Chapter 4 Coma

Zhou Guangbo said: "Now that all my old books are smashed in, what if I don't start work?!" The implication was that he wanted to continue working.

Zhou Ziye said: "Dad, our previous calculation plan was wrong. All the mine supports in this coal mine are designed according to semi-automatic excavation. Now the excavation machine is used for operation, and the shock exceeds the original design capacity. If you start work, there will be big problems."

"Then continue to use manual digging. After clearing the mining area, don't use this...what...boring machine to dig."

Zhou Guangcheng also said: "Yes, if you stop working for a day, the wages will still be paid. If the mine is changed to I-beam support, it will require a lot of investment.

. "

Zhou Ziye said: "I-steel shed support is not good enough. What I want to do is to change all mines to U-shaped steel shed support. In the future, we will gradually change all mining operations into automated operations. Now I just buy this roadheader. , And complete the automation of fully mechanized mining in the future."

Zhou Guangbo slapped him on the shoulder and said, "You are dreaming, do you know how much money to invest? This large-scale equipment can cost tens of millions or hundreds of millions at every turn. Can we dig so much coal for two reasons? Woolen cloth!"

Zhou Ziye cannot say at this time that his mine still has greater reserves. Since it can be reborn, the first thing is to prevent the mine disaster, and then he kicks Zhou Guangcheng away from the mine. Such a character is swaying in front of his eyes every day and seeing He is annoying.

After leaving the mine, hundreds of people gathered outside, some of them were miners in the mine, and some were here for fun. Hearing Zhou Guangbo announced that it was only a minor accident, there were only two minor injuries, no deaths, and everyone applauded. When working in a mine, the most feared thing is accidents. If people are underground, any accident will kill people. No one is dead this time. It's a blessing.

Zhou Guangbo finished speaking and announced that he would come back to work in the afternoon, and everyone began to disperse. Zhou Ziye was anxious when he heard that, he pulled his father to the side and said, "Dad, why don't you listen to what I said, this really can't be excavated."

"I know if I can dig it out better than you. If you are not in charge, you don't know that chai rice is expensive." Zhou Guangbo said impatiently: "You have to go to the hospital for a check. The wound on your head has not been properly bandaged."

Zhou Ziye exclaimed, "Why don't you pack a fart? This is because the family is ruined."

Zhou Guangbo was stunned. This son had never spoken to himself like this. Three generations of the old Zhou family were single-passed, and even though they belonged to the Zhou family in their home village now, they all have five servers. Although I love this son a lot, he is obedient, but his son is well educated by his wife and he is not arrogant at all. He is still the first university student in the whole village. I am usually very close to myself. What's wrong? !

Zhou Ziye saw that his father hadn't spoken, so he couldn't help saying: "I saw it in the mine in the morning. As soon as the tunnel boring machine worked, the shock was the same as an earthquake. Now the mine has been destroyed, even if it is manually excavated. What should I do if I lose my roof? If more than a dozen miners die at once, isn't it a ruined home?"

What Zhou Guangbo fears most is being reasonable. He knows that his eloquence is not as good as his son, and he is unwilling to fight with his son. Hearing this, he said: "Suspension of work is definitely not enough. For this stop, hundreds of workers will be paid only two. 30,000, not counting other expenses

. "

Zhou Ziye also knew that it was difficult to persuade his father to stop work, and he still had to speak with facts, so he said: "You call all the workers in the mine now, and stop for half an hour without stopping for a day, right?"

"What are you doing?"

Zhou Ziye said: "Call all the workers up, and then start the roadheader to see if it collapses again, stop work. If it doesn't collapse, I won't stop it."

Zhou Guangbo wanted to say more. Zhou Ziye said in a choked voice: "Dad, just stop for half an hour to let all the workers in the mine come up."

Zhou Guangbo was taken aback by his son's gesture, and said quickly: "Okay, okay, I can't do what I listen to you."

Zhou Guangcheng shouted beside the ambulance: "Xiao Ye, come here, the car is waiting for you."

"I won't go with them. I'll drive by myself in a while."

The ambulance drove away quickly, and Zhou Guangcheng approached and said, "You have shed so much blood, what are you doing in the mine?"

Zhou Ziye was too lazy to talk to him, so he didn't speak. Zhou Guangbo said: "Guangcheng, please inform you that all the miners below will be called up, and none of them will be kept."

Zhou Guangcheng looked at Zhou Ziye, and said, "The alley is blocked, and there are less than 30 people in it."

"All shouted, let's clean up the alley, don't bury them all in."

The workers were all called up, several mines were guarded, and Zhou Guangcheng and his son Zhou Guangcheng and the two drivers of the roadheader went down into the mine again. Zhou Guangbo was still a bit disapproving, thinking that this mine was not a tofu project, how could the machine collapse as soon as it started.

The exit was cleared out, but it was still blocked inside, but the workers had already left the auxiliary alley. Zhou Guangbo commanded Pharaoh to start the roadheader, and wanted to use the roadheader's super digging ability to clear the road. Zhou Ziye knew that this was how the previous life caused the second mine disaster. With the excavation capacity of the roadheader, dozens of workers' workload for several hours and ten minutes were cleaned up, and the collapsed gravel and cinder were sent to the rear.

Zhou Guangbo smiled and said, "This thing is easy to use, but it's too expensive.

. "

Zhou Guangcheng nodded and said, "Yes, it's nearly 100 million. Thinking that we still owe the bank tens of millions, I can't sleep this night."

Lao Wang shut down the machine and said, "Some rubble on the ground still needs to be cleaned up manually."

Zhou Ziye nodded and said, "You can go up first if you have nothing to do. My dad and I will go into the Fengxiang Alley and check it out."

"It's okay. Let's be together. The lunch at the mine is not ready anyway."

Zhou Ziye didn't persuade him. Several people waited on the roadheader for a while to make sure that there was no movement outside, and then they walked down one by one with the battery lights. The circuit in the main alley was broken due to the roof and there was no light. When I entered the air return alley, the circuit was still normal. Everyone found no problems along the way.

Zhou Guangcheng couldn't help but said, "Isn't it all right?"

Zhou Ziye said, "Isn't this not finished yet."

Zhou Guangbo checked the hydraulic props in the mine as he walked. When he reached the end, his brow furrowed. Zhou Guangcheng didn't speak anymore. Many of the hydraulic props on both sides of the tunnel began to tilt, and some of them had begun to deform. The excavation surface at the end of the air duct has been completely buried. Only the tail of a slag loader is exposed. Everyone can't help taking a deep breath. If there were people here, there was absolutely no possibility of survival.

Zhou Guangbo and Zhou Guangcheng looked at each other. If the workers were not called up, it would really be a big problem. Thinking of this, both of them couldn't help being a little afraid. Zhou Ziye's heart was full of joy and ease. After this catastrophe, the whole family was safe and sound, and his rebirth had meaning.

As he was proud, his father slapped him on the shoulder again. "Good boy, thank you for reminding me this time." Zhou Ziye's shoulders drooped, and only felt the pain in the head that was involved, and his eyes went dark, and he fell down suddenly. Zhou Guangbo was frightened and hugged him. "Much, Much, don't scare me..." There was even crying in the tone.

Zhou Ziye fell into his arms, only feeling that his body seemed to float up, swaying and falling down, and then he didn't know anything about it. Zhou Guangbo froze, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

The driver Wang said, "I'm afraid the wound is involved. Take it to the hospital as soon as possible."

Then he hurriedly turned his son back and rushed towards the exit

. Thanks to his nearly 50 years of martial arts training, he was able to run at the age of fifty-six with his son, who is about 1.8 meters and 80 kilograms, on his back. All the way, I was muttering: "It's okay, it's okay..."

He ran out of the mine for nearly a kilometer, and he was as strong as a cow and couldn't say anything even when he was tired. Fortunately, a miner saw him and quickly called his brothers over. The driver Xiaohei wanted to come and help, but he kicked him over. "You bastard... silly... go drive."

Several younger brothers took Zhou Ziye over, his legs softened, and he sat on the ground with his butt, and shouted: "Be careful not to touch his head, damn... come and give me a hand."

Several people carried Zhou Ziye into a Land Rover car, and then rushed towards the city hospital. Zhou Guangbo carefully let his son lie on his lap, not daring to touch the back of his head. At first I saw that although my son was injured, but he was in good spirits, he didn't care too much. But this faint, really scared him, his son is his lifeblood, if there are three long and two shortcomings, he himself does not want to live.

Land Rover slammed the brakes and stopped directly in front of the outpatient building of the North District Hospital. Xiao Hei and another younger brother put Zhou Ziye off, and Zhou Guangbo rushed into the building and shouted, "Doctor, doctor..."

Liu Xiuli just had lunch, and took advantage of the free time of this meeting to take out the "Reader" to look through. These timeless short articles are her favorite. When I saw Xing's head, I heard the doctor yelling outside. She closed the book impatiently, stood up and said, "What is it called? This is the hospital, not you..."

Seeing the person clearly, she quickly changed her words in shock and said, "Uncle Guangbo, what's the matter?" Since childhood, Liu Xiuli has not been afraid of anyone, but only one person. I remember when she was only two or three years old, when she was disobedient, her mother said: "If you are disobedient, let Zhou Guangbo take you away." Although I don't know who Zhou Guangbo is, she already knows Zhou Guangbo and Da Hui in her heart. The wolf ranks as a dangerous person.

When I was older, I heard many things about Zhou Guangbo, and my heart was even more overshadowed. Especially when she was seven or eight years old, she saw him chasing seven or eight people with two kitchen knives alone on the street when she was seven or eight years old. At that time, the blood of slashing people dripped on her face. She didn't dare to be alone for a full month. sleep. Although he grew up later and knew that he was not a bad person, the shadow left by him could not dissipate.

"Call the doctor..." Zhou Guangbo turned around to help Zhou Ziye put Zhou Ziye on the side of the event. He turned around and saw that the nurse still didn't move. He couldn't help but cried out: "You are stupid. Call the doctor."

Seeing Zhou Guangbo's eyes were bigger than bull's eyes, she was startled and said quickly: "I'm going to shout..."