Sing and cry after 70/80

"Where are you who were with me then?

What is the person I loved before now?

Has the original wish come true?

Is it a memorial service now?

I will never find the real me anymore..."

The singing is still going on, and everyone hopes that this song will never stop, because their tears have never stopped.

Once, proud of us, we all cherished lofty ideals and ran in unfamiliar cities just to find the most true dreams in our hearts.

Once, no matter how hard life is, I always think that as long as I work hard, I will be successful.

Once, I simply thought that even a small room could manage my most beautiful love.

But now?

Where did the companion go?

Where did the person you like?

The dream back then...where did it go?

The hurried pace of society now makes us no longer have time to stay and be cautious of our own hearts, and slowly our hearts are covered with a thick shell in order to survive in this cold society.

Slowly we also lose the ability to cry because there are few things that can break through the hard shell and touch our hearts.

I can always remember the scene when I watched the Titanic in school and shed tears and didn't dare to let my classmates know it. I can also remember the perseverance that I vowed to enter the military academy after watching the flood.

"Look up at the starry river

The one that accompanied me at that time

Do you remember the story here?

Life is like a merciless carving knife

Changed our appearance

Will it wither before it blooms?

I had a dream..."

At the last chorus, Jiang Siming sang very passionately, and the green veins revealed on his neck made the song full of contagion and the emotional call brought by Jiang Siming!

Jiang Siming's song is simply hurting and even heartbreaking, like a sharp file piercing everyone's heart.

When the career is still ineffective, when love becomes illusory, do we still say that young people are not afraid of failure?

One day, I discovered that we are all already old.

Many people like to say 'get old and get old', even if we are only 20 or 30 years old, because we are not old, but our hearts!

We are no longer frivolous, we are no longer chic, we are no longer magnanimous, we no longer smile.

Some of us are the pressure of life, some of us are the fear of marriage, some of us are disappointed in the future, and some of us are deterred from difficulties!

We are sensitive, we are paranoid, we stubbornly pretend to be strong; we hurt others easily, and are easily hurt by others.

We chase the happiness of decadence and revel in the beauty of loneliness;

We firmly believe that we are different and that the world will change because of me;

We are awakened. Actually we are no longer young, and our future may no longer be unlimited

The vivid life of Zeng Jin has become a picture of the passing...

Inadvertently we leave our youth...

Everything in Zeng Jin was destroyed by reality.

Except for silent emotion, nothing can be left.

In short, a song, singing and crying thousands of netizens!

After this singing, the live broadcast room was once again baptized with crazy gifts, give away! Even people with no money will immediately recharge their mobile phones with dozens or a hundred shark fins, and then send them all!

Just like when you see a video that suits your appetite at station B, you can't help but thank the UP master and put a few coins.

Without this catharsis, their emotions will have nowhere to rest.

The gift picture at this time can only be surpassed on the day of the Fan Festival finals.

After singing, Jiang Siming also let out a long breath, and the haze that haunted his heart yesterday was wiped out.

He wants to go to the balcony to smoke a cigarette now.

Fortunately, Xiaoxian recorded this song very intimately, and Jiang Siming knew that everyone wanted to listen to it again.

"I will temporarily show you the "Old Boy" that I just recorded with the software, and I will go to the bathroom."

After Jiang Siming said, after playing the song, he ran to the top of the building to enjoy the cool.

The number of people in the live broadcast room kept increasing, and more people came in to listen to the song.

Even if the anchor is not in the live broadcast room, as long as the song is playing, they will stay here contented and not going out.

The popularity of this song "Old Boy" is faster and more popular than Jiang Siming's other songs!

In less than two hours, this song was top-searched by millions of netizens. After listening to it, countless people wept bitterly, and strongly gave it to their relatives and friends.

This song is like a forest fire in Idaho. The spread of flames and the area covered by it still exist in the minds of Americans.

Now, this song "Old Boy" is like this fire. After listening to it, countless people can't sleep through the night, tossing and turning.

Similarly, many Jiang Siming fan groups have appeared on the Internet, and their groups have grown stronger.

If it's just one or two good songs, it won't reach this level.

But Jiang Siming used one after another wonderful music to smash one after another in the calm lake of the Chinese music scene.

More and more people are becoming fans of Jiang Siming.

More and more people in the music world are beginning to notice this musical genius who turned out to be.

Even the interview show began to have a strong interest in Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming, who returned from smoking a cigarette on the rooftop, was relaxed.

But he was relaxed, but the audience was still immersed in 'sadness'.

Although I have listened to it several times, this song is definitely not numb just by listening to it a few times.

The rendering power of this song is enough to make many people who have listened to it for a few years occasionally hear it again and it is a magical work.

Jiang Siming was afraid that everyone would shut down, so he wanted to turn it off, but was jointly prevented by countless audience members.

Helpless Jiang Siming had to continue to let it go. He didn't need to speak any more, quietly picked up his phone...played with the glory of the king...

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Siming went to the recording studio to record the entire song, and all major music platforms uploaded it for the first time, and the downloads soared like a rocket.

But Jiang Siming has no time to deal with these things. At this time, he is heading to Hongqiao Railway Station with his Babot to welcome Tuantuan's arrival.

Xiao Tuantuan finally persuaded his family to come to Shanghai from his hometown in Hunan to work.

From the moment she fell in love with Jiang Siming, the idea of ​​going to work in Shanghai has always been in her mind, and it is very strong.

It's a pity that my parents were worried that she would be unsafe outside, so they didn't agree.

Tuantuan just waited and waited, the flowers that were waiting were grateful, and the lovesickness that was waiting was about to come out, parents finally agreed.

This is because parents are accompanied by their girlfriends, and parents reluctantly agreed.

Tuantuan, who was approved, was happy like a flower, and immediately packed up and rushed to Shanghai.

It made her parents very dissatisfied and scolded her daughter for having no conscience, wishing to leave.

Although Tuantuan coaxed his parents to say that they love them, but the body is very honest on the high-speed rail...
