Chapter 43 The Real Team

Jiang Yue came back from summer vacation for a few days. Except for occasionally returning to his home, he spent most of the time with Xu Qinghe at Zhou's house. Jiang Yue has a quiet personality, Xu Qing is kind and gentle, and the two women get along quickly like a mother and daughter. It should be said that in Jiang Yue's heart, I feel that Teacher Xu is more worthy of respect and love than his mother.

She also knew that Zhou Midnight was relatively busy during this period, and she never disturbed him during the day. Every day I look forward to the time when two people get along at night. Zhou Ziye had agreed to her, and after taking Xu Qinghe to the capital to see a doctor in a few days, he would take her to Hong Kong to play. This time the two went alone, and no one else would disrupt their relationship. Thinking of this, her heart is sweet.

This afternoon, taking Xu Qinghe lunch break, she drove home to get two clothes. As soon as I entered the gate of the compound, I ran into Yan Fengjiao who was about to go out. She thought about it, but stopped the car. "Where to go, I will see you off."

Yan Fengjiao shook her head and said, "Do you think we can still be friends?"

"At the beginning I was a little too excited, but after all we have been good friends for so many years..."

Yan Fengjiao turned her head away and said quietly, "Believe it or not, I really didn't want to destroy the relationship between the two of you. I even made the decision to be his mistress. But you... forget it, I From now on, I will not know you two anymore and live your happiness."

Yan Fengjiao left without looking back, two rows of teardrops hung on her bright face, but at this moment Zhixia made her tears flow to her heart's content. That hateful man threw himself like a rag in a blink of an eye. There was no more phone call, a greeting, why did he still think of him!

Jiang Yue, who went home, was also in a depressed mood. Faced with her long-winded mother, she wanted to leave quickly, but she had to be interrogated for more than half an hour before letting her go. Sitting in the car, she couldn't help but call Zhou Ziye, wanting to get Zhou Ziye's comfort.

Zhou Ziye had also just left the base, and heard Jiang Yue's listless voice, telling her nostalgia for the friendship with Yan Fengjiao over the past few years. After comforting her, Zhou Ziye didn't want to go to the office of the real estate company anymore. He decided to go home and rest for an afternoon.

. "Okay, don't be depressed, you go back right away, and I'll go home right away."

"Really, you are out of business this afternoon?"

"What can be important to you?!"

Jiang Yuemei opened his eyes and laughed. Zhou Ziye was thinking about Yan Fengjiao. He didn't feel infatuated with Yan Fengjiao. Although he liked it, he didn't have the temptation that Xiaoya gave him. Therefore, he has not made up his mind about how to treat this girl, or he has not thought about it at all.

Today Jiang Yue's mention made him really think about this issue for the first time. Although she is also beautiful, her father is now a deputy mayor level leader. Keeping a relationship with her will have a great influence on her. If you offend a deputy mayor-level leader, you are still the leader of the Public Security Bureau. If nothing else, at least the property company's base will be greatly affected. I put on small shoes for you at two ends in three days, and the hearts of the people will disappear after a few days.

Zhou Ziye thought about it for a while, but still thinks that she can no longer disturb the girl, and she has to have a good relationship with her father. Her father's position is really important.

When he got home, Zhou Ziye turned off his mobile phone, accompanied Jiang Yue and his mother. Zhou Ziye didn't think about anything, leaving his constantly running brain completely in a blank period. Listening to them talking about their parents' shortcomings, watching them plant flowers and grass, I feel a kind of ease, a kind of real peace in my heart.

But as soon as the phone was turned on the next day, the message prompts kept beeping. It took more than ten minutes for Zhou Ziye to answer a few phone calls to deal with these trivial matters, and then drove to the property company base.

As Zhou Ziye imagined, even with this little bit of adventure, some people still dare not accept it. Regardless of their reasons, Zhou Ziye, as long as they dare not accept it, they will not stay, because Zhou Ziye does not dare to rest assured of these people.

Even if he didn't dare to choose this path because he was the pillar of the family and didn't dare to make any mistakes. Then in his heart, he has concerns. What he values ​​is the happiness and tranquility of his family, but he just regards being here as a job. In this state of mind, if there is any danger, he will try to save himself as much as possible. As for Zhou Ziye, I am afraid it is not the scope of his consideration.

Of the eleven people, three quit and chose a stable job. Zhou Ziye didn't care. There were too many talents in the army. Now it is not Zhou Ziye begging them, but just giving them a chance. Since they chose to be an ordinary person, that week at midnight they ordered Xiao Hei to move them from the dormitory on the third floor to the eight-person room on the second floor, waiting for the security team to choose and allocate.

The remaining eight people, after signing a confidentiality agreement, Zhou Ziye told them of their plans

. At this moment, the eight of them were truly surprised. They must still think that Zhou Ziye is fooling them, saying that they are not allowed to do illegal things, but in fact they still have this tendency. Otherwise, why would they recruit highly skilled soldiers to do the work?

Hu Cheng asked: "You mean, you just want to be a mining company. Will there be any illegal behavior?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and shook his head. "You must know that in many areas abroad, their laws are false. Therefore, considering this situation, I must require you to have a good self-help ability. This is the main reason why I recruited you, not yours. I want to use your skills to do what is good for me."

They really let go this time, and feel grateful from the bottom of their hearts. For Zhou Ziye to be able to open such a high salary, they actually have some psychological pressure, and even want to do something that is on the edge of the law for the money. But the result was unexpected, and it turned out to be serious.

Zhou Ziye said: "Don't be happy so early. Although you are not allowed to do bad things, there are still dangers in many areas abroad. So the eight of you still need to receive certain ideological education and knowledge training. In addition to Hu Cheng, I hope that the remaining people can become familiar with a foreign language in half a year, and also have a good understanding of the specific conditions of various mineral countries around the world. Here, I will give you another choice."

Seeing everyone's attention focused on himself, Zhou Ziye said: "In this half-year training, I plan to invest 500,000 in each of you, so I need to sign a long-term agreement with each of you. Work agreement, minimum period, ten years."

Hu Cheng looked at the few remaining people, pondered for a moment and said, "If it is really like you said, spending half a million on each of us, the ten-year work period is reasonable."

Zhou Ziye nodded and said: "If the ten-year period is up and both parties intend to renew, then it will be a lifetime contract. However, if you choose not to renew the contract, you cannot continue to work in the industry. This is also a lifetime contract. limited."

Hu Cheng said with a smile: "What if we can't make achievements in ten years?"

"Sorry, I don't raise idlers. If you feel that you are not competent in business, you can choose to be my bodyguard, but it is impossible to be a bodyguard for a lifetime."

"In other words, the bodyguard is a ten-year contract. There is no follow-up contract?"

"Yes, if you can't learn anything that can help me in ten years, why should I pay a high salary to support you? But I can also arrange these people properly.

. For example, the current property company. "

Hu Cheng nodded and said, "I understand, I can sign a contract now."

Zhou Ziye threw another blockbuster. "After half a year of training is qualified, the company will reserve a house belonging to him in a new building in the suburbs. Of course, the purchase price will be deducted from your salary."

The bomb was thrown, and everyone decided to sign without hesitation. The contract was stored on the computer by Zhou Midnight, printed out directly, and signed with everyone. None of them noticed that in the breach of the contract, their cost of breach of contract was too high for them to bear.

If someone breached the contract, or leaked company secrets, or turned to a competitor, he would not only be refunded the company's expenses on him, but also ten times the liquidated damages. But this is only Zhou Ziye's restriction on them at home. If it is abroad, a bullet can solve any problem. He didn't want to spend so much energy on raising himself a white-eyed wolf.

After the contract was signed, Zhou Ziye formally revealed the details of his plan. These eight people first received education in foreign languages, history, geography, and politics at home, and then were sent to the United States or other regions for on-site oral training and live ammunition training. Although it is illegal to hold a gun in the country, it is necessary in many areas. Fortunately, these people are all soldiers and have been trained with live ammunition, and armed with guns is no stranger to them.

In addition to Hu Cheng who is proficient in English, there is one named Meng Xiaoxu who can speak a little Russian. The others are limited to the English level of junior high school. But Zhou Ziye didn't want them all to learn English. Although English is the world's lingua franca, in resource-based countries, English is not popular.

In the Americas, apart from the United States, the largest language family in Canada is French, and to the south of the United States, almost all Spanish is the world except for Brazil, which is Portuguese. In Africa, Spanish, English, and French are also one-third of the world. In comparison, in Asia, the prevalence of English is still wider.

Zhou Ziye was only able to speak English at the beginning, so he never really went out of Asia. Later, he learned Spanish and he did not really spread around the world. Later, he also learned French and German by himself. Although he was limited to simple dialogue and literacy, communication was still no problem. .

In view of the students' interest and knowledge reserves, currently only English teachers and Russian teachers can be invited. Zhou Ziye thought to myself that in the future, I am afraid I still need to recruit a few other language students from the foreign language department. In short, there are too few talents.