A gift for their god?

Luna's PoV

What should I do?....ugh!....I can think any plan at all...think...think...Han na you need to think....for the sake of your life...



So yeah,I have brought my memories back..who's my parents where am I living..everything except the how and why I'm here...those evils are planning to kill me...but...I haven't...even think of any plan at all...


For the past few days...I'm just here in the room...I haven't go outside yet


Oh wait...Good idea!....I should go outside to know where is the road for leaving this place


*Standing up*


*Getting out of the room*


*carefully walking*


I should be carefully not to be caught by someone


*Someone:why are you outside miss?




Tao tao:You want to roam around?


Thank God it's just TaoTao...he's...

kinda easy to be deal with

:Well,Yeah...I'm so seeking bored in just my room...can...you...roam me around?

Tao tao:no problem!just follow me




Wow...this place is so good...you can say it's really a province...since...the air is so fresh...it's not polluted yet


Tao tao:this is the farming villa of us people who living here...some are not so busy...but some are busy


Wow...there is really so many hardworking people here..there so amazing!...how could they be so hardworking?if I'm gonna be like them I can't resist it...hahahaha...I'm gonna be bored..


Tao tao:next is our animals homes...this...is where all of our animals living...as...I said home...hehe


Wow they are so adorable...that horsey horsey....

:Is it a boy or a girl?

:Hi girl!

What?what did I just heard huh?...this horse know how to talk to me?...I'm I crazy?....my gosh help me!

Tao tao:A girl

:Hi ms.horsey...

:Hello girl!

I'm getting gossebump....I'm I really crazy huh?

:Ummm...taotao..I think we should go somewhere else

Tao tao:oh!then let's go to the market



Tao tao:this is our market...as..you can see...there are so many things they sell..and..they sell it in just a affordable price!

It's really so affordable...but...they didn't have any online payment?...wait

Is there any place that didn't have online payment nowadays....I think even it's a province they still manage to have it....but...they didn't?

:Uhmm...tao tao there is no online payment here?

Tao tao:well...there is but...if the seller is a mellenial...but most of the seller here is kinda old.. so they didn't know how to manage that

Ahhhh he have a point!oldies really didn't know that nowadays...but why is their thingy are so affordable huh?...

The people here...their thingy...this place...is really suspicious


Should I buy some things here...for at least if this place is kind of...at least I have an evidence that I come here

:Uhmm....Tao tao..can we buy some things?

Tao tao:okay what do you want?

:I didn't have any cash money...so...

let's just buy to the store that have an online payment

Tao tao:okay!I know a store that they have any girls want...and...also have online payment..Let's go!


Wow...this store!..it's like a heaven for us girls...they have many cute things

What should I buy?...this one?...

no...no...this one?...gosssshhh!...I didn't know what to buy...should I just buy many things?....since...it's so affordable...in the city this things is so pricy...then...yeah...let's buy

Wait....what if I'm gonna buy it but...I can't get it when I'm gonna go back..

Then it's just a pity...

But it's okay let's just buy them since I can enjoy them here...


:1...2....3....4...5(that's enough)

Tao tao:why are buying so many thing Ms.?

:It's because..i didn't have any of this things in the room...its kinda boring for us girls didnt know okay?

Tao tao:Ahhh okay!

Mr Wolf's PoV

:Okay Grandma i will get them


Why would she want to talk to Hanna...did she know it already?...and want to take advance her huh?...no...

No...grandma is not that evil...its just grandpa who is


:Tao tao*shouting*

tao tao is not here?..wait...

*Finding Hanna*

She also not here?....where did they go?...im kind of worried...you..know..

Tao tao is a little easy to get...in other words dumb...Maybe he got fooled by that girl huh?


*Asking someone*

:Have you seen tao tao?

Someone:Yeah...i saw him with the girl going outside master...maybe he...

:Okay no need to explain...

(Maybe they're in the market...)


Girls love shopping am i right?...

maybe they're in ms.meng's store...

Girls...love...that store because shes sellimg...super...girly stuffs


Ohhh!hehehe...im right...they're really here huh?


:You're buying so many stuffs for what?


Hanna:Well....its soo...sooo...cute!...

why not buy it huh?

:You girls really like that kind of fluffy fluffy stuffs?

Hanna:Not all reall...some...didnt like this...those girls that is kind of boyish

:So,you are a girlish one

Hanna:heh!nust a little bit...I became a little boyish sometimes

:Half half?

Hanna:sounds like that

:You didnt even ask my permission before doinf so

*whispering to tao tao*

Tao tao:sorry master i forgot about that...i will not forgot about it again


Hanna:Ahh!its so cute!...glad I have found my phone...so...I can do online payment...BTW...lets go to a grocery store that have an online payment

:Do you need anything?...

Luna's PoV

:Yeah...i need some necessary things...

(I think I'm having my period now)

Chunian:Okay... let's go then...i also need something...but lets go to the nearest store

:Did it have an online payment to do so?

Chunian:it didnt...but... I'm gonna pay for you

:O-okay...(haaaaaaaa! he's so caring..did he know that I'm having my period?....wait....did i have stains in my pants?)


I just need some napkins....facial wash...cause i didn't like the facial wash they give me...and....what should I need then?

Oh! Wait...wait...

What are you doing hanna?....you should get back to reality...why are you shopping right now?....arent you should making a plan to know how to leave huh?.....what are you doing tight now?

Gosh!.....you idiot...what are you really doing huh?....arent you planned to seeking the place...but...right...now..

You've enjoying it....and forgot about your plan!


++Fast forward++

Help! help!what should i do?what should I do?....i havent maked a plan yet!... tomorrow is the day already!...

No!...no!....it i didnt make a plan right now.... I'm not gonna sleep till tomorrow

I should go outside for some fresh air to refresh my mind


Ahhh...its so refreshing....

So,for spending days here i just got to know that.....this place is kind of unrealistic...the things in the market are so affordable...the nature is not that developed yet I mean not polluted yet...and...the persons are so kind and disiplined

I'm I in a dream?

Thats the only question in my mind...

But I confirmed that I am not...

Even though I have see Chunian in my dreams so many times already...but the people here...I haven't

So,i still haven't come to a planned...I think maybe god really make me come here because I have a work needed to be done here...but... I have miss my old life...even tough this world,place or what ever it is...is... really so okay for me...i still miss my old real life

I guess i will juat depend in god...

If he give me a savior tomorrow then its good...

But if not...then...its okay always

You know maybe when I have die in here I'm magically just got back in real life...

Oh!My!Gosh!....its....so..brilliant of me!

Arent in stories like that...when...the character got in another world when she died...she gotta back in her real world?....yeah!yeah!...that really is

But that just in stories...

That man that i heard said

"Pity she's not from our world"

Yeah!He really said that maybe its true that I'm from another world that is..

my world.. and they from here...their own world!

Mr.Wolf's PoV

What is this girl thinking late at night here huh?


:You can't sleep huh?

Hanna:A-am....you also?



She's looking so fine...i hope i can see her again...but...maybe...not...she will be gone tomorrow...pity her...

If i just really can do anything...I will do it...

Wait!...right now...i just got an idea on how I can save her...

Just wait hanna....i will save you

Luna's PoV

This is awkward....what should I say to broke the silence...



: Hahahaha...you say it first

Chunian:no...no... lady's first

:Ah.... hahaha...I honestly just going to say nonsense

Chunian:Just same here..


:Anyway...*hungry!*uhmm *smiling*

Chunian:I think we should eat some snacks.....your hungry huh?

:Well....can we?

Chunian: let's go!


:Is it appropriate stealing foods late at night here?

Chunian:its not stealing okay we just dont want to disturb anyone...

(Hmmmm.... I didnt know he have this funny side od him...hope... I can make more merories woth him...but..

I think I will not...anymore...

Maybe this is also the last....

Then I should enjoy this moment)

Chunian: let's go here!...com'on

:I didn't think you can do this kind of things huh?


*Pushing me to the side*

(The distance between us....

What is he saying?.... I can't here him

I can only here the sound of my heart..lub dub lub dub... He's so handsome...staring at him this close

I can say I'm falling...how can be someone be so handsome like this huh?)


*Getting back to reality*


Chunian: I'm gonna count to three..then... let's run there..okay?






Chunian:oh...miss hanna there is no any food left

:Ohh!...what a pity then

Chunian:but...there is a noodles left..do you want it?

:Do you how to cook?

Chunian: of course I've been cooking in the city restaurant for a years

:Oh...then...how old are you really?

Chunian: I'm twenty-seven

:Then... don't called me miss anymore I'm younger than you ehh

Chunian:how old are you?

:I'm 25 turning 26 next next month

Chunian:ohh....then I'm really older than you a year

(Yeah really my type....i dont like boys who's younger or just on the same age than me...good that you are older)

Chunian:why are you smiling?


Chunian:Sit there... I'm gonna cook

:No need... I want to lend a help

Chunian:if that what you want then...


Hes really good at cooking...

Goshhh!...nowing him more... I'm falling deeper in him...how could be someone be this perfect...good looking...matured...good at sports...

Good at cooking...know how to play instruments...and have a decent job

Can he just be mine huh?....too bad i didn't have more time to spend with him

But no one can't said that right?...

maybe I still have time...and someone can save me tomorrow


_The day_

Third's person PoV

:Is she gotten to sleep?

:Yeah its been exactly 5 minutes since we spray the drugs...so....shes in sleep now

:Good... let's put her there then

*Carrying her*


:Set up the fire

Tong Lu we:Apo Ran is here!


:Good morning Apo Ran

Apo Ran:is everything okay?

:*Nodding*we just need the seal

Apo Ran:Good...then let's start


Luna's PoV

I..... can't.....see anything...

Where am I?.... what's wrong with me?

I can't open my eyes.... I also didn't know to control my body....even though I have my energy back from sleeping I still....didnt have strength to deal with...

Is this what they mean?....

Making me a gift for their god?....

Can someone help me?




Oh my gosh!...why is it so hot?...

It is like I being toasted...

What are they doing to me?



To our mighty God here's your royal gift!halle!halle!loobi!loobi!loobi!

What is this?...are they from an urban crazy party or what?....please lord send someone who can help me!...

: Stop!....Ran Ren....where is Hanna?

Wait is it grandma?... she's not one of those bastard?....oh!...thank god!
