Chapter 12

The next day has arrived allowing Astro and the others to blast off down to the surface for another sweep to get rid of any life threatening opponents not really sure on what they're getting themselves into. While those on the surface weren't aware of this departure especially Aurora as she is going on one of her daily walks on her own thinking she's all alone.

The forest wasn't peaceful because of the birds tweeting and flying around bringing life to the place like it once was before the war that destroyed any vegetated homes possibly killing innocent animal lives. Aurora loved it on the surface as it was riddled with life and adventure something she never got back in Metro city because of her fear and depression of losing the one's dearest to her but her determination to get back to her new family was the only thing that kept her going.

Ace on the other hand was just wondering through next to his sister's room when he heard something in his sister's room and began to listen in through the crack of the door. "These amateurs are so clueless on what's about to happen to their precious city" the sound of Aurora's voice could be heard talking to something or someone as he put his ear to the door quietly listening in.

"Good. All you need to do now is come back to base and give me the location of the city" he froze when he hear Professor, Rose's voice reply but why would she be talking to her Aurora hates her. Until it hit him.

Ace's PoV:

"Why is she talking to professor, Rose?" I thought as I planned to open the door and see who this person really was because their is no way that Aurora would ever talk or work with Rose not after what she did to her.

"Sure I'll bring it over now, the others have gone to the surface again to clear another search for more of your projects so I'll be cautious and stay out of view and inform you when I get there" she said before I grabbed ahold on the cracks of the door forcing them wide open seeing Aurora instantly look back at me not really surprised like if she was actually expecting me to be here.

"What have you done with my sister?!" I asked seriously as she chuckled like a villain would and stopped before looking up at me with a evil grin on her face knowing what she would do to me other than tear me apart into scrap.

"Ya know I'm not the villain in this story. I just do what I have to do because there's no other choice and besides I love killing things and there is nothing you can do about! Oh, and for your sister she's stuck on the surface all alone probably starved to death by now" She said which sounded very much what a psychopath would say before she got out her blaster and shot at me giving me no other chance but to defend myself as I went through the wall of the house and was now free falling from several feet high in the air to a death a human cannot survive but I can't because I'm indestructible. I was able to get my boosters thanks to the impossible stopping me from falling as she came out from the hole I made thanks to her quick movements as I went up to match her altitude, revealing her true identity but it would so much easier if Astro was here to help me.

No one's PoV:

Back at the surface Astro and his friends was able to land at a nearby clearing mostly a meadow filled with grass that went up to their knees showing how much it has grown from the last visit they had which involved a quick searched for Aurora but not realising that it was a fake and now their city was left unprotected from a highly dangerous threat that was thriving and fighting with Ace.

"What if we bump into the fake one today?" Reno wasn't sure about this but didn't want to fight someone who looked like their friend and he could tell that Astro didn't want to fight them either but everything must come to an end.

"Guys look!" Bruno quietly yelled as we all looked a head of them and there she was the real deal but to them all they saw was a fake not really sure on how they're supposed to approach this right now.

"Well she hasn't spotted us so let's hide in the grass for now" Astro said wanting to take the stealthy type of strategy to go around her as she didn't seem to be as aggressive as they expected her to be and destroy the vegetation around her but no she just looked around loving this stuff and even the animals trusted her too.

"Shouldn't this place be destroyed by now, since their objection is to destroy and reanimate the world" Aera knew his knowledge when it comes to spy around enemy bases and give us the upper hand so what happened? Did Rose turn soft?

"Somethings not right about this" Astro said as everyone else agreed with him thinking that all of this was rather weird but something more extreme was going to happen.

"Aurora wait!" A voice that sounded like Astro's was heard yelling which made them perk their heads up from the grass seeing Toby who rushed by Aurora's side out of breath like he had been following them.

"What is it Toby?" She asked while he caught his breath obviously not wanting her to go any further beyond the forest due to the danger of being attacked by enemies who trespass into their territory.

"You..can't go into the opening it's...too dangerous" we was finally able to speak and catch his breath but Aurora knew the risks but she wanted to bring the fake self out from hiding if she was here and hopefully settle things once and for all.

"I know but I need to bring her out so I can prove to them that I am Aurora and the other one is the fake and is planning to take over metro city with Rose" she said which was accurate but who doesn't know that by now since Professor, Rose never really shut up about her plans.

"It's unlikely that they would believe you yet" Toby said knowing more about her than Astro does other than the trauma she has experienced down in the underground leaving Tony absolutely clueless about her past as he only knows that she is a super human who yet has to awaken her powers and save the world from herself.

"I will never hurt anyone in this world other than myself until she pays for what she has done to my home and my family" Aurora was sure to get vengeance for Dr, Hope from what she did to her and must find the real reason why she wanted to ruin her own daughter's ambitions by making a duplicate on herself and make people hate her because of it.

"But bringing her here wouldn't solve anything so why don't you come back with me to the hideout and we'll talk about a proper plan to expose that faker once and for all" Toby's idea was better than Aurora's which would end with more fighting but either way a fight would break out between the heroes and the villains no matter what route you take.

"Fine let's go" Aurora said as she began to head back into the forest while Toby took one more look around the grass no seeing Astro and his buddies camping out before following after Aurora to the hideout not expecting to be surprised.

Astro as his buds were now sneaking in the darkness following the two through the forest and off the path from where Aurora was originally taken away from Astro.

"Are you sure that this is a smart decision?" Aera whispered not wanting to be heard by the other two that are walking not too far from them as Astro seemed quite determined to find this hideout and who these people really are.

"I don't care I need to know who these people are and why this boy looks like me? Is he a robot too like the Amelia?" Astro wasn't sure of what to think about this as he isn't the only one that is confused about this double-ganger situation here as there is now two Astro's.

"We won't known unless we follow them" Aera said wanting to know who this other Astro really was despite everyone who came with Astron was indeed a robot and posses a threat to Toby's base and those who live within its walls. When they followed them to the entrance of the base they saw the two walk through the invisible barrier which only suggested that they were smart and would be armed but really they are just defenceless people who need a place to live without being threatened everyday by deadly robots thats wonder the surface but it won't take long for anyone to fine out where they live.

"Wait! We need to be careful if we ever think about going in there" Aera was right because who knows how many people are living in that base and if they were even human or robots that want to do them harm.

Inside the base Aurora grew increasingly agitated about something like if she had been followed which Toby quickly picked up on. "Is everything alright? You seem to be stressing out about something" he asked as she brushed it off thinking that it was just her imagination but her overprotective urge to protect these people wouldn't make her stop looking at the barrier from where they walk through like if someone was going to enter at any moment.

"I just have a feeling that we've been followed, but I could just be paranoid or over thinking it" she said not looking back at her friends who stood there confused as their wasn't a lot of them and aren't as armed to defend themselves against a gang of blood thirsty robots but they have Aurora to give them the upper hand with her super human strength.

"How about you take some rest, you've been on too many night patrols" Toby seemed to be rather supportive and concerned about his friends especially when it comes to Aurora but she didn't seem to want to move like if it was her first priority to go out there and confront this threat that has followed them. She suddenly dashed off surprising everyone of this bold move to confront this threat that could possibly kill her if she wanted to fight them or not. "No!" That was the only word Toby yelled when Aurora rushed back through the barrier but when she did for some strange reason she seemed to have bumped into something or someone causing her to stumble backwards blowing their cover.

"Ow, I should really not run out like this I could actually damage something if I don't be careful" she thought to herself as she slowly looked up and there they were her supposed friends as they stood there with their blasters raised up at you for self defence. "Astro? What on earth are you doing here?" She asked ignoring the other 4 that had their blasters pointed at her making Astro the only one to not have it aimed up at her.

"You aren't going to mess with my head this time Aurora or should I say Amelia" those words seem to hurt Aurora quite a bit since even with this close confrontation he was still unable to see that right now he was actually talking to the real deal and doesn't even know it yet.

"What are you on about? She has already messed with your head and now the fate of Metro city is now in her hands because of YOU!" Aurora said as she walk a bit closer to Astro not showing that she was afraid of him but deep down she didn't want things to come to this since he made a promise to never hurt her even but even the most kindest people can be fooled to do the most heartless of things.

"No, we are here to bring you to Dr, Tenma so he can shut you down before you can do further harm to the world" Aera didn't seem to get this either but Aurora saw this as an opportunity to show them the real her when he does try and turn her off which is close to impossible since she was human and didn't have a flip switch and the only way to turn her off is to kill her and that's it.

"How can you I can't fly?" She asked with crossed arms wanting them to think that she wasn't going to go down easily but they had no other choice but to carry her up.

"I guess I'll have to carry you up then" Astro said as he got closer to her not believing that it was the real Aurora but before he could take her away Toby came through.

"No! I won't let you take her away you traitors!" He yelled as he was also grabbed but by Aera who thought that this boy was a robot but really he was a fleshy human.

"Why are you taking my friend? he isn't even a robot" Aurora was trying to get her friend free and tell these idiots that he was in fact a human who can't even defend himself like Aurora can.

"Nice try but we won't fall for your tricks anymore" Astro lastly said before tying her hands together and threw her over his shoulder as Aera did the same to Toby who gave up and accepted his fate while Aurora grew tired of this shit as they flew up out of the forest and in the direction of metro city which was still protected by the invisible barrier shield that kept everyone safe but not allowing you to see what was actually happening until you get through first.

"I hope to see the face of guilt on your stupid robot face when you realise that I am not a robot because I HATE robots!" Aurora grumbled to herself hating this as they grew closer to the barrier allowing the two none fliers to see the surface once more which Toby was dreading since he was afraid of falling because he knew he can't fly like Astro and his friends.

"Are we there yet?" Toby said not liking this at all but when he asked they seemed to come through the barrier allowing them to see the outside since they were facing away from metro city which didn't seem to be bothered at all as they headed straight to the administry of science where they were met by Dr, Tenma and Dr, Elifun who took the two away to potentially be turned off.

"Where the heck is it?" Tenma said as he looked around Aurora who didn't like this at all and looked rather tired of this while Toby sat next to her watching all of this knowing that his father wouldn't recognise him because of Astro and believing that he was still dead.

"Why can't you use the X-ray and find out yourselves?" Aurora's idea seemed smart so he took that as a opportunity to potential find the off switch but all he got was results and the truth he was looking for. They saw the shock on their faces when they saw the results of Aurora's and Toby's X-ray results making them untie their restraints knowing that they aren't threats or a blood thirsty machines.

"So you're telling me that you survived when the peacekeeper absorbed you" Dr, Elifun said as he talked with Toby while Aurora looked through the computer in search for anything useful.

"Well how the heck did the president survive when he too was absorbed inside like me but it was weird on how he was able to control it though" Toby said like he experienced the whole event when Astro was able to destroy the peacekeeper saving lives from complete destruction.

"Da- I mean Dr, Elifun, is this supposed to happen?" Aurora said as he came over while Tenma talked to Toby who was actually alive thanks to her findings.

"No that's not supposed to be happening, why are they fighting?!" Elifun said seeing Ace and the others fighting with this robot not knowing who it was until someone was thrown through the window where they were observing this from.

Aurora looked over seeing that it was Astro and took caution when she headed over to him finally seeing him get the treatment he deserved from thinking that she was a robot as he stood back up dusting himself off before seeing Aurora stood there with her arms crossed and that one glare that he always hated making him feel incredibly stupid for believing a faker than the real deal but it was hard to notice when they are so identical.

"Well, Look what the cat dragged in" she said as he looked at her not really in the mood to laugh or argue especially when there's a raging Aurora robot that is taking down everything in its way.

"Can we talk about this after we take this thing down because everything we care about is being destroyed" Astro did have a point as she sighed knowing that she would have to do something that would most likely be dangerous in the fight when the robot itself has the only weakness that can possibly kill her like last time. She began to hover off the floor with nothing but gravity at her grasps catching everyone off guard from the sudden change.

"Go take her down Aurora and show her who's the real boss!" Toby said but Aurora already had plans to take this threat out with or without their permission as she took off through the smashed windows Astro came flying through as he quickly followed after her just incase for extra support.

"Are you sure about this?" Astro asked as Aurora smirked knowing what she had planned for this robot but it wouldn't be easy to take her down.

"Let's get round 2 started and I will surely win this time" she said as they got to where the last robot was seen taking her on as the buildings around them was destroyed from the fighting before Amelia began to show herself as she glared over at Aurora and Astro who were in the air waiting for her to make the first move.

"Do you even know how to take her out?" He asked again as she shook her head no which wasn't that much of a surprise sunce she was just taking out basic robots that head close to her surface base protecting her friends from their deaths or meet the same like Dr, Hope.

"I'm doing this so I can get revenge for what this bitch did to Dr, Hope!" Aurora said as Astro remember what she told her when they were in his living room about why she was so afraid of robots and the solution was here but no matter what happens you will always feel that anxious side incase it comes back to bite you back.

Amelia was able to make Astro it's first target but before it could make a move Aurora was able to put herself in front of her wanting to have this battle 1v1 not involving anyone else in this blood splattering war that has gone on for too long. "But you'll die if you go against them alone" Astro said concerned about her well-being and didn't want her to risk her life like this but what other choice does she have.

"It's a risk I am willing to take so get everyone as far as you can!" Aurora said as he instantly did that's he did die to how serious her tone was showing thats she wasn't messing around and planned to die for this city than allow some robot version of herself to destroy everything she cared so dearly about.

"Too bad you would've won if he was here battling by your side, Your loss" Amelia was messing around with Aurora but even she wasn't falling for this one and wanted to end this with a bang. Amelia got her blaster out and aimed it at her only opponent which is a super-human robot hybrid alien life form and doesn't even know it.

"Wow always sticking to the basics! You truly are boring" Aurora said mocking Amelia's plan to blast her out of the sky but even that was enough to make her put her blaster away clenching her fists diving in her direction which ended in Aurora being sent flying into a nearby building one of its rooms laying on some rumble she made from the impact as Amelia came inside and landed a few metres away from where Aurora was laid.

"And you're pretty stupid to start pissing me off. I could end you the same way I did to Hope and I think you wouldn't want that to happen especially to poor old Elifun right?" Aurora paused as she looked down at the ground clutching onto the rubble she Leaned on pushing herself back onto her feet again just 2 metres away from herself.

"So are you because no one comes into my city and messes with my family and gets away with it!" She growled as she used the ground to her advantage making her leap onto Amelia tackling her out of the hole she made sending them flying down the building not allowing her opponent to activate her boosters to prevent the fall which damaged both them.

Aurora was sent a few feet away from Amelia who pushed her away just seconds before impact making the damage she was supposed to be dealt in half leaving hardly a scratch on Aurora who didn't take any damage other than the scrape from the rocks and rubble that hit her during the rough landing. Amelia got herself up from the floor and headed straight to Aurora who was getting back onto her feet and aggressive punched her into the gut with a powerful upper cut winding her opponent who was nowhere near a match.

"You don't stand a change against me so give up!" She yelled as she grabbed Aurora's jacket and threw in the opposite direction ripping her clothes way more than they were at the very beginning. Aurora was facing something rather dangerous but wasn't giving up no matter how much it throws at her as it activated it's blasters again from the distance she was which gave her a chance to survive of when it hits her. "Say hello to Hope for me when you see her" she lastly it began to charge the colour of bright red making her remember the cave she went to with Toby that found more of that dangerous gem and the other memories she had with everyone incase this does kill her as she slowly sat up.

"No!" Toby yelled as he came in front of Aurora just seconds of it hitting her making it hit him instead as she quickly caught him seeing how seriously injured he and was bleeding out.

"why did you do that?!" She yelled as he had a big smile on his face as she watched in horror as her human friend slowly died in her arms which seemed to satisfy Amelia who watched from a distance.

"I just wanted to protect you like a friend should do even if it means sacrificing my life in order for you to live" Toby said as Aurora embraced the little hero in her arms who hugged back with a deadly wound in his gut which is something no parent would want to see especially after just being reuniting with his son who they thought was dead.

"You can't leave me..I don't want to lose anymore people than I already have" Aurora said as she held him tightly not wanting him to go as he chuckled along despite the blood that began to drip from his mouth from internal bleeding. His grip could be felt loosening showing that he hasn't got much left in him.

"" those were his last words before his hands flopped down but Aurora still checked for a pulse but she wasn't able to get anything from him nothing not even a single breath blaming herself yet again for another death.

"Seeing you cry is always a definite sign of defeat as you now have nothing to fight for" Amelia said thinking that this fight was over but it had just only begun.

"You monster! don't you have any shame?!" Aurora yelled as Amelia 'tsk' at her opponent not caring about this since she doesn't know what it's like to lose something or someone important to her so it was obvious that she didn't care.

"Psh, please why do I need to have friends anyway? All they do is disappoint you especially when it comes to choosing and thanks to that here we are fighting once again but this time I will surely to wipe out everything single living thing on this planet starting with you!" Amelia was unaware of the burning anger and rage that was building within Aurora right now that would most likely bring the end to everything she has worked so hard for but as long as this monster is destroyed nothing bad will happen.

"Grr, you will pay for this!" Aurora yelled in rage still holding Toby's now dead body with his body all on her hands and clothes because of Amelia. The evil menacing robot just laughed not taking her threat for granted as Aurora stood up putting his body down in a safe place before retreating back where she stood only 2 metres away from her enemy.

"Oh? You weren't kidding when you said you'll kill me, not ver hero though like is it, haha!" Amelia was mocking Aurora's actions even though she never wanted to be a hero but someone people can rely on than depend on all the time like Astro. Aurora gritted her teeth and clenched her hands ready to fight this bitch once and for all. Astro and the others could feel the new built atmosphere Aurora was bringing to them as she looked down at the ground not allowing anyone to see her face. "Aww, is little Aurora gonna cry? Haha! You really liked him didn't you, but not everything is meant to last forever" Amelia said in a mocking tone believing that she was actually going to cry but really it's something entirely different. Amelia stepped closer allowing herself to get right next to her ear and whispered. "All of this wouldn't happened if you didn't stay and did what you were told" before snickering away as she pulled her head away pulling the gap between them again as Amelia faced towards the spot where Astro, Tenma and the others were hiding in distracting the clueless robot at what fate she was about to be falling for next.

"Rule 1! never turn your back on your opponent or they'll have the upper hand and rip out your chest" Aurora thought to herself remembering the person lesions she had with Dr, Hope back in the underground specifically for this type of situation. "Rule 2! always end with the robots insides in your hands not the other way round, or you're sure to lose and never come back for another chance" she thought again before exhaling looking up at the back of Amelia seeing the open opportunity as she began to head towards her friends. "Rule 3! Find the right purpose to eradicate your opponent and exterminate.." Aurora finally growled before going in the back of the one place rose always puts the hearts of all of her robots gripping onto it before yanking it out as she stumbled forward surprised of this sudden stab in the back by Aurora. "This one is for Toby and Dr, Hope" she mumbled as Amelia looked at her victor and smiled with pride like if she was happy to be killed by her enemy but Aurora didn't care she got what she wanted and with honour for the revenge she successfully gained.

"Make sure you look for Ace and tell him I'm sorry will you.." Amelia lastly spoke before turning off for definitely as Aurora scoffed dropping her floor to the floor but as she looked up she couldn't see Ace anywhere not with the others making her panic.

"Ace! Where are you?!" She suddenly yelled out before frantically looking around for him ignoring the others knowing that they're completely fine and unharmed as the threat was finally eliminated.

"Aurora! wait for me!" Astro yelled out rushing after her not knowing where Ace was and began to look under every rock and building until they find him, but I his search continued on for hours and nothing was heard from anyone leaving Aurora alone without her brother by her side.

"Where do you think he went?" Astor asked seeing how angered and agitated Aurora was becoming leaving her with only one option to where he might have went. "You wouldn't" he said knowing where she was thinking of going next as this protective rage was still rushing through her body and refuse to go back home without her brother.

"But my gut tells me that going there would achieve me nothing so maybe he isn't in there" she replied listening to her own advise for once and stay out of danger and get bandaged up while the city under goes another construction phase again but sadly they would have to land back on the surface as the gravity boosters weren't holding up like they used to and need to be replaced before taking back off again.