Top songs!

Tuan Tuan is coming to Shanghai, so Jiang Siming naturally has to pick it up, and the little girl Diao also comes.

Now the two girls are in such good relationship as sisters. They also play games together every day in the live broadcast. Without Jiang Siming's lead, the two are often slaughtered in games and then scream at each other.

The audiences who watched their live broadcast for a long time are not very good at their ears, their ears are hard.

When Jiang Siming arrived, the little girl was already waiting in the parking lot.

"Wow, Brother Ming, your car is too suitable. Tuantuan said that I took a lot of luggage and I don't know how to transport it back. My car is too small and may not fit."

Dai Xiaomei ran to Jiang Siming's car. She didn't come to see the car, but the people in the car.

The sun is very poisonous today. When he went out, Jiang Siming wore a pair of sunglasses. These sunglasses were given by golden shards before. I heard that they are from the LOTOS brand, known as the Lamborghini in the glasses.

Wearing sunglasses and matching such a domineering luxury car is so cool, no wonder the little girl is so careful.

"Tuan Tuan is still two hours away, so let's sit up first, and you have to stand and wait to go up." Jiang Siming said.

"Yeah~" The little girl opened the door and got on the car very obediently.

It's almost the end of May, this summer is coming very quickly, and it's already very hot in May.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming no longer needs to worry about getting to know Shu. When there was no money before, there was no air conditioner but a fan in the rental house.

In the summer, the fan is useless at all. It is too hot to sleep every day. I often have to go to the seafood market to find someone to get home with a block of ice to cool down and get a good night's sleep.

As for the air conditioner, Jiang Siming couldn't even think about it.

It's all right now, let alone the air conditioner, even now you can go abroad to escape the heat.

The air-conditioning and comfortable cushions in the car made Dai Xiaomei feel that there is a huge gap between luxury cars and ordinary cars.

The little girl who enjoys it also lowered the seat and hummed comfortably on it.

Jiang Siming took out a bunch of ice grapes from the car refrigerator, and then adjusted the front windshield to the sunshade mode. The two of them enjoyed the air-conditioning and ice grapes in the dark car.

Jiang Siming wanted to do something bad, but he was fighting hard recently, so he didn't dare to have a crooked mind, so let's eat ice grapes with air conditioning.

"Brother Ming, you see that your "Old Boy" has exceeded 1 million downloads on QQ Music! Netease Cloud also has more than 800,000. You just recorded it in the morning. It's been less than three hours, right? Oh my god."

Dai Xiaomei handed the phone to Jiang Siming in amazement.

Jiang Siming saw it really.

[QQ Music New Songs Hot List (May)]

NO.1, "Little Love Songs"

Singer: Jiang Siming, Composer: Jiang Siming, Lyricist: Jiang Siming

Downloads: 3114781 times. Number of comments: 300,114 times.

NO.2, "Rivals"

Singer: Jiang Siming, Composer: Jiang Siming, Lyricist: Jiang Siming

Downloads: 2814567 times. Number of comments: 221,148 times.

NO.3, "As a Monster"

Singer: Li Yuchun, Composer: Wu Qingfeng, Lyricist: Li Yuchun

Downloads: 2,755,412 times. Number of comments: 151,145 times.

NO.4, "The Queen of Heaven"

Singer: Jiang Siming, Composer: Jiang Siming, Lyricist: Jiang Siming

Downloads: 2,554,124 times. Number of comments: 186661 times.

NO.5, "Devil from Heaven"

Singer: Deng Ziqi, Composer: Deng Ziqi, Lyricist: Deng Ziqi

Downloads: 2,211,141 times. Number of comments: 142457 times.

NO.6, "Mask"

Singer: Jiang Siming, Composer: Jiang Siming, Lyricist: Jiang Siming

Downloads: 1,554,247 times. Number of comments: 151,424 times.

NO.7, "Old Boy"

Singer: Jiang Siming, Composer: Jiang Siming, Lyricist: Jiang Siming

Downloads: 1042470 times. Number of comments: 421475 times.


In this month's new song chart, Jiang Siming's songs are all in the top ten, all with millions of downloads.

Had it not been for "Luzhou Moon", "Walking Horse" and "Paris of One Man" all last month, he would have occupied the list.

In the April new song list, these three songs are also in the top three, which can be said to be quite scary.

The impact momentum of "Old Boy" is likely to be the first this month!

In less than three hours, there were a million downloads, and the number of comments was terrible, more than the number one.

It can be seen how many of the audience who listened to this song were touched by the song before wasting time to write comments.

Works that generally take time to write reviews, whether they are songs or novels, are two extremes.

Either the work is great, and everyone writes comments and appreciates it.

Either the work is bad, and everyone writes comments and scolds you.

Obviously "Old Boy" is naturally the former, and "Pick Up the Pieces" is also the former, cough cough...

Jiang Siming really didn't notice that he could sing a few songs so easily.

No wonder there have been more and more barrage of live broadcast fan party recently, and they are almost catching up with the game party.

Jiang Siming's live broadcast was very interesting. The barrage didn't show up at all, but he often quarreled.

It is also Jiang Siming's fans who quarreled themselves. They represent different parties, which can be roughly divided into the Yan Value Party, the Fan Party, the Game Party and the Voice Actor Party.

Watching Jiang Siming's live broadcast of the barrage, it is a fight between party members, which makes people dumbfounded.

The two stayed in the car until the Tuantuan high-speed train came out soon. They didn't stay long at the exit when they saw Tuantuan with a girl, each of them struggling to the exit with a lot of luggage.

When he saw Jiang Siming, Tuantuan's beautiful eyes lit up like stars, leaving his luggage aside, and rushing towards Jiang Siming.

A thump flew into Jiang Siming's arms.

Jiang Siming smiled bitterly. No matter how his girlfriend liked this, she threw her luggage and swooped over. The last one who knew this skill was Lin Yuner.

Fortunately, his body is very strong, otherwise the average boy would be embarrassed.

"Brother Xiaoming, I miss you so much~" Tuantuan said aggrievedly, hugging Jiang Siming's body.

She is not like the little sister in Shanghai, who occasionally wants to meet each other soon.

She is far away in Hunan and can only talk to Jiang Siming on WeChat or in games every time.

Ever since that time when I consecrated my body with Dida, Tuantuan has been thinking about Jiang Siming all day long, and recently he didn't even want to drink his favorite milk tea.

Jiang Siming touched Tuantuan's hair and said with a smile: "It's okay. You've all come to Shanghai. Wouldn't it take a while to see each other in the future? Besides, you can also live in my house."

"No, I'm going to stay with Duan. The two of us want to do live broadcast effects together, hehe." Tuantuan refused the very strong 'temptation' for her.

"You two can come over, how nice it is to live together, did you two forget that night?" Jiang Siming said with a smirk.

The two women blushed in an instant, and they were ashamed to "smash" Bian Jiang Siming with a fan fist.

Tuantuan's best friend looked at this scene in awe. She had heard Tuantuan say before, but she never believed it.

Now that she sees her with her own eyes, she understands that some men are really different from ordinary men. He can actually make two women willing to be girlfriends together. Isn't that too strong?
