Chapter 37 Yacht Club

With the help of the strongest person, the rent for the office rented the next day immediately dropped to half, 10,000 yuan per month, and the property fee was free. If it weren't for the week's midnight insistence, the rent, water, electricity, and property fees would all be the same. No more points


Zhou Ziye also truly realized the convenience and speed of the privileged class. With the various certificates and photos provided by his father, Zhou Ziye didn't need to run errands at all. **After a few phone calls, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau almost completed the procedures. From the initial bank verification to the final engraving of the official seal and registration of the organization code, there is no need to move a little finger at Zhou Ziye.

He was idle, so he followed Xiao Hei to buy office supplies. When all the procedures for the tax registration certificate are completed, the office will be decorated with a brand new look, a bit of a big company's style.

It was Zhou Ziye who did the work on his behalf. He invited a group of officials from the Administration of Industry and Commerce and the Taxation Bureau, and set up two tables in the hotel, which seemed to be confused with these officials.

In the new company, Zhou Ziye did not arrange his own office. The largest room was used as an office for his father, which was actually equivalent to a reception room. His dad has many friends, friends, and social interactions. He leaves a place for him in the company to save him from running around every day.

The company is mainly divided into two parts, one is the property company, the other is the decoration company, and the two are operated independently, but all of them are managed by Xiaohei.

Zhou Ziye learned from many company's rules and regulations, and set a lot of strict management systems for this company in terms of business, as well as the standard for promotion and salary increase of employees. However, because the brothers under Xiao Hei are not a serious team, so in terms of work and rest, it can be considered a little looser.

Zhou Ziye doesn't care about this aspect, what he cares about is the training of the security team. He has seen several different security companies and training bases for mercenaries, and he has some understanding of this aspect. According to the impression in his mind, he has listed a training outline.

Seeing this training outline, Xiao Hei took a deep breath. "Sao Ye, if you train according to this outline, isn't it about the same as the special forces?! I am afraid that few people can support it."

Zhou Ziye thought for a while and said: "It can be halved at the beginning, and the training intensity will gradually increase. As long as anyone reaches the intermediate level or above, they will leave the security team, and their salary and bonus will double. And I will ask teachers to teach them foreign languages, and I can send them later. Going abroad to work. At that time, out of the current working relationship, the annual salary starts at 500,000 yuan."

Xiao Hei was stunned and sighed: "I want to try what I said. That's OK, I will try this. But we still have to find a place as a training venue first."

"You can arrange these, I have something to do, so I'll leave first

. "Zhou Ziye is indeed a lot of things. After returning from the United States, as long as he is okay, he will mix with the friends in the compound. But because of his shot at Wu Jie, many people have a little wary of him, and many people have nothing to do with him. It was so close before.

These people, although outsiders seem to be five or six, but there are few shameful things. If they all get people into jail all at once like Zhou Ziye, none of them can run away. Because of this vigilance, most of them became nodding acquaintances except for a few close friends.

In fact, these Zhou Ziye didn't care. In the previous life, they didn't see a few conscientious people. They were afraid of themselves, far away from themselves, and saved themselves a lot of heart. As long as these key figures don't alienate themselves.

Xiang Yong arranged the party tonight. This kid is very good in character and everything, but he has one weakness, he is extremely lustful. Zhou Ziye has read a lot of flowers in his previous life, and there are many girls from all over the world. But compared with Xiang Yong, it was a few blocks away. This kid boasted every day that he had already completed a hundred kills when he graduated from college. Now, according to Zhou Ziye, they probably have more than two hundred.

At this time, although there were some clubs in the country, they had not yet developed. There was the first yacht club in this city. Although there were not many private yachts, the yacht rental rate of several clubs was still very high. If it doesn't matter, if you want to hold a banquet on the yacht, it will be two months later.

Although the current temperature is not too hot, as long as it is not in the water, it is quite comfortable. The activity Xiang Yong arranged this time was on a yacht. They set off in the afternoon, spent the night at sea, and returned the next afternoon.

Zhou Ziye took a taxi to the yacht club. After calling, he realized that Xiang Yongyue's models had arrived. They boarded the yacht together. Except for Zhou Ziye, Qin Bo hadn't arrived yet. He then called Qin Bo again and arranged to meet in the parking lot.

When Qin Bo saw Zhou Ziye, he punched him and said with a smile: "Your kid has also opened a real estate company. Is this planning to grab business with me?!"

Zhou Ziye knew that he was just joking, the real estate market is so big, their two small companies are nothing in it. But he still said: "If I really start a real estate company, I won't tell you? I don't want to engage in development, construction or anything, just open a property company, and arrange for the brothers below to have a bowl of rice to eat."

Qin Bo locked his Mercedes-Benz, pulled the door, and said, "I know, I was still wondering about the scope of your company's business at first, but later I figured it out. When your company's shelves are set up, I will introduce you to you. In this community, although you can't make a lot of money, it's no problem to feed hundreds of people.

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Zhou Ziye smiled and said, "Then thank you first." The two spoke side by side and walked into the sea along the breakwater.

The yacht that Xiang Yong rented was not the largest one, because there were only six men in total, and now there were no more than 20 girls including a group of girls. A yacht that was too big was a waste. They are not the local tyrants of later generations.

When they approached the yacht they were going to take, a bunch of tall girls greeted them on the deck, and they counted 12. Xiang Yong, Cai Jishen and two men they didn't know were also making fun of them. Zhou Ziye also waved their hands, which was a response. After looking at the two strangers, he asked Qin Bo, "What are the backgrounds of these two people from Beijing? It must not be easy for Xiang Yong to spend such a high price to invite a bunch of models to serve."

Qin Bo nodded and said, "Xiang Yong's father has a deep relationship with the capital. It doesn't matter who they are, just deal with them carefully."

The yacht rented by this clubhouse is equipped with two captains, two chefs, one waiter, and two bodyguards. The ship has three floors on the water. The back of the first floor is a large activity room, and the front is the driving area and crew lounge. The second floor is divided into two sides, each with three bedrooms, with an observation deck on the top.

Because the tourist area and the driving area are separated, if the door in the driving area is locked, they will not be able to enter the back and upper areas, and tourists can play as they please without fear of being disturbed.

Zhou Ziye and Qin Bo boarded the boat and came directly to Xiang Yong and the others. Xiang Yong introduced to them: "I want to introduce you two, these two are good buddies of my childhood. This is called Zheng Zhongxing, this is called Bian Hongbing." He went back and said, "This tall man is called Zhou Ziye, Fatty. His name is Qin Bo, they are all good brothers."

The four shook hands with each other, exchanged a few words, and Xiang Yong arranged the yacht to start. The yacht will dock at an uninhabited island 30 kilometers away from the coast at night.

Zheng Zhongxing is a typical Beijinger, talkative and poor. After a while, he hooked up two models and sat next to him, making fun of him. Bian Hongbing was very handsome and heroic, like a soldier. Talking with Zhou Ziye and the others, his eyes were always fixed on the speaker, and his attitude was very serious. There were so many beautiful girls next to him, but his eyes didn't even glance at him. However, when Xiang Yong, a pimp, pulled the two girls and sat next to him, he didn't mean to object, so he hugged the two girls. This is a powerful character. Zhou Ziye secretly evaluated.

Bian Hongbing was temporarily distracted by the two girls, and Xiang Yong said to Zhou Ziye and Qin Bo: "You two came late, anyway, there are four girls.

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Qin Bo smiled and said, "I don't want to divide anymore, just give me the two you picked."

Xiang Yong cut and said, "The beauty of thinking, I chose these two carefully." He sighed and said, "I don't know that the agent of the model agency is so unreliable this time. There was also a fifteen-year-old child. I just asked, she didn't know that today would be such a gathering, and she didn't do this kind of thing, so whoever wanted one less."

Zhou Ziye said: "Then count it as my head. I have just been with Yueyue, and I don't have much interest in other women. It is enough to have a fun with you."

When he said that, everyone stopped arguing about the matter, so it was so decided. Bian Hongbing smiled and said, "I heard that your girlfriend is also very beautiful? Why didn't you bring it out?"

"Do I dare to bring her here on this occasion?! Brother Bian, this is killing me. But she can't come either, she's still going to school in the provincial capital!"

Zheng Zhongxing smiled and said: "So you like loli, so today this little sister will be developed by you. Seeing you are handsome, maybe the little sister will like it!"

Bian Hongbing said: "ZTE, you are talking nonsense, do you know that you haven't grown up yet at the age of fifteen?"

Zheng Zhongxing mumbled, "It's not going to be sold anyway." Turning his head and making fun of the model next to him.

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "Well, it's a fun to play, but you can't play without conscience. I will go to see the girl who belongs to me. After a while, we will do a total of what we are doing at night."

Xiang Yong hugged two fair-skinned, plump, breast-fat, and buttock models and smiled: "Big brother has already chosen the one, so I left the last one for you. Whether you like it or not is yours." He pointed his finger. Pointed to the deck on the top of the building. "They are watching the sunset from above, and you are in room 6. If you want to fight first or come together at night, whatever you want."

Zhou Ziye walked out, and Bian Hongbing said to Xiang Yong, "Is this Zhou Ziye really the son of a coal boss?"

Xiang Yong nodded and said, "He has grown up in the Municipal Party Committee compound. I met him when I came to Yunshan. I didn't realize his strengths before, but this time he did it without a word. Deputy Mayor, I am really impressed." Bian Hongbing smiled faintly, did not speak any more, and got up with the beauties around him.