Chapter Three Rescue

Faster than Zhou Ziye had expected, the passage leading to the exit quickly moved. Although the voices of people outside could not be heard, the sound of digging had already come in. Although the people trapped inside had no tools, they couldn't help but began to move some large earthwork.

The little translator who had been sitting there for a long time heard the movement, and it seemed as if he had returned to his soul, and shouted excitedly: "We are here, someone is injured..."

A miner glanced at him and said: "What is the urgency? There are still a few meters to dig through, and you can't hear it."

The little translator seemed to feel that he had no common language with this miner. He glanced at a few sneered miners and realized that they looked down on his abnormal performance during the collapse, and returned to the position where he was sitting just now, waiting for rescue. He didn't think how embarrassed he was just now, and thought bitterly: "Lao Tzu's life is much more precious than your mud legs!"

Zhou Ziye didn't care about these little entanglements, and didn't care about the imminent rescue. He shuddered with excitement when he thought that he had returned to 2002 from 2015 and could change the fate of his family.

If he prevented the mine disaster from happening, no one would die, my father would not go to jail, and he would not die so soon. And the mother's diabetes will not worsen to the later stage, and the pre-treatment has been completed, and it may even be cured.

The young man who spoke when Zhou Ziye was awake brought a bottle of mineral water over and handed it to him and said, "Brother Xiaoye, take a drink."

The character in front of him thought about the root of his memory in Zhou Ziye's mind. This is Fusheng's youngest brother Guisheng. Although he is half a year younger than Zhou Ziye, he is already married. Zhou Ziye remembers that in 2006, he was already a small boss. He bought a few large trucks and hired the driver to run the transportation. He had a pretty good life.

Although his head was bandaged, judging from the hardened blood on his jacket, he also bleeds a lot, and his throat is also very thirsty. Zhou Ziye took the water and said, "Thank you for Guisheng. Except for me and the foreign devils, no one else was injured, right?"

"No, we are all next to the boring machine, just talking about the two of you at a distance.

. "

Zhou Ziye nodded, but he was involved in the wound on the back of his head, causing him to twitch. Supporting his forehead and enduring the pain, Zhou Ziye said, "Check the environment of the mine to see where there are signs of roof fall."

Guisheng nodded, turned on the battery light above his head, and looked around the mine. He quickly completed the inspection of such a section of the mine. At least he could not see the problem with the naked eye.

Zhou Ziye's hometown is an important mineral city near the sea in the north. There are various metal mines in every county, and the coastal area is rich in coal and oil. Because of the rich mineral deposits, the regional economic level is also very good for the whole country.

This coal mine in Zhou's family is also considered a rich mine, and it produces fat coal with a calorific value of more than 5,000 kcal. This is the best coking coal and has always been favored by the market. At present, about 150,000 tons of coking coal can be produced every year. His father is very satisfied with this. However, Zhou Ziye knew that the data of this mine was originally inaccurate during exploration, and it was less than ten meters below the existing coal seam. There is also a large coal seam with reserves exceeding 50 million tons. A few years later, after opening a wellhead, the output reached nearly two million tons, which is better than many state-owned large mines.

Since he can be reborn, then this cash cow will never give up. In the next few years, coal prices have been on the rise, and China has also changed from a coal exporting country to an importing country. In this regard, there is great potential to be tapped. When the coal market drops, the coal mine can also be sold at a high price.

The cheers of the crowd awakened Zhou Ziye from his contemplation. It turned out that the rescue team had already opened up the exit channel. As soon as he dug through a small mouth, Zhou Ziye heard an anxious and strong voice, "How about Duoduo, Duoduo? Is there any injury?"

When Zhou Ziye heard the call of this world away, tears flowed out of her eyes. There was a time when he could hear this call of concern in his dream. Once before, he was willing to spend all the price in exchange for a happy family. He couldn't control the excitement in his heart, and let the tears stay as he pleased.

It was Fusheng who replied for him: "Uncle Guangbo, Xiao Ye is fine, but his head is smashed. The problem is not big."

"Are there any dead people?"

"No. Except for Xiao Ye, only the foreign devils got hurt a little."

"That's good." Zhou Guangbo breathed a sigh of relief. As a mine owner, although the income is high, all aspects of management are also essential, and he is afraid of accidents. He has to keep one eye open every day.

. This time his precious son was trapped inside, but his heart was hanging up. The daughter-in-law had not dared to say that if she knew it, she might not be able to bear the blow.

He heard that his son just smashed his head and there was nothing serious, so he let go of his heart. After touching my body for a long time without touching the cigarette, I remembered that the cigarette was forgotten in the office. He spat and shouted, "Damn, whoever has a cigarette, bring me a cigarette, I haven't smoked a cigarette for a long time, and the fire has dried out in my throat."

The miners working around him all laughed, and they smoked when the throat got dry. Isn't that why they smoked more and more! But no one dared to laugh at him. Zhou Guangcheng, the mine manager next to him, took out a pack of Chinese cigarettes from his pocket and handed it to him, "Brother Guangbo, Duoduo is fine, you just go out of the well and smoke. Work."

"You bastard still hate Lao Tzu to get up..." Zhou Guangbo stared at him, but he laughed at him trying to get angry, "Okay... OK... you hurry up." He slipped aside and didn't dislike the coal rails. The top was dirty, and I sat down. I was worried for a long time, this would really feel a bit tired. He held a cigarette in his mouth, and he did not dare to light it. This was in a mine. Although it was only a gas mine, the gas content was not high, so he didn't dare to light it.

The closed hole is getting bigger and bigger, and when it can pass, a few miners can't wait to get out. The little interpreter was anxious and shouted: "Mr. Miller is still in a coma, we must save him first." But several miners ignored him.

Still Zhou Ziye said: "I have been waiting for a few hours. Do you still care about this last shiver? Why panic? Wait until the entrance of the cave is enlarged and carry people out together." Returning to the environment of his hometown, he has maintained a gentle and elegant environment for ten years. Zhou Ziye couldn't help but start talking with these miners. Such words can resonate more with these miners.

The miners still listened to what he said. They asked for a few shovels and pickaxes from the outside and started working together. After a while, it cleared a hole through which a person could pass directly.

The rescue team outside didn't know the situation inside, so they had arranged a stretcher and medical staff to carry the Miller out. The little interpreter breathed a long sigh of relief as if he had escaped from the sky, and put on a high face again, yelled to the ambulance staff, and wanted to go to the hospital in the city right away.

As soon as he saw the stalwart familiar figure, Zhou Ziye felt his eye sockets warm again. Instinctively approached forward, and as soon as he walked to his side, his father punched him in the shoulder, "A little accident, scared you to see, still crying?!" After that, he ignored Zhou Ziye's dirty body. Xidi, put his arm around Zhou Ziye's shoulder. "It's okay, let's go, wash our face first, and let's go to the city hospital for an examination."

"Dad, I'm okay." Zhou Ziye leaned against him with enjoyment. For many years, he hasn't had such a shoulder to lean on him.

! Thinking of this, he wanted to cry again.

"Who said it's okay! It's okay with an opening in the head?! Go to the hospital for an examination and get two anti-inflammatory injections." There are still a lot of things, so I won't accompany you. After the hospital check up, you can go directly to your Uncle Wang's house."

Zhou Ziye clearly remembered that it was because today was Wang Jianguo's birthday. He came out of the hospital and was taken directly to Wang Jianguo's house by his mother. It was in Wang Jianguo's home that they received news of the second mining disaster. At that time, his father wanted to go private with the miners who were killed, and Wang Jianguo knew it. At the time, privates were the choice of most miners, and it was normal. But after it broke out, this reason was untenable. Being caught by Wu Zhiyuan, this led to the domino, which was a complete failure.

"Dad, you can go to the hospital, but the mine must stop work in the morning and afternoon. This test machine has caused many safety hazards in our mine. If we continue to work, it will cause major problems."

Zhou Guangcheng smiled and said, "Xiao Ye, this day with hundreds of tons of coal coming in and out, do you know how much money you will lose?" He also has half of the shares in the mine, and of course he does not want to stop working.

In his previous life, it was this week that after the mine disaster happened, Zhou Guangcheng saw that the backer Wang Jianguo was also involved, and he immediately went to the door of Wu Zhiyuan. Although he was just for self-protection and didn't get into trouble, he just stood by and watched Zhou Ziye go around raising funds without borrowing a penny.

Wu Zhiyuan is a local sect. From an ordinary township correspondent all the way to the deputy mayor of a provincial-level city, his ability is self-evident. He has also established a solid network of relationships in the city. But in a vice-provincial city, the deputy mayor at the deputy departmental level means that he is just an ordinary deputy mayor who has not entered the permanent membership, and at that time he was defeated in the competition with Wang Jianguo.

He fought Wang Jianguo for more than ten years, but in the end he fell short, and his grievances were naturally not small. Of course, taking this opportunity to step on Wang Jianguo, Zhou Ziye and his family almost lost all their chips in this fight.

Later, Zhou Guangcheng was not affected. After the coal mine was dealt with, he continued to be his manager and still had half of the shares. The big boss behind the scenes was actually Wu Jie, the youngest son of Wu Zhiyuan.

For such a cousin, Zhou Ziye certainly has no liking. In the previous life, Zhou Ziye couldn't do anything with him later, but now, there should be revenge and grievances. He glanced at Zhou Guangcheng and said, "If the coal has not been dug out, isn't it ours in the future? It's just a few days later, but if there is a major accident, I'm afraid it won't be a matter of money."