Chapter 8.3

Chapter 8.3

Suddenly widening his eyes, Guotin Donghai asked, "Do you mean she's..."

Huo Jin interrupted him, saying, "Exactly." He continued, "That girl is the Supreme manipulator, but her circulating energy seems fragile, probably because she hasn't done her consecration ritual yet. Even if she does, it will take her a long time to achieve her peak. Therefore, we can hunt her."

"We're fortunate. The rewards will be great if we can assassinate the girl," Guotin Donghai smiled smugly. After a pause, he quickly remembered something, "Don't tell me the elders let us stay here for this reason?"

Hearing Guotin Donghai Farfetched dream, Huo Jin interrupted, "Do you think it's that easy to murder her? Clenching his fists, he said, "If I'm not mistaken, someone is guarding her. That's why that girl and others went missing."

Sneering, Guotin Donghai asked, "Do you mean he's mightier than both of us?"

Huo Jin was deafeningly quiet, yet his silence supported the claim.

Seeing the graveness of the matter, Guotin Donghai suggested, "Shall I notify the others?"

Huo Jin suddenly interrupted him, saying, "Let's first observe. Today is a practice day, and we aren't the only rugby players. So, we should conceal our objectives as much as possible." After a pause, Huo Jin furrowed his brows, saying, "We should also watch him because he is a rugby player."

Rolling his eyes, Guotin Donghai asked, "Do we have to?" However, he could do nothing before Huo Jin, so he reluctantly accepted the idea.

{The rugby pitch.}

The rugby pitch is a vast expanse of lush, green grass, meticulously manicured and bordered by crisp white lines. The field stretches out before you, the perfect canvas for the game of rugby to unfold. The grass is soft underfoot, inviting you to run, jump, and tackle with abandon.

The rugby player had already formed a line like a school of fish. They seemed refreshed like lions, making them look more active in extracurricular activities than class engagement: a glorified sport.

One of the rugby players cautioned, "Shhh! Chong Kun has arrived."

Another interrupted, "He's bringing someone fresh. Is he going to be on our team?"

Chong Kun arrived, accompanied by the blanked face Chi An.

Chong Kun's appearance was overweight and amusing, and anyone who gazed at his face would find it impossible not to laugh. Fifteen stern-looking student rugby players stood before him, but they had steeled themselves not to laugh no matter what happened.

Secretly gazing at them, Chi An thought, 'What's the deal with this atmosphere?'

Chi An wasn't fully paying attention to the situation, so he didn't know the crux of the matter. While gazing at the coach, he suddenly laughed but quickly tried to stifle the laughter. However, the coach suddenly discovered his attempt.

Chong Kun said in his shrill tone, "Is there anything amusing here, Mr. Chi?"

Chi An spoke in his usual fast-paced tone, "No way, coach. My prior coach would generally tell us a joke."

Chong Kun widened his eyes, "Huh?" After a pause, he asked, "Why don't you tell me more about this comedy?"

Chi An frowned on the inside, 'Why should my first day be another disaster?'

Chi An pushed his hand forward forcefully and sharply, saying, "He stated that the rugby goalpost is an ass." He maintained his blank expression even amidst the bullshit he had said. Although what he said was stupid, who would have guessed it made the coach laugh?

However, he grimaced immediately after his devilish chuckle, saying, "Do you think I'm stupid? You'd best concentrate before you say farewell to the club."

Chi An replied, "Yes, sir."

Every rugby member maintained a straight expression without a hint of excitement.