Murder at large!

"A ghost can do this kind of thing. This is a regular place brother." Principal Wang was dumbfounded.

There was a knock on the door.

"Open the door, police rounds."

Principal Wang walked over and opened the door. Several police officers filed in, began to search the room, and called the two of them out to wait for the interrogation.

Two people with inexplicable faces walked to the door of the box and stood there, and found that all other rooms had been inspected by the police. At least a hundred police officers had come.

"I'm going, what's the matter? Even if you are arresting prostitutes, you don't have to be so excited, right?"

President Wang was shocked. Except for China's major domestic conferences such as summits, he had never seen such a battle in Shanghai.

"Take out your two ID cards." The policeman who had searched the room came to investigate the identity again with a serious face.

When the police handled the case, Principal Wang didn't dare to show off, and honestly turned in his ID card.

Jiang Siming also passed his own.

"Eh, buddy, what is going on, what are you guys?" Principal Wang asked curiously.

The other party did not conceal it, and replied: "The murderer Liu Chuang was arrested. This man was a three-year fugitive. This time he was arrested in Shanghai and was recognized by two plainclothes, but the opponent's skills were extraordinary and seriously injured two plainclothes. The police fled, and according to reliable information, this man was hiding in this bar."

The murderer is by their side!

Hearing this news, Principal Wang shrank his neck, and immediately became timid.

"Then can we go now?"

Principal Wang is eager to leave, he is the son of a wealthy family. He hasn't enjoyed enough of the great days. If something goes wrong here, it would be a good thing.

Besides, his family is a single pass. If there is something wrong with him, his parents must be heartbroken.

"If you can't leave for the time being, it will cause riots and easily mix up suspects." The police rebuffed.

The two can only wait in place.

"It's okay, you just don't move here, and you will be allowed to leave soon after the investigation is completed." The police exhorted.

"Thank you Comrade Police." Jiang Siming took over his ID card.

"Don't come! Don't come! Otherwise I will kill her!"

A sharp roar suddenly sounded from the hall.

Upon hearing this, the two policemen who inspected President Jiang Siming went to the lobby to support.

"Go and take a look!" Principal Wang immediately worked hard.

"Didn't you just want to leave?"

"I haven't caught it just now, but now it's caught. There are more than a hundred policemen here, so what are you afraid of."

With that said, Principal Wang rushed to the accident point first.

Jiang Siming was speechless to him, how could he like to join in the fun so much, and the entertainment circle would join in the fun, and he would not change his true colors in reality.

The people who invited to dinner ran away first, and Jiang Siming could only keep up.

When the two came to the hall, the hall was already full of people.

In the middle of the hall, a scumbag man was pinching a woman's neck, with a bayonet in his hand lying across the woman's neck, emotionally, as if the knife would rise and fall at any time.

A team of special police surrounded him tightly and pointed their guns at them, ready to wait for an opportunity to shoot and rescue the hostages.

Standing in the center of the special police is a policewoman.

When Jiang Siming saw it, he couldn't help laughing. It seemed that Officer Li had a good relationship with him.

"Liu Chuang, you committed a homicide, hurry up and catch it, otherwise I will let the SWAT team shoot!" Li Shengxue's face was cold, and the pistol in his hand was also aimed at Hu scum man.

"No! The police officer don't shoot! He has my agent in his hand. She is a Japanese artist named Rimi Ishihara. If she has something to do with her, the Japanese people will definitely ask for an explanation."

The woman who was speaking was a middle-aged lady. Although she was speaking Chinese, she was sloppy and she did not seem to be a Chinese.

Li Shengxue frowned when she heard it. She just wanted to scare Liu Chuang. She didn't expect that when this woman spoke, it didn't mean that Liu Chuang was relieved of the psychological burden.

Sure enough, Liu Chuang laughed and said: "You dare to come over, I will die with this Japanese star, such a beautiful girl will die with me, I am not alone on Huangquan Road, quack!"

"How are you willing to let people go?" Li Shengxue could only retreat.

She didn't want to do anything. No matter what nationality or who this person is, as long as it is a hostage, Li Shengxue will take care of the safety of the hostage first.

"How can I let people go? Let all your people quit, and arrange a car to take me away!"

"Haha." Li Shengxue's expression appeared sarcastically, and said: "Even if we don't catch you here and give you a car, do you think you can get out of Shanghai? If you persuade you to surrender, I count you surrendering."

"Don't scare Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu has a bad heart. Don't blame me if you accidentally cut this beautiful lady!"

Liu Chuang hid behind the Japanese girl, sternly covering himself, he buried his head in the girl's hair abnormally, breathing greedily.

Li Shengxue was so angry that her chest was up and down, and the gun in her hand could not wait for a shuttle to hit him, killing him on the spot.

Mika Ishihara, who was caught in Liu Chuang's hands, turned pale, tears filled her cheeks, and the helplessness and despair in her eyes were moving.

Although the passersby in the bar were sympathetic, no one dared to help.

What are you kidding about, so many police officers here are helpless with this gangster, what can they do?

I can only pray that this Japanese girl is safe.

"Liu Chuang, you can't escape. If you make a reasonable request, we may still be able to meet it, but you are fighting like a trapped beast!" Li Shengxue said angrily.

"Reasonable request? Okay, then you take off your upper body clothes, and then come to me as my new hostage, I will let him go." Liu Chuang looked at Li Shengxue's proud upper body figure, revealing wretched figure Smile.

Rimi Ishihara in his arms is not bad, but he prefers to subdue temptation, Li Shengxue is a superb subdued beauty.

"Don't have such wishful dreams! I won't agree!" Li Shengxue's beautiful eyes burst into flames, and she was really angry.

"Then you wait to collect the body of this Japanese woman! Kill me and her together!" As he said, Liu Chuang's knife slashed Ishihara Rimi's neck, and the blood immediately flowed down.

The crowds onlookers were so scared that they backed away for fear that the pond fish would be harmed.

"Go back and go back, Brother Jiang." Principal Wang also took a few steps back immediately.

Jiang Siming was very calm. He hadn't seen this kind of scene before. At the beginning, he killed the whole team of bullies who were abducting and trafficking people alone. The scene was more exciting than this.

But he also took two steps back, when everyone was paying attention to the center of the hall.

Jiang Siming started walking slowly to the edge of the hall, and President Wang turned his head and found that Jiang Siming was missing.