Chapter 51: Residence in Hong Kong

Chapter 51: Residence in Hong Kong

At the appointed time, the real estate company's agent knocked on Zhou Ziye's door on time

. For the house in Dijingyuan at Zhou Ziye, it is clear that the first one is for sale, the second and the third are only for rent. The location of the first one is second to none in the entire Mid-Levels luxury housing complex even for later generations. Now that several buildings have not yet been completed, there is nothing comparable to this. In particular, what he fancy is the first top-floor duplex mansion, which is almost incomparable.

In later generations, the average price of the ordinary small room in the middle of the floor was 250,000 per square meter, but this house was simply priceless. Now it can be purchased at an average price of almost 60,000, which is like a waste of picking up.

Zhou Ziye didn't talk nonsense with him, and said directly: "I know that your company is also the leading real estate brokerage company in Hong Kong. A top-notch mansion is worth a lot of money. It's tens of thousands of points as low as 0.1%. You don't need to reply to me now. I also know that the discount you can give is not much. It's best if one of your managers directly talk to me. talk."

When Zhou Ziye was in Hong Kong, he usually spoke English because speaking Mandarin would still be discriminated against. Although it does not affect anything, it affects the mood.

This man and woman were obviously suppressed by Zhou Ziye's momentum. The man said, "Zhou Sheng, please wait a moment. I'll go out and make a call because it is very close to our company. Our manager should be there in about ten minutes. "

The man went out on the phone, and Zhou Ziye saw that the girl was a little restrained, so she showed him all the information and pictures of the house. The girl turned on the computer, called up the information, and put the computer on him again. In front of.

But the more I look at it, the more he likes it, not for appreciation, but for the house. The house is divided into upper and lower floors, with a construction area of ​​623 square meters and a practical area of ​​only 560, because there are also two large balconies. Just a balcony can be arranged into two small gardens. Because the area is large enough, the living room and bedroom are large. From the bedroom area, you can see half of Hong Kong. The whole house is well-thought-out. Not only is the guest room sufficient, but the master room and the servant's room can also be completely enclosed. Because of the hot climate in Hong Kong, air conditioning is also essential, but it is all cooled by central air conditioning. Electricity usage charges.

The manager of the brokerage company arrived soon and showed great enthusiasm for his big client. After greeted him, he said: "When I came, I negotiated with the homeowner and he agreed that each square foot can be reduced. Fifty Hong Kong dollars to five thousand eight hundred Hong Kong dollars. Chow Sang, this price can get this price is already very good. In the past few years, the average price of this house was 10,000 yuan, it is really the Hong Kong property market in recent years. It's bad."

Zhou Ziye said: "I have no problem with the house price, and I am still satisfied with the 1% agency fee, but there is one thing I need you to help me solve.

. "

"Zhou Sheng, please give instructions."

"I still have a mainland household registration. I know that an intermediary agency like yours can handle investment immigration on behalf of you. Now I need you to handle it for me. Of course, I will not pay less for this related handling fee. I also know one thing, general investment Immigrants need to live for seven years before they can change their Hong Kong ID card to a Hong Kong permanent ID card. However, in order to attract talents, the Hong Kong government has issued a talent plan. As a technology introduction person, it only takes about a year to get a permanent ID card. I need you to help me apply."

At this moment he seemed a little embarrassed, and said: "Zhou Sheng, it's not that I can't handle it. In fact, a rich boss like you, who is not the same, why should he be so anxious?"

Zhou Ziye laughed and said: "If I go through the government channels, I may be able to get a Hong Kong permanent resident ID card directly, but I mainly don't want to owe other people's favors, so I want you to handle it for me. I also do my talent recruitment plan for Hong Kong. Some understand that there are special offers for talents with high academic qualifications and knowledge of foreign languages, especially finance. And I am proficient in five languages, and I am an investor by myself. This should not increase the difficulty of your work. ()"

The other party was stunned and said quickly: "In this case, of course we are obliged to do so. We just need Zhou Sheng to provide some proof of your education and work. Do Zhou Sheng have any more requirements?"

"If the owner is convenient, let's go and see the house."

With a word from Zhou Ziye, they hurriedly contacted the owner, but they were pushed into the afternoon by the owner. Zhou Ziye didn't care, he didn't have anything to do today, just waiting for the reply from Dongfang Investment.

When I saw the host in the afternoon, Zhou Ziye was shocked. Isn't this Guo Jihui? ! Although he was still childish at this time, it was not much different from how he would look later. For an instant, Zhou Ziye felt that this leak was not easy to pick up.

Dijingyuan is a building constructed by Acer, two and three are still the company's properties, and only one is for sale. And who is Guo Jihui? He is the prince of Acer, and his father is one of the richest people in Hong Kong. He sells a house. This is not a joke!

Zhou Ziye only met Guo Jihui at a business reception for later generations, but Zhou Ziye was just a senior gold-collar, Guo Jihui was the chairman of the board of directors acting for Acer, and the two did not have a deep friendship.

However, Guo Jihui is not like Zhou Ziye thought, doing nothing to do with others.

. He is still less than 20 years old, and he does not doubt his purchasing power for the same young Zhou Ziye. I took out the registration form of the house and said: "The house is here. If you feel satisfied, we can discuss the details of the transfer. I rarely live in this house. All the decorations are almost new. I can also give you all the furniture inside. I spent millions on these IKEA furniture."

Zhou Ziye turned around and said to the agent at the brokerage company: "Can we talk alone? Don't doubt that we will trade privately. The 2% agency fee is just a small amount for us, and we will not do it for this. Some money loses face."

The manager of the brokerage company pondered and said, "We don't mean that, Zhou Sheng, Guo Sheng, then let's go to the balcony upstairs and stay for a while."

Guo Jihui nodded, then turned to Zhou Ziye and said, "Please sit down."

After sitting down, Zhou Ziye asked directly: "Guo Sheng, I know you are Mr. Guo Binjiang's son. For your family, these tens of millions of buildings are far more important than tens of millions of funds. I don't understand. Your intention to sell the building, if I buy this building, I am afraid I can't live in it?!"

Guo Jihui said: "This building is in my name. Although my family's business is large, I am only a student. I am not as rich as you think."

"But will this incident make Mr. Guo Binjiang unhappy?"

Guo Jihui said angrily: "The house is in my name. If you want it, we don't need to talk about it."

Zhou Ziye said: "I am very satisfied with the house. But I also need a week to allocate tens of millions of funds. Today Wednesday, I don't know if we can make a deal on next Monday?"

Guo Jihui said: "I can do it until I return to the United States in mid-August. But since you want to buy it, you can't say nothing. Should you pay a part of the deposit first, I can notify the brokerage company to withdraw the listing."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "This is right. Since you are going back to the United States to use the funds, it should be okay for me to give you US dollars?"

"Of course, that's better." Guo Jihui laughed.

Zhou Ziye didn't expect to come to see a house, so he was about to buy it. He didn't have much money now, and now he had to use UBS funds first. Anyway, UBS's help to open a position should be a slow process, and funds will not be used up all at once.

Real estate brokerage companies have standardized contract texts. Now they only need to fill in the area of ​​the property on the contract, and the transaction price will be fine.

. The price per foot is 5800, 6707 feet, which is 38.9 million yuan, plus 1% of the agency fee, Zhou Ziye will have to spend a total of nearly 5.04 million US dollars.

After signing the contract, Zhou Ziye went down the mountain with them to transfer money to UBS. Guo Jihui sold the house, his mood improved a lot, and he took Zhou Ziye to his Mercedes Benz.

Zhou Ziye deliberately asked: "Does Guo Sheng have any good investment projects in the United States?"

Guo Jihui said cheerfully: "I have a senior at Stanford University. He developed a very exciting computer game, and I just want to invest in this project. But my old beanie is not optimistic about this project, and I have no money. , I have to make an idea for this house."

Zhou Ziye secretly sighed that he was still unfamiliar with Hong Kong's environment. Anyone who can afford this house must know that this house belongs to the Guo family, and even if they want to buy it, they dare not buy it. However, he already had a plan in his heart, and he didn't care if this matter would affect him. Instead, it might be an upward ladder for him.

First paid the agency fee of 50,000 US dollars to the brokerage company at UBS, and then transferred a deposit of 490,000 US dollars to Guo Jihui. The contract is in quadruplicate. They now have one copy for each of the three parties, and one copy will be filed with the Housing Department. .

An appointment was made with Guo Jihui for the transaction on next Monday, and both parties left with satisfaction. Zhou Ziye called his father when he turned around. "Dad, I have no money, and I still owe people 10 million U.S. dollars."

Zhou Guangbo was taken aback and asked clearly what was going on. He couldn't help cursing, "I'm scared to death. You little bastard is a prodigal son, I am also a rich man when I speak of it. In fact, he is a negative man with negative numbers, Lao Tzu. The money you make is simply not enough for you to toss."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said, "Dad, I promise this is the last time. I won't need your money in the future, and I will pay you back."

Zhou Guangbo sighed and said, "Your kid is restless, when do you want it?"

"The sooner the better, I have to think about how to get the money out."

Zhou Guangbo sneered and said: "I count on you?! I can't see it if I do something messy." After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Zhou Ziye was secretly surprised, what happened to Dad? !