What in the world?

Third's person PoV


To our mighty God here's your royal gift!halle!halle!loobi!loobi!loobi!


To our mighty God here's your royal gift!halle!halle!loobi!loobi!loobi!

Apo Lang:Stop!....Ran Ren....where is Hanna?

Tong Lu we:A-uhm

Apo Lang:You devils!....spare her!

Tong Lu we:grandpa...

Apo Ran:Lang let me explain...

Apo Lang:No need to explain anything...spare her!


Apo Ran:Lang lets talk first



Apo Lang:You seriously not gonna tell it to me if I didnt found out huh?

Apo Ran: I honestly want yo tell it to you but I know you won't agree into it

Apo Lang:Yah! You already know that I will not agree to it but you still doin it!

Apo Ran:But is it a good chance for us...since we didnt have to adjust anymore...

Apo Lang:But you know we are from the same blood...but you still...

Apo Ran:What do you want me to do then?!... sacrifice some of them again!?

Apo Lang:Is it a really sacrifice?..

didn't it also your fault why one of our sons didn't get back buh?

Apo Ran:Yeah!...okay!... It's always my fault... I'm always the one who's wrong okay!... you're always the one that is correct...you didn't make any mistake right?



Chunian:Are you okay?

Hanna:I-I'm o-okay

Chunian:Misis...help her change her clothes please...

Miss:okay master...Ms.hanna this way


Luna's PoV

What really is this place huh?...they..

they actually want going to cook me alive...are they crazy?...please I want to leave this place!


*Chunian coming in*


Chunian:Are you feeling better?

:C-can you tell me....what really is happening?

Chunian: explain everything?

:Yeah!I didn't get it...where am I...what place is this...and...what are they trying to do to me.... everything!...can you...explain it?

Chunian:Right now.... you're in our world...the world of werewolves..

(He mean...the are werewolves?)

Chunian:Here in this community....We are all werewolves except Grandma....our grandpa is a pure wolf...and he's getting with our grandma a pure human... that's why were here...But not in other communities there's also a werewolves like us...but they are not from our grandma and grandpa...they are from other breeds

[Soooo....It really it is....mostly I'm correct...that this is an another world..

and...person oh sorry werewolves wait.....



What am I seeing right now?...it's a....


Wolf:Oh such a beautiful girl....why are you here at night?

:I....I....*crying*...please spare me....I still have so many dreams...please*while crying*

Wolf:Well,I honestly didn't have dreams before but now I have found my dream*growling*

:Help!.....help me please!....

Wolf:There no one here...beautiful girl...*approaching*....but...if you want we can accompany each other...

*Taking more step to approach her*

:Can someone hear me?!

*Taking a step backward*

Wolf:Oh!...don't be scared I'm not that bad*touching her face slowly*

(My gosh!...*crying*...can someone help me right now?....please...lord...

Help...me!...*trembling with fear*)

[suddenly another wolf came and punched the wolf that was hurting me....causing the bad one to go away]

He said_are you okay?

*End of flashback*

So that is real...i thought it's just my dream]

:So...what kind of thingy they are trying to do to me?... what's the purpose of cooking me?

Chunian:Once A year we have an offering event for our god...and... Offering A human...

:Humans!?...is that also like you guys are killing someone like that?

Chunian:Its just in your world...but here in our world...killing someone who's not like us...kind of okay...

:What!...thats not appropriate!...what if that one is just lost kind of like that?

Chunian:if that person got in the place of the bad once then..that's a pity..

bad...if he got here in us...good for him

:So...here killing is legal?

Chunian:It depends

(Then...this place is really different.. were both from different world...

So....I think....we are not for each other....I have gained feelings for you

But...right now I think...we are not really for each other)

Chunian:But don't worry you'll be safe here...and I just want to say...not all of us is evils okay?.... don't say that to everyone...

:You...are you an evil one?

Chunian:Evil for the ones I have to...



I-am speechless.....

I didn't expect it will be like this...

I want to cry but...I didn't have any tears....can just everything go back to normal?... I do not belong here....

Lord please....help me...

Will I be safe here?...


Mr.Wolf's PoV

I'm worried about her.....will she be able to like me in this state?...no...no..

I shouldn't be thinking about that rught now...

Will she be okay?


Apo Lang:Is she okay?

:Yeah...I just tell her everything so shes in a little bit of shocked

Apo Lang: I think I need to talk to her



:Tao tao...

Tao tao:Yes master?

:Do you think...

Tao tao:what?

: Nevermind...

(I just want to get your opinion about something but nevermind...That just make my mind more complicated)


Luna's PoV


Grandma:Are you okay now?

:Thanks foror saving me

Grandma:I didn't save you I just want to correct what Ran doing....and besides it's just the both of us are humans here so....we should help each other

:B-but grandma how did you two met?

Grandma:As short of it,One day like you...I also got here by losing....and the two of us met...then vuala!..love each other

:But aren't you miss your family out there?

Grandma:Well, I didn't have any family anymore... before I get here...both of my parents passed away...and I'm depressed at that time...so... I decide to go somewhere and... I ended up here...

:Is there any way to leave here?

Grandma:You want to?

:c-can I?

Grandma:If you want to then...BTW who is your grandparents?..maybe I am related to them..

:Grandma...you know that our world is huge...is there a coincidence like that?

Grandma:Well yeah,do you know that the ones that ended up here are also from my clan?


Grandma: Yeah!haahhahaha

:Hahaha I didn't expect that... atleast it cheer me up...

Grandma:but..you really want to leave?

:Yeah I want to go back to my old life....nad I think here is not really for me...

Grandma:But I think god has a plan for you that's why you ended up here...

(I also think that....right now I don't know if I'm going to staying or should I just leave?... it's so hard to choose since life here is so comfortable...but not all the time.....if I get into trouble here it will not be good....and I also don't know what to do...while in human world....even I get in some trouble there atleast I already know and who's I can ask...but how about the persons I left there?...right?...my mom...dad...friends...and everything)

:So,grandma...is there any way to leave here?

Grandma:You can use the pollar...


Grandma:The controller of the pollar...

But it's missing right now...if you want to leave you can atleast wait until we found it already okay?....dont worry...

Your safe here...just call me if something happens okay?...this is my number.....you can ask Tao tao if you need anything he's just in the room next to you...if he's not here you can also look for Chunian.... I heard both of you are kinda close...


:Grandma.... we're just friends!

(So I need to wait....atleast I think that time I already decided if I'm gonna stay or not.....just good luck to me)



There's also a kind of place here?... I didn't got informed.... It's also famous huh...fortune teller.....

Fortune teller:Oh you girl!... you're not one of us right?

:How do you know?

Fortune teller:probably!...do you want me to guess youre love life?

:O-okay...make sure that's accurate!

Fortune teller:Someone have a feelings for you for a long time now...and he...

:Oh!...no!...no!... don't tell me anything

Dont apoil me...okay?...I want it to be surprise..

Fortune teller: Really?...but I just want to warn you..... don't trust anyone here

:Huh?...what do you mean...

Fortune teller:Just trust that man that love you.....and you'll be so lucky to have him


At the end of the day the one that loving you for who you are...will still be with you... whenever there is up's and down's.. There's always be the one...

Who will love you...and the one that is just for you..just keep waiting..that person will come at the right time...

But...if you're still waiting for the one..know how to love yourself first...

Selflove first... until you have love yourself enough then...your already ready to live another person....

*Says in the book*

(Is that it... that's what love mean?... even I have been a writer for years I still don't know what love really means.....the books that I have written is all about love but.... I still don't know what to do if that kind of story will happen to me..... honestly I also don't know how I have written all of them without any reasons... hahahahaha... weird right?)


Tao tao:Miss hanna!


Tao tao:Master Chunian wants to see you at the little homie

:Okay?...right now?

Tao tao:Yeah?...are you busy?

:No...no...I can


Why is he want to see me?...even order me to come here huh?...is that really important?


Chunian:ah...hahahaha...not really that important..I just want to invite you to eat with me...

:Ohhh!...what a good timing ha?... I'm actually hungry

Chunian: How's your day?

:Just a normal boring day again

Chunian:Hahahaha... let's go to have some fun then after we've finish here?

:Where we gonna go?

Chunian:Where do you want?

:Well..hahhaha... I'm not familiar here you know that right...you should decide

Chunian: Let's go to the park then...



:WoooooW!...what an another place I have discovered again...

Chunian: you're a discoverer now huh?


Chunian:what should we ride?

:I want to go to the.....there!..scary home!..*pulled Chunian*

*Chunian smiling*

Chunian: You're that excited ha?

:We should right?...we should always spend this time...cause maybe someday there's no more

*Entering the scary home*

Chunian: it's not that scary...

*Ghost showing up*


Chunian:hahaha....your that scared huh?... you're the one that want to go here but your so scared...

:I just got startled okay?

*Ghost showing up*




Chunian:hahahahaha!....your courage to come here is really..your so strong before we came here...but...when we've finish you already look...so kinda dead

:Hahahahah... honestly I just want to shout....my mouth has been close since the morning..you know?

Chunian:you have a point....good for you...your enjoying?



I just noticed that this fast few days...

We have been more vlose to each other....and my....mind is become miserable.. I didn't know what to choose..if I should go or not....

But anyway the pollar haven't find yet... I hope that time everything is fine and I...will not gonna regret my choice...goodnight:)
