The shadow suddenly turned into a handsome man wearing a suit.
"Who are you?" I asked as I made a golden dagger appear in my hands.
"Why are you here" I yelled as I pointed the dagger to him.
"My dear queen," said the man as he sat down at one of the desks.
"Have you forgotten me? It hasn't even been that long," he snickered making me scoff.
"I asked who you were not if you knew me," I said coming closer to him.
The man didn't reply instead he sat there observing my face then disappeared.
What was that about?
My concentration was brought at the door when Chung-cha and Chung-Chee entered the door followed by Flora.
They all stopped in their tracks when they saw me. Their breathing suddenly became heavy and none of them said a word.
"What's wrong?" I asked tilting my head.
I knew what was bothering them. I strange presence was coming from behind me.
I slowly moved my hand holding the dagger then stabbed the person behind causing me to take a step back.
In front of me were 4 people each one even more different than the others. They were each wielding a sort of weapon.
"I really just asked what are your name was I never asked you to bring your friends too," I screamed to the man from earlier who was standing in the middle of the group.
The people were all wearing suits. The fascinating thing as that each of them was even more handsome than the other.
"Just answer me who are you and why do you keep following me," I asked the man once again. This time he and his friends suddenly got into a fighting position making me quickly jump into one too.
"How about me make a deal, princess, you win a fight against us and manage to beat one of us I'll tell you," said the man.
Before answering I turned to Chung-cha then sighed.
"I really didn't want to do this but okay," I said with a sad and disappointed expression. Just as I finished my sentence I found myself forest.
My grip on the dagger quickly loosed due to the beautifulness of the forest. The trees were all telling a beautiful story there left gently swaying to the rhythm of the wind.
Next to me was a pond letting my curiosity take over and forgetting the reason I was here I walked to the pond.
I knelt down and observed myself in the water. The water was so clear it allowed you to see all the beauty of the lake not missing a spot.
Just I was about to touch the lake. My hand froze halfway. I quickly stood and snapped fingers changing outfits.
I changed into black shorts, a white shirt, and black boots.
I bit my finger creating a summoning circle on the ground making a black scythe appear. I grabbed the weapon and ran into the forest. I ran for a couple of minutes then climbed a tree trying to get high ground.
I observed the forest trying to find anything that was moving at high speed but nothing happened when suddenly I red light flashed from near the pond.
I held out my hand making binoculars appear to closely see what was going on. They were finally here.
I smirked and quickly hid in another tree.
"Princess where are you," screamed each of the men in different parts of the forest.
"Okay just one of them," I whispered getting down from the tree.
I ran to teh center of the forest. The middle was an empty circle with only trees surrounding it just as I was about to leave I froze. They were here.
I was trapped with no way to escape. For the first time, I knew I had to fight for my life.
I held out my Scythe and pointed to one of the men.
"Bring it on," I said making the men all ran towards me which was a bad idea because I had no plan whatsoever.
The only thing that could come to my mind was running.
I wanted for the men to reach a radius of ten feet then I quickly jumped as high I could, making them look up with a smirk.
One of them snapped their fingers turning the forest into a dark and eerie place allowing me not to see a thing.
When I got back on the ground it felt as if the soil was a mushy kind of playdoh or smile making me jump back up.
Just as I did one the man ran flying in my direction. Unable to see anything I felt something sharp glide on my back. The movement caused me to cough out a good amount of blood bringing me back to the surface.
When I reached the ground I felt a sharp blow hit my jaw and another one on my stomach. The punches slowly brought me to my knees. My head was down and my body was bruised.
I smirked then suddenly laughed. I got up using my scythe as support. I looked up at the men's my eyes glowing red. I licked the droplets of blood that had reached my lips.
I ran towards the men hitting them with strong moves. It was as if every time I would hit them the stronger I would become.
After a few seconds, I turned around blood dripping down my face. I was drenched in blood from head to toes. I dropped the scythe and looked at the dead bodies laying on the ground. I was shaking I just killed those people.
I took a really deep breath bringing me back to my senses then bowed. The bodies suddenly turned into beautiful butterflies making me gasp. The butterflies slowly toured me then disappeared.
I fell to my knees making the scenery around me go back to normal I was back at the school in my uniform.
"Seonyoung," screamed Chung-cha as she ran towards me.
I was numb. Chung-cha quickly retreated after not receiving action from me. She observed my body when her eyes landed on my hands making her gasp.