"Military Man" Jiang Siming

"You said yes, wait for me for a year, a year later, I will come back to find you."

"I promise I will always wait for you." Jiang Siming replied seriously.

"Well, then I'm leaving." Li Shengxue turned around reluctantly to leave.

Jiang Siming stopped her.

"Put on these pills and remember that this is a detoxification pill, this is a heart protection pill, this is a water avoiding pill, and this is a healing pill. Their effects are..."

Jiang Siming told Li Shengxue about the effects of these four pills, especially the healing pills, and he gave her the whole box of healing pills.

Li Shengxue chuckled. She thought when the boy in front of her had become so cute. If you want to make her happy, you don't have to make up such nonsense.

However, Li Shengxue accepted Jiang Siming's thoughts seriously, and divided the four different colored pills one by one, and put them in his personal pocket with his handkerchief.

When Li Shengxue was gone, Jiang Siming felt a little empty in his heart. It would take a year to see this beautiful police flower girl. He was really sad.

But after thinking about it, the other party was promoted and not fleeing. Congratulations should be the reason. Why is so frustrated, only one year, it will always pass quickly.

I heard from Li Shengxue that the entry barrier for the Hua Tiantian Group is very high. The strongest police and troop elites selected from various regions can enter, and after they come out, they are at least school-level cadres.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming's heart swept away, but he was happy for Li Shengxue.

Although it sounds like the Hua Tiantian team is very dangerous, it is a peaceful age and nothing will happen if you think about it.

Thinking that he might have a school-level military cadre as his girlfriend in the future, Jiang Siming was looking forward to it. Would he become a'sister-in-law'...Ah, it's a'military husband'.

After Li Shengxue left, Jiang Siming returned to the entrance of the restaurant.

Seeing him coming back, Jiang Lan trot over and asked worriedly, "Is there any trouble?"

"Sorry, sorry, it's all my fault..." Jiang Lan kept apologizing, thinking that Jiang Siming had been arrested for a separate interrogation.

"Who told you that there was a problem?" Jiang Siming said with a smile: "I and Officer Li are good friends. They just pulled me over to reminisce about the past."


"What good is it for me to lie to you? Okay, let's continue to celebrate my birthday and ask the restaurant manager to change the box." Jiang Siming said.

It's birthday...

Jiang Lan and her classmates couldn't help whispering in their hearts, that such a big event just happened, their heartbeats have not eased up until now.

Jiang Siming said of course: "I can't stop eating a fly when I'm eating. I haven't attended my girlfriend's birthday yet, of course I have to continue."

Jiang Siming's words made everyone speechless, but Jiang Lan was quite moved.

The scene of Jiang Siming teaching the gangsters to her just now is still vivid, and the operation of raising the man with one hand and a few seconds of effort will clean up the evil guys.

That kind of coldness and dominance made Jiang Lan's entire heart be filled with worship and love for Jiang Siming.

Jiang Lan swears that even if Jiang Siming treats her indifferently and domineeringly, she will be obedient and obedient, and will never lose her temper like last time.

Several people returned to the box, and the manager bowed his head and waited on seeing Jiang Siming as he saw his ancestor.

Not only changed the best box for everyone, but also gave away a few big dishes and a few bottles of red wine for free.

"Everyone just helped Jiang Lan, and I thank you all on her behalf." Jiang Siming raised his glass and said to everyone with a smile.

When Jiang Siming arrived, Jiang Lan next to her became a little daughter-in-law, and she smiled sweetly without saying anything.

Then he immersed himself in picking vegetables for Jiang Siming, and if there were fish, he was busy helping Jiang Siming pick the fish bones, as if he was letting Jiang Siming decide.

These students were very cooperative and raised their glasses one after another, agreeing that it should be okay.

They also remembered the scene just now. They were able to lift up a big man with one hand, and everyone began to wonder if Jiang Lan's boyfriend was a martial arts master or a soldier king.

How dare they offend this kind of people, it is too late to flatter.

Besides, if you offend, can you fight? The tattooed gangster had broken eggs and left a blood in his crotch when he was taken away by the police.

Thinking about these students, they shuddered, and thought that in the future, they would never offend Jiang Siming or Jiang Lan.

In the future, in school, Jiang Lan must be unconditionally maintained, so that he can gain Jiang Siming's favor and favor, which is a great benefit!

After drinking some wine, everyone put aside their fear of Jiang Siming, and yelled Jiang Ge.

At the end of the wine and food, everyone moved their positions and switched to a scheduled KTV. Jiang Lan decided on a regular box, and the price was 1666 per night.

Jiang Siming felt that the place was too small, and asked the manager to upgrade the ordinary box to the most luxurious "Angel Room". This cost 28,888 a night without including drinks.

Seeing this price, many students are stimulated.

Open a KTV box, almost catch up with their one-year tuition.

The student families of their conservatory are good, but even wealthy families will not let them squander it. The cost of living at most tens of thousands of yuan per month is already very high.

But when Jiang Siming opened a box, the living expenses of his wealthy children were gone.

Not only that, Jiang Siming called the manager again, but considering that they had already drunk a lot, they ordered a good fruit plate and drinks.

The fruit plate is 266, and the juice drink is also the best. There are hundreds of bottles, not just a bottle, but a lot.

The generous handwriting made everyone swallow.

"Xiao Lan, your boyfriend and wife are so great!" The girls quietly expressed their envy to Jiang Lan.

Who doesn't want their boyfriends to be handsome and rich, and the thieves feel safe, they almost doubt if Jiang Lan saved the earth in his life.

Jiang Lan did not refute this, and her smile became sweeter.

In this ultra-luxury KTV, everyone feels that it would be a waste of such an expensive room not to sing two songs.

They were all music students at first, all vying to express themselves in front of Jiang Siming, everyone took turns singing, and the atmosphere soon became lively.

Jiang Siming also liked this kind of occasion, being with these college students, he always felt that when he returned to the school days, his mentality was much younger.

"You can't patronize us to sing, let Jiang Ge and Jiang Sao sing together!" A classmate suggested, and the others immediately agreed and applauded.

The sentence "Jiang's Wife" made Jiang Lan flushed.

The microphone was passed to Jiang Siming and Jiang Lan.

"What song do you want to sing?" Jiang Siming asked Jiang Lan.

"Because of love, okay?" Jiang Lan asked lively.

"Okay." Jiang Siming nodded, and someone immediately helped cut the song.

"Give you a CD from the past, listen to our love at that time, and sometimes suddenly forget, I am still in love with you..."

As soon as Jiang Siming opened his throat, everyone in the box just felt that they had been beaten from head to toe!
