Chapter 42 Selection

After handling the cooperation with Panlong Company, Zhou Ziye was relieved. With the help of Qin Bo, the property company determined the property management of the two commercial buildings. The biggest surprise was brought by Shang Xilian. She herself worked in the Logistics Department of the Municipal Party Committee and had many contacts with people from all walks of life. For the son-in-law of Zhou Ziye, she spared her face and contacted many businesses and communities. Especially in Shinan District, because there is Jiang Jinlong behind her, the merchants and communities contacted in Shinan District can be chosen by Zhou Ziye.

Zhou Ziye did the same. In the low-end community, Zhou Ziye has no interest at all. He will only settle in if the property management fee is more than two yuan. He believes that his security team is indeed the strongest in the city, and of course the best team must be stationed in the best community.

The things in the community are simple and the income is relatively small, but the security income of the commercial unit is relatively high. In particular, some large shopping malls and supermarkets are not calculated by area at all, but directly contracted the security work of the entire area. This kind of profit is relatively high.

The accounting and management personnel of the property base are gradually increasing, and the security guards don't have to worry about midnight. Due to the agreement with Beihang University, as long as their veterans have nowhere to go, they almost use Zhou Ziye as a transit point. Some have poor family conditions and really want to do it here, and some are riding donkeys and looking for horses. Because they almost don't need training, they can get on duty when they come.

Although it is not the time to leave the army, it is not long before they have been in the army. The army understands that the family is not in a good condition. Now there is no rule that veterans are not allowed to stay in the garrison. These people are in bad condition after returning home. All the people from the army were summoned.

First, the special brigade of Beihang, expanded to the entire Beihang, and finally expanded to the entire Northern Fleet. More and more people are coming, even if they don't want to work for a long time, many of them make thousands of dollars to go home after working for a few months.

Among these people, of course there will be some various vanguard soldiers. There are also more than a dozen people who have all completed the assessment that Zhou Ziye originally arranged. These people have become Zhou Ziye's observation objects.

Regarding the consequences of using these people, Zhou Ziye also thinks very clearly. Even though they may have some people with other purposes, he has never thought of harming the interests of the country, and he is not afraid of them investigating.


After the relatives of these people were investigated by Xiao Hei, Zhou Ziye decided to be honest with them. Because we have to teach them foreign languages, we can't let them keep training.

Hu Cheng has always felt a little puzzled that he can get double the salary after completing the assessment. Because they have not been released to carry out some more difficult or dangerous work, it is purely a waste of wages. Every day is training, training.

There are many people who have the same ideas as Hu Cheng. After they completed the assessment, they were separated from ordinary security guards. Although the dormitory in the factory is getting more and more tense, and ordinary security guards have a room for eight people, but they have a room for two people on the third floor of the dormitory.

Their training is also separated from ordinary security guards and takes place in the boxing ring next to the office. The area on the other side of the office has already been renovated and is said to be an exclusive training area for them. The boss paid such a big price, he would not keep them forever, but what exactly would he let them do?

After taking a nap that afternoon, eleven people came to the training hall on the second floor on time. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and there is central air conditioning in the training hall, which is more comfortable than sleeping in the dormitory. It is a pity that this is not my home after all, so I can't do what I want.

As soon as they moved their bodies for a while, Liu Heiwa, the general manager here, came over. He clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention. He said, "Everyone, stop, come to my office in five minutes. I have something to announce." After that, he turned and returned to the office.

Everyone started talking about it. After so long, the longest one of them stayed for a month and got three thousand yuan in vain. The shortest one also got half a month's salary. Today I finally want to know what it is. It's up.

After all, they were soldiers. They sat together in a disciplined manner, and Hu Cheng, who had the highest rank, spoke first. Hu Cheng thought for a while and said, "We have already known some things after being here for so long. The general manager Liu Heiwa here is actually a decoration, and he used to be a gangster. Looking at what he is doing now, I know he wants to do serious things. But ordinary security guards only have a salary of 1,500 yuan a month. Why do we have a salary of 3,000 yuan? What does he want to do with us? We need to think carefully about these. I personally think that it is against the law. Things that go against the country must never be done. If we are allowed to do these things, we will have to leave."

After everyone nodded one after another and discussed several insurmountable red line standards, these people were considered to have unified their thoughts.

In the office, Zhou Ziye and Xiao Hei heard every word of them through the monitor. In fact, Zhou Ziye did it on purpose. He asked Xiao Hei to inform these veterans that they would come in five minutes later to give them time to unify their thoughts.

. Only if their minds are unified, the faster it will take to reach a consensus with them.

When a group of former soldiers stepped into the office, they realized that there was a handsome young man inside. Although they have seen it many times, and heard from the first person that he is their real boss, they have never contacted him. Thinking of his words can determine their own work and income, and they can't help but feel a little nervous.

The clerk in another office moved in eleven chairs according to Xiao Hei's instructions, and Zhou Ziye said his first sentence. "Hello everyone, my name is Zhou Ziye, and I can say that I am your boss. But I prefer you to be my brothers in the years to come. Now please sit down and talk."

Zhou Ziye has been observing Hu Cheng, because among these people, his influence is the strongest. And his information also shows that he is not an ordinary soldier, he himself is a first-class pilot of Beihang University. It would have been impossible for a technician like him to come to this company. He could continue to work in the army. Even if he retires, he would arrange work. Major airlines would also hand him olive branches. But he made a mistake. During flight training, due to personal technical reasons, a fighter plane crashed. More importantly, he survived, but the observer on the same plane fell to his death due to a parachute. His comrade-in-arms also had some power at home, which caused him to be in his current situation.

The reason Zhou Ziye attaches importance to him is not only that he can fly a plane and speak English, but that he has no complaints about his own situation and still seeks the forgiveness of his comrades' family members and the military. This is a responsible and optimistic man.

After everyone was seated, Zhou Ziye said again: "I know that there will definitely be all kinds of doubts between you. I think I will pay you such a high salary but will not let you do things. Will you finally let you do it? Some illegal things. Let me make one point here. You are all talents that I value. I don't want you to make any mistakes. Therefore, I will never let you do things that violate the law, violate your conscience, and violate the country."

Hu Cheng nodded and said, "If this is the case, I think we will continue to do it with you. But you can also arrange something for us to do. Now, apart from training, we are training. People are almost suffocated."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "Life without a goal is terrible, because I don't know how to live. This is my mistake, because I have always expected you to have more numbers. Then I will tell you what to do. It's a matter. But it's been too long for the soldiers to retire by the end of the year, and I won't be able to have as many talents as you again in the near future, so I still have to make use of you first."

A voice rang

. "Just say you want us to do something. Training like this every day, for us, it's really better to be a security guard."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "But a security guard now earns almost 1,000. Our company is a bit higher, only 1,500. Do you want to make so much money? If you follow my arrangement, your future income will be at least theirs. Twenty times, even fifty times, one hundred times."

Everyone was stunned, Hu Cheng opened his mouth several times, and finally said it. "You said you wouldn't do anything illegal."

Zhou Ziye nodded, "Have I said that I asked you to do illegal things? It is easier to get money than the underworld when doing a good business! And I hope you can become helpers in my career. I am now There are four roads for you to choose from. This choice is up to you. If you don't choose the first two roads, you can also choose to be an ordinary security guard."

Seeing that everyone's attention was concentrated, Zhou Ziye said: "The first way is to be my personal bodyguard, with a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan, and the upper limit is not capped; the second way is to be an assistant in my career, and the treatment is the same as above. ."

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed. Or the impatient soldier seemed to be called Cheng Lianzhu, and asked, "Is there such a high salary?"

Zhou Ziye nodded and said: "I will explain to you in detail. To be my personal bodyguard, the only thing I need is loyalty. I will pay based on personal performance, but the minimum guarantee is that your annual income is 240,000. If you avoid my injury, Or remind me that if I find a dangerous situation, there will be a huge bonus. If I save my life, I will guarantee a bonus of no less than 5 million. Even if he sacrifices, I will give the money to his family."

Hu Cheng asked: "Are you being chased by someone? Are the police regardless?"

Zhou Ziye shook his finger lightly and said, "If you choose to be my bodyguard, the first thing is to remember, never interrupt me, don't hinder me, and don't show you in front of anyone. He looked at Hu Cheng and said, "Today I will talk to you frankly and openly. All questions will be answered to you. You have not made a choice yet, so you are not my person now, so I will give it to you first. Please explain. The reason why I am in danger is not because I have enemies to chase and kill, but because I will often appear in some dangerous places. For example, countries fighting wars, countries with civil strife, these will all be abroad, Not at home."

Everyone's eyes lit up, including Xiao Hei who had been staying aside. It cannot be said that they are all war madmen, but there is always a trace of restlessness in the blood of men.

Zhou Ziye continued: "Going back to what I just said

. So, although you don't have to do bad things to be my security guard, it will definitely not be very safe. You should consider it carefully. This is the first way. The second way requires you to have a certain knowledge reserve, whether it is management knowledge, emotional quotient for dealing with people, and IQ for planning and strategy, this is suitable for enterprising or ambitious people. If you feel that you don't want to do either of these jobs, you can go to work as an ordinary security guard now, or you can choose the fourth way and leave directly. "

Hu Cheng nodded and asked, "What I don't understand is what kind of work do you need to go to those dangerous places?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "Of course I will say, but after you have made your choice and signed a non-disclosure agreement with me."

"We don't even know what job we do. How do we choose, what kind of business is there besides selling drugs and arms to those places? This is obviously a trap."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "I can indicate in the contract that it is not these jobs and will not violate any laws of the country, but I will not disclose anything before the contract is signed. Although this is a risk for you, it is also a huge one. If you don't even dare to take this risk, how can I surrender my life to those of you who dare not take any risk? I have to tell all my interests and you choose. Then why should I look for you? As long as I spend money, I can pick anyone from the Blackwater Company and the French Foreign Corps. Do you dare to say that they are better than them?"

Everyone stopped talking, quietly considering Zhou Ziye's words.

After a moment of silence, Zhou Ziye said again: "You can go back and think about it. I will come again tomorrow. Then you can give me your choice and disband now."

After they all went out, Xiao Hei asked with some worry: "Xiao Ye, is it so dangerous? If so, I hope you still don't do these things. After all, Uncle Guangbo is your only son."

Zhou Ziye laughed. "Brother Xiaohei, you are always so straight. I cherish my life more than you. How can I waste it casually? What I said just now is just putting pressure on them. If they can't even accept this, how can I expect them to step on? Do things down-to-earth? Don't worry. Foreign countries are similar to domestic ones. Few places are Longtan Tiger's Den. I wouldn't go to those places. This is just a test for her mother. Don't talk to my parents. Nonsense."

Xiao Hei was still a little worried. He thought about it and said, "Anyway, I need to know Ha at least to be relieved." The implication was that where Zhou Ziye went, he would also follow.

Zhou Ziye smiled a little moved, and nodded heavily.