Come and be my boss

"Lao Jiang, have you always concealed your identity." Wei Shen began to use his imagination.

"Are you a child of a hidden worldly rich family who came out to experience life?"

Jiang Siming replied with a roll of eyes, and said with no anger: "If I were the son of a hidden worldly wealthy family, would I still need to play games to make money."

"That can't be said like that. Maybe you came out to practice. The family stipulates how much money you must make in order to inherit the throne. You have to work hard to make money, just to defeat your brother and younger brother and win the throne of the family."

"Too lazy to care about your neurosis."

Jiang Siming didn't want to communicate with this person anymore, his brain was peculiar, and he was poisoned too deeply.

"Brother Jiang, can I ask for Lin Yoona's autograph? I like Girls' Generation." Xiao Xing asked expectantly.

"no problem."

"I want one too!" Wang Duoyu also shouted immediately.

This kind of thing that gets the moon first near the water has happened to them, it is so happy.

Although it was 'green', in the future, with Jiang Siming, you will get a lot of Lin Yuner's autographs. This stuff is what a lot of otaku want.

"I want one too, and my daughter also likes Girls' Generation." The coach said with embarrassment.

"Don't miss me, I like the bees, especially her."

Wei Shen can't miss this moment of benefit.

"No problem, just treat it as your hush fee." Jiang Siming agreed.

"Don't you need to ask her opinion first?" Wei Shendao.

"If there is anything to ask, she dare not agree to this."

After that, Jiang Siming asked Lin Yuner to sign a few names with a pen, and the other party was very obedient and signed a dozen in a row.

"Captain, look at Brother Jiang, this is a man. If you look at you again, you can usually find a bee and give you a takeaway, but you can't even call it." Xiao Xingmu's falling into the hole.

Wei Shen didn't want to say anything, Lan Shou, Shiitake...

After meeting their signature requirements, the big guys decided to set off together to visit London.

Fortunately, the United Kingdom is not China and South Korea, so Lin Yuner's influence here is not great. In some places with few people, you don't need to wear a mask.

The group took the lead to the Thames River, which traverses the entire city of London. This river was inaudible under the influence of the Industrial Revolution more than a hundred years ago.

But now after more than one hundred years of vigorous governance by the government, the Thames has been rebuilt and clear and has become one of London's famous tourist attractions.

For tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of the Thames, taking a cruise is the most pleasant.

Jiang Siming and the others had already bought tickets to board a cruise ship with 100 seats, and they looked for their positions.

There are a lot of passengers on the cruise ship, with all kinds of skins, and everyone is waiting for the boat to be full.

The arrival of Jiang Siming and Lin Yuner is undoubtedly a beauty that bursts into the eyes of the passengers.

The golden boy and jade girl will be noticed everywhere, but everyone is just amazed, and then attracted back by the Thames.

Jiang Siming and Lin Yun'er chose a back-to-back position to sit down, and Lin Yun'er leaned on Jiang Siming's shoulder in a small bird.

It's the first time to go out on a date with a beloved boy. Now besides happiness, she feels that she is dreaming.

"Have you been here before?" Jiang Siming asked.

Lin Yun'er shook her head, and replied a little pitifully:

"Never, I have been to London several times, but every time it was just work, rushing announcements, or filming movies and MVs."

"Why make yourself so tired? I don't want my woman to be a workaholic." Jiang Siming felt distressed.

The workload of Korean artists is so large that almost all of them are occupied 24 hours a day.

Starting from the trainees, they can only sleep for six hours a day. The rest of the time has to train various skills.

The girl's generation team is so popular because they keep showing new things to the audience.

These new things are all trained by their team working overtime day and night.

Looking at Lin Yoona's figure with no excess fat, she knows how stressful her work is.

"I don't want to, but I am a company artist, and I have to obey the company's arrangements."

Maybe it was because she was afraid that Jiang Siming would be angry, she immediately continued:

"Oba is fine, I am no longer a trainee, and the treatment is much better than before, and it is much easier."

Jiang Siming wasn't angry at all, he was just distressed.

"How many years have you signed with your company?" Jiang Siming asked curiously.

"Ten years, now is the ninth year."

"Then what's your plan for next year?"

"I don't know, maybe you will stay in the company, don't you like Ouba?" Lin Yuner asked carefully.

"How about coming to my company?"

Jiang Siming suddenly thought, what if he is the entire entertainment company?

It's not too difficult to get an entertainment company if you have money and connections.

Of course, it could only be a small company in the early stage, and it could not be compared with Lin Yoona's company.

But these things can be developed, mainly because there are a lot of artist resources.

Moreover, a very professional person is required to operate it. Jiang Siming knows nothing about this or that.

"Oba, did you start an entertainment company? Of course I would!"

Without asking if Jiang Siming's company is good or bad, Lin Yuner agreed immediately, or agreed unconditionally.

Jiang Siming moved slightly in his heart, chuckled and grabbed her jade hand, saying:

"Not yet, I just have this idea, don't you have more than a year before it expires, I will use this more than a year to try it, if it is done, you will come to me as the boss, okay?"


Lin Yuner's face flushed, but she nodded happily.

She used to be alone, and work was her only focus in life.

But now Lin Yoona doesn't think so, making money is already secondary, and love is the only thing she wants to grasp now.

"It's sailing."

The ship under his feet set sail, slowly following the Thames.

Let's walk through the center of London and enjoy the scenery along the Thames, Hagford Bridge, Waterloo Bridge, London Eye, Shakespeare's Circle Theatre and other attractions.

All the buildings in the city of London seem to have a heavy sense of history, making people feel as if they were in France a hundred years ago.

The calm surface of the Thames was shimmering, the golden light was beating under the shining sun, the cruise ship moved slowly, and the breeze on the river was blowing, even if there were more troubles, they were wiped out.

Xiao Xingmu took out their phones and kept taking pictures, looking back to see what Jiang Siming was doing.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw that Jiang Siming was holding Lin Yun'er, and the two of them were talking and laughing while pointing to these past attractions. The eyes of each other were full of affection and deepness.

The two of them don't need makeup and deliberate angles at all, and they seem to be watching idol dramas anyway...

"Oh, people are more popular than others, when can I find such a beautiful girlfriend~" Eye-catching was fed a large bite of dog food, and even the scenery felt so good.

"Brother, don't dream. Let's find someone of the opposite **** before talking. Lao Jiang is different. He is a monster and cannot be treated with common sense." Wei Shenyu expressed his sincere comfort.

What several people said Jiang Siming and Lin Yuner didn't hear at all, they were still immersed in their small world, and even secretly kissing when they were in love.

can not watch anymore! I'm blind when I look at it again...