I will be a hero!

After swimming across the Thames, everyone went to the British Museum, Buckingham Palace, Elizabeth Tower and so on.

After playing until the afternoon, everyone returned to the hotel exhausted.

"Yona, if you don't go back, I don't worry about staying in the hotel alone. I will sleep with me tonight." Jiang Siming said with a smirk.

Ling Yuner's face became very hot instantly, and she said, "But...my luggage is still there..."

"It's okay, I will accompany you to pick it up after the game tomorrow."

"But I want to take a bath..."

"Then wear my clothes and wash them at night. I have a dryer in my room, so I can wear them tomorrow."

In this regard, Jiang Siming has never encountered 'difficulties', and all difficulties can be easily solved.

"But..." Ling Yuner's two small hands hung on the corners of her clothes 'entangled', and a big drama was being staged in her heart.

"It's nothing, that's it. Besides, if you come to relatives, you are still afraid that I will eat you and you won't succeed." Jiang Siming said evilly.

"Then...then okay...then Obama, can you accompany me to the mall to buy a cup of yogurt, I can't sleep without yogurt..."

"No problem, go now!"

Returning to the hotel again, Jiang Siming led Ling Yun'er into his room.

Fortunately, the great gods have all gone back to the room, otherwise they would have to cry endlessly.

It's late at night, in the bedroom.

Jiang Si was lying on the bed shirtless after taking a shower tomorrow morning, and the sound of water came from the bathroom next to him.

Through the hazy glass, you can see the graceful body of the person inside.

The shower was showered from head to toe, and Jiang Siming's unpretentious sensuality charmed Jiang Siming.

Taking a look at the erected big tent, Jiang Siming sighed and comforted:

"Brother, it's not that I'm not satisfied with you today, but that people have a period of time and nothing can be done. Then, when I see it, can I use some other way to solve the greedy..."

After watching a variety show on London TV for a long time, no matter how funny the blonde hosts were, they couldn't distract Jiang Siming.

It was another half time, and the bathroom door finally opened.

Ling Yuner walked out of the bathroom with wet hair, the towel in her hand was still wiping her hair.

The makeup was removed, revealing a delicate and flawless face, milk-like skin, and baby-like arms.

She was wearing Jiang Siming's white shirt. The shirt was a bit big. She folded the hem and tied it around her waist.

A simple shirt was easily worn by her, and she had only a pair of cute panties, which were bulging.

Obviously the aunt's towel was put on it, but the two super-long thin legs were so dazzling that they even attracted Jiang Siming's attention even more than trousers.

Seeing Jiang Siming shirtless, Ling Yuner's towel for wiping her hair almost fell to the ground unsteadily.

The red face is dazzling, and the eyes are dodging, this look is cute and tight.

"Come on, I'll wipe it for you." Jiang Siming beckoned.

Ling Yuner walked over nervously and sat on the side of the bed.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but hooked her into the bed from behind, and then took her towel to help her carefully wipe the water stains on her hair.

Ling Yuner nestled like a kitten in Jiang Siming's arms, obediently motionless, letting Jiang Siming touch his hair, neck and face.

Every time she touched, her face would blush.

Especially when her back was leaning on Jiang Siming's powerful and beautiful mermaid line, her little heart thumped and thumped.

"Are you sleepy?" Jiang Siming asked while wiping.

"Well, a little bit." Ling Yuner replied, a little tired after playing for a day today.

"Then you go to sleep, I will dry your hair before going to sleep, otherwise you will catch a cold easily."

Ling Yun'er shook his head slightly, suddenly sat up from Jiang Siming's arms, turned around and knelt down with his legs in front of Jiang Siming, leaning against his neck.

"I want to wait for you to sleep together."

The shirt Ling Yuner wore was wrinkled, and the gap between the buttons became larger. Jiang Siming could see the beauty inside at a glance.

Her underwear has been washed, but there is nothing in it. Jiang Siming can even see... hehe.

Jiang Siming, who pretended to wipe his hair, slowly began to feel restless.

Ling Yun'er exclaimed like an electric shock, her face flushed like blood.

Jiang Siming hugged again, his body pressed up.

The two bodies quickly clung to each other, turbulent...

It's just that Jiang Siming didn't do anything too bad, he just took up all the advantages that should be taken up. Apart from not touching the layer of aunt's towel, he was overwhelmed with hand addiction.

When she woke up the next day, Ling Yuner had put on her clothes and brought Jiang Siming a hearty breakfast.

"Oba, you are awake, get up and eat early. If you are still sleepy after eating, you will go to bed again. The game in the afternoon is still early." Ling Yuner said gently.

Jiang Siming heard something was wrong and asked, "Are you going back?"

The loss that Ling Yuner had been hiding on her face was not performed well, she lowered her head and gave a hum.

"My agent, Jin Zhu, asked me to go back, saying that there is an important announcement to rush, and I have to leave in a while."

With that, Ling Yun'er's eyes that always laughed like spring actually cried.

Ling Yun'er felt unwilling to let go when she started to fall in love.

Jiang Siming pulled her into his arms, stroked her hair, and comforted: "It's okay, it's not that we don't meet each other anymore. All the differences are for a better reunion."

"Well, I will always wait for you, as long as I have time, I will come to China to see you." Ling Yuner choked.

Suddenly, she thought about it and begged Jiang Si to build the company early. She would change jobs without hesitation for any company.

There is even the idea of ​​quitting the entertainment industry.

No matter how decent and luxurious the stage or concert is, it is no match for Jiang Siming's position.

"Well, I will also come to Korea to find you when I have time. You have to take care of yourself. You are not allowed to lose weight. I am not polite to you if I lose weight." Jiang Siming smiled and said.

Ling Yun'er cried even harder, lying on Jiang Siming's shoulder, pear flowers brought rain, arousing pity.

Fortunately, with Jiang Siming's constant comfort, she gradually calmed down.

Too early to eat, Jiang Siming accompanied her to the hotel to pick up the luggage, and saw her on the plane with his own eyes.

Before going through the security check, Ling Yun'er looked back three times.

The face in the mask and sunglasses still couldn't hold back, sobbing.

Jiang Siming also let out a long sigh of relief until the Yiren left.

This girl's tears made her feel strangely uncomfortable. It seems that looking for opportunities really has to think about starting an entertainment company.

If Ling Yuner returned to China, it is estimated that all the men in China would have to regard themselves as role models and pride.

"The idea must be implemented as soon as possible, and I will be a'hero'!" Jiang Siming made up his mind.

Aggressive, so scared that a child next to him thought he had encountered a bad person, and immediately ran back to his parents to seek shelter.