Li Shengxue is leaving

"Brother Jiang, am I... murdered..." Jiang Lan said tearfully.

Jiang Siming smiled and patted her incense back and said: "Relax, he can't die. Even if you die, you are a legitimate defense. You only lose a little money, so don't be afraid. What you just did was completely right."

"You nonsense! Don't scare people. If he is dead, this girl will wait to go to jail!" a friend of the tattooed man shouted.

Jiang Siming raised his mouth and shook his head disappointedly: "Don't show off your ridiculous knowledge blind spot here without reading. my country's Criminal Law stipulates that there are ongoing assaults, murders, robberies, kidnappings, rapes, and serious harm to personal safety. Those who take defensive behaviors for violent crimes and cause unlawful infringements of human casualties do not need to bear criminal responsibility, nor are they excessively defensive."

Jiang Siming then questioned: "If you don't even understand this, you dare to play kidnapping brazenly. Do you know that I only need to lose money if I kill you one by one now?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Lan found Jiang Siming disappeared beside her.

Looking back, the remaining two friends of the tattooed man collapsed to the ground, each holding their twisted thighs and wailing.

After beating the two men, Jiang Siming turned around and walked towards the tattooed man who had been relieved of his breath, but the tattooed man was still pierced with glass **** at the moment, and he looked shocking bloody.

But Jiang Siming showed no sympathy in his eyes, and walked straight to him.

"Big...Big brother...I was wrong...Please let me go, I drank some horse urine and didn't expect to offend your woman...Woo..."

The big man was so scared and crying, the young man in front of him was obviously not something he could afford.

Unexpectedly, today I thought I met Da Yanfu, but I didn't expect it was a catastrophe.

"Not everything can be overshadowed by drinking alcohol. If you do it, you will have to bear the consequences of doing something wrong." Jiang Siming's tone was cold.

Under his arbitrary temperament, his aura made everyone in the box feel difficult to breathe.

"Big brother, I..." Before the Chinese words of the tattoo fell, Jiang Siming raised his foot and kicked it on a fallen beer bottle on the ground.

The beer bottle was kicked by Jiang Siming. Not only was it not broken, but like a bullet, it accurately rammed from under the tattooed man's crotch.


This scream made the people around me horrified, and the men felt their crotches tight.

"Since you are drunk and can't control your lower body, then I will abolish him for you." Jiang Siming said in a very casual tone, as if he had done a trivial thing.

Jiang Siming didn't know when he became so'cold-blooded' and'relentless'. After the foundation was built, he has always felt that he has not changed much.

But now he found that it was only for ordinary people. When encountering this kind of scum, the violent factors in his body would become quite active.

The tattooed man wailed for a while and fainted unbearably.

The police arrived just now, and it happened that Li Shengxue led the team again.

"What's the matter?" Li Shengxue automatically walked to Jiang Siming and asked softly.

Jiang Siming briefly recounted what happened, took out his cell phone, and called up a video.

This video was made by Xiaoxian, and she only recorded the behavior of the tattooed man and his friends, but did not record the video of Jiang Siming beating people.

Intimate Xiaoxian, play tricks online.

After watching the video, Li Shengxue happily took away all the tattooed men.

"Don't worry, you won't have anything to do with this video." Li Shengxue said to Jiang Siming with a smile, but her expression hides disappointment and hesitating.

The police took away several bad guys. Li Shengxue was there. The police only recorded Jiang Siming and Jiang Lan's confession on the spot and left.

Before leaving, Li Shengxue suddenly called Jiang Siming aside, lowered his head but did not speak.

"What's the matter, Officer Li?" Jiang Siming asked suspiciously.

Li Shengxue raised her white and flawless face and said to Jiang Siming, "Can I ask you a question?"

"of course."

"Do you... like me?" When Li Shengxue said this, her cheeks were red, and she didn't know how much courage she had gained.

"Take you [?] and [?], and then drop the subject and predicate, which is what I want to tell you." Jiang Siming replied with a smile.

Li Shengxue smiled after hearing it, but soon became even lower.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Siming was quite curious.

"I'm leaving." Li Shengxue finally said.

"Go? Where to go? Leave Shanghai?" Jiang Siming was puzzled.

Li Shengxue nodded and said, "Do you know the Hua Tiantian team?"

Jiang Siming shook his head, never heard of it.

"The Hua Xia Tian Group is China's most secretive and powerful department. It is even stronger than Guoan. A year ago, I applied to serve in the Tian Group. I thought they did not agree, but they replied recently."

"So you are going to serve?" Jiang Siming came over.

Li Shengxue showed a bitter smile and said: "A year ago I thought I was pure-hearted and wanting to dedicate everything to the cause of national security, but I didn't expect..."

Li Shengxue really felt that fate was playing tricks on her.

She didn't care about it before. Li Shengxue, who came from an army family, was inspired to become the pride of her father and joined the Hua Tiantian team to improve her strength and serve the country.

She applied for a year, and none of the above agreed. Just after she gradually forgot about this incident and met Jiang Siming, she felt that she was not as emotional as she imagined.

When she had just confirmed that she was in love with Jiang Siming, a notice was sent to her.

At that moment, Li Shengxue was dumbfounded, and after waiting for several days, she didn't get over.

"Can't you withdraw?" Jiang Siming asked.

After asking him, he felt that his question was so stupid. Even if you were enlisted as a soldier, could you still quit? Even if it can, it is a deserter.

Li Shengxue said disappointedly: "This time the Tianzu recruiting team seems to be very anxious. I will leave Shanghai in a few days and go to a place I don't know what it is. Can't fight a few."

Hearing Li Shengxue's words, Jiang Siming's heart suddenly became flustered, and he stretched out his hand to embrace Li Shengxue directly into his arms.

He knew he couldn't stop him, and the only comfort he could give her was this.

"It's okay, I'll wait for you for a year." Jiang Siming said with a light smile. Although he was sad, he knew that it was necessary to coax her.

Li Shengxue tightly wrapped Jiang Siming's waist and felt Jiang Siming's thick and warm embrace for the first time. She really regretted the decision a year ago.

Thinking of this, Li Shengxue took the initiative to raise her head and kiss Jiang Siming's lips. The first kiss was so scribbled but sincerely offered.

The two kissed romantically and reluctantly in this corner no one could see.

It wasn't until a long time that Li Shengxue withdrew from Jiang Siming's embrace blushing.
