with cream and blueberries on top making Dr, Elifun a bit worried about his daughter's well-being.

"Are you sure you're alright Aurora?" He asked as she looked at him rather puzzled since she knew she was a robot but he didn't know that so something had to be done to pass this suspicion straight away or her plan will be spoiled.

"Don't worry about it I'll make sure to eat something later" she said as he seemed to be satisfied with that response as she left him once again to go back into her room and illegal work on something that could possibly harm human lives. Dr, Elifun headed to the lab where he had a decent chat with Dr, Tenma about this whole situation on Aurora hardly eating her food situation especially missing out on her favourite part of the day which is breakfast as she always had her pancakes with squirty cream and blue berries and a bit of honey making it nice sweet treat to high up those glucose level.

"If I were you I would keep an eye on her incase she passes out or is becoming sick" Tenma said trying the best his can to calm down the distraught father that works his hardest to love and care for that girl and seeing her sick or in any condition that puts her life at risk then he would most definitely panic and skip work to make sure that she alright.

Since then Dr, Elifun kept having frequent calls to check on Aurora incase she isn't feeling well or is in danger while Astro goes back to the surface tomorrow so keeping her here is a big deal so she wouldn't have to meet her other half again as it would lead to conflict.