Chapter 52 Favor

Facts have proved that Zhou Ziye still took it for granted, thinking that he was reborn, and it was a bit unbelievable. And Zhou Guangbo is the real embodiment of Jiang's spiciness, and he is more efficient than him.

Zhou Ziye and Dongfang's investment have not yet been negotiated, and the other company is still entangled in how to cooperate with Zhou Ziye, and has not given him a definite answer. The people from China Coal took the initiative to visit the door and directly lost him a one thousand two hundred. Ten thousand dollar check.

Zhou Ziye was really shocked when he saw the check. In just two days, his father's efficiency was too fast. He called his dad to find out that his dad directly found a vice president in charge of China Coal, and signed a sales agreement. The people of China Coal took the initiative to send the money to him, and there was no need to transfer the money in China. Come and go.

With money, Zhou Ziye's negotiations with Dongfang are no longer anxious, and there is no need to borrow money from them. Zhang Jun went to see Dijingyuan's house with him. He was jealous and almost suffered a heart attack. He had several feasts on Zhou Midnight and was still uneasy. Directly cursing that there must be another revolution and defeat the big capitalist in charge of Zhou Ziye.

On Monday, Zhou Ziye and Guo Jihui signed the formal transfer procedures, and at the same time registered his immigration appeal with the Real Estate Bureau, but he insisted on skilled immigration rather than investment immigration

. Skilled immigrants can become permanent residents in the fastest one year, and investment immigrants must take seven years.

Another reason why he did this was the convenience of going abroad. As a member of the ancient and powerful motherland, he would not feel inferior to his identity, but he had to apply for a visa wherever he went. It is a visa, but if you encounter a visa at a critical moment in a business, it is a matter of life.

After the transfer of the house, Zhou Ziye still did not move in, but obtained Guo Binjiang's private number through Qu Li from the Bank of China. As an executive of the bank, Qu Li must have access to these wealthy people in Hong Kong. When giving Zhou Ziye's phone number, Qu Li told him: "My face is not big enough. If Mr. Guo asks, you can say that Sister Zhu introduced you."

Zhou Ziye was shocked, and asked anxiously: "Is it bad if I borrow her reputation?!"

Qu Li smiled and said, "Sister Zhu also admires people like you, and said that she would have the opportunity to meet you."

Zhou Ziye said with great honor: "This weekend, I invite you to come to my house as a guest."

Qu Li smiled and said, "Are you so sure that Mr. Guo will not take back this house?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "This house is nothing to him, but as the facade of Acer, Hong Kong's Lou Wang, he will naturally not let go so easily. I believe that even if he takes back this house, It will definitely compensate me quite a bit."

Guo Jihui sold this house secretly, whether Guo Binjiang knew it or not, he would definitely not want to promote it. If Zhou Ziye bought this house, if he didn't take the initiative to come to apologize, he would definitely offend this big man, because he was beating Guo Binjiang in the face. The house is a trivial matter, but the face is a major matter.

If the news media knows that Guo's prince is selling a house privately, it will definitely be a scandal and a blow to Guo's. However, only Zhou Ziye took the initiative to come to the door to make amends. Even if the house was taken back by Guo Binjiang, Zhou Ziye would not be treated badly, and this was also a good opportunity for Zhou Ziye to contact them, Hong Kong tycoons.

Zhou Ziye does not need the help of these bigwigs in his career. However, no matter how powerful a person is, if he can't walk up and down, gather up and down, and form a general trend, he is destined to be just a small role. Some things to be done after Zhou Midnight must be on the edge of the law, which requires more momentum and influence. Of course, he doesn't care about the influence at the bottom, but the influence at the top.

At 10:30 in the morning, Zhou Ziye called Guo Binjiang

. This time is also specially chosen by Zhou Ziye. If Guo Binjiang is willing to see him, then Zhou Ziye has enough time to talk with him. If the conversation is unpleasant, Zhou Ziye can say goodbye directly, and if the conversation is pleasant, you can even mix up with a dinner to bring the relationship closer.

"Hello, I'm Guo Binjiang." There was a strong Hong Kong dialect on the phone.

Although Zhou Ziye could understand, but what he said was not good, he still said in Mandarin: "Hello Mr. Guo, my name is Zhou Ziye, I got your call from Miss Zhu from the Bank of China."

Guo Binjiang did not hang up, but said, "Please take me to say hello to Miss Zhu."

Zhou Ziye said: "I will pass your greetings if I have the opportunity to meet Miss Zhu. Mr. Guo, I took the liberty to call you today because I want to apologize to you. I don't know if you have time. I will delay you. A few minutes."

"Apologize to me?" The other party laughed. "Should this be our first call? Is there any connection between us that I don't know about?"

Zhou Ziye said: "I came to Hong Kong last Monday, and we had no contact before. But because I bought a house, this has something to do with Mr. Guo."

Guo Binjiang smiled and said, "In Hong Kong, there are many people who live in the house I built."

"Yes, but no one can live in a 46-story house in Dijingyuan."

Guo Binjiang was stunned, and was silent for a while before he said, "You should be the Acer Building, right?"


"Then you come in directly, and I will tell the secretary to bring you up."

In Guo Binjiang's spacious office, Zhou Ziye met this billionaire who was worth hundreds of billions of dollars in later generations. He doesn't have any fierce temperament, and there is always a shy smile on his face, but Zhou Ziye knows that he can win against his brothers and rise in Hong Kong. He is definitely not a simple person. The temperament of the hero is not. Only on the face.

The secretary walked out, and Zhou Ziye respectfully put the bag containing the real estate information on his desk. "Hello, Mr. Guo, these are the relevant materials for the house, and I can also go to the Housing Department to go through the transfer procedures at any time."

Guo Binjiang didn't look at the materials, and nodded to him and stretched out his hand to greet him to sit down in front of the desk.

. "I'm a little curious about what happened."

Zhou Ziye was not polite, sat down in front of him, shrugged and said, "As you can see, I am a student from mainland China, who doesn't know anything. I bought this house with the recklessness. But now I'm just now. I know, this house is not simple, and it shouldn't be on the market. It should belong to the Guo family."

Guo Binjiang smiled and said, "You are not a simple person if you can get my call through Miss Zhu."

Zhou Ziye said nonsense: "I don't actually know Miss Zhu, but it was my investment in Hong Kong this time. Through the funds handled by the Bank of China, she probably happened to know that I was buying your house, so she reminded me. "He is also not afraid that Guo Binjiang will confront Miss Zhu, because they are not people who seek proof for such trivial matters.

Guo Binjiang said noncommitantly: "Is the little friend just returning the deed when he came to the house today?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "When I first came to Xiangjiang, I was able to meet Mr. Guo, who is famous for Xiangjiang. Although it was not my intention, it was my chance. Although I will not pretend to be a noble and alienated, I will not climb to the glory of Guijin. Tie, as long as Mr. Guo can remember me as an unknown person in the future and be able to show his face when he meets him in the future, I will be satisfied."

Guo Binjiang laughed loudly. "Interesting, interesting. Your last name is Zhou, right?"

Zhou Ziye nodded and said: "Yes, Premier Zhou's Zhou, at midnight at midnight. It is from Yunshan, a coastal city in the north."

"Which aspect do you want to develop in Hong Kong?"

"At present, I have invested a little in futures. It is a small business in front of Mr. Guo, which is not worth mentioning."

Guo Binjiang stood up and stretched out his hand to invite: "Come on, let's talk about it. I have some new tea of ​​this year, specially made in Fujian. The little friend is an elegant person, and I will also be arty when I am old."

Zhou Ziye was overjoyed in her heart, but her face was silent, and she bowed slightly and said, "The predecessor is too acclaimed, this mundane temptation is too great, and I am just a layman chasing fame and fortune."

Guo Binjiang smiled and said: "The vulgar is a matter, and the elegant is a person."

The two left the executive desk and sat in front of the tea table next to them. This tea table is made of a huge 100-year-old tree root, enough for ten people to sit around. This time Zhou Ziye did not sit opposite Guo Binjiang, but was arranged by Guo Binjiang on his left.

. He did not ask the secretary to make tea, but started by himself.

In the north, most people drink tea in a big cup, throw a little tea, pour it into boiling water and drink it. When it comes to Fujian and Guangdong, it is popular to drink Kung Fu tea. It took at least half an hour to drink the tea leaves. Since Guo Binjiang invited Zhou Ziye to drink tea, he was interested in continuing to talk with him.

Zhou Ziye has experienced this set of procedures many times. He is not a white dog. Watching Guo Binjiang's complete procedures of boiling water, warming pot, moisturizing tea, brewing, pouring pot, warming cup, and pouring tea, he did so skillfully. nature. Admiringly said: "Mr. Guo's tea-making craftsmanship has three flavors in it."

"It's only familiar. Do you have any research on tea ceremony at this age? Please..."

Zhou Ziyeke casually took a cup to drink with him, put down the teacup and said: "I am not afraid of Mr. Guo's jokes. I have been drinking tea from a large cup of boiling water since I was a child. How dare I talk about the tea ceremony."

Guo Binjiang nodded and said: "Young people still pay more attention to the pursuit of taste and excitement. I love cola more than tea. My son is a person who doesn't like tea."

"People's hobbies will change over time. This is a natural law. Young people and adults always have a certain difference. Mr. Guo doesn't need to worry about this."

Guo Binjiang smiled and asked: "You just said to invest in futures. At your age, you must master such things that are too gambling. Although the excitement is fascinating, the risks involved are also fascinating. It's extraordinary. I'm a layman to this and I can't give you much help."

Zhou Ziye said sternly: "Thank you Mr. Guo for your care. For me, futures are just a supplement to my work, because I am in the commodity trading industry. For our business, futures are a supplement and insurance to our transactions. As long as it is not made into speculation, the risks involved are not terrible."

Guo Binjiang smiled and said, "Looking at the younger friends, how old are you this year?"

"I was born in 78 and I am 24 years old this year."

"It's only five years older than my son, but he's much more mature."

Zhou Ziye said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao Guo is still a student after all, but the purpose of watching him cash out is not to eat, drink and play, but to invest, and I know that Mr. Guo is a successor."

"The young man still needs to accept some setbacks before he knows that the sky is high and the earth is thick. He has been too smooth. I hope this time he can learn a lesson.

. "

Of course, he can't make any comments on this week's midnight. However, the purpose of his trip has been achieved, and he has had this level of contact with Guo Binjiang. Even if it is to say hello to Zhou Ziye at a cocktail party in the future, it will be of great help to Zhou Ziye. The upper class in Hong Kong is not big, after all, it only has a few thousand square kilometers and a population of several million. But it is not small. It is not only the center of the intersection of East and West, but also because of the one country, two systems policy, the unique status has created the voice of this circle that can never be ignored.

Zhou Ziye's goal was achieved, but the dialogue with Guo Binjiang always lacked a kind of agreement. First of all, the age difference between the two people is doubled. Secondly, the two people are not in the same industry. More importantly, the identities of the two people are too far apart. After Guo Binjiang asked about his learning experience, Zhou Ziye said goodbye.

Guo Binjiang didn't say anything about retention, he just pointed to the house deed on the table and said, "Since Huizi has concluded a deal with you, doing business one is one, two is two, I will not regret this matter again. I hope that if someone asks about it in the future, you will not say that it was Huizi's own idea. As for me, I will also say that you are my favorite son, so I gave you this house."

Zhou Ziye nodded and said, "I am satisfied to be able to get Mr. Guo's words. In this case, the elders have given me and I dare not give up, but I am disrespectful and feel ashamed. What can I do for Mr. Guo in the future? Yes, just speak up."

Guo Binjiang handed him the deed and smiled, "Thank you so much, little friend."

Zhou Ziye walked out of the Acer Center, still feeling a little dissatisfied with his action. He should know more about Guo Binjiang before he visits. It is not like today. Once things are finished, he doesn't know where to talk to Guo Binjiang. Although this is more natural, he wants to take advantage of him. The goal was not achieved. Taking advantage of the convenience of living in Dijingyuan now, we should start from Dijingyuan and quickly make friends with the rich in Hong Kong, so as to achieve the goal of entering their circle as soon as possible.

However, Zhou Ziye also knows that Hong Kong is a very realistic society. He can only say that he is not a poor person and his wealth is far from reaching people's side. It is not easy to enter their circle. But Zhou Ziye will not lower his standards and entangle with those middle-class families, because one has to position himself and want to make friends with ordinary rich people easily, but if he leaves himself to the rich in Hong Kong The positioning of just an ordinary role, then the gain is not worth the loss. Zhou Ziye thought for a while, and decided to stay simple at the current stage and not to vacillate around.

When Zhou Ziye stepped out of Acer, Guo Binjiang called his assistant and asked him to find out the details of Zhou Ziye. He didn't believe that Zhou Ziye was an ordinary character. He happened to buy a house sold by his own family. He wanted to get a house for personal favors. His favors were not so cheap.