Blue shards!

Seeing that all the members of RGS wanted to run, Jiang Siming planned to keep one more.

The crossbow arrow in his hand did not have enough range, and Jiang Siming took out the 98 silencer that had been sealed behind his back.

With an easy shot, he advanced the position and knocked down the last RGS member.

The audience understands Wei Shen and their feelings at this time, sympathy, it's too miserable~

Another teammate fell, but Mentenl decisively ordered to run away. He could no longer fight Jiang Siming, otherwise he would really have to return to his country and retire.

Although his actions were correct, he was undoubtedly announcing to the world that they RGS were counseled and beaten by one person.

This reputation will continue to accompany them in the future and force the team, that's how it comes.

One more hit, and Jiang Siming knew that the opponent teammate had run poison and it was impossible to rescue him.

Without making up for him, let him kneel on the road for a while, then turn around to pick up the blue piece.

"Pick up [a box of detoxification and beauty pills] blue fragments*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[Detoxification Pills]:

It can remove most of the impurities and toxins from the human body, leaving the skin rejuvenated and younger than ten years old.

Men's use can enhance the spleen and kidney function, women's use can beautify skin.

Note: There are ten capsules in a box, only one of this substance can be taken per person.

Still have this stuff? Isn't this a health product?

But Jiang Siming thought about what those health care products were. He just got some Chinese medicine and western medicine and said he was powerful for beauty and beauty.

But no matter how much you drink, there is no use for eggs. At most, you can get rid of the fire and supplement your nutrition. Ninety-nine percent of the detoxification and beauty treatments on the market are just nutrition.

But with this fragment, Jiang Siming must believe that it is true, and the fragment must be a fine product.

"This stuff will be given to parents, grandparents, and young girls, and the rest can be given to Xinyi, Sister Zhao, Jiang Lan, Dadao and Tuantuan. Tsk tsk, perfect distribution!"

Jiang Siming smiled, and at the same time, he was glad that he didn't have too many girlfriends, otherwise he wouldn't have enough points.

He didn't eat it himself, his physical fitness was about to become an alien, and there was no benefit to eating that.

Putting away the fragments, Jiang Siming drove out the car he was hiding.

The downed RGS player was still throwing things on the ground. Even if he died, he would have to get sick of Jiang Siming and let him slowly find his own equipment.

But Jiang Siming didn't even think about asking for his equipment. He didn't even bother to go on the car. The car ran over his body and drove away.

Jiang Siming was in a good mood when he picked up the blue fragment for the first time.

He also counted the approximate classification of the debris.

White is game skills,

Red is realistic skills,

Gold is property,

Black is black technology,

Green is a physical talent,

Purple is genetic medicine,

Originally Jiang Siming thought it was gone, but this time the blue fragment told him that there were other types of fragments.

The blue one was probably a pill or something, but it was only picked up once, and Jiang Siming couldn't make a conclusion.

But he is even more looking forward to whether there are other colored fragments in the future, and what kind of surprises will it bring to him then?

Will there be martial arts cheats? Immortal cultivation method? Artifact sword? Elixir of life?

and many more.

Jiang Siming is also a little drunk with his own imagination, shake his head and stop thinking about it for now, concentrate on playing the game, kill more people, take more pieces!

The car drove out of the first wave of poisonous circles, and no one blocked him by the circle. This made Jiang Siming a little relieved. He was really worried that RGS or AFF would be angry but waited for him by the circle. Then he really died nine deaths. .

Wei Shen and the three of them are still alive, still in the school district room, chatting from time to time, it seems very relaxed.

After all, he has been promoted steadily, and then he only needs to hold onto the rankings and let Lao Jiang go to waves.

They actually want to wave, but their strength is not allowed~

They are all opponents of the same level, and if you are not careful, your life will be lost.

Let Jiang Siming go by himself, this guy is far superior to all professional players, even if the waves are dead, and they are still there, it can't be given for nothing.

Jiang Siming drove the car past the school district room and left without stopping.

Wei Shen smiled and picked up the gun and fired two blind shots at Jiang Siming, frightening this guy.

It happened that this scene was captured by God's perspective, and the audience was amused. Naturally, they would not feel that Wei Shen was in conflict with Jiang Siming.

Almost every player has done this kind of "cheap" shooting to scare teammates, which is a manifestation of deep friendship.

The friendship displayed between 4am reminded many viewers of the previous RNG team in League of Legends, but it lacked a 'base' affection.

The friendship circle between the teammates of the RNG team had fanned countless lol players. If it hadn't happened in the quarterfinals of S8, their team would definitely be the most popular team in the world.

It's a pity that they beat them back to their original form after a game. Currently there are more black fans than real fans...

Jiang Siming also has reason to believe that if they often give in vain like OMG this time, let alone friendship, you will have to face countless scolding and sarcasm even when you are in love.

This is a common problem in the current e-sports industry, and performance is the only criterion for all elements.

Good grades, you can do anything, bad grades, you drink water and say that you are not diligent and playful.

Of course, this is not unique to China, as it is in every country.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming doesn't need to worry about this, he is strong enough to shut everyone up.

A plane passed by and dropped an airdrop not far from Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming was brave and thief, even if the airdrop was in a logging yard full of trees and jungles, he still drove over.

As soon as the car stopped next to the airdrop, a bullet flew by, and Jiang Siming escaped behind the airdrop.

But his car was not so lucky, and all the tires were unloaded immediately.

Jiang Siming quickly picked up all the airdrops, turned his head and ran.

He has an auspicious dress on his body. The grass-green auspicious dress is draped on him, and he casually lays down in a haystack in the logging yard, and then throws the pan away. It is hard to tell the gods!

Jiang Siming's crossbow arrow is still on his back, the 98k was replaced, replaced by an AWM, and it also comes with a silencer and a rapid expansion magazine.

Jiang Siming hid in a bush, left the keyboard with both hands, leisurely picked up the ice that Lin Yuner had brought him, took a bite, sweet and cold, so delicious~

Wei Shen and the others cast contemptuous eyes. Is this guy here for the game or for the movie? I have never seen such a leisurely game.

Taking another sip, Jiang Siming found that something was wrong.

Hey, wait, the mouth of this straw... why the light red lipstick? ? ? Have you been drunk? I said why the straw is so fragrant.

At this time, Lin Yuner in the audience also noticed that she bought two glasses of Coke, one for Jiang Siming and one for herself.

I secretly drank the cup outside, but at this time, she had a glass of Coke that had not been opened.

"Oumai...I am confused..." Lin Yuner felt embarrassed suddenly.

I can only pray to Jiang Siming not to drink that glass of Coke, or drink it and find no abnormalities...