
Then the police took the opportunity to drive all the bar guests out, fearing they would get in the way here.

If the shooting were really fired, it would be inconvenient for so many people to be there, and stray bullets might accidentally be injured.

President Wang was also kicked out, but he still didn't see Jiang Siming.

"This guy, won't you be afraid to run away first? I'm less courageous than me." Principal Wang despised.

"Police officer, we must save Rimi, she is innocent, and she is the most important artist in our company! If you don't save, I must report to the embassy and accuse you of ignoring other people's safety and wanting to be in the international news. Publish!"

In the bar, the middle-aged lady still threatened Li Shengxue.

In her eyes, Li Mei's life was more important than Li Shengxue.

Li Shengxue hesitated.

At this time, Rimi, who had been hostage in Liu Chuang's hands, suddenly showed a stunning and desperate smile.

"Sister Takahashi, don't let me be a burden to the police. It's my life. Let the police shoot. I don't want to stay in the hands of such a dirty person. I am willing to die."

What Rimi Ishihara said was Japanese, and Li Shengxue did not understand, but the middle-aged lady heard it clearly.

"What did she say?" Li Shengxue asked.

"She...she said that you must save her, she still has her parents to support." The lady named Takahashi concealed what Ishihara Rimi said.

Li Shengxue sighed when she heard the words, gritted her teeth, and finally handed the pistol to the special police nearby, while she herself walked in the direction of Liu Chuang bravely.

"Let her go, I will be your hostage, but don't think about other requests. If you don't agree, I will risk being sued by the Japanese Embassy in court today, and I will also shoot you on the spot!" Li Sheng Snow's tone was extremely cold.

Liu Chuang also didn't ask for it again, just said: "Then you have to handcuff yourself up first. I know you have two problems with this girl, so I don't want to attack me!"

Li Shengxue was so wary of the opponent, she had no choice but to remove the handcuffs around her waist and handcuffed herself.

"Captain! You can't go there!"

The police officers behind him all tried to dissuade.

Li Shengxue glared at them, and these people did not dare to speak.

"We are the police, do you think I have a choice? It is our responsibility to maintain public order."

After that, Li Sheng Xueguo turned around and strode towards Liu Chuang.

"Come on, come on, big beauty, in Lao Tzu's hands, I will give you a good massage, Jie Jie..."

Liu Chuang's eyes completely fell on Li Shengxue. He who had no resistance to the temptation of uniforms was very fascinated by the superb policewoman like Li Shengxue.

Even if he can take advantage of it or have a chance to make a shot, why does his bad life die?

Later, I will ask these **** notes to ask them to open a separate room for themselves, and then they can enjoy themselves, hahaha.

Desperadoes like Liu Chuang knew that today was inevitable, so he had already looked away.

Liu Chuang stared at the front intently, his back leaning against the wall of a display cabinet.

Although this display wall is transparent, it is made of tempered glass, and it is two-way, which is difficult for ordinary bullets to penetrate.

Liu Chuang was not worried about the danger behind him, unless a sniper came, but there was only a small counter behind him, and the sniper could not get by.

He was convinced that he was absolutely safe behind him.

Even the police didn't think about raiding from behind him, because it was too difficult, and these two tempered glass panels put an end to all their thoughts.

Seeing that Li Shengxue was about to walk in front of Liu Chuang, everyone's heart was tensed. Is it necessary to watch such a beautiful police officer in his country fall into the hands of this beast?

But what else can they do? They can only pray that this beast will not dare to do anything out of the ordinary.

"I'm here, can you let her go now?" Li Shengxue said coldly, with her hands in her hands.

On the road just now, Li Shengxue thought of many pictures.

There are parents, friends, and the final scene is left to a handsome young man, and to the clips at his house a few days ago.

In the end, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of Li Shengxue's mouth. She finally fell in love with someone, but this liking hadn't started yet and was about to end.

In the hands of such a person, Li Shengxue already wanted to get his own fate.

Even if she was not dead, she would not allow her tainted self to touch her first love again.

Just when Liu Chuang got up and wanted to drag Li Shengxue over, Li Shengxue closed his eyes in despair.

When her eyes were closed, Li Shengxue found that she seemed to see the display cabinet behind Liu Chuang, and a familiar figure appeared.

This figure appeared silently behind the display case behind Liu Chuang, and suddenly punched the display case made of tempered glass.

Yes, just a punch.

The thick tempered glass suddenly split into a spider web state.

Not only did this person not stop, but instead hit the glass with his body.



The toughened glass cracked completely, breaking into countless glass slags.

In the incredible eyes of the police, after the man who suddenly attacked the glass broke the last layer of glass, he slammed another glass and passed through it!

It was like a cannonball that smashed the glass that could not be penetrated by these two layers of ordinary bullets. Moreover, with some spare power, he didn't stop, and dashed into Liu Chuang's back.

He only heard Liu Chuang's scream, then he was knocked out and smashed into the crowd of SWAT team, life and death unknown.

This sudden change caught everyone by surprise.

Only Li Shengxue reacted and immediately ordered the special police team to arrest Liu Chuang, who had passed out on the ground, and the middle-aged lady immediately ran to see Rimi Ishihara.

But Li Shengxue, who turned around, found that the figure who had saved her had disappeared, and the direction of disappearance was the escape passage at the back door of the bar.

"Hey! Sir!" Li Shengxue immediately chased up.

But when he arrived at the back door, this person had disappeared.

The person chased out like her is Ishihara Rimi, compared to Li Shengxue's search to no avail.

Ishihara Rimi secretly held an ID card in his hand, which was accidentally dropped out of his pocket after Jiang Siming hit Liu Chuang.

It happened to fall beside Ishihara Rimi. After she picked it up, she wanted to return Jiang Siming and thank him, but the other party disappeared.

Reminiscent of the other party leaving so anxiously, Ishihara Rimi guessed that the other party did not want to expose herself, so she chose to hide her ID card, but no one told anyone.

"The benefactor refuses to show up. I can't go against his will. If I don't use the police, I can only ask my hacker friend in Japan to find it."

Rimi Ishihara thought, lowered her head and glanced at Jiang Siming's portrait on the ID card, and her face suddenly became red.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Benefactor is so young and looks so good-looking..." Rimi Ishihara thought that her cheek was even redder.