You don't want to return to the youngest

Jiang Siming had sang songs at a beach party before, but they were all parties of the same grade, and Jiang Lan didn't know many.

Today's birthday party invites good friends from the school. Only a few of them have heard Jiang Siming sing, and they have forgotten about it for a long time.

"I'm going! Brother Jiang sings so well!"

"I think Brother Jiang's voice is a bit familiar, but I just can't remember it."

"I think singing is more flavorful than Eason Chan."

"It sounds the same, it sounds really nice."


Even Jiang Lan was a little stunned, she didn't sing along until her part arrived.

After the two sang a song together, Jiang Siming asked everyone to order the cake first.

After the cake was placed, Jiang Lan, surrounded by everyone, clasped her hands together and closed her eyes, making a pious wish.

When the wish is over, blow out the candles.

Everyone took out the prepared birthday presents and gave them to Jiang Lan.

They were all bought by everyone, hundreds or thousands of gifts, Jiang Lan thanked them one by one, and happily accepted them.

After the others gave them, they all looked at Jiang Siming eagerly, expecting what the big guy would give him?

Jiang Siming did not hide it, and handed the bag he had brought to Jiang Lan.

"Sao Jiang, take a look, let's take a look."

Everyone urged that they wanted to see what gifts Jiang Siming would give.

"Can I dismantle it?" Jiang Lan still had to seek Jiang Siming's consent, even for this little thing.

"Open it, everyone is waiting." Jiang Siming grabbed a cantaloupe and put it in his mouth.

After Jiang Lan listened, she opened the bag. Inside was a beautiful small box.

It was a purple round crystal necklace with a small square sterling silver pendant hanging on it, emitting a pure light, crystal clear purple, sparkling under the light.

Wow! ! !

"I know this necklace! Cartier gemstone necklace! A minimum of one hundred thousand, this gem in the middle is so big, it must be no less than two hundred thousand!"

"It's so beautiful! If I receive such a necklace, I will have to close my mouth every day this year."

"Sister Jiang, Brother Jiang is so kind to you!"

"This necklace is a perfect match with Jiang's temperament and appearance!"


Everyone has one thing to say. Although there is a bit of flattery in it, they are really honest.

Jiang Lan was also amazed by this necklace, and fell in love with it at first glance.

She couldn't help but pick it up and put it on her neck. Against the backdrop of the necklace, Jiang Lan looked even more glamorous, and even Jiang Siming's eyes couldn't help but stop for her.

"Does it look good..." Jiang Lan asked, somewhat shy, to Jiang Siming.

"Very good." Jiang Siming nodded approvingly, Jiang Lan was extremely happy as she received the holy grace.

After wearing it for a while, he carefully retracted it back into the box.

"Why did you take it off?" Jiang Siming asked suspiciously.

"I'm afraid it will be broken, I want to save it~" Jiang Lan replied with a smile.

Jiang Siming shook his head with a smile, and said, "This is just the first gift. There is another gift downstairs waiting for you to receive."

and also!

The people who eat melons can't believe their ears. Is there a second wave after hundreds of thousands of gifts?

"No need, it's already very expensive." Jiang Lan felt that the impact of this happiness was too strong, and she was already unstable in the first wave.

"Just keep it for you, there are so many words." Jiang Siming replied domineeringly.

"Oh~" Jiang Lan shrank his head and spit out his fragrant tongue, without any thought of resistance.

"Brother Jiang, what's the second gift? Open our eyes."

"Yeah, I really want to know."

Everyone is very curious.

Jiang Siming leaned Erlang's legs and said, "I want to see you go down and watch it by yourself. It's in the parking lot of the restaurant. The key is here."

I rely on!

When Jiang Siming took out the car keys, everyone knew that the second gift was the car!

And look at the sign, clearly, don't fuck, BMW.

"I really want to know what series it is, can I go and see it?"

"I want to go too."

"Go and open your eyes."


Everyone dragged Jiang Lan downstairs. Although Jiang Lan wanted to be alone with Jiang Siming for a while, she couldn't hold back the hard work of a few roommates, so she had to follow along.

Fortunately, this KTV is only a few steps away from the restaurant, and a group of people arrived within two steps.

"Which one? A lot of BMWs." Everyone wondered.

Jiang Lan was also very curious. He picked up the car key in his hand and pressed it once, and the lights of a gorgeous crimson car body turned on.


The voice of everyone gulping.

"Is it this... Is this an X6?"

"More than one million X6? Just give it away?"

"The trench is inhuman!!"

"Recently, Zhang Wei bought a 500,000 Cadillac with his family's money, and he is showing up everywhere, meaning that he wants to show that Jiang Lan did not find him a mistake."

"What would Zhang Wei think if he knew that Jiang Lan had received an X6 as a birthday gift?"

"I guess I dare not let my fart go..."


This scarlet BMW X6 made Jiang Lan happy and frightened. She was afraid that she could not stand Jiang Siming's gift offensive and would gradually become material.

Everyone was still watching the car, but Jiang Lan had already turned around and ran back to KTV.

Back in the box, Jiang Siming was immersed in his mobile phone.

Jiang Lan sat next to him and whispered: "This gift is too expensive, you still..."

"Can you talk less nonsense." Jiang Siming didn't look up.

"But..." Jiang Lan wanted to say something but stopped. She wanted to say a few more words but was afraid that Jiang Siming was unhappy, so she could only wrongly put her arms around Jiang Siming's arm.

"Brother Jiang, I think I... owe you more and more..."

"Then count them as the expected salary you want to go out to work in the future, and treat it as a secretary for me." Jiang Siming replied.

"My expected salary is only 20,000, so I can't pay off if I grow old..."

"You don't want to return to the youngest?" Jiang Siming raised his eyelids and glared at her fiercely.

Jiang Lan immediately understood, and nodded happily: "I think!"

"Then don't talk nonsense, hurry up and call your classmates back, and follow me to the hotel after attending the party." Jiang Siming got tired of waiting, the main KTV was too noisy.

Jiang Lan blushed, knowing what Jiang Siming meant by saying this, go to bed~

"They are still watching the car, they should be back soon, I will peel a grape for you to eat." Jiang Lan said.

"Okay, but you have to feed me with your mouth." Jiang Siming said evilly.

Jiang Lan glared at Jiang Siming and looked around the door to make sure that no one came back.

Only then did he peel a grape and put it in his mouth, gently biting his teeth, opening his red lips, and sending it to Jiang Siming.

This is what Jiang Siming saw from reading ancient emperor's novels. The previous concubines fed things to the emperor, so let's enjoy it.

As soon as the two lips touched, Jiang Siming didn't intend to let go, but began to put his arms around Jiang Lan and put his hands up and down.

It was not until he heard footsteps coming from outside the door that Jiang Siming was willing to give up.

Jiang Lan immediately got up and sat up, tidying up her somewhat embarrassed clothes, and tried her best to control her breathing.

"Sister Jiang, you are back, we are still looking for you." The classmates didn't notice the abnormality.

Everyone continued to sing in the box until it was close to ten o'clock.
