Chapter 17 Planning

ang Jianguo had some reservations in the face of Xiao Hei, after all, Xiao Hei was just a pony of Zhou Guangbo in his eyes. () But after experiencing the changes in the previous life, Zhou Ziye absolutely believes in Xiao Hei's character.

After Wang Jianguo's family left, the three people were talking in the yard

. Zhou Guangbo was also afraid that Wang Jianguo would be reprimanded just now when he reprimanded Zhou Ziye. "Duoduo, your Uncle Wang is a member of the officialdom, and his worries are forgiven for a little bit more. I just said that you are also good for you."

Zhou Ziye nodded and said, "I know. Dad, I know this very well and I won't be angry with him. It's too early. You can rest first. I'll talk to Xiaohei."

Zhou Guangbo looked at the two of them and said, "Okay, you brothers should also talk more. A lot, your little black brother is a few years older than you, and has experienced more things than you. You have to learn more from him. "

"I can only fight and kill. Xiao Ye's brain is much easier to use than me. I am the gun in Xiao Ye's hand. I will shoot wherever I point." Xiao Hei hugged Zhou Ziye's shoulder. "You can't sell brother."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said, "Brother Xiaohei, don't say that. I see you as an older brother."

Zhou Guangbo laughed and happily patted the shoulders of the two of them. Said: "Okay, as long as your brothers work together and deal with Wu Jie's straw bag, it is not easy to catch it. Do it well."

Seeing that both of them nodded, he turned around happily and left. To deal with Wu Jie, this little furry boy, Zhou Guangbo really didn't worry that the two of them might not be able to deal with it, mainly depending on whether they would make detours. However, this can be regarded as Zhou Guangbo's test of the two of them.

The two younger brothers of Xiao Hei sent away Wang Jianguo and the others, closed the door, and watched Zhou Guangbo enter the house and came over to say hello. Zhou Ziye took out a cigarette and distributed one to each of them. These little brothers usually help out in the mines, taking turns to guard at Zhou's house. Before Zhou Midnight, they were familiar with them, and they couldn't be called by their names.

But of course Zhou Ziye will no longer ignore them anymore. No matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to do everything. No matter what, they need help. And most of these people are from the home village, knowing the roots and knowing the bottom line, and there are some good brothers whom Xiao Hei can trust. These people are the most ready-made good helpers.

Zhou Ziye asked them their names and chatted a few words. Said to Xiaohei: "Brother Xiaohei, pick a few useful brothers and go to the Public Security Bureau to get a passport when you have time. Maybe you will need it in the future."

"Why do that stuff? We don't go abroad."

"There will be opportunities to take them out to see the outside world."

Xiao Hei became interested and smiled: "No, Xiao Ye, you are going abroad?" The two younger brothers were even more curious when they heard the opportunity to go abroad, and looked at Zhou Ziye enthusiastically.


Zhou Ziye nodded. "I am going to do this in the near future. The outside world is very big, and we can't just be confined to this small circle. We will develop in the future, and I will let you take care of the stall at home."

Xiao Hei quickly said: "Hey, Xiao Ye, I don't have this thought. I know what I am. You let me do things and let me take the lead. I don't have that ability."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said, "My dad is still in good health. I just said that you will spend more snacks in the future and share a little burden on him. After all, he is almost 60 years old. You can't stop him from doing things, but don't make him tired. Here, I can only rely on your help in this regard."

Xiao Hei wondered, "Xiao Ye, you don't care about such a big family business as Uncle Guangbo?! Tomorrow we will go to Shannan County. Uncle Guangbo is going to take another mine over there."

"You think this family is big, but I didn't take it seriously." Zhou Ziye said with a smile: "Little black brother, I am telling you the truth, not testing you. You and my dad have been behind for more than ten years, right? , We all know what kind of person you are. If you can't believe it, will my dad treat you so well? Although he often scolds you, he still treats you like my own son."

Having said that, Xiao Hei also had the mood to chat. Said to the two brothers: "You two go back to your room and watch your video. Let us talk."

Both younger brothers turned and left. The little brother named Li Jun took two steps and turned around and said, "Brother Black, get a passport and take me with you? I want to go abroad too. Don't worry, I promise you won't be ashamed. I will charge when fighting. At the forefront."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "Don't think about fighting every day, take you out, just pretend to be a face and see the world."

Xiao Hei smiled and cursed: "Have you heard? You kid tell me to be honest, and I will take you to do it with you when I am in a good mood."

When the two younger brothers left, Xiao Hei calmed down and said, "Xiao Ye, you know, I didn't have my dad when I was seven, and I didn't have my mother when I was fifteen. What could I do? I couldn't even recognize many words. Yes, I don't want me to go to a restaurant to help the workers' house. An older brother in our village saw me pitifully and introduced me to the driving school to watch the door. This led to a stable life. Your dad sees me as being clever and able to endure hardships, and he also deliberately cultivates me to let me I was taught how to repair and drive a car, so I have a good life. I have hundreds of thousands in my bank. Now there are several banks with so much money? So I'm content too."

Zhou Ziye said: "Brother Xiaohei, this is what you are willing to do and earn it yourself.

. Now the house price is not high. If you buy a few houses, the room will definitely double and increase in the next few years, which is more cost-effective than depositing in the bank. "

"Is it reliable to buy a house?"

"Absolutely reliable. If you believe me, you will buy all of it. You will definitely make a lot of money." He changed the conversation and said, "What I told you just now is true. I am planning to immigrate to Hong Kong. Here, I need you to spend more snacks. You are almost 30 years old. Don't think about spending your whole life like my dad. He's spent all his life, mainly because of the times, but in these years he is not also mainly in Have you made money? You see that society is developing so fast now that everyone is thinking about how to make money. The changes in these years have been so great. If you hold on to the old ideas, you will gradually be eliminated."

Xiao Hei nodded and said, "Your brain has been easy to use since you were a child. Of course my boss listens to you."

Zhou Ziye felt that it was enough to say so much with heart-to-heart, and he couldn't think of completely conquering Xiao Hei in one night. He had been mixed up for so many years, and no one had gone to the prison early. Talking too much will make Xiao Hei feel that he is playing tricks on him, but it will be counterproductive.

I gave him a suggestion to buy a house, and the coal mine will be handed over to him to manage these sweets for a while and the results will not be seen, but it has given him the direction and motivation for development. Now let him choose a few younger brothers to apply for passports and take them abroad. This sweetness is enough for a while.

After hesitating for a while, Zhou Ziye asked: "That boy Wu Jie has opened a bar now, are you familiar with it?"

Xiao Hei nodded and said, "It's very familiar. That's not a bar, it's just a disco with a box. He opened the bottle together with Beicheng. But Wu Jie didn't name him. The shareholder is his cousin."

Zhou Ziye nodded and said: "Let me analyze our goal in detail. The long-term goal is to remove Wu Zhiyuan from office. This is also the ultimate goal. The second goal is to send Wu Jie to prison. Of course, it depends on our ability. How much to hold on to him. These are still too far away. Our goal at the beginning can't be so far, because things have to be done bit by bit, and what we can achieve depends mainly on the process."

"Just tell us what we should do." Xiao Hei sent a cigarette to Zhou Ziye and lit it for Zhou Ziye. "I dare not say anything else. Follow your plan and I will never mess up."

Zhou Ziye took a sharp breath, then slowly exhaled the blue smoke, and said: "You have to arrange for people from both sides to investigate this matter. It is better not to mix people from both sides. If you don't know the other party's existence."

Xiao Hei nodded and said, "This is okay. Anyway, it's a secret investigation.

. "

Zhou Ziye nodded. "The first aspect is to find out the share structure of this disc bar. Only when this check is clear, we can investigate each target, like the bottle you mentioned, and Wu Jie's cousin, they You must have an understanding of your interpersonal relationship and financial status. Pay special attention to the financial aspect, and you can get the best financial in and out of accounts. The second aspect is to investigate the pornography and gambling in the Di Bar. If it is involved in pornography, from the bust to the chicken The staff members from the top to the support staff have compiled a list. The most important thing in this regard is the drug-related aspect. If the drug-related situation can be found out, Wu Jie will definitely not escape prison."

Xiao Hei thought for a while and said: "Actually, for us, it is easier to investigate pornography, gambling, and drugs. No one will guard against gangsters. gangsters are still the main source of pornography, gambling, and drugs. This is easy to find out. It's easy to investigate that aspect, but it's easy to find out about it, but it's difficult to investigate further. After all, I don't have the talent in this area."

Zhou Ziye thought for a while and said: "Then find someone to do it. Find one or two professionals, only tell them what to do, and pay according to the effect. This is not anxious. Anyway, let's start first. When we can't check it down. , I'll talk more about it when the time comes. You and my dad are going to Shannan tomorrow. When you get back, call me so that I can prepare a sum of money for you. I want the people below to work hard, and material rewards must be no less. However, you We must pay attention to several aspects..."

"you say."

"First, the investigators must be reliable; second, no matter how reliable a person is, they can't let them know the details. Whoever investigates any aspect will only tell him about that aspect. For example, investigating pornography can be done. Tell the investigators that you want to open the session and need to understand the organizational structure of this area, divide it into extraction, and prepare for the opening."

Xiao Hei smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this, I know it in my heart."

"The third point is not to let people know that we are investigating, especially my dad and Wang Jianguo must be distinguished. In short, we must be stable about this matter, and don't be anxious, and don't expose it." Zhou Ziye said quietly: " The short-term goal is to dig out Wu Jie's handle and send him to prison as much as possible. As for Wu Zhiyuan, in short, he will not be let go."

Listening to the arrangement of Zhou Ziye's items, Xiao Hei's heart felt tight. Although his layout can't be said to be seamless, but it is also very close to the main points. He had never thought that the younger brother, who he grew up with and always had a gentle smile, could be so deep and act so cruel and decisive.

However, he felt that he didn't need to worry about anything. Instead, he felt that with such a younger brother taking the lead in making suggestions, his future development would be even better.