Chapter 97: Renewed Fate in This Life

Cheng Ning was born in a metallurgical family. Her grandfather was one of the founders of the Republic's industrial system. Although she has passed away, she still has a force that cannot be ignored in the metallurgical sector.

. If domestic reforms are carried out this time, the first thing that will be touched is the interests of traders like Cheng Ning who have import and export rights at home and good trade relations abroad. Therefore, Zhou Ziye is here to remind her first.

Cheng Ning smiled and asked, "Then what role do you play in this? What are your vested interests?"

Zhou Ziye shook his head, not used to the defensive and hostile alienated relationship with her. He took out a business card from his pocket and put it on Qu Li's desk. "Sister Qu knows everything about me. You can ask her about everything. If you accept my terms, just call me. Funds are readily available on my side and can be transferred at any time. Sorry, I have another appointment. . Nice to meet you, Miss Cheng." Zhou Ziye stretched out his hand.

Cheng Ning shook hands with Zhou Ziye and said, "Me too."

Zhou Ziye nodded, said hello to Qu Li, and turned to leave. Although this is a bit rude, but the two women must not care too much. Zhou Ziye is really not used to seeing her as a stranger like this. This feeling is really awkward. It is the so-called coming from happiness and returning from disappointment.

As time passed, Zhou Ziye didn't know if they could find the original feeling between them, but he was also very happy to be able to help her.

Zhou Ziye didn't go far, he ran to the bar in Lan Kwai Fong where he "used" and Cheng Ning often met. Still in that familiar position, sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the tourists on the street, but thinking nothing in his head.

An hour later, he walked out of the bar and his mood returned to calm. At the Immigration Department, Zhou Ziye received his ID card. Then he went to the fourth floor again. A week ago, he had already applied for a passport online, and now he came to pay and collect the certificate. For 59 US dollars, he received a 48-page international passport. With it, he can get visa-free or visa-on-arrival in more than 100 countries around the world at midnight. There is no need to apply for a visa wherever he goes. .

Zhou Ziye didn't notice that the oncoming BMW car was sitting in it was Cheng Ning, who had just separated from him not long ago. He didn't see Cheng Ning, but Cheng Ning noticed his slick Bentley. Watching Zhou Ziye pass by with a calm expression, Cheng Ning fell into contemplation.

Cheng Ning was surprised to learn from Qu Li that Zhou Ziye never profited from this reform. And when she learned that Zhou Ziye had changed her assets from more than 10 million to more than 100 million U.S. dollars in a few months, she felt even more ashamed.

She is now in a deep contradiction

. Her main source of profit is through her importing iron ore here. When she was working for an American investment fund, she met key personnel from Vale Brazil. Through this relationship, she was able to sign a long-term agreement with the other party, and then sell the goods to domestic steel mills to earn the difference.

If the domestic import rights and negotiated prices for iron ore are integrated, although it will not affect her in the short term, the long-term impact will be great. Because the country currently imports iron ore mainly from India and Australia, and the iron ore she supplies mainly comes from Brazil and South Africa.

But if this powerful organization is established, then she must be incorporated, otherwise the iron ore she pulled back will no longer be able to be shipped back to China, and no steel factory dares to ask for her goods. But if she is included, she can imagine that she will break away from the era of huge profits and enter the era of meager profits.

Although she has the ability to confront, she hesitated at this moment. Yes, there are many vested interests like her, and the forces are also very strong, but this is the general trend.

She dialed her father's phone. Although the company was owned by her and her mother, her mother had a tough attitude in this regard. She had to consult her father first. The phone was connected, and when she heard her father's still confused voice, she realized that it was still early in the morning in the United States.

She made a long story short and told her father what happened today. His father pondered for a while before he said, "It's not very beneficial to confront the general trend. Even if it allows us to earn a few more years, it will not end well. Don't worry about this. Let's consider the above policies. See how much leeway is left for us and calculate our gains and losses. You first contact this week's midnight to see what benefits he said to treat you as a business partner."

Cheng Ning took out Zhou Ziye's business card and dialed Zhou Ziye's phone number, but never pressed the access button. She had a strange feeling, as if the other end of the phone was waiting for her own call, and she might be caught in the other side's trap at any time. But she didn't have a trace of fear, as if there was still a trace of expectation.

When the send button was finally pressed, Cheng Ning's heart trembled when he heard Zhou Ziye's calm voice, but then he scolded himself, an old woman who has never seen a man, you are 7 years older than him. "Hello Mr. Zhou, I'm Cheng Ning."

"Hello Sister Cheng, just call me Xiao Zhou, or call me Xiao Ye."

Cheng Ning clarified his thoughts and asked: "I heard Mr. Zhou say just now that I regard me as your business partner. I want to know what's in the middle."

After a while, Zhou Ziye's voice came over

. "Do you know the Puii Western Restaurant in Lan Kwai Fong? I invite you to have afternoon tea."

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Cheng Ning hung up the phone and told the driver: "Go to Lan Kwai Fong." She was still wondering why it was puii. Does the other party also like the environment there?

When Cheng Ning arrived, he was awakened in his heart when he saw where Zhou Ziye was sitting. Because the opposite of him is where she usually likes to sit, she can be sure that the other party must have investigated herself secretly.

She walked to Zhou Ziye's side sternly, she asked in a deep voice: "Have you investigated me?"

Zhou Ziye shook his head and said, "I don't need to investigate you." He walked around the table, opened a seat for Cheng Ning and said: "Let's sit down and talk, don't worry, I will never hurt you."

Cheng Ning nodded, put the handbag on the table, and sat down. Zhou Ziye gently pushed the seat, which happened to be the position she was accustomed to. She thought to herself, why he knew so much about herself?

She stared at Zhou Midnight and sat back in her seat, and ordered the waiter: "Bring this lady a smoked salmon roll, a mini sandwich, cakes need Madeleine, cheesecake, chocolate mousse, fruit cake, macarons each A small piece, a cup of Assam tea, and another cup of lemonade."

She was extremely surprised. It was not her own preferences that could be found out through random investigation. She also seemed to have never ordered such a complete afternoon tea by herself. Why is he transparent in front of him? All his secrets are presented in front of him?

When the waiter left, Zhou Ziye's gaze met her gaze and said, "I've never sent someone to investigate you, but I know everything about you. Even your dislike of the whole set of underwear, you always like to Underwear mix and match. When it's okay, you like to spend a whole day in the country. You are hungry and unwilling to get out of bed. You like the scenery of Seychelles's islands. You are going to build a big house there, facing The sea is blossoming in spring. You don't want to accept a man into your life and want to be alone forever. You like to prove your ability in your career, but you enjoy a carefree life by yourself..."

"Don't say it!" Cheng Ning exclaimed uncontrollably, as if he was out of breath, and his eyes were blurred.

Her driver immediately got up from the seat next to him, jumped over in a few steps, staring at Zhou Ziye sharply, and asked with concern: "Miss Cheng, are you okay?"

Cheng Ning felt that the blurry world in front of him was suddenly broken, revealing his original face.

. She stared at Zhou Ziye's still calm face, took a breath and said, "I'm fine. Xiaosu, don't worry about me."

That Xiao Su is a female special soldier one year older than Zhou Ziye. She has been paying attention here, and she doesn't know what Zhou Ziye said that made Cheng Ning so gaffe. She gave Zhou Ziye a warning look before turning back to her seat. Zhou Ziye watched her leave with some amusement. In her previous life, she was the person who wanted to match the two of them the most, but the two of them had no relationship after all.

Cheng Ning took a sip of water before panting and asking, "What do you know? Why are you so familiar with me?"

Zhou Ziye said: "I know that when you restructured at Jinxi Iron and Steel, you raised nearly 30% of the shares by raising 100 million yuan, and you are also planning for Jinxi Iron and Steel to be listed in Hong Kong. I believe this investment This is your most successful one, because as long as Jinxi Steel is listed in Hong Kong, you can appreciate by a factor of 100 million. Of course, there is also Sikkim Hi-Tech, which will also be your proud hand. Cheng Ning, you know why I want to Tell you this?"

Cheng Ning shook his head in doubt, his eyes filled with confusion. Zhou Ziye said: "I just want to tell you that I can guess most of your life path now. You will get a long-term negotiated price for iron ore because of your friendly relationship with Anglo American Resources and Vale. The demand for iron ore will make you profitable. However, the price of iron ore will also soar because of disorderly competition. In the end, domestic steel manufacturers lose money and have to stop production. Or reduce production. And you will also lose the chance of huge profits. In the end, due to your blind optimism in the steel industry and investment failure, Charles Schwab has to go bankrupt and trustee. Although you can withdraw all the money, you still live a rich and rich life. Life, but for career, you are a loser."

Cheng Ning asked with difficulty: "I'm asking why you know this?"

Zhou Ziye lit a cigarette and stared into her eyes and said: "Believe it or not, I have never seen you before or investigated you, but I always know you, understand you, understand you... .I often do dreams about you, your life in the dream, for me, it is one. But we are not lovers, we have always been the most intimate friends, all your secrets are undefended to me Yes, I even bought you sanitary napkins and cooked brown sugar water for you because of your menstrual period. In my dream, our lives are more than ten years longer than now. I am married and have my own children, but you are still Single, we are best friends, but it has nothing to do with love."

Zhou Ziye clearly knows Cheng Ning's character. Although she is a strong woman, she is a dreamy, noble, spoiled girl, and is easier to deal with than ordinary girls. To deal with her, you don't need too much strategy, you just need to smash her defenses all at once and enter her heart. Once she gets her approval, then she will unconditionally believe in you and support you

. Zhou Ziye, as her friend, certainly knows her shortcomings.

She is capable and has a prosperous career, and later became the consul general of an African island country in China. But she is also very naive, and has a natural resistance to imperfect things, which leads to her being unable to accept a man into her life, preferring to live in her own fantasy world.

Cheng Ning's thoughts disturbed each other. She was completely shocked by Zhou Ziye. Is there really such a story? ! He actually lived in his dream. But if he didn't explain it this way, how could he understand himself like this? Even her mother can't know the kind of cake she likes, or her menstrual period!

Cheng Ning was lost in confusion. Zhou Ziye added: "You borrowed this time mainly because a domestic steel mill issued an invalid acceptance note. For this reason, you will use your grandfather's legacy to block the steel mill and force the other party to become Your most loyal customer. In fact, you don't need to borrow money from me. You can easily get this done when you go back to China, but you want to use the funds to sign a long-term agreement with Vale to increase the amount of iron ore. Because of you It has been found that the current domestic demand for iron ore will surge in the near future. Am I right? These are things that have not happened yet, and I should not be able to lie to you."

Cheng Ning was completely lost in confusion, with fear in her heart, but there was a hint of inexplicable stability supporting her. She looked at the handsome man in front of her, completely losing her usual calmness. After a long while, he asked in a dumb voice: "Since we are so familiar and so familiar in your dream, why are we not together?"

Zhou Ziye smiled bitterly and said: "In your dream, you are a princess admired by thousands of people. I am just an ordinary white-collar worker. Although we know each other, we don't love each other because age, identity, and wealth are all boundaries that we can hardly cross. "

"But your current wealth and status don't seem to be weaker than mine."

"That's because I had the capital for development in my dream based on your development and my own experience."

"Then why did you have this dream, but I didn't?!"

"I don't know, maybe this is God's compensation for me."

Cheng Ning stared at him and asked, "Then since you have had this dream for a long time, why didn't you come to me, but waited until I was too old to look for me?"

Zhou Ziye said softly: "You are not old, time only gives you the taste of maturity. I dare not come to you because I am afraid that if I meet you, I will never have our dream again. Although it's not about love."