Amidst Chaos: Unveiling Hidden Agendas

Chapter 118

Amidst Chaos: Unveiling Hidden Agendas

Sueh Yen leaned on the car seat, slowly raised his droopy eyelids, and sighed. He pressed the military earpiece and established a connection.

A monotone voice rang out from the earpiece, "Captain Yen, is there an issue?" The speaker was Ding Bang, the first commander of the military and police.

Yawning, Sueh Yen maintained his languid speaking pattern as he replied, "Yes." Reflecting on the situation, he thought, 'As long as Qing Yuan said it, she can't be wrong.'

Ding Bang straightened up, his expressionless face giving away nothing. He pondered, 'Could it be that Qing Yuan discovered this?' Ding Bang confirmed his suspicions with his typical monotone, asking, "How did you discover this?" Without waiting for an answer, he added, "After all, it's not on the radar."