Crossbow arrow and sniper, boundless mana!

At this time, the poisonous circle started to refresh, or looking for fruitless Style, he could only choose to give up and plan to lead the team away.

Leave this 86 car to one of the team members, and he and the other team member go to ride in another vehicle.

The requirements for vehicles in professional competitions are very high, and they are basically manned vehicles.

They obviously won't give up this 86 car that is intact and fast.

It's just that when another team member got on the 86, a crossbow bolt shot through his head.

After the shot fell, another arrow hit the chrysanthemum, successfully made up, and immediately transferred.

The audience was laughing to death, Jiang Siming's gameplay was too bad, and the crossbow arrow in his hand was no less than a sniper rifle, and every shot was accurate.

The AFF players were about to be tortured crazy by Jiang Siming's style of play. They were frantically searching nearby, but they didn't get any results.

The sound of the crossbow bolt is very small. As long as you are a little farther away, you can only see the direction of the tail of the crossbow bolt to know where the enemy came from.

But Jiang Siming knows this well, so he immediately changes points after each game, and AFF never knows.

After losing two players at once, AFF has lost half of its strength.

In the end, Style chose to admit the counsel and gritted his teeth to greet his teammates to leave. Even the 86 didn't dare to ask for it.

The AFF people ran away completely. They knew that 4am had been promoted successfully. They could play boldly, but they couldn't.

Today the entire group stage AFF currently only has 9 points. If this continues, they may not even be able to match OMG.

Seeing everyone ran away, Jiang Siming didn't hide anymore, ran out of the cracks in the rock pile, and began to search the two boxes happily.

Picking up another piece of [Proficient in Lip Language], Jiang Siming updated his equipment.

He only picked up a crossbow arrow from start to finish. He had no head or armour and was too bachelor.

Now two boxes, Jiang Siming searched them.

I wanted to change the rifle and add 98k, but then I thought about it, anyway, I let myself go, why do I have to fight so seriously.

Simply, Jiang Siming only picked up a 98k, then ran to the container to pick up some crossbow arrows, and drove on the road with his back on his back. The 98k still has a silencer and eight times.

"Isn't Myojin picking up rifles? I think both AFFs have rifles." Cheng Hui said he didn't understand.

I've never seen anyone playing so wild. If you pick up two big snipers, it's fine, but why do you want to take the crossbow arrows with the sniper? Is it because you are addicted to it?

This is really possible, according to Jiang Siming's urine sex.

Jiang Siming didn't rush into the circle while driving. With a pile of medicine on him, he was not afraid of being hurt by the power grid.

He drove the car from Port G to the entrance of the Shangcheng District, moved the car to the back of the house, and hid behind the tree beside the highway.

He had never seen a car coming out of Shangcheng District before, indicating that the RGS people should still be inside.

Anyway, it's only the first wave, the map is still big, and there is nothing to do when I go out. It's better to squat around here to see if you can meet people from RGS.

There are more than 20 crossbow arrows in his hand, with a quiver attached.

The role of the quiver can quickly load crossbow arrows. Many players have played for so long without even knowing what the quiver is.

[Proficient in Crossbow Arrows] Jiang Siming is completely familiar with the functions and operations of this crossbow arrow.

This is what he got when he participated in the strongest anchor contest, but he didn't expect to be able to use it in the World Championship today.

If he hadn't just picked up this crossbow bolt in the container, he would probably be surrounded and killed by them.

Jiang Siming thought for a while to go out to see if there was an airdrop. It would be better to give himself a lucky suit, then he would really become a super old man.

Just as he was thinking, there was the sound of cars coming from the Shangcheng District, and Jiang Siming, who had enhanced hearing, caught it all at once.

A jeep drove out of the upper town, bearing the brunt of it, with two team members sitting in it.

There are not many cars in Shangcheng, so there are only two cars.

Regardless of how many people are inside, Jiang Siming can't be polite.

Quietly Mimi pulled out a small head, and the crossbow arrow sight in her hand has been adjusting with the movement of the car.

When the car drives two hundred meters away from Jiang Siming, launch decisively!


A long ling arrow penetrated the driver's head without warning.

"Oh! Ming's mastery of crossbow arrows is nothing inferior to his sniper rifle, so accurate!" The commentator couldn't help shaking.

It's fine to play bull-breaking, but the crossbow arrows can also be played like this, which is really eye-opening.

Since PUBG hosted the event, no one has killed anyone with a crossbow.

Even the passers-by are very few people will pick it up.

The official designers are planning to strengthen the crossbow arrows in the next version. Seeing Jiang Siming's wave, they dismissed this idea.

The crossbow arrow has suffered a wave of injustice~

After knocking down the opponent, Jiang Siming saw that the ID of that person was indeed RGS.

Reloading the crossbow arrows, trying to make up for the opponent, but the other team member immediately used the cart as a cover and slanted in front of Jiang Siming.

"Block me, okay, then I can't throw thunder."

Jiang Siming shrugged, cut out a grenade in his hand, and ran toward the sky the farthest distance.

In order to let Lei Diu go over, Jiang Siming ran a dozen meters away. He jumped up and lost it. After throwing it, he turned and ran, plunged into the woods and disappeared.


The sound of the grenade sounded, another RGS team member fell, and the teammate who hit the arrow straightened into a box.

Asiba! ! !

The mood of RGS can be imagined.

The other two team members who came to help after hearing the news immediately spread the car and used the car as a shelter to form an airtight fortress.

"Where are the people?" RGS captain Mentenl asked quickly.

"I don't know, it seems to be the 80 direction, I don't know where it is now." The fallen teammate replied.

"Captain, let's go and pack him, it's this nasty Huaxia Ming!"

Being knocked down by a crossbow bolt is too shameful for them.

But Mentenl didn't think so. He shook his head calmly and said, "Pull him up and let's go."

"Why? He seems to have only one person, I can't swallow this breath." The team members were unwilling.

Mentenl said: "4am has been confirmed to be promoted. If he dares to come alone, it means that he is not afraid of death. Just now two AFF players died in his hands. He came to disgust us and wanted us to lose points."

As soon as the teammates heard some truth, they planned to help them go together.

But at this time, Jiang Siming shot their tires one by one with a crossbow at a distant point.

Puff puff puff...

Only the sound of a broken tire can be heard at the scene, and I don't know where it was shot.

When the teammate helped him up, all of their cars had a flat tire.

Originally Jiang Siming wanted to leave, but the first teammate to kill exploded into pieces, which was still a blue piece.

This was the first blue fragment that he encountered. Jiang Siming didn't want to miss it. He simply spent time with them here.

Lifting up his teammates, RGS dared not wait any longer and drove away.

Although I lost a tire, but fortunately it can still be driven, but the speed will be slower and it will be inconvenient to turn.

Fortunately, they drive a smooth road, otherwise they really can't move.