Chapter 98: The Renewal of This Life

"Are you afraid that you can no longer make money from your dream experience?!" Cheng Ning said angrily: "In your heart, money is more important than me!"

Zhou Ziye nodded and said: "I admit this, because I need a chance to be on an equal footing with you. As for you, do you think it is not good for us to keep the relationship in our dreams? I have my own girlfriend and my own life. You also have your own life, but what we can do in career is stronger than in dreams."

"Then you mean to let me continue to live alone, watching your happy family alone next to me?!"

"Isn't this the life you are pursuing? In your dreams, you enjoy this state of life very much."

Cheng Ning grabbed the cup at hand and poured it over. Zhou Ziye could move, but did not move. A glass of ice water was poured on his face, he calmly pulled a few pieces from the paper next to him, and wiped his face. "Cheng Ning, we are not suitable in dreams, but also not suitable in reality. You are a self-centered person, and so am I. Neither of us can sacrifice everything for each other."

"I suddenly found out that I could." Cheng Ning said stubbornly.

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "You are just lying to yourself. Because a man suddenly appeared in front of you today and told you that he knows everything about you, you mistakenly thought that two people must be a pair. . But, this has nothing to do with love after all. Yes. I can deceive you and tell you that we are a destined couple. But what about the person in my life?! What about the lover in my dream, the lover in reality? Can I leave her alone? Besides, I am not a person who is loyal to love. Besides my wife, I have a lover, and even more than one. Should I abandon them all?

! Rather than becoming a resentment couple in the end, it is better for us to follow the experience in our dreams and just be friends. "

Cheng Ning calmed down and looked at Zhou Ziye and asked: "Then why am I always single?!"

"Because you are a perfectionist."

Cheng Ning lowered his head and was silent for a while, then raised his head and asked, "How many years are there for iron ore imports?"

"About six years."

"You said I lost my investment because of my blind optimism. What happened to the company in the end when it was liquidated?"

"Because the import volume of iron ore is increasing, the profits are increasing, and your wealth is also increasing, your judgment of the market loses your sense. You advocate Indian Mittal-style mergers and expansions. , Once wanted to compete with Jinxi Steel's Han for control, but unfortunately, you finally failed. In the end, you sold Jinxi's shares at a price of 5 billion Hong Kong dollars. You always wanted to develop downstream factories, but after 2008, the steel plant was because The huge operating costs have been struggling, so you are trapped in a lack of capital chain, that is to say, you are using your profit from iron ore trading to pay off debts. Then, the iron ore import business has been completely integrated by the state. If you lose the source of cash, it is even more difficult to maintain..."

Cheng Ning asked, "How much money did I make in the past six years?"

Zhou Ziye shook his head and said, "You made less than 1% of the country's losses. Because it was not until six years later that the country was able to integrate the chaotic situation in this industry, we were also earned almost 8,000 by the three major foreign miners. Billion. Can you believe that the price of iron ore has appreciated by more than four times over the years, the import volume has increased by more than four times, and the freight has appreciated by more than two or three times? We cannot delay the overall interests of the country for our own self-interest. "

"I don't need you to teach me how to do it! You are just a kid who knows nothing."

Zhou Ziye glanced at her playfully and said with a smile: "You are just a proud old peacock who can only rely on your parents."

"You..." Cheng Ning wanted to get angry, but found that he didn't seem to take any advantage in front of him. He didn't know anything about him, but the other party knew what kind of underwear he liked to wear. She reluctantly said: "You bully me!"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "Okay, we won't come to this set

. You are a thirty-one year old woman, and you still act like a baby with me. Is this suitable? ! Let's talk about business. "

Cheng Ning glared at him and said, "You said it."

Zhou Ziye said: "You go back to persuade your parents to support the promotion of the integration of the domestic steel industry. In terms of iron ore import, abandon your own interests and go to the three major iron ore companies in Yin to sign large-scale long-term agreements. Negotiation price, and then you only need to take in a small profit in this area, but the increase in import volume, the loss of your interests will not be too large. As long as you follow these two aspects, I will establish with you For a non-ferrous metal trading company, I can give you 20% of the shares. In the future, our main strength will be concentrated on the import of non-ferrous metals."

"Why don't you continue to make iron ore?" Cheng Ning frowned and said, "Why did you give me 20% of the shares?"

Zhou Ziye said: "Don't be too greedy. The 20% share is already a lot. Even if the iron ore industry is integrated in the country, the output of pure iron ore is mainly controlled by Rio Tinto, Vale, and BHP Billiton. The iron ore price struggle is also difficult. And I never wanted to enter this industry, because my main target is non-ferrous metals, copper mines, molybdenum mines, silver mines, and gold mines. Because the output of these minerals is relatively scattered, price alliances are difficult to establish, so they can be controlled more easily. My goal is to influence the market as much as possible and prevent price increases from becoming too fierce."

Cheng Ning asked suspiciously: "Why are you doing this?"

Zhou Ziye said in a high-sounding voice: "If you are poor, you will be alone, and the best will help the world. Since I have confirmed that everything in our dreams is true, then of course I must do my part."

Cheng Ning asked suspiciously: "Then what did you do in your dream?"

"I am a non-ferrous metal trader. We met at the reception of Leybold Company..."

Zhou Ziye began to show his flicker seriously again. Others may not believe this kind of fooling, but it is much easier for Cheng Ning, who is proud and simple. Especially after Zhou Ziye mastered her secret, she subconsciously regarded Zhou Ziye as a caring person.

In the face of others, Zhou Ziye didn't dare to fool any lie he knew in his dream, but he knew that this was very useful to Cheng Ning, who had always been withdrawn. He wasn't afraid that Cheng Ning would publicize his words, otherwise, he would rather make contact slowly than rashly reveal the secret in this way.

But in the end, after he finished telling the story of the two people, he still exhorted: "As for the fact that I have you in my dream and staying with you, you must not say it.

. "

Cheng Ning said puzzledly: "Who shall I tell?"

Zhou Ziye laughed and said: "I have forgotten, a poor woman, except for me, I don't even have a better friend."

Cheng Ning gave him a white look and said, "Be careful. I will tell the upper level about this, let them slice and study you, and see what else you will dream about."

Zhou Ziye deliberately sighed and said: "It's a pity that I can't dream of anything except you. Do you want to have a mole under your breast, and you only come to the big aunt on the 10th of every month to announce it?!"

Cheng Ning just picked up a small piece of mousse, and when he heard that he smashed the mousse on Zhou Ziye's body, he said angrily: "Hate! If you say this again, I will ignore you in the future."

Knowing her young lady's temper, Zhou Ziye picked up Mousse and filled her mouth. "Anyway, this is the secret of the two of us. If you want to say it, just say, I will not tell it alone. Regarding cooperation, you should think about it. As long as you listen to me, you will buy an airplane if you want to buy an airplane in the future. , Buy a cruise ship if you want to buy a cruise ship, buy an island if you want to buy an island. Anyway, the earth is so big, you can do whatever you want."

Cheng Ning thought for a while and said, "Since it is the secret of the two of us, why do you have to account for 80% before giving me 20%? Only half of us is fair."

Zhou Ziye said: "It's not that I deliberately gave you so little, but that this company will accept other forces in the future, but I must occupy 51% of the controlling rights, so I can't give you too much. However, The model of this trading company can be changed to that the head office is controlled by us. One branch company for the domestic market can give you half of the share, but the other branch company for the international market will not have your share."

"Then I want 30% of the shares in the head office, and I can buy shares based on capital."

Zhou Ziye looked at her slightly stern face, sighed and said, "It's up to you... But you have to manage this company well in the future. I won't focus on this."

Cheng Ning woke up and said, "You deliberately set me down!"

Zhou Ziye shook his head and said: "How can I be willing to deceive you, but my main energy will be on mine exploration, mining, and refining in the future, so you need to worry more about this aspect. We each perform our duties. This is what Best partner

. "

Cheng Ning frowned and said, "Since your main energy is in the mining area, why don't you have my share in this area, but only set up a trading company to let me participate in the shares."

"You also know that it is difficult for us to find mines that have been explored now, so we have to look for mines that have not been explored. In the major non-ferrous metal resources countries in the world, except for Chile, the United States, Canada, most areas The politics and public security of China are not that stable. We will face all kinds of difficulties. I just want you to live a simple life, and I don't want you to participate in too many intrigues and dangers. Do you understand my intentions?"

Cheng Ning thought for a while, agreed with his statement and said, "Well, after I go back, I will sign a contract with you according to your statement. If you dare to deceive me, I will make you uneasy for the rest of your life."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "In the beginning I will not ask you to invest a penny, but I can guarantee that you will soon become the richest woman in China, otherwise, even if I breach the contract, you will be at your disposal."

"Then I will fold it well..." She suddenly realized that she had been introduced into his channels of thinking by him again, but it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it, just believing him again and again. He can know so many secrets of himself, and he should be able to do everything he says. In that case, it is much better than the hard work of my own family. She changed her tone and said: "I will believe you once, and I will try my best to convince my parents when I go back, but you can't lie to me."

Zhou Ziye looked into her eyes and said, "Even if I deceive the whole world, I will not deceive you, because if I deceive you, I am deceiving myself."

Cheng Ning nodded in satisfaction and said, "Well, now you can honestly start from the beginning and repeat what we had in your dream."

Zhou Ziye breathed a sigh of relief, and finally fudged her. He tried his best to win over her. Although he had the fate of his previous life, he was more interested in the forces behind her. Only when she wins over her, can she use the forces behind her to serve herself.

The political power left by her grandfather was not small. Her father was also a former high-ranking official in the ministry, and her mother herself was a metallurgical expert. With these, you will no longer have to worry about others getting stuck on your neck in the initial processing of mineral products and the import of resources. With this foundation, there is also a foundation to digest more advanced technology internationally. It is really not easy to deal with him as a layman.

Zhou Ziye told her some of the twists and turns she had experienced in her previous life, half-concealed. Especially some of her private little secrets, things that no one else can know, so that she won her unconditional trust. Although the two talents have just met, Zhou Ziye should leave her with enough influence at one point so as not to make her unsure and hesitate.


The main reason is that the power behind her is too great, Zhou Ziye must make good use of it without being swallowed by the other party, then Cheng Ning's attitude is very important. He didn't want to work hard, and finally made a wedding dress for the forces behind her.

As for giving up Jiang Yue and marrying her, Zhou Ziye never considered it. He wanted to marry an obedient wife, not a prominent relative. If he wants to marry Cheng Ning, she will be considered at the beginning, but she is really not a good marriage partner.

In addition to aloofness, she also has both mental and physical cleanliness. I really married her, don't talk about messing around with flowers, I'm afraid I won't be able to take the initiative. If one doesn't go well, the family will probably be screamed by her, and it's not in a stable state at all.

But she must absolutely protect her, not love, only friendship and interests. Only by not being too close can we maintain a better relationship with her.

Cheng Ning was a little embarrassed when he heard that Zhou Ziye had said his secrets one by one, but then became numb, and later felt that Zhou Ziye is the person who knows himself best in the world. Seeing the handsome and extraordinary Zhou Ziye, she felt for the first time that maybe a man was not so unacceptable, but then she remembered that he had maintained a relationship with a few women, and she felt sick again.

This kind of contradiction has been entangled in her heart, giving her a kind of regret that I was not born, but also a kind of pleasure to get rid of troubles completely. Anyway, in her heart, she had completely agreed with Zhou Ziye's words and regarded him as her confidant.

From more than four o'clock in the afternoon, they have been talking about more than eight o'clock in the evening. Because Zhou Ziye had to deal with several contracts for delivery, the two talents were separated. After leaving Cheng Ning, who was full of excitement, Zhou Ziye was also relaxed. With Cheng Ning's joining, many of his plans can be put on the agenda.

I used the secret between two people to win her over. With her character, she would value this secret more than her own, and cherish the fate of the two people more, and she was not afraid that she would escape her palm.

However, I also have to intensify contact with Miss Zhu, as they currently have certain conflicts between them. You have to make good use of it to find a balance between them, so that both of them can throw rats, and they can only win over themselves.

Of course, only their two aspects are not enough. Whether it is Oriental Investment, Minmetals, CNOOC, including the ugly heavy silver, and the consortium in Hong Kong, he must share benefits. Pull everyone into your own circle of interest, and form an interest group that no one dares to touch easily. Only in this way can you be safe.