Chapter 14

4 years have passed and Aurora had made a positive impact to the citizens of Silicon City we no one is taking notice on her powers or what she could possibly be other than a innocent girl who gained powers for the good of the world as she is able to fight back those evil human looking aliens who refuse to back down and keep coming back for more but are unable to succeed though their plans to obtain the city and their people for their so called king. But something rather life changing happened when Delta fell in the hands of the enemy forcing Aki to go out there and retreat his unconscious body to a nearby hospital where he is now being treated stuck in a serious coma unsure if he will ever regain consciousness again leaving Aurora all alone with Abigail, but if anyone were to find out that Aurora was currently staying in Silicon City then they too will fall in the same way as Metro City did taken, enslaved or worse murder in cold blood for absolutely no reason.

Astro's PoV:

These past 4 years were horrible in Hearthstone City their population is mostly made of humans beings making them extremely vulnerable for attacks leaving me and the others to defend this new home from Alaric the new ruler of the superior Mirean race but only one of them mainly the 'king' is something far more extreme as he states to be apart of the royal Zodin race due to his bloodline and ancestors which I refuse to believe even though we haven't met face to face yet and until we do then it's all lies he's just a coward nobody who likes to hide behind a screen and make empty threats. No matter how many upgrades I get or how strong or tough I become there will be a day when they finally break through and get rid of me and finally rule the world but if we do manage to find where they took Aurora then maybe we might have a chance to cheat the system and protect our planet after all from these freaks as I refuse to let my guard down around any of them except from the ones who helped us when Metro City was unexpectedly attacked by their kind extremely embarrassed by the way their king attacked such a defenceless race, ever since that day anger still rages through my robotic veins and core of what they've done to us refusing to forgive them and their pathetic excuse of a king, but if I find out that they have her and possibly harmed her in any way well, let's just say that their future won't be looking all too good for them.

The view of the city upon the ledge I was sat on was quite memorable but i refuse to bond with this place like I did back home in Metro City which is now in the hands of Alaric enslaving human kind for his own evil bidding as their is nothing we can do due to how low are numbers are at the moment.

"You're still sat up here?" Xavier spoke up making look back seeing him head over and sat down beside me enjoying the view with me. "I know you probably hate my kind by now but I will do anything in my power to ensure that your anger is fulfilled" he said even though I don't hate him like the others he understands me and the crap I've been through stressing about everything, worrying about her and where she could be possibly waiting for me or is dead because of me and how long it's taking us to find her all these years, I just hope that she isn't mad at me.

"I-it's fine, everything is fine. Just make sure no one does something stupid or even mentions anything about her again or I will end lose it Xavier" I replied reminding him to keep his kind in line and to keep her name out of their mouths until she is found. We looked at one another in silence as he softly smiled at me before placing a hand on my right shoulder supporting me in a way and nodded slightly which brought some stress off my back just like she would do whenever things get tough but where are you now especially when I need you the most? Why am i acting like this?

"Don't worry I'll try my best but don't hesitate to come and tell me if they do something that annoys you boss" he understood before releasing his hand allowing us to enjoy the view without any further distractions which was quite nice and relaxing even though the thoughts of her in trouble keep echoing within my mind telling me that 'I am a bad friend' or 'she will never love someone like you' and it hurts me deeply if she does feel this way towards me, I don't want you to hate me!

"Good..and just call me Astro it is my name after all" I replied hating the thought of being called boss as I am not their higher superior or anything like that I'm just an ordinary human looking robot kid who is just trying to find their long lost friend after all these years and hug them tightly in my arms once again safe and sound. Xavier silently nodded accepting my terms before leaving us to enjoy the peaceful view of what time we had left until another incident takes place within this horrific city and it's people but I refuse to leave anyone defenceless against theses monsters no matter how much I hate this place but it won't be long until we make our move towards Silicon City which is more suitable for both me and the others who wish to start fresh life and get that fighting chance we are searching for against our new foes, however little did I know of what was going to be waiting for us when we get there. Other than having a little robot sister now who's only 8 years younger than me even though I'm still stuck in my 14 year old body and yet little old me is still overprotective of her even though she was built in the same way but without the blue core as hers was a positive pink thingy that Hearthstone City had recovered years ago wanting to put it to some good use but I refuse to let Uran take part in this horrific war.

I grew distant from the others due to how much things have changed and what we've lost these past few years but when will I be able to see her again? These thoughts filled my mind as she continued to come through refusing to let me sleep which is something I prefer to not miss as it would mess up my system and programming if I don't get a decent amount of sleep in my schedule but that doesn't matter at the moment, nothing seems to matter when there is vengeance to pay. It's like no one even remembers her anymore like she never existed! Xavier knows who she is and the others but I can't forget about what Cora and the others did yesterday they didn't even recognised her name or her characteristics, is this what it's like to be forgotten not me but for Aurora she would hate us or even me if I was to ever forget her but how could I? She is possibly the reason I keep on fighting now a days, I need her here not for me but to help everyone see that she is here and that she is alive and one of us! I refuse to let her get forgotten like some an out dated game or rusted up recycle bot! She is the key to stop all of this and maybe Dr, Light might know if she is alright, I really hope she is or I'll be ripping off that king's head if I have to!

No one's PoV:

Astro was lost in his anger and grief for his now disappeared foe unsure if he would see her again. However she is too the same missing her old life while slightly hating her new one but promises to keep a certain life safe while one is unconscious unsure if they would ever wake up again. Aurora hardly showed emotion to the people in Silicone City but he kept on fighting for what's right and stayed out of harm whenever it came to the Mirean race as well as their Zodin king Alaric who needs to be stopped before further harm is done to Earth and its hosts that live on this beautiful planet. 17 and expected to protect the city sounds like a lot of stuff for just a kid to go through with on their own even if they do have trusted allies it's a job meant for someone who is more in the action category than some sort of alien like weapon for future use.

"When can i have a break? It's always me they depend on there is Aki too?!" I yelled to myself in my room at a mirror hating everything and the decision i had made to help this city if no one was to help me, I'm also human too ya know! Without hesitation she punched the mirror out of rage shattering it as a sharp sliced her left hand bringing out weird blue blood friend her hand which soon turned red in seconds as her eyes widened in surprise just staring at her bleeding hand unsure of what to think until something weird happened, a bond like feeling came through as if she was sharing her experience with someone else from the anger she is expressing but Aurora wasn't aware of it at first other than the blood that seeped from her hand. "I know i'm not completely human but what the fuck?" With evidence Aurora questioned her entire existence as neither her or anyone knows exactly who or what she was which made things so much worser for herself. The door handle to her door jerked forcing her to quickly get the hidden medkit she had for safe keepings keeping her back faced at the door as it opened allowing innocent, concerned Abigail to come in unaware of the accident that occurred seeing glass on the floor.

"Aurora..are you alright? I heard screaming" she nervously asked as Aurora gulped not wanting to concern her in any way continuing to clean herself up.

"Everything's alright just a little accident that's all. Oh! Why don't you get dressed in that cute dress i got you the other day and go to the park?" Aurora changed the subject as Abigail quickly took off to get changed ignoring the blood and glass as they were for future problems. Sighing with relief Aurora carefully opened and closed her hand slowly as it was still stunning due to the disinfectant she had applied a few seconds earlier before bandaging it up. "No one needs to know about this, even though it did feel kinda good" she thought to resell liking the feeling of something sharp slicing her skin open, however she quickly pushed the thought aside and changed her shirt and equipped herself some black fingerless gloves to help the bandage stand in as a fashion choice than an injury. But seconds later after sweeping up the glass and blood Abigail came back in wearing a cute light baby blue dress wanting Aurora to put her hair up into cute pigtails again with her new flower bobbles.

"You ain't going out like that! We must be matching today you promised" Abigail said even though it was true Aurora once promised her the next time they go out they must wear whatever the other is and for Aurora its must be a cute dress, she was unsure of what to say but gave up and groaned before going back over to her wardrobe picking out a a smiles coloured knee high dress that wasn't tight but would give her fear whenever a strong wind could come around and lift it up before changing her gloves to white. "Yes! You'll look cute just like me!" Abigail giggled which didn't fail to put a smile on Aurora's face as she was the only thing that's keeping her from losing it.

"Alright just look away while i change and then I'll do your hair" Aurora instructed as the little angel turned away for a few minutes allowing her big sister to change into something she rarely wears. "I'm done, now let me tie this cute blonde hair of yours" Aurora said with a smile as Abigail laughed loving this side of her as every bit was took in and tied up perfectly but took a while due to he injury Aurora had hidden in her left glove but changing them to white was going to be one of those many of decisions she has made in the past 4 years.

"Can we go to the park now?" She asked looking up at Aurora who was now looking specifically at her left hand out of this world not hearing a single word that came from Abigail's mouth. "Aurora, are you there?" She asked again snapping her out of that dazed trance before giving her a nervous chuckle.

"L-lets go" Aurora replied grabbing a hold of the kid's hand allowing them to exit the house and head towards the nearest park and go for a nice peaceful stroll together and make use of the time they had left of today. Aurora wasn't comfortable with wearing a dress or isn't as confident as Abigail was with hers ignoring the many people who looked at her sister with rather interested looks. "I hate this" Aurora repeatedly though to herself several times as they made their way into the park ignoring every teen or person who tried to talk to them before finding a nice bench for them to sit down on and enjoy the air.

"You look stressed, is there something bothering?" Abigail asked catching Aurora off guard as she leaned back and exhaled refusing to answer truthfully in fear that she would ruin the day out they are having together.

"I'm fine" she singly said not wanting anything else to get in the way before Abigail got up and rushed off to play with some of the other kids that were around her age group leaving Aurora to watch alone on the bench while she had fun being young and human. "Great I'm all alone again..I wish the gang was here then maybe I wouldn't be so lonely anymore" she complained to herself unaware that she has some company sitting right beside her patiently waiting. When she looked to her right seeing a long black haired boy sat there looking at her Aurora jumped in surprised seeing that his eyes too were blue but darker as hers was more of a pale baby blue.

"Hehe, sorry about that. I'm Alex it's a pleasure to meet you" he said holding a hand out for her as she still in shock took his greeting and shook it. "What's your name?" He asked we she pulled her hand away from his thinking of the many things she could lie to him about but the thing is she's extremely bad at lying.

"Aurora, my name is Aurora..that's it" she responded which sounded plain but he seemed to look happy and full of life which reminded her of Astro which was kinda the reason she didn't feel threatened by him or his presence.

"A very pretty name for such a lovely lady! You look rather dashing in that dress by the way" he said complimenting her as she slightly blushed a bit embarrassed but grateful that someone for once appreciated her choice of clothing even though it was Abigail who forced her into that thing in the first place.

"T-thank you" she shyly replied as he smiled softly at her glad to make someone smile today than the complete opposite.

"You aren't really from here are you? I can tell but don't worry I'm sure we'll become great friends!" He said again as Aurora couldn't stop feeling this positive energy coming from this boy as he reminded her of an old friend which brought some bad and good memories unaware of what had actually happened on that day.

"I'm originally from Metro City so don't expect much from me okay, I'm not someone you can just rely on all the time, i ain't no hero" Aurora suggested not having much confidence in herself like the other heroes of Silicone City as they are more praised since they can go out and fight the evil foes while she is stuck here hiding from who knows what. Alex felt how upset she was and wanted to comfort her as he placed a hand on her shoulder gifting his respect ad support despite not even knowing her.

"Don't worry I'm not like the rest of those selfish idiots, and besides I'm human too so what's else is there for me to confess other than i have a new, awesome, one of a kind super human buddy!" He spoke up again pulling her closer to him by her waist which seemed to brighten the girl's day as her other 'friends' in this place like Aki were more distant and hardly have any time for her due to their own 'reasons' they choose to not discuss about. Aurora nervously laughed along knowing that this wouldn't last as long as he says it would go on for but only time will tell.

Aurora's PoV:

A few days went by and something rather unexpected happened while i was out patrolling the City that afternoon during a fight against a unstable and highly dangerous robot which caused me to have a mental breakdown which resulted into an explosion of some sort that harmed almost hundred of people who were standing in my way preventing me from doing my job. I saw the flames that engulfed in nearby buildings during my little rampage as people fled the scene now afraid of me and my powers which was something i didn't want to happen. "N-no..i didn't mean to.." i mumbled to myself finally seeing what Rose saw in me, a dangerous weapon. Fear filled my mind once again forcing me to freeze in place looking at the huge disaster i had made, was it accidental or was it on purpose?

"Aurora!" I heard someone yell out my name as I frantically looked around before seeing Aki looking at me with a rather worried expression which seemed odd, why isn't he mad at me? I've done something that only a heartless beast could do. I'm a monster! "You need to move! It's not safe here" he yelled out unable to get to me as i was surrounded my flames and fallen pieces of nearby buildings, i refused to move as i looked away in fear ashamed of what i have become and he could tell that i was scared.

"No! Leave me alone!" I yelled putting my hands over my head before crouching down into my knees closing my eyes while feeling the heat of the flames push against me slowly burning my skin. However Aki refused to leave me there emotionally unstable and in the hands on danger as he rushed in doing his job and escorted me away to nearby alley out of the fire's reach and anything dangerous that would set me off again.

"Come on i know it wasn't your fault Aurora but i need you to get yourself together and help here" he begged knowing that with a huge disaster like this he would need my help but i moved deeper into the alley separating myself from him reusing to do anymore of this hero stuff that he's into. "Please this isn't like you..i know you would never put a human's life at risk like that it was just an accident" he tried to convince me but I've already made my mind, he doesn't know me no one does! Why can't he just see that I'm just nothing but a waste of space, time and Oxygen.

"You don't get it! None of you will, I'm not meant to be here! You took me away from my friends and family and refuse to tell me why i am here!? Am i some sort of weapon to you people!" I lost my cool yelling at him before dashing off like the coward i am, Aki was left speechless unsure of what to think or do as he knew that i wasn't wrong, I'm not meant to be here this place isn't my home. I did the only good thing which was run away leaving Abigail in Dr, Light's hands as he was less likely to put her in danger like i would, but staying in the closest City wouldn't hurt anyone would it? I know it sounds selfish but i think it would be for the best if i wasn't there bringing harm to defenceless humans and robots also lied to by several things which wasn't fair, i thought we were a family but i guess it was all a lie.

Aki's PoV:

Where could she have possibly run off to? Everyone is pried about her it wasn't her fault it was ours for letting her struggle through all of this and haven't even noticed what impact it had on her if she was to stay here. "Have found her yet?" Father asked but all i gave was disappointment when i shook my head no failing to find her once again, what did i do wrong?

"Did I do something wrong? Is she mad at me" i said to my dad always hoping that he would have an answer for me but this time he wasn't in the greatest of moods to be giving answers as he was extremely worried as it had bee a week now since she had disappeared from the accident.

"Everyone here as well as Delta has a responsibility they must take as she came to us in her most vulnerable state. I'm not saying its your fault Aki as everyone here has their own response to be guilty but you need to take notice to those around you and what impact your actions will have on them, Aurora is a very insecure girl and needs comfort from those closest to her and without them here she can become extremely dangerous when triggered" he replied as i looked away guilty knowing that there was something i could've done to prevent this and putting that much pressure on her shoulders because of my selfish needs jus made her even worser and I didn't even see it.

"I-i will fix it dad, i'll find Aurora and sort everything out and prevent that incident from ever happening again" i replied not wanting to be a bad influence or be something Aurora hated, she's the only one who knows what it's like to be not human like me. I wasn't mad at her for hurting several human but it wasn't her fault it was mine for putting so much of this tress on her even though she had her one to deal with i made it happen not her it was me. He could tell how worried i was about Aurora and what could happen if she was to ever leave the City because of it, if you did leave i hope you find what you're looking for.

"Don't push yourself Aki she will present herself to us again but all we have to do now is wait" he replied punting both hand onto my shoulders trying to either conform me or convince me to to looking for her and just go back to how things were, no that isn't right i need to find Aurora and tell her everything if no then I'll just have to wait until Delta wakes up and the we'll go as he understands her more than i do. i just hope that she's doing alright out there on her own.

No one's PoV:

During the separation Aki and his friend are unaware that Aurora was several miles away from the City in hopes to find something that wouldn't turn on her when she's at her worst or possibly an old friend if she gets lucky enough. However for Astro he is struggling to keep himself in control as new recruits come in both energetic and strong but none of them makes him feel joy but anger was the only thing he has left in him since the invasion happened taking everything he loved away forever never to be found again.