Chapter Eighteen Action

Sleeping in **, Zhou Ziye was still thinking about the conversation at night, and felt that the conversation with Xiaohei was a bit of a failure. I shouldn't have made too many promises to Xiao Hei and the others at first. It's like giving the coal mine to Xiao Hei's management in the future. Although you can do this in the future, you can't say now that if you have given Xiao Hei too much benefit, how can you make him feel good in the future? After all, human sex is getting higher and higher.

But now he has nothing, and promises nothing to give Xiao Hei a direction to fight, which is not bad. But this kind of contradiction, this kind of calculation of gains and losses, is indeed difficult to quantify.

The next day, Zhou Ziye checked his bank account. If he did not count the funds in his family account, he had less than 400,000 in his personal account. These were his savings for the New Year's Eve and pocket money over the years. I called to make an appointment in the morning, and in the afternoon, I took out 200,000 from the branch.

Give the money to Xiao Hei at night. Xiao Hei obviously didn't expect Zhou Ziye to give so much, so he quickly declined. "This is too much, not so much."

Zhou Ziye said: "This is not for you, anyway, refund more and less supplement, don't waste it, but don't be stingy with spending money, as long as the money can achieve our goals, we will spend the value."

Throwing these things to Xiao Hei, Zhou Ziye went to the coal mine. Although there are professionals in the reinforcement of mines in coal mines, they are only step-by-step reforms. In Zhou Ziye's previous life, he was mainly exposed to some non-ferrous metal mines such as gold and copper mines. Although he did not have much contact with coal mines, he also understood some new technologies developed in later generations. He was sitting in the mines, and some alternative technologies could also be done. Give pointers.

After a few days, the engineering team under the Geology and Mine Institute did not dare to despise Zhou Ziye, the little boss. A few technicians talked to Zhou Ziye all day long, wanting to make some words from him.


This made Zhou Guangbo extremely proud. For him, his son showed the ability to be on his own, far exceeding the surprise brought to him by the newly discovered mine belt.

This new mining zone has undergone multiple exploration tests, remote sensing tests, pit exploration tests, drilling tests, and seismic tests by technicians. It has been confirmed that the reserves of the new mining zone have reached nearly 100 million tons. Some ore belts are separated by only a dozen meters thick rock formations. Mining is very convenient. According to the current market, even if it is poor coal, this mining belt can create more than tens of billions of profits.

After the exploration results came out, Zhou Guangbo had no complaints about spending huge sums of money to reinforce the mine, and he took the initiative to make the most stable reconstruction based on the surrounding geological conditions. With such a huge reserve, this is a golden doll that can create a steady stream of amazing benefits. Now this little investment is nothing.

Around this new mining zone, Zhou Guangbo's work has shifted its focus to this aspect. Together with Zhou Ziye, a new round of public relations began. Under Zhou Ziye's repeated requests, he did not conceal the reserves, but declared and registered based on facts. The Bureau of Land and Resources, the Bureau of Industry, the Environmental Protection Bureau, the Bureau of Work Safety, the Bureau of Industry and Commerce, and the Bureau of Taxation ran down the circle. Zhou Ziye also learned a series of domestic mining procedures. More importantly, he also knew people in this area. With these relationships, it can be said that even if something happens to the Zhou family now, he will not be as embarrassed as in his previous life.

The discovery of a new mine belt is not only the Zhou family's profit, but the entire circle will profit together, so the declaration process is relatively smooth and everyone is happy.

New reserves were explored, and the financial pressure that had been plagued Zhou Guangbo disappeared. Several major banks rushed to lend Zhou's family. Zhou Guangbo is in the rain, except that the Agricultural Bank, which used to deal with it often, gave some more quotas and loans of 20 million. The other three banks also loaned 10 million each.

With this 50 million, not only is the funds needed for the transformation of the mine sufficient, in addition to studying the re-digging of a main main alley, Zhou Guangbo also wants to continue to pay in installments for another set of roadheaders. Nearly 100 million tons of reserves, which means that the annual mining volume can be expanded from less than 200,000 tons to 2 million tons. One coal rail line is obviously not enough.

However, Zhou Ziye's thoughts were not fully put on this. There is no pressure on funds. The matter of investing 10 million in immigration can also be put on the agenda. As well as the two girls with me and me, and the investigation of Wu Jie, Zhou Ziye sometimes couldn't help but lament, how he was more busy after rebirth than in his previous life.

The investigation of Wu Jie, as Xiao Hei said, the investigation is very smooth in terms of pornography, gambling and drugs.

. When several younger brothers entered his disco bar, the mummy, young lady, and chicken heads inside him felt clearly within a few days. The drug vendors are like flies smelling the stool, entangled around them endlessly.

The shareholders of Diba are Wu Jie's cousin Xie Feng and Bottle. The total investment is 4 million, Xie Feng invested 1.5 million, the bottle invested 500,000, and the remaining 2 million was a loan. But Xie Feng's family background was ordinary, and he had just graduated from university, and he was able to spend 1.5 million, which in itself illustrates the problem.

Although everyone knows that Wu Jie is the major shareholder of Diba, there is no evidence of his direct involvement. Only relying on pornography and drugs, although it can make him a little blood, but Diba is at best only a fine and a penalty of suspension of business for rectification, and it can't hurt his muscles and bones.

Xiaohei made a suggestion. "I have a little brother named Yan Song who is a handsome boy who is very fond of girls. Now there is a cashier in Wu Jie's disco, who is Wu Jie's lover. I think I can start from this aspect."

"The general ledger is only known to accountants. Does this teller know the details?"

Xiao Hei smiled and said, "This accountant is a retired accountant from the Tax Bureau. He only goes to Diba to sort his accounts a few days a month. Although Wu Jie is a cashier, he is almost the financial supervisor of Diba."

Zhou Ziye laughed. "What should you do? Arrange yourself, I just want the result."

On the next day, Xiao Hei arranged for Yan Song to start a handsome man with the cashier. He not only provided Yan Song with sufficient funds for activities, but also arranged a Bora car. Although this car has almost disappeared in later generations, it is definitely not a loss of face in the present.

This kind of thing is not anxious, and Zhou Ziye did not pay special attention to it. The coal mine renovation project is what needs his worry. His father doesn't understand technology, only his son is the only one who can do more snacks. Although he doesn't need to do it, every modification must be monitored.

Watching the renovation project in the mine during the day, drinking and drinking with friends in the evening, making girls, and living a happy life. On the weekend, Jiang Yue returned to Yunshan. Although Zhou Ziye had a taste of Wenxiang Nephrite, he didn't insist on dedication. Instead, he focused his attention on his mother, and now he started to please the future mother-in-law. I spent two days with Xu Qing and Ti, making her own mother call the girls outgoing, but she couldn't help propagating in the compound.

In contrast, Yan Fengjiao and his development have now surpassed Jiang Yue. Yan Fengjiao goes to school locally and naturally has a lot more time. Although she could not show up in front of her friends because of Jiang Yue, Zhou Ziye took the time to date her twice.


It was also because of Jiang Yue that she was more open to sex. Knowing that Zhou Ziye and Jiang Yue hadn't reached the final step, they wanted to take the lead in this regard.

However, Zhou Ziye had another idea. He could take Yan Fengjiao off and put her to death, but he refused to take the last step. The famous name is for her sake, and the little girl is confused.

After all, Yan Fengjiao's father belongs to the Public Security Bureau and holds great power. Zhou Ziye didn't want to offend this **oss because of a moment of joy. The affair between him and Jiang Yue has been made public, and now if he dared to go to Yan Fengjiao, Zhou Ziye couldn't guarantee that he would be annoyed by committing a hooliganism and thrown him into the detention center.

As long as she can hold the last line, her father will not be afraid even if he knows Zhou Ziye. And by using this relationship, when dealing with Wu Zhiyuan and his son, you can also take advantage of it. For these reasons, Zhou Ziye didn't want Yan Fengjiao's body, but it made Yan Fengjiao even more obsessed with him.

In the afternoon every day, as long as there is no class, she can't help contacting Zhou Ziye. As long as there is no arrangement on Zhou Ziye's night, she will be entangled in Zhou Ziye. Anyway, Zhou Ziye said that she would not want her body now, and she became more and more presumptuous in front of Zhou Ziye. Feel free to let Zhou Ziye toss and enjoy the sexual enjoyment between the sexes. Even if Zhou Ziye couldn't help asking her for a while, she would only feel like getting what she wanted. Anyway, she didn't care what she was, just handed herself over to Zhou Ziye and let him do what she did.

She didn't know what kind of mentality she was. She knew that he had Jiang Yue, but she just couldn't help thinking about him. He experienced the happiness and passion that he had never experienced before. For these, she felt that she could not care about all the pressure at all. Although she felt a little sorry for Jiang Yue, but she couldn't break away from his temptation, die and die, happy day by day.

That day, I learned that Zhou Zi was fine at night. In the afternoon, she called her mother. "Mom, I won't go home at night and live at school."

Her mother was playing mahjong with a group of women again. She couldn't come back and said happily: "It's just right that you don't come back, your father is not at home, and my mother won't have to serve your two ancestors at night." Without waiting for Yan Fengjiao to speak, she said. He hung up the phone and went to the battlefield again.

If it had been before, Yan Fengjiao would think her mother didn't care about her, and she would slander. But now, she just feels happy and relaxed. Back to the dormitory along the dense boulevard, put down the book, she thought about where to eat with Zhou Ziye in the evening. After thinking about it for a long time, she didn't decide, let the big bad guy decide. She put aside the question, turned over the few clothes in the dormitory, and began to struggle with what clothes to wear at night.