Guarded Paths: Sacrifices and Secrets

Chapter 117

Guarded Paths: Sacrifices and Secrets

{Inside the Presidential Villa, Jong Ji City.}

As Ai Ziji entered the secret laboratory to conduct her test, security personnel gathered in the "human President's" spacious courtyard in the presidential villa in Jong Ji City. The president and his daughter stood at a distance. The president sported a white Zhongshan Suit, and his daughter, with wide, curious eyes, wore Chinese-style pink Wide-leg Pants—loose-fitting pants made of linen.

Maintaining an authoritative tone and forcing a smile, the president said, "Little girl, Dad needs to attend to important matters." Chang Jiao, the daughter of Chang Ye, the "Human President," raised an eyebrow upon hearing her father's words. Adopting a childish curious tone, she asked, "Dad, where are you going?" Seeing her father's unnatural smile, Chang Jiao inwardly frowned and thought, 'Dad, forget about that and play with me.'