Chapter 63 The sinister Zhou Ziye continues...

The arrest by the police went smoother than expected. The culprit learned that Zhou Guangbo was not dead, so he immediately abandoned his gun and surrendered. He didn't want to be killed directly like Ah Bing's brother.

Zhou Ziye and the leaders of the Public Security Bureau got the news of the arrest of the murderer, because he was in the Public Security Bureau and was questioned by a group of bigwigs. The cause of the incident was naturally the complaints and protests of the media reporters.

In one afternoon, more than 20 media received mineral water, bread, box lunch, and room card preferential treatment, and nearly 10 media received two cameras, five cameras were destroyed, and three reporters were thrown with dung. Six reporters were splashed with ink for the loss.

Things were so obvious that everyone knew that it was Zhou Ziye's handwriting without even thinking about it. Even if it wasn't arranged by him, it would be inseparable from him. In a fit of anger, several big guys called him to the Public Security Bureau and yelled at him. Anyway, no matter what they say, whether it is cursing or persuading, Zhou Ziye just refuses to admit it with a smile on his hippies, and his heart is motionless.

Without evidence, no one has any real way to take him. When the murderer was caught, everyone felt relieved and turned their attention to that aspect, and no one was in charge of Zhou Ziye.

Zhou Ziye simply waited in the hall to see the true face of the murderer. A man with spectacles in his thirties came to him. He was originally a gentleman and now he is like a tramp who has been rolling in a garbage dump. Although his body was washed by water, his body still exudes a stench.

Zhou Ziye was happy in his heart, secretly complimenting the beautiful work of the younger brothers, but his face remained calm. He covered his nose with disgust and said, "Go away, don't you know that you are the source of air pollution now?!"

In fact, many reporters who had been retaliated gathered in the lobby, but after obtaining evidence, they couldn't wait to take a bath and change clothes. Only he took it as a medal and continued to wear it. He stared at Zhou Ziye and said, "You are the son of the underworld, dare to do this to us..."

Before he could finish his words, he was kicked by Zhou Ziye five meters away. The pants also rubbed a big hole on the ground, revealing half of his butt and flowered shorts. Everyone was stunned. A group of reporters watched this scene incredibly, forgetting their own job.

Zhou Ziye walked up to him and said contemptuously: "What kind of thing are you, yelling in front of me! You said my dad is the underworld, my dad, did you kill your dad or rape your mother?! If I tell you, I'm going to leave, don't fucking don't know how many catties you have, and show off in front of me. In my eyes, you are the wild dog on the street, only barking at people.

. "

The reporter looked scared and humiliated, but the pain in his abdomen made him unable to say a word, just staring at him with fear.

Yan Weiming shouted: "Zhou Ziye, what are you doing?! Who gave you the courage to beat people in the Public Security Bureau?!"

Zhou Ziye said: "I sat there and sat down well. He ran over and asked me to pay for compensation. He also asked me to pay 200,000 yuan to open his mouth. He said that if I didn't give it, he would expose the old bottom of my family. Or my dad is a gangster and want me to be good. Take the money out to settle things down. I don't want to take him. Our family is innocent. If he wants to be exposed, he will expose it. I'm afraid of him, a joke!"

Zhou Ziye's remarks are reasonable and consistent with everyone's logic. Even the reporters looked at this reporter with contempt. If you fucking want money, you should say something nice. No one can stand such blackmail.

Only the reporter looked at Zhou Ziye with grief and anger, but his heart was cold. This kid is so cruel, he said that he couldn't wash himself off the Yellow River, and he warned other reporters by the way. Now that I was beaten, I didn't dare to ask him more compensation, otherwise, I would really think that he was blackmailing.

Yan Weiming walked up to Zhou Ziye, glared at him, looked at the reporter and said: "No matter what your identity is, you should not contact the suspect when the case of your attack has not been concluded. Now the other party says you I was blackmailing him, but you were kicked by him. What do you want to do now? Is it a separate case or is it merged into this case?"

The reporter had a mouth but couldn't tell, and he was afraid of Zhou Ziye in his heart. Over the course of this day, he witnessed the power of the Zhou family with his own eyes. A reporter like him originally wanted to say a few ruthless words in front of Zhou Ziye, so that Zhou Ziye would give him more blood. However, Zhou Ziye didn't follow the rules, so he abolished him. How could he not be able to fight the other side, this reporter also wanted to back down, did not dare to fight any more, only hoped that he would get more compensation. He lowered his head and asked, "Is there any difference?"

Yan Weiming said: "If it is a separate case, then as a civil dispute, both of you have made mistakes. Professional staff will divide the responsibility for your affairs and compensate each other. If it is a combined case, then wait until we find Zhou Ziye to participate. Evidence of assaults on reporters will be punished on this basis."

The deputy director of the Provincial Department heard that he had caught the murderer and came to the hall. Hearing Yan Weiming's remarks, he laughed and said: "Lao Yan, you, the director of the public security bureau, are really too idle. Intervene?"

Yan Weiming broke out a vulgar word and said: "The hand of the **** mother was originally burning eyebrows, and now there is still a lot of fart.

. Director Guo, you advanced to the conference room, and the case-handling staff will be back soon. I will report to you later. "He turned his head and said to the staff of the police station: "You send someone to deal with their affairs. If you dare to commit a crime in the Public Security Bureau, you will be punished severely. "

Although he said that, Zhou Ziye really understood that Yan Weiming was leaning towards himself. After all, he was beaten by himself, or he was beaten in front of the police and so many reporters, and he was not directly arrested. It was already good enough. Now that pushing the boat along the water and pushing the matter to the people below, he can get out of this matter. And if the reporter clings to Zhou Ziye, the police can also pursue him for blackmailing, which is much more serious than beating, and he must not be so stupid.

Originally, the storm of beating people in the midnight of the week was very serious, but because of what he planted to this reporter, the water was muddled. A series of relationships were intertwined, and only the big things could be changed into small ones.

When the police escorted the criminal back, Zhou Ziye put him behind his head when he saw the horrified eyes and feeble body of the criminal. He wanted to see the purpose of this murderer, because he was afraid that he was a ruthless character and would retaliate against their family in the future. Now that I see that it is not, I am completely relieved. For such a small character, he will have the energy to pay attention to.

Due to Zhou Ziye's mercy, the reporter was not seriously injured. The most serious problem was the abrasions on the thigh and buttocks. This was not even a minor injury. After some deliberate guidance by the police, the reporter did not have any serious injuries. Dare to ask for too much medical expenses, Zhou Ziye paid 800 yuan for the loss of his clothes.

The lobby of the Public Security Bureau is really lively now. People from the Propaganda Department set up the scene of the press conference in the lobby, and everyone's energy is focused on the case. Only these reporters who had been retaliated looked at Zhou Ziye bitterly, because Zhou Ziye ruined their eating house.

Of course, their gaze Zhou Ziye was not afraid, and would not care. To be honest, these people are not in his eyes at all, otherwise, he would not even let the reporter finish speaking and kick him. In addition to the reason why he said his dad is a gangster, but also because these people are completely ants in his eyes. He does not know that he wants to negotiate with him, but he does not know that he is a joke at all. Will the lion negotiate with ants? !

Since meeting Yunshan yesterday, Zhou Ziye has been considering how to guide the direction of public opinion, but he is concerned about the general trend, not the details. Now that the culprit has been caught, the chess pieces to be moved should also be moved. The press conference is the first step arranged by Zhou Ziye. Five hundred thousand is not for nothing.

The police press conference was very successful. Within 30 hours of the crime, all four criminals were caught. Of course, they will be praised by the mainstream media. There was only a little unpleasantness in the middle, but it was only unpleasant for Zhou Ziye, but his face was ugly, but his heart was smiling.


One of the reporters asked: "It is said that Zhou Guangbo, who was injured this time, is a well-known underworld in the city.

Organized a large number of thugs to contract coal mines to develop, and now it has entered the real estate industry. Is the news true? "

The police spokesperson, Director Guan, said: "Comrade reporter, if you did not add the last sentence, I would think that your remarks are slanderous." He smiled and said, "I know, because of these two. With the help of many people in the community, our police arrested all the suspects so quickly. Many people are wondering the identities of these people. Today, our police are also frank and open and publicize some details that do not affect the investigation of the case in order to clarify everyone. Doubts."

He stretched out a finger and said: "The first point is Zhou Guangbo's identity. Many media reports on the victim Zhou Guangbo as a triad without finding out the truth, and Zhou Guangbo's son Zhou Ziye I also formally filed a lawsuit with the Yunshan City Court for defamation and sued nine media. I will not announce the specific list because this is not the main point of this case. Zhou Guangbo, male, born in March 1946, 56 years old this year , This man has a strong body since he was a child and became a lay disciple of Lingshan Palace at the age of six. He joined the army at the age of eighteen and served in northern Xinjiang for eight years. In 1972, he was demobilized and joined the Yunshan Aquatic Products Company. In 1974, it was published in a newspaper. The company leader fired for the fight. The fight was a long time ago, but according to many witnesses, it was because Zhou Guangbo tried to save an old professor who was about to be killed by the Red Guards. It was justified. But in that era. , This behavior caused him to lose his job."

"After the reform and opening up, Zhou Guangbo obtained the right to develop two forests within the Lingshan Palace because he found the lost Taoist scriptures and cultural relics in the Lingshan Palace. It also led to the gathering of close to sixty martial arts enthusiasts in his company. However, according to our police's multiple confirmations, Zhou Guangbo has never bullied Goodness. On the contrary, he was a man of eagerness and justice, which also caused him. 'S social relations are complex."


"The other two fights published in newspapers were not organized and premeditated cases. In both fights, Zhou Guangbo was one person, and the other party was 11 and 27. And, yes, 27. In the person-time fighting incident, Zhou Guangbo's identity at the time was a temporary policeman at the police station, and the other party was a hooligan who was waiting for an opportunity to retaliate...."

"The reason why the four gangsters headed by Lin Abing are looking for Zhou Guangbo's revenge this time is because Zhou Guangbo played a key role in the police arrest of two drug dealers last time, so Lin Abing, the brother of the deceased, planned it. This action..."

Director Guan is very eloquent, and tells all the big and small things about his dad.

. The several fighting incidents published in the newspaper are even more detailed. The repeated praise made Zhou Ziye blush, his father is just a reckless fly, and now he is almost complimenting Lei Feng.

A reporter couldn't listen anymore, and asked: "According to you, Zhou Guangbo is not only not a gangster, but on the contrary, he is still a model worker."

Everyone laughed. However, the Director of Management had a very good mentality and his brains changed quickly. He immediately said, "Because of this, when Zhou Guangbo applied for the establishment of a property management company, we immediately used the name of the police-civilian co-construction unit to close the company's capacity. All five hundred security guards were accepted as unpaid security coordinators. And they also played a considerable role in this incident."

A reporter who was splashed with ink asked: "But according to what we have found, a considerable part of these people in the middle reaches are not so much as coordinators, as they are bandits."

Director Guan smiled and said: "I will not answer your personal opinion. Among the nearly 500 security guards registered by the property management company, 20 are female security guards, and there are 462 security guards. Four hundred and twenty demobilized fighters of the North Sea Fleet. If you feel that these fighters are not qualified to be a coordinator, then I can only say that your requirements are too high!"

The press conference is here, and the biggest trouble for Zhou Ziye has almost dissipated. He quietly withdrew from the venue, walked to the gate and stared at the dark sky around him in a daze. Who is going to deal with his father?

Wang Yong walked up to him and said, "Zhou, I have already packaged all the remaining rooms in the Haicheng Hotel opposite the Public Security Bureau. Look..."

Zhou Ziye waved his hand and said, "Post one by one, and those reporters who have been retaliated will also post. You go back to rest early when you are done. You didn't sleep yesterday, and today you have another day. Wait for Xiao Hei to come back to discuss your merits and rewards."

Zhou Ziye walked down the steps, and Hu Chengcheng quickly followed. Since yesterday, he has witnessed Zhou Ziye's every reaction, every decision, all of which gave him a shuddering sense of fear, as if everything was under his control. Especially for the action against the reporter in the afternoon, he was not far from Zhou Ziye, but he knew the real facts, but Zhou Ziye changed the reporter's words a little bit, so that the reporter was speechless and obediently surrendered. Hu Cheng didn't know anything else, only knew that with his own ability, he was not qualified to fight him, and he didn't have any ambitions in his heart.

Zhou Ziye didn't care what Hu Cheng would think. He just wanted to return to his relatives at this moment. Only by their side can he let go of all his burdens and quietly enjoy the warmth and tranquility.