Chapter 64: Master's Teachings for Recommendation

When the reporters' attention shifted from the press conference, they discovered that Zhou Ziye had disappeared. What he wants to sue the nine media is not small news. Although he doesn't know which ones he wants to sue, everyone knows that they are the ones that spread his father's underworld. They want to interview Zhou Ziye immediately. Asked about the specific list he would sue.

However, Wang Yong and the others quickly persuaded the reporter to stay. "Dear friends from the press, our President Zhou rushed back from Hong Kong yesterday because of an accident. From yesterday to now, we have not rested. Boss Zhou is in the hospital again. You are generous and let go today. We have arranged it in the hotel opposite. With the room, everyone will have a good rest today. Tomorrow we will arrange a time to receive you every week."

These reporters have been spinning since yesterday. Those who are not dedicated may find a place to squint for a while, and those who are dedicated may not close their eyes. Hearing what Wang Yong said, and knowing that Zhou Ziye would see them tomorrow, he was not in a hurry, so he took the room card and went to rest. Even those reporters who were retaliated, faced with free rooms, most of them received their room cards.

Without knowing the list of Zhou Ziye's complaints, they did not dare to write indiscriminately. They almost all sent back this manuscript and the latest news according to Wei Guangzheng's point of view.

The next two days will be a farce directed by Zhou Ziye.

. He arrived at the hotel the next day and borrowed the hotel's conference room to hold a press conference. At the meeting, he announced a TV station, three newspapers and five websites that he was going to sue. Next, he played games and bargained with these media as he knew it well, the website withdrew the report, the newspaper published an error correction statement in the corner, and the TV station unobtrusively sent a mobile message when it was in the news.

The media also no longer pursue compensation for personal injury and equipment, Zhou Ziye also withdrew the lawsuit, be it hello, me, hello, everyone, this turmoil has subsided in this way.

Zhou Ziye did this deliberately. This time he solved his dad's historical problems once and for all, and Wu Zhiyuan will no longer be able to use this matter to spill dung.

For the media, their task is completed, but for Zhou Ziye, the matter is far from over. How can it be reassuring if the person behind the scenes is not pulled out? This time it is Lin Abing, who knows who will appear next time.

Although he doubted Wu Zhiyuan at this moment, he didn't think that Wu Zhiyuan would do this kind of thing as a decades-old party member. Because this is not a question of general quality, but an act of murder and arson, and only desperadoes can do it. But he didn't know that for Wu Zhiyuan, being an official was the purpose of his life. Losing hope was more important than his life.

The news from Xiao Hei from Chaohai was not very optimistic. They checked for a day and there were a few cameras on the road, but let alone check the records half a month ago, they couldn't check it for a week. The traffic police department only installed a small amount of memory because it was mainly taking photos illegally, and the video data could only be stored for three days. The backwardness of technology cannot be solved now.

The registration book in the hotel records that ID card, but the ID card belongs to a 22-year-old young man in Shannan County. Although I knew it wouldn't be that man, I couldn't give up this line. After getting his name and address, Zhou Ziye arranged for Hu Cheng to investigate.

The man with his ID card was still in college. He told Hu Cheng that he lost his ID card during a holiday, and he had never been out of the province. This was confirmed by external investigations.

But Hu Cheng didn't give up, and then began to investigate the boy's social relations to see if the boy's ID card was really lost or fake.

In this situation where there was no progress, Zhou Ziye reported the information he had obtained to the leader of the case, Kuang Jianbing, hoping to use his professional standards to give the direction of action.

Zhou Ziye never thinks that he must be better than others. He has special skills in the art industry. Everyone has his own strengths, and he will only embarrass himself.


A week later, Xiao Hei and the others returned without success, because there were really too few cameras, and the cameras in that area were not as many as one street in later generations. They didn't have the specific appearance of the suspect, and even if they saw it, they didn't know who it was.

The fact that the fixed-point video cannot be queried means that it will be a waste of effort to continue to stay. However, when they came back, they copied all the video materials they could find and brought them back.

According to Ah Bing's description, the police drew several pictures of the suspect, but he said they were not quite similar, but he couldn't tell where they needed to be changed. But when the case was deadlocked, Ah Bing suddenly provided an important clue. He said that when the man came to his home for the first time, his little cousin had just bought a mobile phone that could take pictures in his house. I took a lot of photos during the meal, but I don't know or have a photo of that man.

The police immediately contacted the Chaohai police, found the cousin of Ah Bing, and got his mobile phone. However, in this era when there is no MMS, they had to search for all the pictures on the computer and send them via QQ.

You don't need A Bing's introduction. Everyone knows who is the suspect. But the main purpose of A Bing's cousin was to take pictures of dishes. The one clearly showed only half of his face.

Zhou Ziye arrived at this photo and sent it back to the company. The clerk of the company printed out more than 100 copies of this photo with color printing. Of course, he would not look for people with great fanfare, but instead sent Wang Yong and them to start unannounced visits throughout the city.

Zhou Guangbo stayed in the hospital for ten days. He had suffered for ten days, and he wanted to eat meat every day. However, Zhou Ziye just ignored him and strictly followed the doctor's instructions to take care of meals. He acted like a child and liked to lose his temper with Zhou Ziye. But Zhou Ziye was neither angry nor annoyed, just not doing what he said.

Zhou Guangbo is sometimes anxious, and Xu Qing and the meat in the bowl are also snatched, which really makes Zhou Ziye dumbfounded.

The bullet entered the abdominal cavity from his side abdomen. Fortunately, it did not come out through the abdomen because of its weak power. Only the left liver and part of the field were damaged. The intestines were not only cut off, mainly because the liver was cut off. In the future, drinking alcohol will definitely not be able to drink three catties like before.

Because the injury was on the abdomen, not on the joints, after ten days had passed and the wound had recovered, the person could almost move around. Although he is in the hospital every day, there are endless people coming to see him, and he doesn't feel bored.

At this time, Zhou Ziye let go of his control over his meat, but fried, barbecued food still does not have his share.


The wound was almost healed, Zhou Guangbo was about to go home to live, Zhou Ziye was unwilling to stay in the hospital every day, after consulting the doctor's advice, he bought a wheelchair that can adjust his sitting posture and took him home.

However, Zhou Ziye did a great job. Before taking Zhou Guangbo home, he locked all the alcohol in the house in the storage room, and let Zhou Guangbo plan to have a drink after returning home.

When Wang Jianguo came to see him, his complaint was simply too hard to write, and Wang Jianguo, who was drunk with a glass of wine on the opposite side, burst into laughter.

After the meal, the two men had a two-person conversation in the yard, and no one knew what they said. Zhou Ziye was busy dealing with some contracts and didn't want to inquire, but judging from his dad's attitude towards him, it seems that he said a lot of good things about himself.

In fact, Zhou Guangbo also knew that his son was doing it for his own good, but he was a little bit unbearable, but he still found this way of getting along with father and son quite interesting, and some were immersed in this way of being disciplined by his son.

Zhou Ziye hasn't noticed it yet, because he is making up his mind about everything right now, so he's so busy that he doesn't think about it. Xu Qinghe was aware of it a long time ago, and was amused to observe her husband's changes. She had imagined that in the days to come, when her son disciplined Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu's play of provoking her son would be inevitable.

Zhou Ziye took the time to go to Lingshan Palace. Instead of going to the main hall and main courtyard like pilgrims and tourists, he went to the dormitory area of ​​Taoist priests, which is the Piandian area. At the innermost edge of the cliff, there is an independent The small courtyard is the Xuanqing Palace where the Taoist priest Hongnian lived.

Before going to school, Zhou Ziye almost grew up here. His grandparents passed away early and his mother was busy at work because the main income of the family was her salary of more than 40 yuan. His father didn't have a job, and Lingshan Palace had been doing odd jobs here since it was being rebuilt. Later, there was no other way. His sister couldn't pay the 5 yuan tuition for school. Zhou Guangbo tried to talk to the Taoist master at the time to practice martial arts, leading to a series of actions of returning the secret book and contracting the forest.

Anyway, Zhou Ziye remembered that he was on the mountain and was held up by the Taoist priests every day. He had money in his family in 1983, and he was five years old before he went down the mountain to go to school with Wang Wei.

Dao Chang Hongnian had the best impression when Zhou Ziye was young, because only he has delicious food here, and he is not like a good person in ordinary people's impressions. mild.

Smoothly saw Hongnian Daochang, who was already invisible with his eyes and was very weak. Zhou Ziye immediately called Wang Yong when he was lying in his arms.

. "Buy another wheelchair of the type I bought the day before yesterday and send it to Lingshan Palace." I am still constantly blaming myself for thinking about it. What's the use of just buying these foods and drinks.

Dao Hongnian smiled softly and said, "Xiao Duo, has it been different these days?"

Zhou Ziye said: "Master, if it is different, I am still your little one."

He nodded, stretched out his hand, Zhou Ziye quickly put his hand into his hand. "People don't ask for Fuss to be harmless, and people don't ask for Lis to be harmless. You have to take this as a warning. Tell me about your family. I heard the first said, your father almost went to the fairyland?"

Zhou Ziye honestly told about the recent events in his home from beginning to end, and had no reservations about what happened since he advocated buying a roadheader. Although he didn't say about his rebirth, he felt that the old man seemed to understand something.

This talk lasted for half an hour, and the old man had been listening quietly, without speaking for a long time. Until his phone rang, Wang Yong sent someone to bring the wheelchair, and Zhou Ziye went out to get the wheelchair again.

Seeing Hu Cheng sitting in the car all the time, he said: "You can also go around, I will get out after a while. The scenery here is pretty good." Hu Cheng nodded, smiled, but There is no action. Zhou Ziye didn't care about him, and went into the yard again with a wheelchair.

Zhou Ziye first took a thin quilt and spread it on the wheelchair, and then picked up Hongnian. What surprised him was that his body was so light that he could barely feel the weight, probably only about fifty kilograms.

The old man was obviously very satisfied with the new toy and grinned all the time. When Zhou Ziye put him in a wheelchair, he fumbled for a while and found a comfortable angle to lie down. Said: "It's been a long time since I went out, today you took me around."

Zhou Ziye said: "If you want to go out, let the little Taoist take you out. Why didn't you see Senior Brother Yunjian who was waiting for you?"

"He has a tumor and has undergone an operation. He is still raising him every day. The little Taoists are rough, so I can eat and drink well. I'm satisfied."

Zhou Ziye asked softly: "You see my family is rich now, or I will hire a professional nurse to take care of you every day. It's convenient to go wherever you want, and you can always check if you have any physical problems."

Hongnian laughed and said: "The country still cares about me. Experts from the hospital come to check me up every few days. It is not convenient for a woman to be in the mountains, and I don't like where I go.

. "

Zhou Ziye didn't say much any more, he had come to the point of being sentimental, and he said no or no. He first moved him and the wheelchair out of the yard before putting it down. Pushing him along the mountain road slowly, the two Taoist priests who guarded the door followed not far away, as if they were afraid that he would push this national treasure away. Hu Cheng opened his mouth in surprise, looking at their unmatched pair.

Concrete roads have also been built on the mountain, and this wheelchair has good seismic performance. Hongnian seemed to be asleep, with a quiet smile on his face, feeling the blowing of the mountain breeze. From time to time, the voices of the tourists evoke a smile at the corner of his mouth.

After walking more than a mile to the main hall, Hongnian said: "If you don't go to the main hall, let's go to the back mountain. The scenery there is good." Zhou Ziye didn't care how he couldn't see how he could see. The scenery turned around again and walked back to the mountain.

There are fewer tourists in the back mountain, but there are steps everywhere. Fortunately, his body is not heavy, and Zhou Ziye didn't take too much effort to move him around. He walked all the places all the time, and he said, "Just rest here for a while, and we will talk too."

Zhou Ziye responded and sat down on the stone bench beside him. Seeing Hu Cheng looking here, he made a gesture of drinking water. Hu Cheng understood what he meant, turned around and went to the car to get him water.

The old man said as if he was talking to himself: "Life is only a hundred years, fleeting, imaginary, and arrogant. They all say that I am a mirror heart, but I can't understand life and death. Little more, what do you say about life? ?"

Zhou Ziye shook his head and said, "I don't know, but for me now, life is a process of myself challenging others and challenging myself."

Hongnian did not say right or wrong, just said: "I don't advise you to be less selfish and modest, because you live a struggle, but you have to remember that good fortune accumulates good and evil accumulates. Ning Shou Die for good, not live for evil."

"Master, I remembered it." In his previous life, during the changes in my future family, I never went up to the mountain to see the old man once, and did not go up to the mountain to worship until the old man passed away. But this time Zhou Ziye realized what he had missed.

"Your dad survived this catastrophe, and he will be Fukuzawa long. This is also because although he has a rough face, but he has a heart of innocence. You were originally your dad Fukuzawa, this life will go smoothly, but now, I can't know the old way. Now. Self-cultivation is like holding on to jade, accumulating virtues to win the legacy. You should be a good man and do things well!"

Zhou Ziye was silent for a long time before saying, "Master, I remember

. "

The old man looked very happy and said, "Just remember. Master has grown up for a few years, and these years have been wasted time, there is nothing to teach you. Let's go, let's take a stroll." At this moment, he looks like a man. Like a child, he was humming a little tune, but this little tune is of course not those slang, but humming softly with the tune of the ritual of the fasting ceremony.

Zhou Ziye has been trying to figure out these two sentences secretly. For a while, he felt that Hongnian was telling himself, but for a while, he felt that it was not. Where did I go, how can I achieve a pure heart and a Taoist heart.

When he came back, it was time for the old man to eat. He now has five meals a day due to physical deterioration. However, the amount of each meal is almost as small as for cats, two small bowls, one bowl of vegetable porridge, I don't know what kind of soup, and a small piece of coarse grains made of mixed noodle steamed buns.

Zhou Ziye also went to the kitchen to read the recipe, which was specially prepared for him by the nutritionist, and Zhou Ziye could not find the slightest problem. Knowing that his body is completely the cause of natural degradation, it can be saved by non-human power, but he can only give up in despair. If that prolongs his life, Zhou Ziye is willing to exchange all the assets now. He can earn more money, but such a human spirit will never be met again in the future.

After Zhou Ziye came back, Hongnian also finished his meal and looked at him with a smile and said, "There are the most idiots in the world, Xiao Duo, you are in the same position."

Although he knew he couldn't see, Zhou Ziye could always feel his wise eyes looking at him, and couldn't help but shook his head and said, "If I can investigate, I will be the same as you."

He grinned. "Go, go. Remember my words."

Zhou Ziye replied, "Then I will go back today, and I will see you in a few days."

"No, you are outside the threshold and I am within the threshold. Why do you need to deepen the relationship? If you have time, you will go up the mountain again on October 11."

Zhou Ziye counted the dates, and suddenly he was taken aback. The October eleventh in his mouth was referring to the lunar calendar. That was November 15th, the day he died. He had already known the day of his death.

Zhou Ziye squatted down in front of him and asked, "Master, do you have any regrets in your life? Is there anything else you want to do but haven't done?"

Hongnian stretched out his hand and rubbed his face for a while, and said, "Go, I'm fine, I've never been better."