Chapter 36 Interesting People

When he was full of food and drink, Jiang Jinlong asked casually: "When you called just now, what were you doing here?"

"I'm going to set up a real estate company and look at the house here." There is nothing to hide about this, Zhou Ziye said straightforwardly.

"Do you set up a real estate company? Does your dad want to do a big business?"

Zhou Ziye shook his head and said: "My dad doesn't care about this, so he just hangs up his name, mainly because I and his driver, my name is Xiaohei Ge, are doing it."

Jiang Jinlong said: "Then this company will be yours from now on?"

Shang Xilian said: "Well, it's good to start a real estate company. Get everything done quickly, and I will guarantee you can't finish the project that Uncle Jiang and I found for you."

Zhou Ziye shook his head and said, "Thank you Auntie Shang, but I really don't need it.

. I didn't want to be a development company, nor a construction company. This real estate company is equivalent to a property company, with some decorations. "

Jiang Jinlong was strange and asked, "You can't make a lot of money by doing this!"

Zhou Ziye nodded and said, "I know, I didn't want to make money from this. The main reason is to find a stable and long-term job for the group of people with my dad. I won't be in charge of this company all the time. When I get up, I will let go. Uncle Jiang and Aunt Shang, I also have something to tell you formally, hoping to get your understanding."

Jiang Jinlong and Shang Xilian looked at each other, wondering what kind of news Zhou Ziye was suddenly so serious. Only Jiang Yue understood that Zhou Ziye wanted to talk about his emigration to Hong Kong. The two of them also talked about this issue. Zhou Ziye's child Yunshan, who has immigrated to Hong Kong, will often come back. Jiang Yue didn't care about Zhou Ziye's emigration, because Zhou Ziye had promised her that she could run on both sides and live wherever she wanted.

Jiang Jinlong said: "Well, if you have any questions, please speak up frankly. We can discuss with each other and seek common ground while reserving differences..."

He Huahai was interrupted by Shang Xilian before he finished speaking. "Don't bring the talk, the meeting set to the family meeting. What are you talking about Xiaoye."

"I am going to immigrate to Hong Kong recently. I don't think that Hong Kong is a good one to immigrate. I want to work there. ()"

Shang Xilian patted her chest and said, "I was shocked. I wondered why! You told me about this yesterday, and I also told your uncle. He also thinks that your desire to make a fortune is worth encouraging. "

Jiang Jinlong asked: "I don't understand a little bit, what exactly do you want to do and need to immigrate to Hong Kong?" He paused and said, "You also know that my status is not low now, if you immigrate to Hong Kong. At that time, things with Yueyue will always add some trouble to me."

Zhou Ziye said bluntly: "I want to do energy business."

Shang Xilian asked, "Can't these be done in China?" Jiang Jinlong also looked at him.

Zhou Ziye shook his head and said: "The domestic energy industry is almost monopolized. Except for some small mines for private mining, other aspects have been strictly controlled. Although I can do what I want to do in China, I leave it to me. The market is too small and not up to the standard."

Jiang Jinlong said: "Speak more carefully, I still don't quite understand what business you want to do?"

Zhou Ziye thought for a while and said, "I want to be a commodity trader.

. For example, I went to the Middle East to dig for oil, and then sold it to the country. Of course, I certainly didn't have such a big capacity at the beginning, so I could only do some resale trade. "

Jiang Jinlong asked strangely: "Why would you want to do these things? This should be done by the state?!"

"In our country, most of this is controlled by state-owned capital, but in many regions, private capital is the mainstream of energy transactions, and this is the real mainstream. Because our country is controlled by state-owned capital, it has caused a bloated form. Competition has caused a lot of losses. I think if I do well in this area, not to mention winning glory for the country, at least there is a lot to do."

Jiang Jinlong was really surprised at this moment. He didn't treat Zhou Ziye as an ordinary junior, but got serious. "I'm a little stranger to the industry you are talking about, and I don't know the specific situation, but you want to compare your personal strength with the country. This road is not so easy. Besides, the funds used in these areas are not a small amount. Where did you get so much money?"

Jiang Yue's mouth was long, and then he said: "Dad, don't you know, Todago and Uncle Zhou are betting that they will earn one hundred million back in a year." She also lacks confidence and did not dare to say that Zhou Ziye started talking about one billion.

Shang Xilian laughed. "I also said that if you start a real estate company, you can give you some convenience. Who knows that your child has such a big heart, and that a hundred million yuan can make such a good profit?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and didn't say anything, nothing happened, no matter how much he said, it was just empty talk. Jiang Jinlong pondered for a moment and said: "I have to understand these aspects before I can talk to you, so I have nothing to guide you. However, to be a man beforehand, even if you arrive in Hong Kong, don't forget that your roots are here. , You are a Chinese. Everything you do must be worthy of your own conscience and your own country."

Zhou Ziye nodded heavily.

Jiang Jinlong returned home in the evening and made three phone calls. One was to the boss of the Youth Square. He just mentioned that his relatives would rent a house in the Youth Square, hoping to get a reasonable discount. As the boss in his jurisdiction, it was too late to cheer him up, and of course he agreed without a word, guaranteeing the lowest preferential terms.

After hanging up the phone, the boss was still struggling. I was excited for a while. I didn't even ask who came to rent the house, but I didn't dare to call to ask. I could only check the strong tone of his secretary tomorrow.


Jiang Jinlong made the second phone call to the secretary ** Qiang. "I just sent the phone number to your mobile phone. You will contact him tomorrow. He wants to set up a real estate company. What about you, take him around and try to complete the formalities as soon as possible." I didn't dare to neglect, and promised to do it properly.

After hanging up the phone, the mother and daughter who had been supervising him let go of him with a smile. He then entered the study and made the third call. On the other end of the phone is an old classmate of his, currently working in the Ministry of Land and Resources.

After a few words of greeting, he asked with some embarrassment: "Old classmate, I heard a new term today, and I am a little confused. You are an expert in this field, so I want to consult you."

"Lao Jiang, you are hypocritical. What is our relationship? Does it need to be so circumspect?"

"What is a commodity trader? What is the specific nature of their work?"

The other party pondered for a moment and said: "In short, there are two types of commodity traders. One is independent traders. They travel between various countries to bridge the upstream and downstream of resources and earn commissions. The other is Oligopoly traders, they either monopolize resources or monopolize sales, and carry out a series of operations in the physical and futures markets to achieve their profit-making goals."

Jiang Jinlong asked: "Doesn't upstream and downstream trade by themselves? Why are they used?"

The other party laughed. "Lao Jiang, this is what you don't understand. This problem is actually very complicated. There are many factors in it, and bulk commodities are never placed on the counter waiting for you to buy. Let me give you a few examples..."

Speaking of the other party's profession, he also came to talk with interest, and continued: "The scope that can be called bulk commodities is very small. At present, oil, gold, non-ferrous metals, and grain are the main commodities. The subject matter of the transaction. These resource-like things are still underground or have not yet grown, and they have been monopolized by the traders of these commodities. Even if they do not monopolize the production, they try to implement their control in the sales link. ."

"For example, Nigeria has a lot of oil, but the domestic struggle is also fierce. At times like this, our country will not purchase crude oil from any party until the situation is stabilized, because it involves politics. But what do we need crude oil to do? ?Then it's up to these dealers. They bought crude oil and sold it directly to us. All of these dealers are very clever, saying that they are merchants, not as good as gambling tables. The dealer above."

Jiang Jinlong asked: "Are there currently no talents in this field in our country?"

"Our situation is quite special. The country has only been open for more than 20 years, and we have never really gone out in this regard.

. Although many large state-owned companies have tested the waters in this area, except for the slight progress in the petroleum industry, other aspects have always suffered from paying tuition. This industry is really deep. It deals with countries, but the subject of transactions is companies. It needs to rectify its influence, but it must act in accordance with market rules. As soon as I said it, I was very angry. Tell me, this has suffered so much, so we should have a long memory. In the end, we still suffer..."

Jiang Jinlong asked: "That person didn't do this?"

"Individuals? There are a lot of people doing business abroad. We don't have any in our country. We can't say that there is no such thing. A Changxin from Yuanhua can be considered as the last link in this industry. There is not much profit and no real influence. Power, so he can only think of smuggling. This is a high-threshold industry, not to mention one billion eight billion, ten billion capital is just a small role, those big companies are tens of billions of assets, or U.S. dollars. Domestically. Where are the people with so many funds? Besides, this requires strong connections in various resource countries. This is also the reason for the shortage of talents in our country, because our country does not allow individuals to make political demands at all."

At this time, he finally remembered and asked: "Why do you suddenly remember to ask me this today?"

Jiang Jinlong laughed and said, "Isn't my daughter making a boyfriend? I had dinner together today and talked about this. But it made me depressed enough. I wanted to put the old man in the air and give directions to his work. I don't understand, but give me a fart!"

The other party also laughed, "Fortunately, I don't have a daughter, so I won't be as entangled as you. By the way, your son-in-law is in this business? What company?"

Jiang Jinlong said: "He graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University. He has a little money in his family. I have never heard of his ability in this area before. I was caught off guard today."

"It's not this industry who wants to enter this industry. It's a bit unclear. It's completely impossible to do this industry in China. You can let him find a solid thing to do it honestly."

Jiang Jinlong sighed: "I can't control him now. I'm still telling me today that I want to immigrate to Hong Kong. I want to oppose it. I am not my son-in-law now, so I have to let him go."

"It's interesting, Lao Jiang, you pay more attention to him in the future, I also want to know what step he can do."