Chapter 13

A week had passed since the devastating loss of Toby and disappearance of Ace who had miraculously vanished out of existence unexpectedly but Aurora refuses to forget about him and continued to wait until the day he finally returns and give him a big warm hug.

In Metro city Aurora was walking through the park as pure usual emptying her mind keeping most of her awakened powers like strength out of sight and never use flight unless absolutely necessary refusing to be like her robot friends and try to find out who she is meant to be in this world and her purpose in life. "If i was just maybe quicker i would've been able to save him and seeing Astro doesn't make things any easier or me" Aurora thought to herself wanting to do more in the favour of those aha had lost this year refusing to lose anyone else. "Why can't i have healing abilities? That would've helped me greatly and my best friend might actually still be alive today" she mumbled to herself while looking at her hands hating the way she had came out to be feeling useless and yet refuses to tell anyone about it, a shadowy lurks through dark shades of the tree she rested against not taking any interest in who might be trying to scare her. "If thats you Astro I'm not in the mood for a scare" she said expecting her friend to be there but was quickly mistaken when i huge explosion was heard hitting the city setting everything up in flames causing her to seeing what possible could be an alien invasion but these beings looked human and yet they had powers taking hostages and attacking the city giving Aurora those flashbacks of the invasion that had happened in her old home before she was forced to flee. "N-" a set of hands came out of nowhere taking Aurora out within seconds dragging her way unidentified and mysterious leaving Astro and the others to struggle and fight these new unexpected intruders even if they know it was useless to resist against them like this.

Astro's PoV:

They were coming at me in all directions giving me no time to deflect their attacks as some of their own came and defended me which was a relief but i haven't got the power to take these guys on no one can unless it's their own kind and i most definitely need an upgrade. I landed near a evacuation area for extra protection as most of the people in metro city have either been killed or kidnapped by these things. "Why did it have to happen today man?" Reno complained as i began to count everyone especial those who helped us not a lot but a little group who are sick of attack vulnerable species for no reason at all because of their new young king or something like that.

"Wait..where's Aurora?!" I yelled seeing that she wasn't or anywhere could they have taken her while i was distracted, oh got please no. But if i leave now everyone would be in a vulnerable position so i just hope that they don't do anything bad to her and spare her of any trauma she had already experience during her time on earth for the past 14 years.

"You know what she's like hiding in some safe place until it all calms down but i doubt that they would take her" Zak said knowing her way more than me but does he even know what inhuman strength she is capable of? Aurora isn't a selfless coward but if i was in her situation i would most likely take cover especially in her state losing 2 important people in one day because of your mother it would be rough to show your face or even accept reality as it is wanting to be alone.

"If you saw what she did to Amelia then surely you would change your mind on that statement old friend" i replied correcting him even though he alone wasn't there to witness Aurora destroying a robot with her bare hands and feels revenge for her lost comrades who fell the same fate as Toby which was tragic to bare witness to.

"Excuse me but did you say Aurora?" Xavier a new recruit and one of few who are capable of matching and overpowering their own species came up to me as if he remembers the name, his skin was a light tan colour while his hair was black with blonde tips and eyes as dark and mysterious as the night itself.

"Yeah, she's a very sweet girl who wouldn't really harm anyone unless you hurt her family" I replied making my one friend sound like a sweet and yet deadly person which she is and would be if anything bad happens to any of us especially Dr, Elifun in general.

"Does she have short or long white hair?" He asked as I paused and confused on how accurate he was with kinda concerned me. "Wait it's not what you think! Its just that the king is after her and I recommend that you take her to safety before he finds her" he said explaining him self a bit panicked but i knew he wouldn't do anything bad to us s he absolutely hated the king especially with what he had done to my home.

"Bad news Astro, Zoey just called reporting that she can't find her anywhere not even in the park" Zak said as I groaned and crouched down into a little ball frustrated about all of this and just wanted her here by my side knowing that she would be safe but no Aurora had to go off and disappear again, she better have a good explanation this time or we are having a chat about this on and off thing because its really worrying me.

"It would be better if we don't talk about her for the mean time and fight as many of these soldiers as we can before retreating" Xavier said sounding very responsible knowing the best as i wasn't really in the mood to be taking the role of the team leader this time.

"Xavier take charge until i come back" i said before taking off refusing to leave Aurora behind if she was actually hiding in some dark space somewhere but i found nothing it was like she had never existed, i clenched my hands int a fist punching a nearby heavily damaged building causing it to crumble down due to my anger and impatience looking up at the huge ship that hovered over the city pissed off. "I will get you for this you selfish bastards and if it turns out that you do have Aurora hurting her then your heads are as good as mine!" I growled before taking my anger out on some equally matched opponents which was relaxing for me as i was beginning to hate this people and their selfish desire to follow this underage roofless leader without seeing the damage it is doing to weak beings as humans need firearms and robots to defend them as they don't have super powers like them and targeting earth makes me sick. I eventually retreated back to the others and the last group of defenceless humans left of what remains of metro city without Aurora as I kept myself distant from everyone refusing to hurt anyone else with my anger for revenge and find out what had happened to Aurora as it was mysteriously similar to what happened with her brother Ace, did she really run away?

No one's PoV:

Aurora was most likely kidnapped as her unknown kidnapper remained a mystery underneath his hood that made it absolute impossible to see his his eyes as a black bandana was seen covering his mouth and nose hiding any form of knowing who this teen was other than he likes wearing black and grey to blend in with the shadows around him. He too wasn't human by the way he was just floating in the air without boosters in a similar fashion to Aurora who refuses to see herself as a Merciless bloodlust monster.

'I've got her in my possession' he said through an ear communicator alerting his superiors of the situation the further he flew away from the city.

'Good job Delta, come back to base' they said back even though he was already on is way back to the opposing city that sat several miles away from Metro city safely away from the invasion and out of reach. 'Make sure none of those freaks follow you either' they said in a sour tone hating the new arrivals already even though they hardly knew them or the friendly allies they can have to boost the chances of over powering this new foe and their people. It took Delta almost an entire day for him to arrive to the city he rightfully came from as for Aurora she was still out cold due to the stuff he had use to knock her out during the trip back.

Landing in a house he was closely familiar to he was met by a tiny 5 year old girl who had blonde hair and green eyes knowing who he was. "Delta!" She yelled rushing over hugging him despite being way taller than her, another kid came over about the same age as Aurora with short dark brown hair, normal white skin and brown eyes as he wore a blue and white jacket.

"What's up kiddos?" Delta said looking up at the boy who slightly tilted his head confused on why he was holding the white haired girl s nicely as most people he brings here are often over his shoulder so this is something kinda new. "What is it Aki?" He asked refusing to let him come any closer to Aurora for his own safety without proper authorisation from Aki's dad to see if she is actually as safe as Dr, Elifun told him only weeks before the invasion happened.

"Who's that?" Aki asked as Delta sighed not really wanting to ruin anything in case she is proven to be of some use to them and defend against the enemy if they were next to be targeted for possible kidnap or murder.

"None of your business kid" Delta responded before leaving the little one with Aki before going into the one place the big man stays in and experiments most of the time, he didn't have to knock due to the trust the two grew allowing him into the lab to check her blood and x-rays for possible info on what she might be an if she was actually related to the aliens that invaded Metro city.

Aurora's PoV:

I felt myself slowly come back from unconsciousness seeing a familiar feeling but my gut knew that i wasn't at home or in a place where I belong. "Ah, looks like our little glitch is finally awake" an unknown male voice said snapping me wide away turning my head to the right while still laid on the lab table seeing a familiar face as Dr, Elifun once was on call with this guy who he and some call Dr, Light a very genius man like Bill Tenma himself both evolutionary man who could change the world for the better.

"'re that man Dr, Elifun was on call with once" i said pointing him out as he chuckled softly seeing that i haven't completely forgotten about him yet.

"Yep, that was me" he replied as I slowly sat myself up and dangled my legs off the table facing him completely feeling the feeling of trust come off him but only one can tell.

"Where am i?" I nervously asked knowing for a fact that the place i was in isn't located in Metro City and my friends however aren't here leaving me alone once more and I know that he wouldn't let me go so easily. His eyes were calm and understanding as he looked at me refusing to make this confrontation uncomfortable for neither of us as it's the first time we are actually talking to one another.

"you're currently in Silicon City a peaceful palace for both robot an human kind alike, but you however are neither of them" he said which was true no matter how much i want to deny it I'm not human, i need to know who i really am and if he really knows what i demand answers. I was unsure of what to think of his accusation saying that I'm not like any other human or robot he has seen on this planet, if not then what am i?

"Do you know what i am?" I asked as he looked as his clipboard where he must have written the information onto, however even if i was in a new place it wouldn't change how i feel about myself and what i could've prevented if i know this sooner. He seemed confident despite being a successful man throughout his life and continue on to push himself no matter how many mistakes he makes there is always a light at the end of the tunnel for everyone you just have to work hard for it.

"Well, it doesn't look good to be honest, your DNA strings to see if it would match with your species genetics and sadly they do especially with beings that invaded Metro City killing and kidnapping innocent lives, however there is something strange data in your charts thati still can't get a grasp on so friendly testing is in order and bring some light on what you really are and what makes you so different to the others" Dr, Light replied even though I never saw these new beings because of how quick things happened so do they all like have white hair like me? Or is it something else? Im so confused, will I become a monster like them? I don't want to be one!

"Invaded Metro City?! But i don't want to be a monster like them! They harmed my friends!" I panicked not wanting to be seen as a threat if anyone knew what i am, but what makes me so unique? Is it my hair or my insides?

"Don't worry Aurora you will be helping mega man and Delta protect the city and maintaining the peace, i won't tell Aki about you so don't be afraid my son isn't a blood thirsty human killing machine he's a kind, loving, innocent kid you two will surely become good friends" he said again knowing this due to Astro as he helped me see the good in robots but not all of them though unless they're huge then i ain't fighting. I didn't want to stay here I want to know where my friends are and if they're alright..this stress is too much for me to comprehend.

"But where will i stay?" I asked again as he began to think when the lab doors opened allowing someone new to enter inside. I saw a teen taller than me wearing all black enter inside refusing to show their face to anyone that they come across.

"She can stay with me if that's okay with you sir? She can keep Abigail company while I'm out doing serious business" they said which was actually quite nice but aren't i a stranger? You wouldn't trusting some random teen with a kid like that it might en up messing up his heroic reputation. My anxiety was acting up again and i don't know why, is it because of this new guy or something else?

"I'm unsure about that Delta, she knows nothing about your dad with what I've been told she doesn't really trust strangers that easily" Dr, Light responded giving me some sort of relief as i sat there listening safely observing this Delta guy wondering who he is and what he looks like under all of those coverings. Delta shrugged his shoulders not bothered but he seemed willing enough to take me under his care despite not looking like an adult but i knew that he was regally ale to care for his own and this Abigail girl he brought up not too long ago.

"I don't mind but doesn't she need a skilled mentor to train her with the basics as we both know she has absolutely no clue on how to control her new unfounded power" Delta said which brought me suspicion and curiosity mixing the two together unsure of what i should go with if this guy actually knows what I'm actually capable of.

"I agree but it' really up to Aurora here to decided" Dr, Light replied bringing his attention straight back at me bringing that stress upon me to decide but i do want to know more about this new me and if this guy can help me find it then I'm willing to risk it. "What do you think?" He asked again as i looked away allowing myself to collect myself before preparing to answer.

"Y-yes..i want to go with him" I quietly replied giving them my answer catching Light's curiosity on my chosen decision. When decided i when along with Delta who didn't live that far from the Dr, Light's house that sat high on a nearby mountain watching down on Silicon City which was quite a view especially at night which was nothing like anything I've seen in Metro city making these two places completely different from each other bringing me some sort of comfort as it meant that i would at least have no more memorial flashbacks during my stay here until i find a way to communicate with the others again.

It was strange moving into 3 different places in a space of one year but i would prefer it if i actually had a familiar face like Cora or possibly even Astro by my side to keep me company then strangers, no matter how nice they are i refuse to let them get the best of me even if i don't want to think them as bad people i need to know more about them in order to actually create a proper bond with them and trust my life in their hands. I spent endless days training with Delta the mysterious man who refuses to reveal himself to me but I can't blame him I would too if we swapped places even though I want to know more about him and Abigail as they seem to be rather interesting people especially the tiny one as she looked a little like my old mother professor, Rose but nicer and loved to give hugs to those who need them especially me..I need to protect this tiny little bean with my life no matter what!?