Jun Mey's battle against the Kâppas and Omega wolf

Chapter Twelve

Jun Mey's battle against the Kâppas and Omega wolf

Jun Mey saw the Kâppas charging towards her, lunging with such eagerness and determination that they intended to catch her as soon as possible.

'These guys are lightning fast,' Jun Mey thought, looking at them calmly. As she steadily moved, she thought, 'If I had been the previous Jun Mey, I would have been terrified.' She added, 'But I am familiar with flowing wing martial arts.'

Jun Mey marched forward, her feet creating multiple-stranded patterns resembling spiderwebs. She moved swiftly along these paths, like a train traveling on its tracks.

Initially, the Kâppas appeared as regular guys in casual wear, but upon seeing Jun Mey, they persistently snarled, creating a desperate and disgustingly noisy atmosphere.

Despite the heavy wind, Jun Mey quickly and calmly approached the first Kâppa, moving with the precision of a train on a track. As she struck the Kâppa, she felt her hands pull away from her body due to the intense pain.

'These folks have thick skin,' Jun Mey thought, her eyes calm. 'What material are they made of?'

Jun Mey fought through physical pain, wondering if she could match the strength of divine creatures like wolves and hunters. Despite reaching the peak of human physical resilience, she knew she still had room to grow. Without extra assistance, she feared her body might not become as hard as steel like that of wolves.

In a matter of seconds, Jun Mey took down five Kappas. However, their tough skin caused injuries to her hands during the brawl. Calmly assessing the situation, she gritted her teeth and resorted to attacking them with her foot.

However, this strategy significantly slowed her down. As Jun Mey wriggled like a loach, the Kâppas grew enraged and charged at her like dumb beasts. Jun Mey struggled hard to keep them at bay, finding it tricky.

'How I wish I knew the second sequence of the flowing wing,' Jun Mey thought, trying to remain calm. Her predicament filled her with deep anger as several Kâppas crowded around her, leaving her with no way out. Just when she thought she was about to die, Jun Mey's vitality surged, and her resolve helped her gain insight into the second sequence of her technique.

Jun Mey calmly whispered, "Wind wing defense," and then a glistening white sphere emerged on her glabella, enlightening her and imparting the knowledge of the technique.

The gleaming white ball appeared on Jun Mey's glabella, and she immediately released a burst of air that roared through the air. The congealed air formed a white wing, which she flapped to blow away the Kâppas. Jun Mey then absorbed the pinions back into her legs and fist, causing them to vanish.

Jun Mey's wings granted her intense speed and protected her skin, and as she confronted the final Kâppas, she grinned with delight. However, while she became absorbed in the battle, a shadow with piercing emerald eyes materialized before her and hurled her aside with a solitary blow.

After reacting quickly and connecting the wings in her legs and fist to form a barrier of bird wings, Jun Mey crashed into numerous trees. That powerful punch shattered the wing protection.

"Humph, a worthless basic defense," A persuasive voice with a tinge of contempt said. A beast walked out and said, "Is that what makes you happy?"

The beast fully manifested itself, revealing gray fur and frightening emerald eyes. Saliva dripped from both corners of the pacing beast's mouth as it growled and fixed its dreadful gaze on Jun Mey, who remained calm while assessing the creature.

'I knew it was you all along,' Jun Mey calmly confirmed.